walkers walk… but runners fly

Race Photo Runfessions

I’ve given up trying to figure out if months are going by fast or slow.  Time seems to have no meaning, but at least I know if it’s time for Marcia’s “Runfessional,” it must be the last Friday of the month.  Thank you, Marcia!

To begin with, did you know I ran a 50k last weekend?  Hahahahaha… just kidding.  I’m pretty sure EVERYONE knows that by now, and most of you are wondering when I’ll be able to move on.  Not so fast!  Race photos are in, and there are a couple of me that are…. interesting.


There I am in the white hat!  It’s funny, because I have no recollection of running with this many people.  This must have been very near the beginning of the race.  Now, let’s have a little talk about my “favorite” body part.

I’ve never had a flat stomach, not even when I was young.  Having kids didn’t help, and then menopause was the crowning blow.  It was also right around menopause that the heat started to bother me, and one thing I realized drives me absolutely berserk on a hot day is having fabric touching my stomach.

I know- it’s weird.  But if I run in just a sports bra or crop top, I literally feel like it’s at least ten degrees cooler.  At first I was self-conscious about my stomach, but comfort won out, and now I usually don’t think about it.  But I runfess that it bothered me when I saw these race photos.  I had such a great experience- and now I’m going to be depressed about my stomach???

Yesterday Janae of Hungry Runner Girl shared her instagram reel, Wear the Shorts, to encourage women to wear shorts in warm weather.  She says, “We are the paintbrushes, creating amazing things and experiences with our lives… Not the artwork that sits there doing nothing just to be looked at.”

Okay… wear the crop top!


Now let’s look at my finish line picture.

There I am with Calf Guy!  I feel bad for him because this was the only photo of him at the finish line- it really wasn’t his day.  I, on the other hand, look pretty good!  The camera even caught my stomach at a flattering angle.  But wait…


Remember how I said I used Desitin to prevent chafing between my legs?  Well, it’s very thick, greasy… and white.  Apparently it shows up nicely on black clothing!

ARRRRRG!  This would be such a great picture, if only I didn’t have a huge, noticeable Desitin stain on my crotch.  Sigh!  I can’t win.

At first I was bummed there weren’t any other pictures of me on the course… but maybe it’s a good thing.  These were enough for one race.

Have you had any race photo fails?

Do you avoid wearing certain clothing when you exercise because of how your body looks?  –  I think I would have when I was younger.  The older I get, the less I care!

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39 Responses

  1. Good morning! (I’m currently at the airport killing time catching up).

    You can touch up your photo! I cannot see any belly on you! You look great!

    As a Floridian, I don’t understand how women run in leggings! I’ve always run in a sports bra. But I will not wear spandex shorts! I currently wear sport skirts because I can’t fit regular shorts at the moment but I don’t find that the most comfy.

    1. No, I never run in leggings (even in the winter.) But I see people do it all the time! Sport skirts work, and they’re comfortable. It’s so hot here, we just have to make ourselves comfortable. And thanks for the supportive comments… I still think my stomach is visible, but I appreciate your kind words!

  2. OMG! The dreaded Desitin! I agree with Karen, there’s probably a way to blacken the unfortunate residue. That said, the “white stain” served a valuable purpose; it’s only right it got recognized, LOL

  3. You can photoshop that desitin spot right out (I use Snapseed for that stuff)! That is a great race photo. We are our own worst critics. What an amazing accomplishment!

    1. Photoshop it is! A couple people suggested just leaving it in… but that would drive me crazy. I don’t want to see that!

  4. My rolls are what really upset me — I don’t think I deserve them! I think part of it is just loose skin from aging & losing 40 lbs several times in my life. Let’s just say filming yoga videos can be really humbling sometimes!

    Thanks for being such a good sport & sharing your race photos!

    Oh, & recently my husband took a photo of me. I’m wearing 3 layers in the photo. I think the tee I was wearing was rolled up so it looks like yet another stomach roll. I mean really, tell me these things so I can adjust before the photo, LOL!

    1. Ha ha… yes, it’s funny how our photographers don’t see these things! And I would say filming ourselves doing anything can be humbling. Last Christmas my daughter took a video while we were decorating the Christmas tree, and somehow got a closeup of my butt while I was bending over a box of ornaments- and I was wearing these outlandish Christmas-y leggings. Let’s just say I was traumatized from seeing that video!
      I think the bottom line is, it’s hard to adjust to our “older” bodies. But, we just have to embrace them and appreciate all the incredible things we can do.

  5. It’s rare I get a race photo I like. The photos Cherry Blossom sent me mostly had me at the edge of the frame. Usually I’ve got a horrible expression on my face. I usually don’t like how chunky my legs look, but have to give them credit for powering through.

    1. Yes, that’s the other thing- I usually have a weird scowl on my face in photos. Even when I think I’m smiling, I’m actually frowning! And for what it’s worth, you legs look really strong to me.

  6. I think it’s a great photo and captures your determination and hard work! I never like my race photos and I am also very self conscious about my abs. I am not secure enough to run in a sports bra. Isn’t that just embarrassing!?

    1. Deborah, that’s surprising to me because your body looks so strong and muscular! I’ll bet you’re the only one who would criticize your abs.

  7. I think you look great in cropped tops.

    I cringe when I see that sagging skin in my arms and cellulite on my thighs.

    We have to remember that we are running outside. we could be hiding at home or doing yoga in long sleeves and tights to hide our flaws.

    1. Darlene, I never notice any flaws in your arms or legs when I look at your photos! Isn’t that funny- we all look at the worst aspects of ourselves and no one else really notices. And you’re right- the important thing is that we’re out there doing it, rather than hiding at home. Thanks for your kind words.

  8. We are definitely our own worst critics. I’ve looked back on photos I definitely hated at the time but now they look pretty darn good. That white spot is hilarious but like others have said you can retouch it right out. Congrats again on an amazing accomplishment! Were there any other women in the race? Lol! You were hanging with the dudes!

    1. Yes, I know it was bizarre! The other women were either way ahead or way behind me. I don’t really know how it worked out like that. If I do decide to display that photo I would photoshop out the Desitin- that’s a great idea.

  9. I think you look great and happy and strong in all the photos. Every one of them. And so what if you have Desitin on your crotch? That’s part of your experience and using the Desitin made your day better. I am celebrating for you! It’s such an accomplishment!

    1. Thank you Nicole! I appreciate it- although I still wish that Desitin weren’t there. Live and learn! I’ll use something else next time. But I appreciate your kind and supportive words as always!

  10. You look so strong in every single picture. My fav is when you’re looking at the camera and smiling! Isn’t it incredible what your body can do? FIFTY FREAKING KM, Jenny. This is legit amazing. I feel like this drives home how we’re all – as so many wise people have already chimed in – our worst critics. I look at your pictures and think you look incredibly svelte compared to my own figure. Why are we so hard-wired to pick apart our bodies?

    And to that end, YES I critique what I look like in different things. I’m trying so, so hard to break this cycle and just wear the things that feel comfortable with confidence but it is hard. I was just thinking about wearing shorts last night – I have tons of cellulite on my thighs, always look so pale (my legs never, ever tan), and since switching to intuitive eating have put on some weight (not much, admittedly, so a worthy outcome since I no longer obsess about food). Body image is so tough, but they’re all beautiful and capable of incredible feats of strength!

    Also, I love that we got a sneak peek of Calf Guy. Poor fella. I wonder if he’ll be back next year?

    1. Elisabeth, you should check out that post and intagram reel by Hungry Runner Girl. She is an INCREDIBLY fast runner- I would trade my legs for hers any day if I could run that fast. She’s also beautiful but she’s the first to admit that she has cellulite on her legs. You can’t always see it (and her legs are very muscular) but she chose several photos where it’s very prominent. It’s really inspiring- we have to focus on what we can do rather than how we look. That said, I don’t know why we all want to pick apart our own bodies. I really try not to do it, but it’s hard when you’re looking at photos.

  11. Ha! The only reason we saw the white crotch is because you said something! That’s a great one for the runfessional. As for your other pix, I can’t see your stomach because your biceps are in the way. You came to the race with two tickets to the gun show!

    I think that February took about 5 years to go by and it’s been a blur ever since.

    1. Well, thank you for your kind words. i still think my stomach is obvious but let’s not argue about it!

  12. I also think you look amazing. I only JUST started running in only a sports bra for some runs. IT IS SO HOT. If it can keep me from fully overheading and flaming out a couple extra miles . . . it’s worth it. (Plus I have use a flipbelt for my phone and that covers part of it anyway!). i never got to formally congratulte you on the 50K! YOU ARE AMAZING AND AN INSPIRATION! just super tough. I hope this week was a good recovery week!

    1. Thank you!!! And, you live in South Florida- running in a sports bra makes a huge difference. I wouldn’t hesitate if I were you.

  13. I never like any of my race photos. I think that finish line photo is a great one…and as Wendy suggested you could always photoshop the Desitin. On the other hand, I see grit and determination in that photo and I think I’d just leave it as is. Congrats on a great accomplishment. I still need to read your recap.

    1. Thank you Michelle! I don’t know… I don’t think I could leave the Desitin in that photo and be happy with it! Photoshop is a good idea.

  14. I didn’t even notice the white on the black until you pointed it out. I think that we’re so fixated on details of photos of ourselves that we miss the overall vibe of the photo! I just thought you looked strong and resolved in that photo! But I get it. It’s hard not to look at the little things.

    1. That’s so funny, because to me it’s the most obvious thing in the photo! Funny the way we look at our own photos.

  15. Ditto for me, I didn’t even see the white!! But, there’s always photoshop, right? My first half marathon was in a tank top in April, in Ohio, and it’s a major hard nips show 😂. Yes, I did buy the picture. Yes, I did photoshop out my hard nipples. And I love the picture now.

  16. I did not notice the white crotch until you pointed it out! And I would LOVE to have your stomach!! Mine is… bad. Even at my lightest weight, I have never had a toned/tight stomach. I have accepted it and have learned how to dress to under accentuate it. We are our own worst critics!

    My race photos generally look really bad. Most of the time they charge for photos. I only bought them for my first marathon. It was an abnormally hot October day (around 80 at the finish which isn’t typical for Mn in Oct) so I took off my t shirt and ran in my sports bra and shorts. Funnily when I saw those photos, I hated my stomach. Now I would LOVE to have that stomach!

  17. I generally hate race photos. Maybe because I’ve had so many bad ones, whenever I see a photographer on course I probably grimace thinking of the terrible photo they’ll take and guarantee another terrible photo. Occasionally I’ll by in a good enough place to give a wave or thumbs up with a smile. One exception was finishing the half-marathon last year, I felt terrible but was giving it my final push and it actually looks like I can run! I have many photos where it looks like I’m walking.

    1. I’ve had some really weird race photos wear it looks like I’m walking, or actually marching (WHAT?). It’s rare to get a good one.

    1. Ha ha, I’m not sure that’s a story I want to tell about that photo- if I decide to actually display it I’ll probably photoshop that out.

  18. Oh man, I have never thought that you had anything OTHER than a flat stomach! Isn’t it insane how we can be our own worst critics, even when we’re doing something so amazing and powerful as a 50k?! You look great, my friend! And yes, if you need help getting some unwanted stains out of your pictures, send ’em my way! I can help, unless you’ve already figured it out. You should have the finish line picture you want!

    1. Thank you Stephany! I appreciate your support. I haven’t done anything yet with that race photo but I may take you up on your offer- I definitely don’t want that stain on my crotch!

  19. I think you look fabulous in your photos! We are always our worst critics – and we definitely see things that others do not! I see a strong woman powering through an ultra – an ULTRA! – and rocking it. Go, you. 🙂

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