walkers walk… but runners fly

Reading and Eating

Yesterday I talked about morning routines; today I’m going to share, once again, my newest favorite nighttime routine- READING IN BED.  It’s absolutely crazy that I didn’t do this for such a long time.  Previously, I would read on the couch in the living room after everyone else went to bed.  Now I read in bed, with a book light if my husband is already sleeping.

Let’s count the ways that this is better!  For one, I’m so, so cozy when I get in bed with my book.  I love the feeling of knowing the house is shut down, I’m ready for bed, and when I get tired I can just switch off my light and go to sleep.

When I used read in the living room, I would start to get tired, but didn’t want to actually get up and get ready for bed.  It was easier to just keep on reading later and later, until it was way past a reasonable bedtime.

Now, as soon as I finish dinner, my entire goal is to get everything cleaned up so I can get in bed and read asap.  The earlier, the better!  The goal is always to turn the light off and go to sleep at 9:30… but it’s usually closer to 10.  A couple nights I kept reading and reading because I wanted to finish my book.  Is there anything better than the moment when you’re reading a mystery, and you make the decision to just keep reading to the end? (screw bedtime!) I think not.

Anyway, to make my nighttime reading even sweeter, I have a fun stack of books just waiting for me (after I finish The Eighth Detective.)

I also have several holds at the library that I’m looking forward to- it’s a wealth of books!  Life is good.

Eating-wise, it was a slow week last week.  I mean, we ate, but it was pretty uninspired.  But this week my son is home!  To kick off the festivities I made the now-famous Curry Chickpea Salad from Nora Cooks.

Served with my favorite chips, and you can see my awesome spoon rest in this shot as well.

Last time I made it, Engie mentioned that it sounds good except for the raisins and cilantro.  Oh yeah…. I should probably mention that I leave those out.  I don’t really care for raisins, and I never have cilantro around.  Besides, my son doesn’t like cilantro and I’m making this for his benefit.

I actually have the whole week of food planned out: Buffalo Mac n Cheese, again from Nora.  I’ve made this a couple of times, and everyone loves it.  (It immediately went on my list of foods to make when Paul is home.)   We’ll eat that tonight (Wednesday) and Thursday.  Friday is takeout as always.  Saturday, Gochujang Bowls (with tofu.)  The only meal I don’t have planned is Easter Sunday, but I’m kind of thinking Italian.  We’ll have a family meeting and come up with something!

Are you reading anything great right now?

Cilantro- yay, or nay? – Did you know to some people it tastes like soap? It’s a genetic trait.

Are you having a special Easter Sunday meal?

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Figgy Friday!

It’s time for the FIGs of the week!  A huge thank you to Elisabeth and her Finding Joy in Gratitude (FIG)

23 Responses

  1. Reading in bed is the best! For a few months now, I have a Kindle and it has a very nice lighting to read.
    I’m always battling between watching a film with my husband and going to read in bed… I’d say the TV wins half the time. I’m still reading the 80/20 running book by Matt Fitzgerald – not as gripping as a good mystery!

    1. I know Catrina- I always want to read non-fiction, but fiction almost always wins out. I like a good story!

  2. Yes reading in bed is the best. I go to bed early just to read. My hubby is a tv watcher. Stays up late and then naps in the afternoon while I’m working.

    Easter dinner will most likely be lasagna. At my MILs.

    1. Yes, I definitely get in bed early so I can have more time to read. And, we have had lasagna for Easter dinner in the past- still not sure what we’re doing this year.

  3. Welcome to the Read in Bed Club! I’ve been a member all my life.

    I’ve got my library hold for The Breaking Wave in and in the meantime I’m reading another Linda Castillo Amish mystery. I’m not doing anything fabulous in the kitchen right now. I’ve got to get something planned this weekend.

    I like cilantro BUT I will often skip it if I don’t have it. It’s a “nice to have” and not a must. I’ve never put it in the chickpea salad.

    1. Linda Castillo Amish? I’m going to look that up! And, you’re lucky you can get Nevil Shute from your library- ours doesn’t carry him. Or the Dover books : (

  4. I had such a great run of books, and then I had a massive dud. Then another good one, so hopefully I’m on a good run again.
    I never read in bed. I only ever read on the couch or my reading chair. I usually have my jammies and serums on by then, so when I’m tired I just pop off to bed.

    1. That’s interesting! But i actually wouldn’t have pegged you as a bed reader, since I know you go to sleep very early.

  5. Those Siete chips are my favorite too, and I am a cilantro lover, so if I make that chickpea salad, I would definitely include it!

    I’m visiting my parents this weekend (and it’s a 4-day weekend for me, yay!) so I’m sure my mom will make a special Easter dinner but I’m not sure what it is yet. Hope you’re enjoying your week with your son!

    1. Thanks Ashley! And, I actually do like cilantro- but if I don’t have it on hand I have no problem leaving it out of things.
      Enjoy your weekend!

  6. Cilantro does taste like soap and it permeates every thing. That is why Chipotle is not an option for me – so much cilantro!

    Having an ebook reader with a backlight means that reading in bed is my 100% preferred reading style. I think you would love ebooks, Jenny, I really do. If only my library had a better selection of ebooks!!

    1. Yep, Chipotle is very cilantro-heavy. Luckily I do like cilantro, but you’d think they would be more sensitive for people with the cilantro=soap gene!

  7. Your bedtime reading ritual is very similar to mine except I am reading on a kindle! I also try to go to bed by 9:30. Phil comes up around 9:45 so if I am still reading, that is my signal to stop and go to bed.

    I love cilantro but I do not use it in the chickpea salad because I didn’t want to buy it just for that salad recipe. For my dad, it tastes like soap so we leave it out or really cut down how much we use in a recipe if he’s going to be eating what I make.

    Right now I am reading “Family Family” by Laurie Frankel and I am really enjoying it. It is very hard to put it down! It’s my 3rd Frankely book and I would say this is my 2nd favorite (My favorite is This is How it Always Is).

    1. Yes, I rarely go out and buy cilantro for one recipe, because then I end up with extra that just goes bad (although, the guinea pigs like it so I can feed some to them.)
      I’ve never read anything by Laurie Frankel- but I like the sound of a book that’s hard to put down.

  8. I like reading in bed, though if I read more than 30ish minutes I feel like it puts a strain on my back/I get restless, so it’s really best for me to read in a chair and THEN finish off in bed. Sometimes, obviously, I blow by this and read like 3 hours in bed and it’s worth it 🙂

    I LOVE cilantro, but it is so divisive. I’m glad you like the curried chickpeas (and also get a thrill that we have things we call “famous” in this little bloggy circle – hahaha).

  9. Yes, that’s true- I often read in a really weird position when I read in bed. Well, if I end up with neck issues down the road I guess I’ll know why.

    1. The only time I used to read in bed was when my husband was away- I thought it would disturb him if he were trying to sleep. But it turns out he can sleep just fine if I’m reading with my book light.

  10. No to cilantro, I get the soapy taste! I love reading in bed, I do it morning and evening although I’ve had too much work for the past few days to lie around readiang first thing …

  11. It’s probably not surprising that I also love reading in bed. Mostly at night. For some reason, in the morning or during the daytime, I want to read on the couch or in my reading chair.

    I looooove cilantro. I feel bad for everyone who has the soap gene!

  12. I love reading in bed. But I feel too tried most of the time or rather quickly. I think I would get more reading done outside the bed. But the instant lights of and sleeping is such a good thing.

    That chick pea salad looks good. You keep talking about this Nora I think I need to check her out.

  13. I LOVE cilantro!!!! I will stand and sniff it in the grocery store. We almost always have it on hand as it goes into pretty much all Mexican food! Mexicans must all have the genetic trait that like cilantro because I can’t think of any of our Mexican family members who have ever said they don’t like cilantro.

    Your reading in bed sounds so nice. I always WANT to do this, but it doesn’t seem to work out, for various reasons. Oftentimes the boys are kind of “hanging around” in that 9-10:00 timeframe, so I feel like I’m either talking to them, or they sometimes want to watch an episode of Modern Family with me, OR I end up feeling like I should/want to spend time with my husband then, especially if it’s been a busy day and we’ve barely crossed paths. (which is common! Often we’re in opposite directions driving kids, etc.) My husband is not a reader, sadly, so the idea of us both snuggling in with books ain’t never gonna happen here… Also, when I do read in bed, I so often just start falling asleep!! Sometimes I will ask one of the boys to bring a book and come read next to me, which at this age feels like such a sweet victory when it happens. 🙂

  14. Jenny, the BEST feeling ever is getting into bed at the end of another long day, pulling the covers up, and just closing my eyes for a few minutes. Sometimes this turns into “fall asleep with the lights on and wake up confused hours later”, but more often, I then open my eyes and indulge in reading. It’s seriously one of my favorite parts of the day. Perhaps tied with the moment I get in the shower – morning and evening. So I’m glad you are now embracing reading in bed. It will – and already has, maybe? – change your life. 🙂
    I need to make the chickpea salad. Cilantro is fine by me but I don’t buy it on purpose – I would never eat it fast enough to make it worth it!

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