walkers walk… but runners fly

Reading and Eating

Well, reading-wise there’s not much to report.  I’m still reading The Running Grave, and it will take me a while.  This book is so heavy I just prop it up on two pillows.  Normally I don’t read 900 page books, but in this case I’m loving it.  It’s so good, I don’t want it to ever end!

On the eating front, Pumpkin Palooza continues!  Here’s a recent dinner of pumpkin soup, salad, and homemade bread from this recipe.  It’s been a while since I’ve made this bread, and I forgot how easy and delicious it is.

Sunday dinner means wine!

Last week after my long run, I was craving oatmeal:

I get a lot of use from these pumpkin bowls!

I cooked it with a scoop of chocolate protein powder and topped it with toasted coconut and sunflower seeds.  YUM.

On the subject of that long run, after the first 4 mile segment I munched on one of these cookies while taking my daughter to school (and prior to finishing the last 9 miles.)  Last month San shared the recipe for Easy Healthy Breakfast Cookies. They were the perfect mid-run fuel.

I used dates instead of chocolate chips.

On the subject of cookies!  I do believe it’s time for The Perfect Fall Cookie, which Susanne shared last year.  I know many people made them, including myself.  Just remind me- did anyone tweak the recipe?  Did we add more fall spices?  I want to make them this weekend!

Well, I’m getting ready for my long run tomorrow morning (14 miles!) I have all my gear out, including another breakfast cookie.  And ice- I will be bringing lots of ice.

Do you have a favorite fall cookie?

Do you like oatmeal?  What’s your favorite oatmeal topping/mix in?- I love oatmeal!

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31 Responses

  1. Oh, that oatmeal looks good! I first thought you had grated cheese on it – I was relieved to read about the coconut!
    Good luck with your long run tomorrow! Please remind me: when is your race? End of January?

    1. Hahahaha…that would be gross.
      Funny you should ask about the race! It was scheduled for the first weekend of February, but they recently had to CHANGE it (I know, so weird) to February 17th. Well… more time to train, I guess! Luckily I can do it on that date (they offered a refund if anyone couldn’t.)

  2. LOVE oatmeal. I eat it every day. I add brown sugar, raisins. sometimes tumeric.

    I love Fr. Toast more but I need someone to make it for me… no time.

    I’ve had pumpkin chili and pumpkin oatmeal so far… tis the season.

    I’m reading the Midnight Library… it’s short LOL.

  3. I’m very much a savory breakfast person. Like if there’s no egg (or tofu with scrambled egg seasoning) is it even breakfast?

    But I will admit that the breakfast cookies caught my eye. I used to eat oatmeal for a midmorning office snack a million years ago, but it’s kind of fallen out of my life. I like oatmeal much more as a dessert ==> in the topping of apple crisp or in an oatmeal raisin cookie. A few weeks ago I got a slice of vegan, gluten free cheesecake on one of my trips and there were oats in the crust AND it was everything.

    1. I will say these breakfast cookies are sweeter than I would normally like- I’m only using them for a pre- or mid-run snack, so I put in the full amount of maple syrup AND dates. So be warned! One of my current “normal” breakfasts is a sandwich with “breakfast tofu” (recipe from No Meat Athlete.) Yes, a savory breakfast is delicious!

  4. I need to make a batch of those fall cookies, stat. (And thanks for the link back!)

    I am also reading The Running Grave! It is so good. I have such negative feelings toward the author, but man can she write a book. And I love reading about cults. It’s so fascinating! I am trying not to gulp this one down in five minutes, but it’s hard because I just want to keep reading and reading.

    1. Yes, i love that this one is about cults. And the storytelling is so, so good. I wish I could be gulping it down quicker! I feel like things keep interrupting my reading, and I want to find out what happens!

  5. I love oatmeal and I’ll start eating it more frequently during the cooler months! I really love the pumpkin bowls – so cute! Where did you get them?
    And hooray for trying out these breakfast cookies – I am glad they were a success. They look delicious!

    1. SADLY, I got the pumpkin bowl and Pier 1, which has now closed! I loved that store- they had the cutest things. Sigh.
      Thanks for the recipe! They are definitely delicious.

  6. That oatmeal looks SO good. I’ve started making mine with protein powder and I add some frozen raspberries + the powder with 1/4 cup oatmeal. Once it’s cooked I add a bit of PB, pumpkin seeds, raisins, chocolate chips, and banana. SO good. I can never finish the whole bowl, so I pop it in the fridge and it’s equally delicious cold which I did not think was possible with oatmeal.

    I LOVED that recipe of Suzanne’s. I doubled all the spices, but that is just how I roll with cookies like that.

    Love all the pumpkin nods – that blanket looks oh so cozy, and those bowls are too cute for words <3

    1. Your oatmeal recipe sounds like it’s about half oatmeal and half add-ins… and I like that!
      i made the cookies last night and did not double the spices- but I might the next time I make them.

  7. You reminded me that I had a breakfast cookie that I loved for a while. I have to dig it out! You are all ready for pumpkin season over there

  8. I don’t think I’ve had any pumpkin yet, but I have a pumpkin soup recipe I like, maybe I’ll make it soon.

    My current favorite way to eat oatmeal is with a diced nectarine at the bottom, then oatmeal, then some nuts (pecans right now), and a swirl of raspberry jam. It’s delicious. I’ve had savory oatmeal once or twice, which I think had cheese and vegetables and an egg. I really liked it the first time I made it, but the second time not as much, and I did everything the same. Who knows.

    1. Ha, I feel like all my meals are like that. Great the first time and then I can never replicate it. Your oatmeal recipe sounds delicious though!

  9. My Husband grew all these pumpkins, but I haven’t had the time to cook them yet. Maybe I should just cook and puree and then freeze it for later?Oatmeal is definitely a cooler weather thing for me… it’s one of my first signs of true fall when I start feeling the urge to make oatmeal. I actually just made my first big batch or oatmeal this week! I did steel cut oats in the Instant Pot with coconut milk, maple syrup, and pecans. I like savory oatmeal too- i’ll do a version of congee, but with oatmeal, where I’ll add ginger, scallions, sesame oil, soy sauce and top it with an egg.
    I want to try that breakfast cookie recipe! I need more ideas for grab and go breakfasts.

    1. Wow. If you grown your own pumpkins, cook, puree and then use them in recipes… I’m super impressed.
      I used to drink smoothies for breakfast in the summer and oatmeal in the cooler months, but now I eat oatmeal year-round. Even though I complain 9incessantly) about the heat, I like a hot breakfast and hot tea, even in the summer.

  10. Oh I love the pumpkin bowls. I have a smallish collection of china that looks like the thing it holds, so those would work (I have melon bowls shaped like melon slices and two asparagus plates that look like asparagus spears laid next to each other and tied with that purple string they use – it’s a good collection strategy as they’re not that common so you don’t get overwhelmed!). I have quite a big book called Eve which is a history based on women’s biology, sociology etc and I’ve realised it’s 600p in print (I have it on Kindle). Argh!

    1. Oh, I would love those melon bowls and asparagus plates!
      Um… that book sounds like it would be a real project to get through.

  11. I’m planning to make those fall cookies Suzanne linked to this weekend! I hope to anyway, I just got home from visiting my parents and I have so much to catch up on! Your pumpkin bowls are so cute!

  12. Ooohh…I did make that spiced chocolate chip cookie last year. I know a lot of people said they doubled the spices, but I did not and I thought it was great as is. I did start making them in three ounce servings instead of four ounces because I was having a hard time getting the four ounces to bake all the way through the middle without scorching the edges. Maybe that’s much information about my baking process!

    I am excited to read that book. I am greatly amused by your two pillow set-up and it will probably amuse you to know that I almost always read with a pillow propping up a physical book! I find my Kindle to be so much easier to read!

    1. I made them yesterday and did not double the spices- I was making them mainly for my daughter and her friends and wasn’t sure how much ginger they would tolerate. They really liked them, and they smelled delicious. Oh and I didn’t go by ounces- I just scooped out a reasonable-looking amount of dough, and they came out perfectly.

    1. I’m still working on real foods as run fuel. Yesterday I tried dates but they were way too gooey. I’m trying to figure out what I like to eat other than gels!

  13. I should make SAN’s breakfast cookie recipe. Maybe taco would eat then and breakfast wouldn’t be the battle it currently is. Taco is NOT a morning person and he often wants one of Phil’s yogurts but Phil feels like he eats enough yogurt and can eat something else so he suggests something else (I am team eat whatever gets him out the door). So then he will want yogurt AND PB toast and it makes for the longest eating process. But a breakfast ‘cookie’ could appeal to him and solve this conundrum.

    GF baking kind of sucks so I don’t have a fave fall cookie. I love oatmeal and eat it most days. I top mine with cinnamon and a sliced banana. Not exciting but healthy and filling!

    1. I’m pretty sure Taco would like these cookies- they’re pretty sweet. I’m with you- I would totally let him eat whatever he wants for breakfast (barring of course a candy bar, ha ha) just to get out the door more easily.

  14. Oh my goodness, it really is a Fall Palooza over there! I love it!! I have not been able to get all of my Halloween decorations out due to the, um, puppy… (and my weekend getaway), so I do not feel quite in my right “Halloween’ state of mind yet. I am not sure I even WILL get everything out, since I am sure the puppy will just try to eat them, anyway. Hmph. We’ll see.

    That is a huge book! lol!! My reading took a nosedive as soon as we got Charlie. I had been so diligently reading first thing in the morning, but now… I’m taking puppy out and entertaining him. He has been coming to my office while I try to do a few things in my “quiet hour”, but I will say- he’s not so good at the “lie quietly while mom reads” thing yet. HA.

    I am craving some more fall foods. I need to make a list. However, cooking a lot is also proving to be challenging with a puppy…. LIFE is proving to be challenging with a puppy!! hehehe! We’ll get there…. 😉

    1. Yeah, you basically have a toddler right now so certain things will fall to the wayside. That’s okay… he’s worth it!!!

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