walkers walk… but runners fly

Q2 Plans and Goals

In last week’s post I wrote about summer plans.  I know how the last quarter of the school year- after spring break- just flies by, and the summer will be here before we know it.  Then I realized… I was treating Q2 as if it were just a couple months to get through before I could start my summer.  Wait a minute!   EVERY DAY COUNTS!

In this post, Sarah talks about Q2- she divides the year into quintiles instead of quarters, and now I can see why.  Quintile 2 is the time between spring break and the end of the school year.  If you have kids, or work in the school system, that is a very distinct period of time- once summer starts, you’re into a whole new schedule (Quintile 3.). But Quintile 2 deserves some attention, too!

I realized I don’t have to wait until summer to start a reading project.  I ordered a book, which will arrive tomorrow, and am going to start a Q2 reading project right away (more on that in tomorrow’s post.)

I was also waiting for summer to start a new strength program.  Ugh- my strength workouts really aren’t getting me anywhere.  I feel like I’m working just to not get any weaker, but not making any real progress other than that.  I need a more organized program, but I thought I would wait to start one after my race, i.e. at the beginning of summer.

THIS is why I don’t see real progress- there’s always a reason for not taking strength very seriously.  Either I have a race coming up, or I’m recovering from one, or I don’t want to be too sore for my upcoming long run, or I just sprained my ankle (well, okay- that last one was a legitimate reason to back off the strength temporarily.)  There’s NO REASON I can’t start a new strength program right now- there’s seven weeks until my race.  Yes, in the last week before the race I’ll taper off the strength, but that’s still a while away.

I’m going to try out a couple different strength training programs, and to start with I downloaded Sally McRae’s app.  I have a free seven-day trial, and then I’ll decide if I want to continue with it or try a different program.

Lastly, Q2 will be special and distinctive because, as I’ve mentioned just a few times, I AM training for a race!  This race isn’t quite as important to me as Forgotten Florida was in February, but it’s still a big deal.  I have to do long runs, I have to plan my fueling, I’ll be traveling and staying overnight, and it will be an adventure.  The race is Memorial Day weekend, so will really close out Q2.

My motto for the next two months- make Q2 count!

Do you divide your year into quarters or quintiles?  Or do you not think about it?

Do you have any special plans for Q2?


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25 Responses

  1. I like the idea of planning per school segments, but I don’t really. I just go with the flow and plan those chunks of holidays by school calendar. After our trip in Paris, I’ll be busy until June, and then another long vacation.
    I need to plan for my next race, Europe around April would be ideal. But then, it’s too long, I need something short term to motivate me get back to training in few weeks.

    1. Yes, you definitely need another race between now and next April! But for now, you deserve a nice rest. : )

  2. I really don’t plan like this. If I did, it would definitely be quarters, but I don’t tend to plan by season. Maybe I should…but, meh, I’m okay to not. I like organization and planning so much it’s odd I don’t feel any pull to this sort of planning? I also think since I stepped back from my project management role at the end of 2023 – where I was forced to think in quarters since that’s how all our reporting/committee meetings worked – I’ve likely slipped even further away from this mindset.

    But I LOVE that it’s highly motivating for you right now. Looking forward to hearing about all the fun (and strengthening things) you experience in Q2!!

  3. I have the same problem with my strength program! I want to lift 3x a week, but I wanted to wait after the London Marathon to return to that.
    Your idea makes much more sense: just get on with it and back off a week or 10 days before the big race.
    I plan as things happen (e.g. I’m thinking about a next marathon in October), but I do quarterly reviews of my goals. Every time I do my review, I’m amazed at how much happened in 3 months!

    1. It’s hard to fit a serious strength routine in with running, but I know people do it. I just haven’t figured it out yet!

  4. I rarely think about quarters or quintiles or really anything other than “what day is it again?” I always feel like I am a planner, but then I read you and Elisabeth and Stephany and Engie and I think, wow, I am a goal-less person. Ha! Ah well, this is what makes life interesting. Do I have special plans for Q2? Well, in a couple of weeks we are going on a trip, which will be fun, and I’m also in the midst of putting the garden in, which is also very fun. I have a big goal that initially I wanted to complete in 2024, but it looks like I might have it completed in Q2, and I don’t want to jinx myself so that’s all I will say about that for now!

  5. I don’t really plan by quarter or quintile but just overall goals for the year and they fall where they end up, but it does make sense to be a little more organized about it! My only real special plan for Q2 is the next race I signed up for, which is in a month eek! I’m excited not just about the race but my parents are able to come support me for this one so I’m excited to spend the weekend with them and have them there to cheer me on!

    I’ve heard good things about the Sally McRae program! My PT actually programs my strength blocks for me but otherwise I would consider her program.

    1. Actually, it makes sense to organize things around races. If I didn’t have a daughter in school I don’t think I would be so connected to the quintile or quarter system. And, I’ll let you know about Sally’s app!

  6. Ooh, I can’t wait to hear about this big goal! And yes… reading Engie’s blog definitely makes me feel like a total sloth. But, it’s motivating!

  7. It took a hot minute for me to understand the concept of quintiles, but yes that’s absolutely the right way to think about the year. Summer is its own special time.

    I’m excited to hear about the book and the strength. I disagree that you haven’t made progress – but yes part of making progress is changing things up.

    1. I don’t know… I feel like I always take two steps forward and then two steps back! But we’ll see- I’m excited to try a new program.

  8. I’m actually looking at next year… LOL
    4 more half marathons and a full this year.
    One in Feb 2025 (ft lauderdale) and then ONLY ONE half each year and no more full) The fall group race-cation. I want to run for fun and only choose shorter fun races – 5k,, 10k, 15k.

    1. Well, I think when you’re looking at big races, that involve travel, you have to look pretty far ahead. Ha, will this be the year that we all run the Ft. Lauderdale half? You, me, and my husband? Could we all make it to the start with nothing going wrong? We’ll find out.

      1. Maybe we can all do it!!! Although I was so mad about the last one being too long I vowed never to return, ha! We will see … maybe one of these years the weather could actually be decent?! And yay for Q2 goals!!

      2. I’m nervous about that race. I want it over and fun. Can we make it happen? I’m 0 for 3. Heat broken foot sprained ankle.

  9. I set Q1 goals this but just realized I haven’t checked back in on them!! I know one goal was to go on a date with Phil and we did. Woo hoo!! I haven’t thought about Q2 goals, though. I want to do another date night with Phil to celebrate our 7th wedding anniversary but that is all I have in mind so far. I think I am kind of too overwhelmed with work travel and stuff at work to think about what I want to accomplish outside of work. I do need to finish our 2023 photo book. I could probably knock that out in an afternoon if I could find the time to set aside!

    1. If I were in your situation, with two little kids, a busy job and tons of travel, I wouldn’t be thinking about goals outside of that. I definitely wouldn’t be thinking about reading projects and strength programs- that’s a luxury for when the kids are older!

  10. I do quarters, but approve of however people need to think about segments of time to get things done! I think if I had children in school, I’d definitely think more about the academic calendar, which does impact me since I work in higher in ed, but isn’t as important as you might think.

    I’m getting so excited about your race. We’re already in APRIL and your race is in MAY. Egads!

    1. Egads is right… in a few more weeks I’ll probably start freaking out about it. But, whatever happens, happens! I’m not so set on any specific result- I learned my lesson last time.
      I would imagine your summer schedule isn’t that much different than the rest of the year? For me, it’s dramatically different- my son will be home, my daughter has no school which means more freedom for me (and a later wakeup, phew.) Summer is definitely very distinct for us.

  11. I’ve been thinking about strength lately, because I am frustrated. I am not a runner nor do I go to the gym. But I am 58 and have neglected strength training for far too long. In the past, if I started lifting hand weights, I would see a difference within a month or six weeks. This time, I’ve been lifting light weights every day since January 2nd, and you wouldn’t know it. I don’t get sore though, so I think I’m not lifting enough weight. I wonder what the minimum amount I could lift and still see improvement would be? I don’t have room for a home gym, I don’t want to join a gym. I read this morning about how difficult it is to build muscle once you’ve gone through menopause, so I’m trying to think about protein differently, and I’m going to buy some heavier hand weights. UGH.

    I do zero planning. I mean, I have a calendar on the fridge and I keep track of things there, which makes me the planner in our household. Maybe that’s how I got here, 58 with flabby triceps.

  12. Hahahaha. Well, I’m 58 as well and it is HARD. Honestly, it’s not about appearance anymore, but more about not getting weaker and weaker. I feel like if I don’t lift weights, I’m going to be a frail old lady and I DON’T WANT THAT!!! Yes, I think you have to lift heavier to see results. I have a similar conundrum- I don’t have room for a lot of equipment at home, but I still feel self conscious lifting at the gym. You’d think after all this time I’d be used to it, but nope. I would LOVE to have the setup for a great home gym. Sigh. Oh and one last thing- I’m not sure there’s any remedy for the tricep situation, ha.

  13. I love the idea of quintiles for people with school-age children. It makes so much sense because so much of your life revolves around their schedule! I should do more quarterly planning but I really like thinking in terms of months so that’s what I do.

    Your race is coming up soon – how exciting!

    1. I actually like planning monthly as well. I was doing that for a while, but then slacked off (oops.) Q2 is pretty short- about two months- so it makes sense for me to plan the whole quintile.

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