walkers walk… but runners fly

Race Recap- Mother’s Day 5 Mile

On Mother’s Day I ran a very HOT 5 mile race.  I mean, I live in Florida, so it’s always hot.  This one just hit us a little hard, because normally we run first thing in the morning and are done running by 7:30, which is the time this race started.  We’re also just getting acclimated to the intense heat that will be here for the next six months!  I know- excuses, excuses.

Of course it wasn’t 90 at 7:30 am but it was hot enough.

I had tentatively planned to run the race at a 9:15 (or so) mile pace, but due to poor pacing ended with an average pace of 9:49.  Of course that was according to my Garmin.  The official race results had my time at a 10:05 mile pace- the discrepancy is due to The Incident in mile 4.  Read on to find out all about it!

This race had a 5k and a 5 mile option, and I felt pretty sure that the 5 mile distance would not be popular.  My husband was surprised to see me making a playlist the night before, because I normally don’t listen to anything during.a race.  I told him I had a funny feeling I would be running by myself a lot, and thought it would be more fun to have music (even though my husband was also doing the 5 miler, we run at different paces.) Turns out my suspicions were correct!

The shirt doesn’t even mention the 5 mile race and furthermore was 100% cotton- this one went straight into the bag for Goodwill.

We got up at 5:30 am and I drank a large glass of water with LMNT.  The race was about 30 minutes away, and on the way there I ate an orange and drank more water.  When we got there we got our bibs and did a short warmup run, and I used the bathroom TWICE (foreshadowing.) We were chuckling because we overheard people saying things like “Apparently there’s a 5 mile race too- I wouldn’t want to do that, would you?” “No!”

Sunrise at 6:30- this would have been a perfect time for the race to start!

Finally we lined up at the start and they went over the course.  They described where the 5 milers would split off from the 5k runners, and explained that at one point the 5 milers would be running on the sidewalk for a while “since there are only about 100 of you, so we didn’t want to pay to close that road.”  Ah, okay.

The race started at 7:40-about ten minutes late- and I could feel the sweat trickling down my body as I waited- yep, it’s going to be a hot one.  I decided to run the first mile by feel instead of checking my watch.  Bad idea, because my first mile was 9:01, almost 15 seconds faster than my planned pace.  Oops.  Why is it so hard to start a race at the correct pace?

My second mile was slower, and the third mile even slower.  We parted ways with the 5k runners and ran our section on the sidewalk, and at the beginning of mile four, our route took us onto a trail.

Nowhere in the course description was there any mention of a trail- I don’t mind, but one thing my husband had said that morning before the race was “I’m just glad this isn’t a trail race.”  He’s not a fan, and I knew he was somewhere behind me, cursing.

(And yes- on the way home I was treated to a nice rant about that mile on the trail. “It’s not like I MIND running on a trail, but there were so many rocks! I mean, it’s like someone went and dumped a bunch of rocks ALL OVER THE TRAIL!  Couldn’t they clear those rocks off before the race, or something?”  Yes, let’s have someone clear every single rock off the trail for this race, ha ha.)

Anyway, it was during this mile that I realized my stomach was not happy.  I had gone to the bathroom twice already, but apparently the third time’s a charm for me- at least on this morning.  I figured that, although it wasn’t ideal, I should try to pull off the trail and find a place to go.  I surmised (correctly) that once we left the trail, we would be in a much more populated area until the end of the race and I would regret not going when I could.

I felt like I was running all alone, but when I veered off to the side I realized that no- there were several runners coming up behind me.  Arg.  I got back on the trail and started running again, but a few minutes later decided I REALLY needed to go, so I pulled over again.  The runners behind me were now in front and I had about 30 seconds or so of privacy, and did what I needed to do.  I stopped my Garmin for both these little pitstops, which is why there was a discrepancy between my Garmin time and official race time.  Oh, my stupid stomach.  Luckily after this I felt much, much better.

The last mile of this race was a long, hot trudge.  I gave up any pretense of running fast and just kept myself moving forward.  And- yay!  I finished and came second in my age group!

One thing I really love about getting older- if you can just show up and hang in there, you can do pretty well.  Picking a smaller race also helps.  But no matter what, it’s always fun to win something.

Hot, sweaty, and happy to be done!

We hung out for a little, and an older woman- I would guess she’s around 70 but looked to be in amazing shape- came up to me and said “how do you run in this heat?”  Turns out she came down from Cleveland- yes, if you just spent the winter in Cleveland it would be pretty hard to suddenly run in the Florida heat.  She was actually here for a triathlon next weekend and decided to run this race just to see what the weather would be like.  Well, now she knows!

Here’s a picture of me with my AG medal.  I love the way my husband takes pictures- he’s so focused on the subject, he doesn’t notice anything else in the picture.  Like he’ll take a picture of a sunset but get a bunch of garbage cans in the foreground or something.  In this case, look at the guy behind me…

Seriously, I would have waited just a couple extra seconds to take that shot!  Ha ha.

In summary, I didn’t run this race like I wanted to… but I had a lot of fun. My husband also had a good time, and although the heat bothered him even more than it bothered me, he was happy with how he finished.   The next race we do will probably be a July 4th 5k.  I’m going to do some speedwork between now and then- we’ll see what happens!

I’m linking up with Kim and Zenaida for Tuesday Topics.  Coming up on Friday- some thoughts on “fast” running, and my playlist for this race!

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42 Responses

  1. Congrats on placing 2nd in your AG, Jenny! Despite the mishap in mile 4, haha!
    So nice that you could do this together with your husband. Did he place in his AG as well?

    I strongly suspect that the race organisers aren’t runners. The time of the race, the awful race shirt, the unpopular 5-miler… they don’t seem experienced.
    Hopefully, they will put together a better race next year!

    1. I’m positive they weren’t runners! I actually left some things out because i really did have a good time and didn’t want to be mean… I can think of a bunch of improvements for next year.

  2. Great job.
    Your husband’s rant about the rocks made me laugh…that would be me. I hate running on rocks (though, overall, prefer trail running to pavement).
    A running joke in our family is how many rocks I get in my shoes. I literally have a handful of crusher dust in my shoes after I run on a local train. My husband gets NOTHING in his. How does he do it/how do I do it so wrong?

    1. Oh, that’s funny. Also funny that I didn’t really notice the trail being super rocky. I mean, I guess it was- maybe I was just distracted by OTHER THING (ahem.) Maybe some people are just rock magnets.

  3. Congrats on your AG medal! We are in the midst of a heatwave (we skipped from snow right into 80 degrees) and I am like the woman from Cleveland right now. I can not deal with the heat because I have absolutely not been acclimatized to it yet. Maybe in August, but not in May!
    I prefer trail running to running on sidewalks, but I guess I can see your husband’s point of view that the unevenness is not always fun.

    1. Yes, it’s pretty hard to go from winter to 90 degrees overnight. My sister lives near Chicago so I hear all about it!

  4. Yikes, the shirt is so ugly that I’m not even horrified by the temperature. CONGRATULATIONS on an excellent race. The heat, the trail, and the emergency stop are all badges of honor right along with the medal.

    1. Yes, I offered to donate my husband’s shirt as well but he decided to keep it. Really??? I’m just waiting to see him wearing it one of these days…

  5. Nice work on the AG placement! I would take any sort of placement so maybe if I stick with running long enough, it will happen for me!! Bummer about your stomach being off, though! And a cotton race tee? Come on! I would have donated it as well or kept it as a pajama shirt.

    So we have had a weird change in weather here. After months of super cold weather, it got up to 87 yesterday yesterday. Midwest weather is SO WEIRD!! I ran in the morning yesterday before the heat set in, but it was super windy so not exactly pleasant but better than the heat and humidity we had later in the day!

    1. Yes- I know you’re having a bizarre heat wave! I hope it calms down a bit so you can actually enjoy comfortable temperatures for a change.

  6. Summer races should all start earlier than 7am! Ok, so many giggles in this 🙂 I can picture you crouching behind a bush. So sorry your stomach wasn’t feeling good! Also, it’s hot, and then you say you’re running another race on the the hottest day of the year (July 4th!). Oh man! I take comfort in knowing that even people in Florida struggle with running in the heat sometimes (not just me!). Congrats to you and the hubby!

    1. Well, we just have a tradition of running a 5k on the 4th. It’s either embrace the heat, or not race at all until November! But yes- the heat does bother us, even though we’re used to it.

  7. Oh yay, congrats on placing 2nd – even though you took a bathroom break. That’s impressive.
    And I had to laugh at your medal picture … LOL because I know some people who’d take pictures like that (with people in the background or other weird stuff in the photo frame) and ,ahem, they’re all men. Coincidence? 😉

    I am glad you had a great race, but man, that’s hot.

  8. Great job Jenny! Sorry about the stomach issues. I’ve only had that happen once and it took a long time to get to a Portapotty — it was definitely not at all fun.

    Glad that you AND your husband enjoyed the race, despite the rocks on the trail. 🙂

    My husband is a talented photographer, but I swear when I ask him to take a phot of me — like the one with my mother. Hello, tell me to squat down instead of having my a$$ sticking out there! Oh well. You can laugh at the old dude behind you. 🙂

    1. Yes, I’m still laughing because my husband chose that picture to put on facebook! I still don’t think he’s noticed that guy behind me.

  9. Wow, a cotton shirt…in the Florida heat, LOL. The first mile (in anything shorter than 10 miles) always bites my backside. I never feel like I’m going especially fast (because I truly try to pace myself), but the first mile, more often than not, is MUCH faster than I intend it to be. Great job on the AG, though!! My new (55-59) AG has some cheetahs in it…I thought being on the young spectrum I’d have an advantage, but nope. My recent half marathon I place 6th with a 2:06, and the other five gals were all sub-2 (by at least five minutes!). Humbled, LOL!

    1. Somehow in a half (or I’m sure, full) marathon i don’t place in my AG. It’s only on these shorter runs, which makes no sense when you think about it. Maybe the longer races are attracting the more serious runners?

  10. Congrats on placing 2nd! Also, amazing photobomb. That’s definitely a hot run, and I would be like the lady from Cleveland – currently it’s 3 degrees, or 37 F, and that’s pretty much what I’m used to running in at the moment. It will get warmer but I’m an early morning runner and so it never gets particularly warm. Maybe 20 C at the most? Which is probably 72 or so F. Anyway, great job!

    1. Thank you Nicole! Yes, I really felt for that woman. I mean, to come from those chilly northern temps to this… at least we’re somewhat used to it!

  11. Wow! I can’t believe it’s already hitting 90 degrees in Florida?! I hate the heat so this makes me want to cry, lol.
    Awesome job on placing 2nd!!

    1. Thank you Debbie! It’s funny because at first I was mad at that picture, but now I’m appreciating the humor more and more. Who wants a boring old picture with nothing weird in the background?

  12. Oh bummer on the stomach issues! Sometimes that just happens and we have to just go with it. I am not a fan of trail in the middle either. Look at you picking up AG awards despite your detour! Congrats

    1. Thank you Deborah! Yes, you know it was a small race when I managed to place, in spite of the pit stop.

  13. Oh my gosh, laughing so hard about your husband’s photo. YES, I would have absolutely waited the few seconds for that man to pass out of the shot!! HAHAHA!

    1. Yes, and it’s amazing to me that my husband never noticed that guy in the background, even later while looking at the photo. He put it on facebook and everything, hee hee.

  14. Congrats!! And yep, we’re getting into the 90s this week too. And even though I’m used to running in the heat, it takes a few weeks to acclimate. I’m definitely feeling it out there!

    1. Thanks Bianca! Yes, I figure that by my next race- 4th of July- it’ll still be hot but at least I’ll be used to it.

    1. Thanks Zenaida! 7:30 is such a popular race start time down here, and we always complain about it. Even starting at 7:00 would be better!

  15. Congrats on your race! Its kind of weird that they seemed to not put much effort into the 5 mile race. Like why even have one if it wont be on the shirt and you dont want to close the road? I think Id like to run a 5 miles over a 5k. I would be annoyed about running on a trail for part of the race too!

  16. That photo-bomb in your last photo, LOL!! My husband has made that error plenty of times!
    So glad that you still had so much fun (and you placed) even with the heat, unexpected trail and sudden pit-stop! I’m like you and Lisa, I would always choose 5 miles over 5K!

    1. Yes, I wish there were more 5 mile races- I do prefer that distance. 5ks are too fast and painful!

  17. Well in my defense (I’m the husband) I don’ think that the pic is that bad. So what if an older guy is in the background with his stomach sticking out? Part of the reason I love these races is seeing people older than myself still doing races. I find it very inspiring.
    And you’re correct, I did not notice it when I posted it on FB. 🙂

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