walkers walk… but runners fly

Reading and Eating

It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these posts!  It’s partially because we didn’t cook for an entire week while the kitchen was torn up, and then I was in Texas for a week… but now that I’ve got my bearings again I have a couple meals to share, and a kitchen update.  But first, books…

I finished it!  I finished the whole Ender Saga.  Ender in Exile was the last book of the series, but is actually a direct sequel to Ender’s Game, as it picks up the action right where Ender’s Game left off.  There’s a complicated afterward where OSC explains why he wrote the books in this order, but I didn’t really understand it.  I would say you could read Ender’s Game and then this one, skipping the books in between (but why would you want to?  The whole series is great!)

I’ll definitely go on to read The Shadow Saga (there were some interesting facts about Bean in Ender in Exile that got me intrigued), but my son has those books at school with him.  That’s fine, because I’d like a break from OSC to read some other books.

Thanks to Engie for recommending this!  From the book jacket: “Here are fifteen invaluable suggestions…for how to empower a daughter to become a strong, independent woman.”  The only problem is, I’m wishing I had read it earlier.  They say by the time your kids are twelve, all your work should be done (ack!) because that’s when you lose them to their peers.  I’ve done my best (and will obviously continue to do so) but there are so many things I wish I had said or done differently.  I take consolation in one of my favorite quotes from Ender in Exile:

“What I understand now is this: there is no harder job than parenting.  There is no human relationship with such potential for great achievement and awful destructiveness, and despite all the experts who write about it, no one has the slightest idea whether any decision will be right or best or even not-horrible for any particular child.  It is a job that simply cannot be done right.”

Thank you, Ender.

Anyway, let’s talk about food.  During the week our kitchen was unusable, we had lots of delicious takeout meals.  Subway, Chipotle, Blaze Pizza, Maoz falafel sandwiches… but the winner was Bolay.  I’m not sure if Bolay is everywhere or just a regional chain, but basically it’s healthy bowls.  I opted to have Bolay twice that week.

My bowl had rice, broccoli, miso tofu, beans, potatoes, pickled red onions, and a cilantro pesto sauce. SO GOOD.

THEN, we went to Texas- more takeout!  Moe’s Southwestern Grill, Mod pizza, and then believe it or not there are a couple restaurants with vegan options in Waco- a Poke place, and a Vietnamese restaurant.  Yes, I was well-fed.

A recent home-cooked meal (phew!) that really stood out were these peanut noodles recommended by Birchwood Pie.  You guys.  I’ve made lots of meals with peanut sauce in my day… but this one was the most delicious.  We all loved it.  I’ll be making it again, as often as possible.

I added tofu… of course.

Now for the kitchen.  Here’s where we’re at:

Lots of tile samples.


We did get the sink installed, so the kitchen is fully functional.  But we’re completely stuck on choosing tiles for the backsplash.  We had a friend look at it, and she suggested something more like this:

Now we’re REALLY paralyzed with fear and indecision.  I just want someone to come, make the decision for me, and install the backsplash.  I’ll live with whatever they decide!

What are you reading right now?

What’s your favorite takeout meal?

Who wants to come design my backsplash???

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34 Responses

  1. I love your backsplash options! But I empathize with the stress of making the decision! It’s too hard! I would also prefer someone to just tell me what to do.

    I see that you checked out The Night She Disappeared. I really enjoyed that one and hope you do too!

  2. Renovation decisions are so, so hard, Jenny! I hope you come to a decision quickly and are beyond thrilled with the result (FWIW, I went to the glass backsplash link that Catrina provided and LOVE it). I’m no practical help because we don’t have a backsplash in our kitchen! We have an older home and haven’t renovated the kitchen yet and I think backsplashes weren’t really a “thing” when this house was built.

    That parenting line! “It is a job that simply cannot be done right.” Gah. This is both depressing but also feels 100% true. And 12 is when we lose our kids? Double gah. That’s how old my daughter is now. All I can do is the best I can do, but it is THE HARDEST JOB because as a parent you want to do everything right, and also know you can’t do everything right…But also, what a privilege, I suppose to love and help support another human up and out into the world.

    And this: “despite all the experts who write about it, no one has the slightest idea whether any decision will be right or best or even not-horrible for any particular child.” For the most part I avoid reading parenting books. It feels like too much pressure and every books seems to contradict another book. I mostly try to go by instinct and hope at least some of my instincts are “correct.”

    1. I think the reason I liked that quote was, I thought “Oh, other people feel like this too!” I mean, not all the time- sometimes I feel like I do things right. But for all the times I don’t, it’s good to know I’m not the only one.
      I agree- that glass backsplash is really pretty.

  3. Just read Running While Black. Excellent.

    Chinese is our take out option.

    I couldn’t choose a backsplash so I didn’t. Good luck.

    1. Ha, we really don’t have the option to not choose a backsplash- ours looks really terrible right now. I lot of the drywall had to be replaced when we took out the old cabinets- we have to cover it up with something!

  4. I read some of the Ender books when I was a kid, but I do not think I went through the entire series (although I can’t remember!) so I will probably do it one of these days based on how much you liked them! I do remember really enjoying Enders Game but after that it is all a blur!

    I don’t know what your style is but my backsplash is just plain white (you can see it here: https://travelspot06.blogspot.com/2016/01/be-it-ever-so-humble-ten-cent-tour.html) and I like it. I did not choose mine; it was in the house when I bought it, but I would actually probably choose something like this anyway, as I am a simple basic colors kind of person. However, I would suggest that you just choose one and get it over with and I am sure you will be happy with it! I think sometimes the choice is harder than the result!

    1. Yes, I do like your backsplash! And it goes back to what I thought originally- we can’t go too far wrong with just white.

  5. I’m glad you liked the noods! I don’t think we have any Bolays up here, but that’s a good looking bowl.

    Books have been hot and cold for me. The Many Lives of Mama Love was a knockout, everything else that I’ve looked at recently has been so-so.

    GOOD LUCK on the backsplash! Decisions like this are exactly why we haven’t started the kitchen reno that we fully intended to start 5 years ago.

  6. LOVE Bolay!! We have them here too. And I vote yes on the tile b/c my daughter’s name is Genevieve. I will have to show her that picture!!

  7. I have those noodles bookmarked to try. Maybe I should bump them up our list.

    One thing to keep in mind with the splashback is the ease of cleaning, and if the one tiles above have lots of grout, they will be harder to clean. Less grout is better, in my opinion. Glass splashbacks are easy to clean; we had one in our previous house.

  8. How big is the space? I like the mosaic but if the space is small it might look busy. We have a similar mosaic backsplash but our kitchen is very open. I really like that grey tile in the first photo. This is my two cents worth of home decor!
    I just finished And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie, which isn’t my usual kind of choice but I really liked it.

    1. Oh yes I remember that book! I was a big Agatha Christie fan in my youth.
      I think we’ve chosen the tile…. updates coming soon!

  9. I have never heard of Bolays! But I love a bowl-based meal so that would be right up my alley!

    I am terrible at design decisions so I basically would outsource it to my friend Brooke who is very very good at that kind of thing. The analysis paralysis is awful! If you have a friend with great taste, I’d ask what he/she would do and go with that!

    I am almost done with “French Braid” by Anne Tyler which is 100% character driven so I would not recommend it to you because there is really no plot. But I have liked it. Next I will read a book for a Patreon Book club (the Long Game – about career management I think) and then “Central Places” which I think you recommended!

    Once a week, I treat myself to a fancy, delicious salad that has way more tinily chopped ingredients than I have the ambition to include in the salad I eat the other 4 days of the week. For dinners, I love indian take out or these bowls from a BBQ type of place – we get pork bowls with an over easy egg on top and it’s sooo good. Besides getting take and bake pizzas, we very very rarely get take out. Like maybe every other month or once a quarter? But my mom is coming tonight and I do not have my act together enough to make a meal for her so we will order take out, probably from the Italian deli by our house as they have great salads.

    1. I used to LOVE Anne Tyler, but I haven’t read any of her later ones. And you’re very right- 100% character driven is not for me. I did read Central Places but I’m drawing a blank right now- when you read it I”ll have to read your review to remember the book!
      You would definitely like Bolay.

  10. Hello, this is the first time I’ve stumbled upon your blog (link up). I order all the materials for a library so I always enjoy seeing what people are reading and YAY for using your library!
    I too struggle when making renovation decisions. It’s such a substantial cost that I know if I get it wrong it’s-oh well, too bad, I’m stuck with it. But I do like a classic marble look.

    1. Oh, hello! I LOVE my library! No way could I afford to buy all these books.
      I think you hit on a good point with the tile decision- you can’t go wrong with “classic.” I’ll keep that in mind! I’m getting new tile samples today.

  11. You’re mean because I’m hungry! I’m a sucker for peanut noodles, especially in summer.
    I love the blue and white!

  12. The smaller the tile, the harder they are to clean. That is the only thing I will say. I’ve spent many hours trying to clean grout between tiny tiles and I may be very resentful of that fact.

    I do hope you find something useful in the Adichie book. I don’t even HAVE children, let alone one who identifies as female, and I thought it was a useful read, so it’s definitely not too late!

  13. I struggle with making decisions for a home too, mostly because I have an eclectic taste and like many things – and it’s hard to stick with one particular theme/style. I hope you find a backsplash that you like. You’ll know when you see it?! 😉

    It sounds consoling that “parenting is a hard job and can’t be done right”… I mean, every parent will make mistakes and that’s a consolation but I think parents who try very hard also usually turn out great kids! So trust in that process!

    1. Yes, and a lot of parents who don’t try that hard also turn out great kids… so as long as we’re trying at least a little, things should be fine. I try to tell myself that.

  14. Jenny, I ordered Bolay for the first time last night because you talked about it here. My meal was so very good!! My favorite takeout meal is always pizza, but I’m having pizza twice this week already, ha, so I had to choose something healthier last night. Thanks for the inspo!

    I don’t know how anyone makes decisions about interior decorating like this. I am such a bad decision-maker and I can’t imagine. Good luck!

    1. Oh good! I’m glad you liked Bolay! I agree pizza is a little more delicious, but Bolay is definitely healthier.

  15. I am envious of your Bolay. We have a local “chain” (I think there are 3 of them?) called Forage Kitchen and their BBQ tempeh is to die for. I haven’t had that in forEVER. Hm. It’s $$$ – particularly when you “make your own” and add 90000 ingredients like I do – but oh so worth it periodically. 🙂

    Also, thank you for making me identify yet another reason I love renting: no interior decorating decisions! I stink at decorating (I literally have nothing on my walls… as in, truly, nothing) so this would be a nightmare for me.

    1. Ooh, I LOVE tempeh!!! I wish Bolay had tempeh.
      Ha, I would be a good renter- I also stink at decorating. That’s why this whole process has been challenging for us.

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