walkers walk… but runners fly

Reading, Eating, and Ruminating…

You know what I hate about running injuries?  After a while it gets SO BORING.  My calf is hurting me AGAIN, and I started to write a post yesterday all about it.  First I was ranting, then I was wallowing, and then I thought about my husband’s friend who’s dying from ALS, and I deleted the whole post.

Today I read SHU’s post about near-death experiences and how they can change your perspective.  It reminded me of something I like to do when I’m feeling down: imagine that I suddenly end up in the hospital, incapacitated in some way, my whole life turned upside-down.  Then I think of everything I would miss about my normal life, even in the absence of running.

If I were suddenly out of commission I would miss getting up in the morning and feeding the cats; I would miss driving my daughter to camp; I would miss drinking my cup of Earl Grey in the morning; I would even miss going to work.  Hey, my everyday life is pretty great- I don’t want to wait for some tragedy to happen so I can appreciate it in retrospect.

Okay, onto the books!  I finished two books this week, The Decagon House Murders and this one:

The Decagon House Murders is another classic Japanese mystery, written by the same author as The Mill House Murders, Yukito Ayatsuji. If you appreciate mysteries, these are good ones!  The Decagon House Murders was inspired by Agatha’s Christie’s And Then There Were None, and you will NOT guess the ending.

The Claudia Gray book is the third in her “Jane Austen” series.  Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy’s son, Jonathon, is now a young adult. He and Juliet Tilney (also a young adult, daughter of Catherine Moreland of Northanger Abbey) team up to solve another mystery.

If you love Jane Austen, this book couldn’t be more fun.  It involves Lady Catherine de Bourgh, who- Pride and Prejudice fans will remember- is the patroness of the fawning and ridiculous Mr. Collins.  Mr. Collins and Charlotte, along with their two children, feature prominently in the story.

If you aren’t a fan of Jane AustenI wouldn’t recommend this book.  The mystery is passable, but the real fun is revisiting beloved characters.  Gray does a good job of writing in Austen’s style and keeping the characters true to the originals.  And one more thing- definitely read this series in order.  The third book has spoilers to the two previous mysteries.

Eating- The Return of Kamala Kookies!

Okay, this is a little weird, but if you’ve been reading for a while you know my family has some strange traditions.  Right around this time four years ago, my sister and I discovered the Banana Bread Cookie recipe from Cadry’s Kitchen.  Neither one of us can remember why, but we started calling them “Kamala Kookies.”  I think it was just random silliness- as far as I know, Kamala Harris has no affiliation with bananas, banana bread, or cookies- but the name stuck.

WELL.  Obviously, it’s time to bake the Kamala Kookies again!  I used this maple syrup and these chocolate chips:

… and used the alternate flax/water mixture in place of applesauce (I also added 1/4 teaspoon salt, which wasn’t called for in the recipe.) I even made this batch with chickpea flour, and they still came out well!

To be clear, these are definitely “healthy” cookies.  I wouldn’t bring them to a bake sale, but I’m enjoying them.  Many more batches of Kamala Kookies to come!  (Note to self- next time, add walnuts or pecans.  Yum.)

What are you reading now?

Do you believe in “healthy” cookies?  Or do you think cookies should be a delicious treat-not a time to be worrying about health?

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Weekly Rundown- Everything is Awesome!

I don’t want to say this injury is behind me, because that would be tempting fate a little too much.  But let’s just say “Everything is Awesome” from The Lego Movie has been running through my head, and life seems good!  I’m linking up as always with Kim and Deborah for this Weekly Rundown.  Here’s how it all played out… Sunday I walked one mile and ran 3. Everything felt good! Monday I did lower body strength at home, including single leg exercises and squats.  One of the (few) things I’m proud of from my work this summer is the progress I made in the one leg sit-to-stand.  It’s one of the foundation exercises on Sally McRae’s app and also one of the hip stability exercises from Brad Beer’s book.  You start sitting on a chair or bench, and stand up using one leg, then sit back down, stand up again, etc. only on one leg.  When I first started I could only do five reps on each leg- now I can do 36 reps!!!  At least something has improved. I also did Caroline Girvan’s deadbug workout..  I’m really tired of it by now! Tuesday I walked 3 miles… … and then did a different core workout!  I did Caroline Girvan’s Standing Abs Workout, and I liked it.  At least, I liked doing something different. Wednesday Again, I walked one mile and ran 3.  Still feeling good! Thursday I did my single leg exercises, and another core workout.  This one Engie recommended, MadFit Standing Core Workout..  I liked this one too!  Then I had time for 20 minutes of walking. At night we watched the Dolphins game, which was a complete fiasco.  We lost, and our quarterback got ANOTHER CONCUSSION.  The poor guy will be out for… ever?  The rest of the season?  I feel really bad for him, and now our season is a shambles after only the second game. Friday Gym day!  It was a very squat-focused workout, because I skipped deadlifts.  My low back is nagging at me again, and deadlifts sadly make it worse.  After squats and Bulgarian split squats I did some core (abs and low back machines.) At night I planned to go to our high school football game, but it rained so much that the band couldn’t play (so I didn’t go.)  They did manage to play in the rain and our team won!  This was our homecoming, and last year’s homecoming was completely rained out.  September outdoor events just shouldn’t be a thing in South Florida. Saturday This was a big day- I walked one mile and ran 4!!!  I’m getting there! At night we watched the Baylor game.  FINALLY.  A game where it didn’t rain, no one got injured, and we WON!  At least the football week ended on a high note. Sunday Off!  Sleeping in and waffles will be involved (obviously.) So, it was a good week.  Moving forward, I’m going to cautiously try running every other day.  Running every third day was great to get me back from this injury, but I can’t do that forever! How was your week?  Were there any moments where you sang “Everything is Awesome?” Top photo by Stainless Images on Unsplash

Friday Coffee Date!

Hey, it’s Friday!  Pour yourself a beverage in your favorite fall mug (wait- you do have one, right?) and join me. Let’s talk about the weekend!  Tonight is another high school football game, and I will be there.  The last two weeks have been away games, so I’ve missed going.  But you know what that means- it’s time for Homecoming!  My daughter decided to go to the dance with a group of friends, and we started thinking about what she would wear.  But let’s back up for a moment… The high school concert band uniform is tuxes for the boys and long black dresses for girls.  When my daughter was a freshman last year, she said she would prefer to wear a tux. Now, I wasn’t entirely opposed to this, but I just preferred that she wear a dress… like all the other girls?  I told her that whatever she decided to do was fine, but there’s a reason boys usually wear suits and girls usually wear dresses.  Girls are more curvy, so dresses flatter them more.  My daughter is very curvy, and I thought a tux would just make her look kind of big all over. She decided to wear the dress, and I thought she looked lovely!  Then I was telling my friend about how well I handled that situation, and she thought I was VERY WRONG.  Why, she asked, did it matter how she looked?  Why did I make that the most important thing? Er- good question.  When it was time for New Year’s, my daughter wanted to wear a suit to the party.  I agreed immediately, and she actually looked kind of cute (not that it mattered!) Later I asked how she liked wearing the suit, and she said “I loved it.  I felt really confident.”  Okay then. Back to Homecoming!  My daughter said she wanted to wear a suit, and we got to work on her outfit (I was tasked with finding her some new pants, which was surprisingly hard.) Then yesterday she went to the mall to help her friend find a dress, and came home with… a dress, which she is now wearing to Homecoming. You guys, I can’t keep up!  Girls are so hard!!!  Boys are so. much. easier. Anyway, while my daughter is at the dance on Saturday night, my husband and I will be watching the Baylor game!  I have a fun fall-themed dinner planned, with some new things to sample from Trader Joe’s. One last thing- I’ve submitted my request for postponement of jury duty.  Weirdly, the request had to be submitted in writing, and by that I mean I had to write a letter and mail it through the U.S. postal service.  When was the last time you did that? I was so confused.  I couldn’t even really remember how to do it.  When I printed out my letter, my husband looked at it and said “You didn’t leave room for your signature.”  Oh yeah- I totally forgot.  Then I had to find an envelope and a stamp, and take it to the mailbox… I mean, don’t we have more modern methods of communication nowadays?  Anyway, I hope it gets there, and I hope I get my postponement (actually, I’m hoping they forget all about me, but if worst comes to worst I’ll take a postponement.) That’s it for this week! When was the last time you mailed a letter?  I don’t mean a greeting card or postcard, but like an official letter?   Do you think I was wrong to encourage my daughter to wear a dress?  How much does appearance matter? What are your plans for the weekend? Top photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Reading and Eating

I finished Winter of the World, which will from now on be referred to simply as WOW.  It was so, so good, and I’m getting ready to start the third book in the trilogy!  It starts in 1961, where the second book left off. But let’s go back to last week- I had my trip to the used bookstore.  It was everything I hoped it would be (look away, Engie!  I’ve discovered that Engie does NOT like used bookstores!) As I hoped, I did leave with a stack of books. Some classic murder mysteries- I can never resist- and more Ken Follett.  I have no plans to read The Pillars of the Earth anytime soon, but I know I’ll read it eventually, and I couldn’t pass up an opportunity to get a used copy in good condition. Eating!  Once again, I did not do any meal prep on Sunday so we’re limping through the week.  The good news is, I think I’m training my husband and daughter to expect less and less in the dinner department.  I mean- we do eat.  It’s just not fancy. Sunday morning I made gluten-free pumpkin pancakes from Running on Real Food.  First, let’s look at a picture from the website: And here’s, ahem, mine. All that garnish aside, mine look really weird.  But they did taste good!  Chickpea flour is my new favorite flour.  By the way, if you’re making pumpkin baked good this fall, don’t forget the formula to make them really flavorful- double the amount of pumpkin spice, and add a pinch of cloves.  And whatever you do, do NOT forget the salt! What are you reading now? Top photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Getting Back on Track

I wrote in Sunday’s post that I’ve been feeling like my life is just a little off track.  Then I looked around my house and realized one of the reasons is that I’ve been half-assing my beloved Pumpkin Palooza.  I had some, but not all, of my fall decorations out, and then a summer-y wreath was lying on the table.  Furthermore, I hadn’t had one special meal or snack to celebrate the start of football season. This was all wrong!  I needed to rectify the situation right away.  I lit a fall candle… …and got out all the rest of my fall decorations while watching the first half of the Dolphins game.  At halftime I put together a little charcuterie board… …and then we watched the Dolphins come from behind to win the game.  Fall is back on track! Let’s move on to running.  SIGH.  So far, my calf seems to be better, but my race plans are in tatters.  Back in May, I signed up for a race on November 9th.  It’s a trail race, and you run as far as you can in a certain amount of time.  I chose the 12 hour option. Hahahahaha.  Even if everything goes perfectly from now on, I’ll have no business running a 12 hour race in two months.  I guess the good news is, it’s a 4.5 mile loop that you run over and over again.  I can go and just run a couple loops.  That would be kind of sad- but maybe less sad than not going at all?  I’ve already paid for the race so if I can run at all, I’ll probably go. Now let’s deal with this jury summons.  I know it’s our civic duty, but I think it’s unfair that it creates more of a financial hardship for some people than others.  Additionally, some people never get called for jury duty, and some people get called all the time!  Luckily I’ve come up with a great solution. My plan is, all registered voters would be required to submit a form every five years, indicating the time they would like to do their jury duty.  That way, people would be able to pick a time that works best with their work schedule, and have time in advance to arrange for childcare, etc. Of course, if everyone chose July of 2027 it would be a fiasco.  But I have solutions for that too!  People who are retired, independently wealthy, or who have a very flexible work schedule could volunteer to be “swing jurors,” willing to be called at any time.  There could be incentives for people who serve in months like December (which I’m guessing would be the least popular)- like if you sit on a jury in December, you’re exempt for the rest of your life. I’ll be submitting my request for a postponement- do you think I should include my detailed plan for an overhaul of the entire system?  Haha, that might get me excused permanently (“Don’t let this woman near the courthouse- she’s obviously a troublemaker!”) Anyway, I’m starting to feel a little better.  As long as I can continue to run and nothing else goes wrong, I think I’m back on track. How do you like my plan?  Would you volunteer to be a “swing juror?” Top photo by Redd F on Unsplash  

25 Responses

  1. I completely get you on the injury thing. I’ve decided to get over myself and just enjoy skimming around the park slowly with friends, at least I’m moving, etc. Counting your blessings is an old favourite for a reason!

    I’m reading Susie Dent’s Modern Tribes which is about jargon different groups of people use. It’s interesting but really dense and it’s one of my 20 Books of Summer project so I need to read it and get it out of the way but it’s quite a tough read! I’m interspersing it with a light novel set in Chicago, Between Friends and Lovers by Shirlene Obuobi, and Dara McAnulty’s Diary of a Young Naturalist, he’s an autistic teenager who finds solace in nature.

    No cookies in this low saturated fat / diabetic household but they look fun and love the nickname. Keeping our fingers crossed for Kamala over here while unable to do anything!

    1. Liz, I’m also keeping my fingers crossed while feeling semi-helpless as well. Because of the way the electoral college works, and the fact that I live in Florida, my vote probably won’t even count (wait, WHY do we have this system???) But I can at least do my part by eating lots of Kamala Kookies.

  2. Fully agree about remembering big scale of things. when my ankle acted out 3 weeks out of my paris marathon, I decided that I’ll just do what I can to manage it while focusing on having a good family trip to paris. I love running, as you do too, but they are not essential to life in reality. somedays i do feel it as essential for my mental wellness, but not at the same level as having dinner with my girls, preparing their food, chatting with them type of essential.
    Healthy cookies, I am all for it mainly because I find the normal cookies too sweet, too oily, just too much for my taste palate.
    you just replace the chickpea flour 1-1 with normal flour? I’ll give it a try.

    1. Yes, I used the same amount of chickpea flour as the white flour the recipe called for. I’ve also made pancakes with chickpea flour- it works well! Just don’t taste the raw batter- it has a funny taste when raw, but you can’t taste it when they’re cooked.

  3. I do love Jane Austen, I love her too much to read anything that is “based on,” if that makes sense. I really have trouble reading books that are reimaginings of beloved books or fan fiction-types. AM I A BOOK SNOB? I don’t think I am but I do know that I would hate that book, sorry Jenny! It’s a me problem, not a book problem (also, you know me and mysteries). I’m not yucking your yum though, because I’m happy you liked it!
    Isn’t it funny how some things will make you really change your perspective? I felt that way when a former yoga student and friend died in 2021. In her last years she really changed my perspective about things – I picked up Embrace The Season from her, and vowed never to complain about the weather again, even in the depths of the Calgary winters, I didn’t.
    I think of cookies and baked goods as a treat, and I don’t worry about them being healthy. I do generally cut back on sugar when I’m baking, but I still think of baking as a nice treat to be enjoyed. Life is too short, and I don’t want to get to the end of life not having a cookie, you know?
    Gosh, why am I so “end of life” today? Anyway, I just finished an interesting book and have started Come And Get It, I will report back.

    1. Ha ha, yes maybe we shouldn’t dwell on these morbid subjects TOO much. I get what you’re saying about Jane Austen. When I read books like this, I find myself thinking “Oh so THAT’S what happened with Charlotte…” then I have to remind myself that this is not actual Jane Austen, it’s made up, and THEN I remind myself that all the characters are made up to begin with- so I’m fine with imagining these books are extensions of the actual Jane Austen books.

  4. There is lots of food for thought here! I spent some time in the hospital on Monday, but for a very good reason. I had my first colonoscopy, so I had lots of downtime this week, and spent most of it ruminating on how wonderful it is to be in good health.

    I read SHU’s post and the thing that I would do differently if I had a few months, a year, or five years left was screaming out at the universe at me – quit my stupid job immediately.

    Yay for Kamala cookies! Generally if I’m having a cookie I want a treat, but I do eat things like cereal bars which are kind of in the neighborhood of healthy cookies.

    1. Me, too, Birchie!! I had my first colonoscopy on Monday! It was a terrible 48 hours! I am so thankful that my body works the way I want it to the vast majority of the time!

    2. Oh, colonoscopy. I hope everything is fine (it sounds like it is) and that it wasn’t TOO unpleasant. The prep isn’t fun but the actual procedure really isn’t that bad.
      I can’t be trusted around actual, delicious, sugary-y cookies, so I have to settle for the healthy version, if I have them at all.

  5. I’ll answer based on desserts as I never developed a taste for cookies. I love cake, and will usually follow the recipe, but don’t see why I shouldn’t add some dried fruit and nuts. Family sometimes complains about this, but they still get cake :). I guess, my principle is to add more things that are good for health rather than remove or restrict the things that aren’t?

    Had some pretty intense reads this week (57 Bus and The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida), so taking it easy with my backup read, which is an Engie rec _Fall of Giants_.

    1. OOH! I read The 57 Bus, and it made me understand the issue of binary/non-binary like I never understood it before. Great book. And- I’ll be starting Fall of Giants very soon.
      I’ve tried that strategy of adding healthy things to desserts, and my family usually complains. They have this uncanny ability to taste the slightest variations, somehow.

  6. Things can be healthy and delicious. My boss just brought some potato-based fudge from her vacation in Canada and it’s only 20 calories a piece! Also, carrots. They’re healthy and delicious. Oh, and sun gold cherry tomatoes. They are sooo good. Tomato season is HERE!! Okay, I’m back. I got distracted by thinking about produce for a minute.

    1. Okay, true. But I still say if I’m craving a cookie, I probably won’t be satisfied by a tomato. But I get what you’re saying. And btw you and Birchie had a colonoscopy on the same day? Did you coordinate that? Seems like quite a coincidence.

  7. Some good food for thought (and eating!) here! Death or illness can really shift our perspective when it comes to appreciating the little things in life. Besides running, there are definitely things about my day to day life that I would miss if I was suddenly unable to do them, like just being outside for one thing!

    The cookies look really good and I love the name! I think there’s definitely a place for healthier desserts, like if you want to be able to eat them more often than just special occasions. I’m not a huge cookie or cake person though — vegan ice cream is my dessert of choice — so I’m more likely to choose the healthier option when it comes to those and splurge on the ice cream!

    1. Ah, vegan ice cream. I can’t get over how many amazing flavors there are now! There’s even a vegan, sugar-free ice cream that So Delicious makes. But it has erythritol, and somehow the combo of that sweetener and… maybe the cold of the ice cream?… sometimes makes my stomach hurt. But I eat it every once in a while anyway. Why is ice cream so good???

  8. That is sad about your friend’s husband that has ALS. When we think about things like that, it makes our problems seem pretty small. BUT they are still our problems and deserve some attention because they make life harder for us. So I try to balance having some compassion towards myself for things that are making my life hard right now (basically my RA) with realizing that I am lucky that my problems are not more serious.

    I am reading “Same as it ever was” which is such a long book and it’s character driven so I would not recommend it for you. I am enjoying it but wondering if it really needed to be over 500 pages long??

    I don’t make many “healthy” cookies. I don’t make many cookies in general, so when I make them, they are the real deal. I would be up for making healthier cookies if they are something my kids would eat that has some fiber in it because both boys struggle w/ constipation. But I fear neither of them would eat a healthy cookie!

  9. Hmm. They MIGHT like these because of the chocolate chips. And I think you could eat them if you make them with chickpea flour instead of regular flour, right?
    That’s a good way of putting it- our problems are still there and we can’t ignore them. Just because someone else can’t get out of bed doesn’t mean you can’t be upset about the ongoing flare in your finger that makes everyday life difficult. Like you said, it has to be a balance.

  10. When you are injured and unable to run, everything just feels so hard and depressing. It can be so difficult to put it into perspective. I believe it was you who once told me: you have recovered from 100% of your previous injuries. And you were right 🙂

    1. I know Deborah- that was me. Why is it so easy to say it to other people, and so hard to hear it myself?

  11. I am of the school of thought that if a cookie tastes great, I am good with whatever it is made with, haha! So true on your ruminating thoughts. I feel like I’ve spent the last few weeks in a bit of a funk, but it all really is a moment that will pass – I have my little family and cups of tea and books and this whole life to savor and a moment is just a moment by design…

  12. I’m so sorry your calf is still bothering you. I used to love Agatha Christie books. I just finished “End Of Story” which has several references to specific novels. I should check out those Japanese mysteries.

  13. Injuries are so hard, but it’s always good to have a little perspective. Your hard is still hard, but you can also be grateful that this is what you’re dealing with rather than something else. I hope the calf gets better SOON!

  14. Perspective is good, but it doesn’t negate the hard, for me. Just makes it a little less… painful? Literally, sometimes, and figuratively.
    I hope you are on the mend now, but I also think – and this is not what you probably want to hear – that you may need to make a hard stop to your attempts to come back so quickly. Just my 0.02, and you can obviously ignore me as I am not an orthopedist or a PT. 🙂
    I prefer healthy options BUT am a moderator so am usually able to eat a small amount of whatever non-healthy thing is available (For me, it’s ICE CREAM all the way!) and then supplement with healthy (whole fruit, usually). It works for me, but it would not work for all.

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