walkers walk… but runners fly

Reading and Eating

We had some great meals last week!  Having visitors really helped motivate me.  But first, I finished a book I really liked:

I originally got this book because I thought it would be light and easy to read during a busy week.  I had no idea I would enjoy it so much!  Five years ago, Lucy was somehow involved in the murder of her best friend.  Everyone thinks she did it, but she can’t remember anything about the incident, and she was never charged with the crime. She’s trying to put it all behind her, but a true crime podcast is dredging it up again and forcing her to revisit the scene, and memories start to return, little by little.

This book was funny!  (For anyone who’s read it- Grandma’s birthday party, hahahahahaha!) And it’s a satisfying mystery, and there’s a little romance thrown in.  I enjoyed it so much, I was sad when it ended because I didn’t want to stop reading it.

Everyone recommended the audio version, but I read the print and I can vouch for the fact that it was VERY enjoyable in that format.

Ah, food.  I already reported on the epic burrito night from my sister’s visit.  The next night we ate out at Planta, an amazing vegan restaurant.  We got all sorts of sushi rolls:

…and noodle dishes, appetizers, and some amazing desserts.

Fun and delicious night!  THEN… we had our Big Pizza Party!  Originally we were going to make four different pizzas, but the logistics of getting them all cooked at the same time didn’t make sense, so we made two very large ones.  The first was half Buffalo “chicken” (we used the Daring brand) and artichoke, and the other half was Beyond sausage, pineapple, and hot peppers:

The second pizza was our “bipolar” pizza.  About 2/3rds of it was a veggie-lovers pizza, with yellow pepper, broccoli, hot peppers, and onion, and the other third was a “vegan meat lovers” pizza with leftover Beyond sausage, Buffalo chicken (we just put on everything that didn’t fit on the other pizza) and vegan pepperoni from Trader Joes.

Both pizzas had homemade pizza sauce and Miyoko’s liquid mozzarella.  So good!!!

It probably goes without saying that after all this, I hit the wall.  Our visitors left and I felt like I never wanted to cook dinner again.  We got Chipotle the next night, and since then we’ve been grudgingly throwing together some meals, because everyone still insists upon eating dinner… every. single. night.  Sigh.

What are you reading?

Have you made any great meals lately?

Top photo by Jess Bailey on Unsplash

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Runfessions and Fallfessions!

Well, it’s the last Friday of the month and you know what that means- I’m linking up with Marcia for Runfessions!  But first- let’s talk, once again, about pumpkins. I said I wasn’t going to talk about pumpkins in every post, but yesterday Nicole sent me this: I love it!  And I love how when people see tons of pumpkins, they immediately think of me.  I am officially the Crazy Pumpkin Lady!  But did you know it wasn’t always this way? When I lived up north, I actually- gasp- HATED fall!  I know- the irony!  I grew up in Illinois (the pumpkin capital) where I could do all the fall things- go apple picking, see fall colors, wear sweaters… and I hated it.  What I really hated, of course, was winter, but fall meant winter was coming. In my 20s I was still living up north (why? WHY?) and one day I went for a walk with a friend.  He pointed out the beautiful colors of the leaves, and I told him I couldn’t see the beauty- all I could see was that winter was coming.  He said “Can’t you just appreciate this now and enjoy yourself, without worrying about what’s coming next?”  My response was, “If you knew you were going to prison next month, would you be able to put that out of your mind and enjoy yourself today?” Yes, that sounds dramatic, but it’s truly how I felt.  Every winter the entire world turned gray.  It felt like someone threw a thick blanket over me, and I had to struggle through every day with that encumbrance.  This was right around the beginning of SAD lamps, but they weren’t widespread.  It wasn’t like you could just order one on Amazon.  I’m not sure there was a SAD lamp big enough and strong enough to fix my SAD, anyway. Now you know why I live in Florida!  But- the irony continues- after living here for about ten years, I started to notice how frickin hot it is in September… and October… and November.  I started to “miss” fall- or rather, the romanticized notion I had of it.  A crisp fall day would feel amazing right about now.  So… Pumpkin Palooza was born. I mention all this because for those of you who are dreading the winter (Hi Engie!  Hi Kim!) I want you to know I truly empathize.  It IS awful, and if you’re not enjoying fall, I don’t blame you one bit.  (Side note- Florida is a lovely place to visit in January- just saying.) Now wait just a minute! (you might be thinking.) How is this “runfessions?” Well, it’s hard to have a lot of runfessions when you’re not running very much.  I’m plugging along, a little frustrated that this is where I’m at (when I thought I was going to run a 12 hour race in November) but at the same time grateful that I can run at all. Recently I heard someone on a podcast describe training like this: every time you run, or do your strength work, or mobility, or whatever you’re doing to train, you’re placing one brick on top of another.  It doesn’t look like anything at first, but if you’re consistent, eventually you’ll have built an entire wall.  Every once in a while someone comes along with a sledgehammer and smashes your wall to pieces; and then you begin all over again. I’ll just be over here laying down my bricks.  And- stay away from me with that sledgehammer!  I’ve had enough for the time being. How’s your fall going- are you enjoying it? Is your “running wall” big and strong, or are you building it back up from the rubble like I am?  

Reading and Eating (and a Pumpkin House!)

Okay seriously, I’m not going to talk about pumpkins in every single post.  But after my post yesterday about the imaginary 100 pumpkins in my front yard, Kae sent me this: This is a house IN HER TOWN.  She said they decorate it this way every year.  Life goals right here! Let’s talk about reading.  I almost had a reading emergency this week.  I had TWO BOOKS from my hold list come available on the same day: I’ve been on the list for the Liz Moore for weeks and weeks, and I didn’t expect it right now.  I also didn’t expect the Liane Moriarty, because I just put the hold on it last week.  When these holds came in, I was 300 pages into a 1000 page book (Ken Follett’s Edge of Eternity) and I didn’t see how I was going to finish that and read both of these in two weeks. Then I remembered our library recently extended the loan period of new books to three weeks- PHEW!  I can get them all read by October 9th.  I was so excited to read The God of the Woods until I read Birchie’s post from Monday- she didn’t like it, WHAT???  I thought everyone has been liking that one!  Well, I’ll have to read it and see what the controversy is all about. Eating-wise, I continue to limp along.  My plan of doing meal prep on Sunday has not been working out (what a surprise!) Instead I’ve been making something on Sunday that can be eaten for two meals- Sunday and Monday- and then cobble things together for the rest of the week.  We always have takeout on Friday, so it’s only three dinners to get through. On Sunday I wanted to make pumpkin pasta but my daughter had a sore throat (everyone has been getting sick around here!) so I decided to make soup instead.  I made the Coconut Curry Lentil Soup from Nora Cooks.  I chose it because I was pretty sure my daughter would like it, and I was right! It was a good soup- nothing amazing about it, but it was tasty, and like most soups it was better the second day. Next up- I need to make some kind of pumpkin dessert!  In the same post where Birchie stomped all over my reading dreams, she linked to a very delicious-looking pumpkin cookie. That may have to happen this weekend. Have you read The God of the Woods?  Did you like it? Has anyone read the Liane Moriarty? Do you have a favorite fall soup? Top photo by Frames For Your Heart on Unsplash  

100 Pumpkins

Hello there!  Let’s kick off the final 100 days of the year with some fall fun.  First up…. The Cool Bloggers Postcard Club is officially underway.  This arrived from Birchie and Kyria. from their meetup in Buffalo! Soooo fun.  I need to start sending out some postcards of my own. As we all know, Sunday was the first official day of fall.  I wanted to kick my fall celebrating up a notch, but couldn’t think what to do.  I already have all my fall decor out, including orange lights strung across my bookshelves; I light a fall candle every day, drink my tea from a fall mug each morning, and have made pumpkin pasta, oatmeal, waffles and pancakes.  Hmm. My sister agreed that it was hard to top all that, and suggested that I get 100 pumpkins and put them in my front yard.  Ha ha, that’s a GREAT idea!  My husband would just love that, especially when they all start to rot in the hot sun.  Obviously she was joking, but I can’t get the idea out of my mind.  I texted my sister yesterday: Every time I drive up to my house, I imagine 100 pumpkins in my front yard.  I can just picture how it would look, and what the neighbors would be saying.  I wonder if our HSA has regulations against such a thing?  Well, it’s s nice fantasy. As much as I love pumpkin season, I’m starting to get excited about Halloween!  I follow a strict decorating schedule: September 1st- fall decor comes out.  October 1st- most of the fall decor is replaced by Halloween decs.  November 1st- Halloween things are sadly put away, and fall decor comes back with the addition of some specific Thanksgiving items. I LOVE looking at the Halloween decorations in the stores, but I also have a rule for that: I’m only allowed to CONSIDER buying something if it has a black cat on it.  I definitely don’t need any more Halloween stuff, but I do have a black cat theme going on, so if I see something with a black cat, I’m allowed to- possibly- buy it. However, Suzanne recently had a super fun post all about ghost decorations she’s considering.  They’re so cute!  Maybe I need some ghosts for my front yard?  I think I do!  (Maybe I need 100 of them- just kidding.) Wednesday is my day off, and I’m planning a trip to Hobby Lobby and Michael’s.  Hobby Lobby isn’t a store I shop at often, but I usually go at this time of year, because they REALLY know how to do fall and Christmas.  Unfortunately they don’t carry any Halloween items, so I’ll head to Michaels for that.  I’m looking forward to a fun “browsing spree”- I’ll probably buy a couple things, but will mostly just enjoy looking at everything. Do you enjoy browsing in stores?  – I love it!  That was probably the thing I missed most during Covid. Do you put up Halloween decorations? Any specific plans for the last 100 days of the year?

Weekly Rundown- Back At It

Happy official first day of fall!  Of course, the weather is not fall-ish here, but we will not speak of such things.  We WILL speak about my calf though- it’s still feeling good, and I went from running every third day to every other day.  Progress!  I’m linking up as always with Kim and Deborah for this Weekly Rundown.  Here’s how it all played out… Monday The last time I ran was Saturday, so this was my first every-other-day run since coming back from the calf injury.  Everything is feeling good, but I’m still nervous about it, so I was very conservative- I walked one mile and ran two. I followed the run with a Caroline Girvan standing core workout.  I’ve decided that I like standing core workouts, if they use dumbbells.  You don’t get the same burn as with deadbugs or crunches, but I like the way I have to stabilize my core against the weighted arm moves. Tuesday Strength day at home- hip stability (including Runner’s Touch and the one leg sit-to-stand.)  I also got out my pull-up bar and did dead hangs and scapular retractions (you hang from the bar and lift yourself up a few inches without bending your arms, only by retracting your shoulder blades.) Boy, are my lats weak.  I rounded it all off with the tried-and-true Caroline Girvan deadbug workout.. Wednesday This was a big day- I got back to the cross country trail!  I haven’t been here since the end of May. I walked a mile and then ran 4.  I loved being back and I LOVED running in the daylight! Thursday Upper body strength workout from Sally McRae’s app, and then this MadFit standing abs workout.  This is officially my favorite standing core workout (thank you, Engie!) I feel it in my core, there’s some balance involved, and it’s a good upper body workout as well. Friday Third run of the week! Once again I was super conservative- walked one mile and then ran one. Followed this up with hip stability exercises and squats. At night I went to our high school football game! Our team is undefeated this year, and we won 48-0.  I actually felt a little sorry for the other team.  The band had to play their halftime show on the track because the field was so wet, but it was still a fun night! Saturday Off!  Friday was a late night, so it felt good to sleep in a little before going to work. Sunday Ooh, I’m excited.  On tap for today- a trail run!  I’m going to my second favorite trail- my first favorite has a lot of sand and I don’t think my calf is quite ready for that yet- and I’ll do 6 miles (the first mile will be walking though.) As you can see, it was a great week!  The only thing that marred it a little was my low back, which has been very achy.  It doesn’t hurt when I run (so it’s not a “real” problem, ha) but I babied it a little and didn’t go to the gym for any heavy squats or deadlifts.  Hopefully I’ll get that back on track this week. How was your week?  Are you celebrating the first day of fall?

21 Responses

  1. that’s some real good food! you know how to treat your guests! I always love preparing food for my guests too. But I can totally see the point of not wanting to cook for a while after that.
    chipotle! I’m coming to you soon.

  2. Ooh! All the food looks amazing!!! That pizza looks practically professional. Extra points for vegan recs!

    I’m putting _Listen for the Life_ on my TBR. I usually don’t read mysteries, but am on my third in a row this week–maybe it’s the summer vibes? (I did not like _The It Girl_, but enjoyed _The Villa_ and _The Nicest Couple_)

    1. I actually didn’t think I would like this book as much as I did- i don’t usually like the new “buzzy” books. But this one was good!

  3. That sushi looks awesome and the pizza!! YES.

    That’s book has been on my holds list forever, and I keep thinking I am going to snag it as a library walk in, but no luck so far. Maybe I can use an Audible credit! (For some reason, I am hoarding those for late summer releases, but I don’t know what my problem is— I spend the equivalent of an extra credit at Starbucks ALL THE TIME— I just really like reading for mostly free LOL)

    1. I agree- it’s hard for me to spend money on books that I COULD get for free- if I’m just willing to wait a little. I do buy books every once in a while though.

  4. We have a houseguest for a few days, and just an extra person is making me ramp up the cooking. I’ll get back to you next week after collapsing in the kitchen, I guess.
    I’m reading a book called One Star Romance and it’s beyond my expectations so far! I’m really enjoying it.

  5. I love sushi and that looks amazing (so does the pizza).

    My favourite meal lately has been a form of deconstructed sushi – a rice, salmon, nori, pickled cucumber, and cashew bowl. It was SO good. A good meal is so satisfying! (Though I still often wish we humans didn’t need to eat because it TAKES SO MUCH TIME AND MONEY!)

    1. I know- sometimes I “joke” (?) that I wish we could just take a pill with all the nutrients we need, instead of eating dinner. I would probably miss eating though.
      Deconstructed sushi sounds great- I should try that. Much better than trying to make rolls!

  6. You made some really good meals, I’m impressed by those pizzas! But the sushi also looks amazing, and it’s totally understandable that you wouldn’t want to make dinner for awhile after hosting your sister and brother in law!

    One meal I’m loving that’s super easy to throw together is chickpeas, baby cucumbers and vegan feta cheese with Everything but the Bagel seasoning from Trader Joe’s. It requires no cooking which is great for hot summer days and it makes for a good lunch to pack for work or have for dinner with toast on the side for added carbs!

  7. That dinner sounds AMAZING, and I think I could eat it every day for a week (or longer.) If I didn’t have the family to cook for I would probably eat like that all the time. As it is, I’m gradually getting them to cook more and more for themselves, while I have something more simple.

  8. Now I want to know what happens at Grandma’s birthday party!
    I’m assuming everyone else is a vegan, too? Or maybe meat-eaters but are happy with the vegan option?
    I think my favourite is the veggie-lovers pizza – it’s looks delicious!

    1. Yes, everyone else is vegan too! I liked the one with the Buffalo ‘chicken” the most. It was spicy though!

  9. Oh, it’s good to now that Listen for the Lie holds up in paper format, too. The audiobook is brilliant!

    I haven’t had any great meals recently, but my husband will not be eating dinner with me tonight (for reasons) and I am making myself Nachos Supreme. I bought the good tortilla chips, corn, black beans, and I’ll put some garlic scapes on there with cheese. And sour cream. I am so excited about this!!!

    1. I would be excited about that too- as a matter of fact I think we should have a Nachos Supreme night here soon.

  10. We have houseguests arriving soon and I am dreading the extra cooking. It’s not like it’s that much harder to make a meal for two more people, but I feel so much more pressure. Plus, I feel much worse about doing spontaneous takeout nights or Fend For Yourself nights when we have people staying with us. Everything you made and ate looks fabulous. And hooray for Chipotle!

    You were right – your review of the book reminded me what it was about. It was a good read for sure!

    1. Suzanne, it made a big difference that my son helped SO MUCH with those meals! I would have been really stressed out if I had to do everything by myself. Plus we only had to cook three dinners for guests, and one of them was very informal, as a matter of fact we made sandwiches with chickpea salad.

  11. I get highly stressed- probably oddly so- about having to cook for other people. Glad you had a good plan and it all worked out! I am getting mixed up- you are vegetarian but not vegan? Or are you vegan? I can’t remember right now! And does your sister/husband have same eating style? I feel like it could be extra challenging if you had to entertain someone who had very different eating patterns! But it seems like you guys must eat similarly. So great your son could be so helpful with all the prep too!!

    Chipotle! I need to get that this weekend. We haven’t had it since well before our trip, so we are overdue for a visit. I also LOVE it.

  12. I’m glad that you enjoy the print version of Listen for the Lie because I prefer to listen to print so I can reserve my listening time for podcasts which I am always woefully behind on listening to lately. I just started “The Wives” on this DC work trip and have really been enjoying it. It’s a memoir written by the wife of a guy in a special ops unit of the army. It’s giving me more insight/understanding about what my little sister’s life is like as her husband is also in the army although has fortunately only officially deployed once. But he travels a ton and they have a 1 and 3 year old so that is really rough.

    I made a couple of meals before leaving for DC but nothing all that noteworthy. I fly back tonight on a 7pm flight and will get home at 9 which feels late to me because by the time I get home it will be 10 but I still still need to read to help myself fall asleep/wind down. We have an unplanned weekend which I am excited about, plus don’t hate me for saying this, but it will be 75 and sunny!

  13. Yay – I’m so happy you loved Listen for the Lie! And I’m really glad it was good in print. I really loved the audio version because of the way the podcast is produced, but not everyone has the option for audiobooks. I am currently finishing up Pineapple Street by Jenny Jackson, which has been enjoyable. On audio, I’m listening to Detransition, Baby by Torrey Peters, which has been really eye-opening for me.

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