This was a fun week of reading! I had a reread:
I started reading Agatha Christies in seventh grade, and by the time I was in my early 20s I had read them all. Sometimes I can reread one and still be surprised at the ending… sadly, that was not the case this time.
About halfway through I remembered who the murderer was- it was a little tiny detail that jogged my memory and then it all started coming back to me. I still finished it, because it was kind of fun to get a “behind the scenes” look at how it was put together. The misdirection! So cleverly done. Just like in my teens, I stayed up way too late to finish this book.
Next up is another scifi/mystery mashup:

I read The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle, another weird book, and enjoyed it. This book has a completely different premise. The world has been destroyed by a black fog that swept the planet, killing everyone except for the inhabitants of an island village. Scientists have managed to erect a security system around the island to keep the fog at bay. For the most part, the villagers live in peace… but there are mysterious things going on beneath the surface. There’s also “Abi,” a collective consciousness that can speak to everyone and read their thoughts.
Then there’s a murder that must be solved, or the protective fog barrier will fail and what remains of earth’s population will be wiped out. Oh, and Abi doesn’t always tell the truth… she has her reasons, which are not clear yet. As a matter of fact, many things are not clear yet but I’m sure they will be eventually. I’m about 1/3 of the way through the book and enjoying it so far- update to come when I finish it.
Eating-wise, I managed to rally and cook a couple decent dinners. The first was Vegetable Biryani from Nora Cooks..
Tragically, I forgot to add the green peas. I did add tofu, but the peas would have been nice too as a color contrast. It was good, but we all agreed it needed a squeeze of lime to pep up the flavors.
Next, I made one of my old favorites, Gochujang Bowls. The recipe calls for chicken but I make it with tofu. The great thing about this meal is, EVERYONE in my family likes it, including my daughter. That’s a major victory.

Next week I’ll be upping my game- my sister is coming to visit, and my son and I are cooking two big meals. One will be a “build your own” burrito night, with various fillings and toppings, and the other will be a “gourmet” pizza night. Photos to come!
What are you reading now?
Favorite gourmet pizza toppings? – We’ll make several pizzas and are still coming up with ideas.
Top photo by Ed Robertson on Unsplash
25 Responses
Murder is Announced is one of my favorite Christie novels! I always feel like it’s a good sign when I remember whodunnit because it means that the mystery was so specifically crafted and so well written that the solution stuck with me. Like I’m never going to forget who killed Roger Ackroyd. I have read some Agatha Christie where I don’t remember whom the murderer was and that’s because it’s not as tightly written a book and the solution is not as satisfying.
I’m bookmarking that gochujang bowl recipe! I have a tub of gochujang in the fridge that I need to use up, though the little kids don’t like spicy food, so maybe I’ll have to tweak it a little. Or they can just eat PB&J.
I’m excited to see your gourmet pizzas! I think your pizzas are always so interesting. My Husband recently made a dill pickle pizza – it was very rich, but also very tasty.
Yes, you’re totally right. The Christie books I remember are all the best ones- like Death on the Nile. I wish I could erase my memory and read that one again.
Dill pickle pizza??? I’m intrigued!
That Turton book sounds super intriguing!
Yum – the gochujang bowls look delicious.
The book is REALLY good- after I wrote this post I read more, and there was an interesting plot twist.
I’ll look forward to your update on the book. It sounds interesting. Hmmm … gourmet pizza. I really like mushroom with a bitey cheese and maybe some fresh rocket on the top? Pumpkin, red capsicum, baby spinach and pine nuts? Rosemary and potato? So many possibilities!
I like the rosemary and potato idea! I’m not a mushroom eater though.
I will definitely have an update to the book next week- it’s getting really good!
Hahaha those books, I could not be less interested in reading them! I am just not a mystery kind of gal, as you know. You can have my share of the mysteries! I am reading What My Bones Know, and whew, the first part – which the author warns about – is a pretty rough read about the author’s childhood of terrible abuse.
I love “build your own” nights and do that often with things like bowls and pasta salads.
Yes, I know you’re not a mystery person! I accept that, because I know you’ve tried and it’s just not for you.
I’m like Nicole and am not a mystery reader either! I read one Agatha Christie book and did not care for it (Murder on the Orient Express) but I am kind of an outlier in not loving mysteries – or thrillers!! Right now I am reading a romance called “Just For the Summer.” I needed something lighter for a change and this is fitting the bill although romances kind of stress me out because I know there is going to be conflict around the 75-85% mark and even though I know there will be a happily ever after, the conflict is stressful since I am so conflict-avoidant. And yet, I keep reading romance… This is my 2nd romance by this same author and I’m drawn to them as she lives in Minnesota so her books are set in Minnesota and it’s fun to know the areas she is referencing!
Favorite gourmet topping… hmmm… probably mushrooms of some sort? Or maybe artichokes? Those are maybe not super gourmet but they are things I don’t eat very often since my husband is not a fan of mushrooms and we don’t make any artichoke-based dishes in our house!
Your husband and I can share a pizza- I don’t like mushrooms either. I do like artichokes though!
I love myesteries (obviously) but I don’t usually like thrillers. They make me too anxious.
The vegetable biryani looks really good! I’m excited to see what toppings you end up going with for the pizzas. I usually like a Mediterranean style pizza with artichoke hearts, olives and sun dried tomatoes!
Ashley, that sounds GREAT. I love all those things. Maybe one of our pizzas will be “Mediterranean.”
I made homemade pizzas (on Naan bread, my fave trick) for my parents and it was donair night so NOT going to feature on your pizza night since donair meat is spiced hamburger that is iconic in Maritime provinces of Canada. There is also a tangy sauce that I make to go with it. My parents love it and I serve it to guests a lot at our house since it’s something you only really get in Nova Scotia/New Brunswick.
I tend to like simple pizzas; my daughter and husband LOVE olives on their pizza. Um, no thanks. I hate pineapple or most veggies on pizza. I’d far rather have them on the side.
Umm, I do love olives! I’m not a fan of pineapple on pizzas, but my husband and son love it. And so many people have mentioned mushrooms- I don’t like them, but since we’re making multiple pizzas maybe one can have mushrooms. Ew.
I had trouble with The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle; it took me forever to get through and I had trouble following the story. It did come together a little more as the book started to end, but I found that I did not enjoy it as much as I thought I would. My brother also read it and was underwhelmed. I am currently reading The Indifferent Stars Above, which I am enjoying so far! It is taking me a while to get through it, as I am actually reading it, as opposed to listening to it, so I only have a little bit of real reading time each day. However, I am enjoying savoring it, as it is a bit of a different take on an otherwise familiar story.
This books is definitely easier to read than Evelyn Hardcastle, because it doesn’t jump around like that one did. It still was a little hard to get into, but now that I’m halfway through the story flows really well.
I seem to remember that you and your sister have done Pizza Wars before. Something tells me that pizza night is going to be epic.
I have a soft spot in my heart for A Murder is Announced. I saw the TV version as a young ‘un before reading the book. I remember being so shocked when I found out the who/why for the murders. A few years ago I rewatched the TV show and couldn’t quite remember the backstory, but like you, had my memory jogged about halfway through. My memory jolt kind of reminded me of her book Sleeping Murder, where the main character moves into her dream house but then starts having flashbacks and learns that the reason she picked the house out was that she had been there before long ago (that’s as much as I can say without spoiling it…hmm…now I want to read Sleeping Murder again).
I also want to read Sleeping Murder again! And yes, A Murder is Announced has a shocking reveal at the end- I think that’s why it came back to me halfway through, it was memorable.
That biriyani looks so good! I always feel like it’s a mark of distinction of the grains of rice look cooked but not gluey. Full marks to you!
My favorite pizza topping made by someone who loves me very much is carmelized onion, wilted spinach, hard boiled slices of egg, and goat cheese. I don’t eat meat, so this is something they came up with–it’s a winner.
That does sound good, except I don’t eat eggs (or cheese- but I’ll definitely be putting non-dairy cheese on our pizzas.) I’m taking the carmelized onion idea.
I’m listening a Ken Follett audiobook right now and it’s so riveting I keep looking for excuses to be able to listen to more of it. It’s super long, though, so I have a feeling I’ll be listening to it for approximately the rest of my life!
Gourmet pizza sounds delicious! I can’t wait to see what kinds you make. I love rereading Agatha Christie because of the insights into HOW she made the misdirection and story happen; I pick up on new things each time I pick one up.
these two meals sound lovely to me, will see if I can try them over the 3 days weekend. I haven’t been cooking much lately given how much work has been.
I’m still into oatmeal and simple veggie/tofu meals.
family visit sounds fun! I wish we live closer to families to see them more often.
I have never read any Agatha Christie (I might have told you this before?). Now I am extra intrigued and might make this a summer reading goal! That other book sounds really good too! I usually don’t read mysteries but now I’m thinking I should give them another try.
Wow – right now I’m reading NOTHING as I had to supervise some work on the garden today and finished two books while I was waiting and not needed!!!