walkers walk… but runners fly

Random Likes and Dislikes

Oof.  Our wi fi is out!  It’s a NaBloPoMo tragedy!!!  I was in a panic until my husband told me I could use my phone as a hotspot.  I can?  I can!  How did I not know this before?

Anyway, it’s a good thing, because you wouldn’t want to miss today’s post (eye roll.) Inspired by Tammy, I did a little project.  Check out her post if you want to see what it looks like when an artist does it.  As you will see, I’m very challenged when it comes to visual arts.  But here we go!  Random things I like, and random things I don’t like.

I’ll be back tomorrow with a Day In The Life post!!!

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Another FIG-y Friday!

Hooray!  We made it through another week of FIGS!  Just in case anyone doesn’t know about FIGs at this point,

The Shape of My Week

You know how I’ve been grumbling incessantly about feeling down, and the year getting off to a slow start?  Well,

37 Responses

  1. Boo wifi outage! Yay to your hubby for the hotspot save!

    Well, my favorite thing about Tammy’s list is her #1 dislike of making negative lists. I am with you 100% that we need to live in a biodome from 50 to 70. It’s not too much to ask!

    Check your email for a very awesome update to the thing that I emailed about before;-)

  2. I’d like to live in 50-70 temps, but a biodome feels icky–like would it be recirculated air? I bet a scientist would say But it’s ALL recirculated, dummy. Fair enough.

    Working on Black Friday does suck–I hope people aren’t weird and mean to you.

    Agree with most things on your lists, Jenny.

    The “Cranberry” reminded me: Yesterday, Nu said they wanted something and it sounded to me like “Cranberry Goons” and I didn’t know what they were. (It was Crab Rangoons–haha.)

  3. Well, now I know that Trader Joe’s has a cranberry clementine seltzer, and now I must look for it the next time I go!

    I am with you on the temperature range, though I could go as high as 80 and still be happy. Except it’s supposed to be 80 here today and I’m not so happy because that’s above average for November, and I don’t want to go back to wearing my summer clothes in the fall! But 80 degrees in the summer is nice…but that’s sometimes our low temp for the day here in July and August.

    1. I guess I would want it to be 80 if I were planning on going to the beach. I guess I should just go back to my superpower of being able to control the weather!

  4. I like this. However, I actually do not mind having a bit warmer and cooler weather personally. What I don’t like is hot with high humidity (aka FL summers) and rain during the summer. No thanks. Summers can be hot but they should not be humid or rainy. I also don’t mind cold winters, but would prefer they were not North Dakota cold. Let’s just keep it above 0 definitely and 20 preferrably, shall we?

    1. Hmmm. i’m trying to decide. I would be happy if it didn’t get above 70. But I like it to dip a little lower sometimes… would I be willing to make that tradeoff? 70year round, no hotter, no colder? I’ll have to think about that.

  5. Ha ha ha! I joke that I am comfortable from 50 – 75 degrees and would like the world to accommodate that.

    Jenny, I have news for you. Today it SNOWED for the first time this year and I can admit that I got a little excited? Like, it’s going to warm up and change to rain later today, so it’s not snow forever, but I was walking the dog and telling her that it was like living in a snow globe and she doesn’t care because she’s a dog who is just happy to be out walking with her person. BUT! Maybe I don’t HATE this? Maybe it’s going to be fine.

    1. Engie, I would feel like that too. The first snowfall of the year! How quaint and picturesque. It’s just all the rest of the winter that gets to me.

  6. Our WiFi has been in and out. Luckily I’m not working at home.

    Yes. Narrow shoes. DST. Too hot or too cold. Being late. Peanut butter. Milk. Getting slower when I run.

  7. Thank goodness for hotspot and where were those when I parked at Irish dancing forEVAH. I love a great night’s sleep and I love crossing things off of my list. I love my writing group. Such great feedback. I love a clean house – such a rarity. I hate tiramisu. Gross. I’m not a fan of mushrooms or seafood. I wish I liked fish. Maybe I’ll find a kind of fish I like at some point. I hate celiac. I love baking. I love reading in bed, esp if it’s a good book and I can manage to stay awake. I love, love, love when all of the kids are home from college, apartments, abroad, all of it.

    1. Yes, that’s a definite love- when all the kids are home. And, when I was younger and not vegan, I still thought fish was SO GROSS.

  8. I have zero art skills whatsoever so I feel you on the challenge of a visual representation of likes and dislikes. And my handwriting is pretty bad. If I really focus I can write nicely (sort of) but it’s best to just type things out versus write them out if others need to understand what I wrote!

    I also do not like matcha at all. But I love mushrooms! I try to order things with mushrooms when I travel because I don’t make anything with mushrooms at home since Phil doesn’t like them.

    50-70 sounds like a nice range. I could even broaden it to 40-80. It has gotten quite cold in Mn this week while I’ve been in NYC. Temps are in the 30s. I am glad I had gone through winter clothes and had snow pants all ready to go for both boys! We got a bit of snow yesterday but it will melt today prob.

    1. Well, January 2 is sad too. But December 26 is still my least favorite day of the year. I get SO SAD when Christmas is over.

  9. I learned recently that my phone plan charges more to be able to use a hot spot. WHAT? So I can’t use my phone as a hot spot because I’m too cheap. That SUCKS. It would go on my ‘do not like’ list. However, I also have a work phone, and I CAN use that as a hot spot, which is great and negates the personal phone thing. That would go on my ‘like’ list.

    I love December 26th. I love that week after Christmas, when it still feels like the holidays but with none of the pressure. Also, my birthday is the 31st, so I have that to look forward to. 🙂

    1. Oh, my daughter’s birthday is the 30th! I think she probably likes that week as well. Now I’m wondering if we’re going to get hit with some whopping extra charge for using our phones as a hotspot!!!! I hope not.

      1. Jenny, no worries about the hot spot. My phone just doesn’t give me the option. My daughter is on a different plan, same carrier (Verizon) and she has the option.

  10. I love this post, Jenny, and your handwritten lists are perfect. I like a bit of variety in the weather, I do not like it when it is constantly cold or hot. I want it to be hot enough to swim, but not every day. I want to sometimes run in the cold, but also have warm weather … a bit of rain but not too often. Overnight is preferable. Is there someone who likes cleaning the bathroom? It’s on my list for today. Will I do it? Probably not … it’s already 4:30 pm.

  11. This was so fun to read, Jenny!
    I LOVE peanut butter, and struggle to find much joy in December 26th. I’ve never had matcha but from what I’ve heard of it…I think I’d hate it. Mushrooms are okay for me; don’t love em’, don’t loathe em’. But the food poisoning incident sounds awful, so it makes sense you’re not over it!

  12. This is fun. Love the post.

    I agree… Joy to the World is such a great song.
    However I have to disagree on some of your dislike list:
    I do like matcha ice cream and eat most other matcha things.
    Also I love seasonal change and of course winter. The heat you can have.
    Also December 26th is a holiday in Germany so there is nothing to dislike. And we celebrate Christmas the 24th so… 3 days in total

  13. Living in 50-70 degrees would be the MOST IDEAL. I have really enjoyed our “cold front” here in Florida this weekend. It was nice to not sweat every time I was outside!

    I think we would have similar like and dislike lists!

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