I had a post planned for yesterday, all about how I was still “making every day count” in spite of the less-than-ideal circumstances. But somehow it didn’t ring true, and I guess I just have to admit I’m struggling with it.
When Sarah had her injury in the fall, and was so unhappy that she couldn’t run and impatient to get back to it, she talked about how she also didn’t want to just wish the days away. She still wanted to experience every day to the fullest, even though it was a tough time for her.
It is a dilemma. Life feels kind of flat without running, going to the gym every day is getting old, and I want my ankle healed up NOW. In the weeks leading up to my race, in order to savor the time and not try to rush though it, every day I would tell myself “There will never be another day exactly like this one.” Now when I say that, a sarcastic voice in my head says ‘Well, I would certainly HOPE not.”
Be quiet, sarcastic voice! Every day still counts.
But let’s not dwell on it- we all have our challenges, and they don’t last forever. Let’s talk about FOOD!
Two weeks ago I made these Gochujang Bowls (I used tofu instead of chicken) and they were so good, I decided to try another recipe from the same website. I picked this curry.
When I first tasted it, it was a little bland. But what I’ve learned is, if a recipe has all sorts of interesting ingredients- this one had curry paste, peanut butter, coconut milk- but doesn’t taste flavorful enough, it just needs more salt. So I added enough salt to where it was delicious. It was also nice to eat something different- we all love tofu and broccoli, and could eat it every day. I have to push myself to have more variety.
On a less healthy note, my daughter has been asking me to make cheesecake. I’m not sure if I’ve ever made a vegan cheesecake, but I checked my trusty source, Nora Cooks, and found a recipe for “The Best Vegan Cheesecake.” Well, okay then!
Nora suggests using Tofutti brand cream cheese, but I haven’t seen that anywhere in ages, so I used Kite Hill instead. She also gives the option of making the full recipe in a springform pan, or cutting the filling in half and baking it in a regular pie pan. I chose the second option. Now, I know it won’t win any awards for presentation…
… but it was DELICIOUS. My daughter and husband both loved it, and I even took a tiny, tiny taste because I was so curious. (I usually don’t eat desserts because I’m a recovering sugar-holic.) It was incredible.
I’m planning to make it when my son is home, and I’ll make the full recipe. I’ll also make the suggested fresh strawberry topping, which my daughter didn’t want this time because she wanted the “full, plain, cheesecake experience.” If you’re looking for a vegan cheesecake recipe (and who isn’t?) this is the one.
Moving on to reading. Eh. I made the grave error of reading another one of the books my client gave me, and it was not good.

When will I learn? And why did I read the whole thing? To cleanse my palate after that, I’m re-reading an Agatha Christie. You can’t go wrong with her, unless of course you remember the ending halfway through- but so far it’s still a mystery to me (I probably read it originally at least thirty years ago, so re-reading works in this case.)
Meanwhile, I’m waiting for some library holds to come in, and I’m especially excited to read Everyone on this Train is a Suspect by Benjamin Stevenson.. He wrote Everyone in my Family Has Killed Someone, which I really enjoyed, and this one takes place on a train, a la Murder on the Orient Express. I’m #2 on the hold list- hurry up, library!
Have you ever made a cheesecake? Are you a cheesecake fan? – I never ate them much in my pre-gan days, and since I’ve been vegan I’ve probably only had vegan cheesecake at a restaurant… a handful of times? That’s why I had to taste this one!
Are you reading anything good right now?
Header photo by Nathan Dumlao
29 Responses
It’s ok to whine!
I’m injured right now as well… with 5 weeks to go until the London Marathon. I’m so desperate for the injury to heal, but I think I would like time to pass slower so that my body has more time to heal until April.
I’m reading Deena Kastor’s book right now. I especially liked the part where she’s injured but still participated in the Olympics. Through all the disappointment, she somehow managed to keep a positive attitude. I think I’ll never reach that level of mental fortitude!
I LOVE Deena Kastor’s book! I need to re-read that part. Sending lots of healing vibes your way, Catrina.
Why yes I am reading something good right now, thanks for asking! Every Last One by Anna Quindlen!!!! Jenny, it is so so so so so so good and I’m only 20% in. When you talked about it last week I had a gut feeling that I needed to read it.
I do love a good cheesecake. I usually make cheesecake bars to make life easier. Last fall I got a slice of cheesecake at a vegan restaurant and was SHOCKED at how good it was.
I guarantee that you are making every day count, but part of the healing process is having those moments when life is just not fabulous. I know I’ve written and deleted a few dozen posts on this topic…
GAH! I’m SO GLAD you’re reading that book! It’s just so good, I want everyone to read it. I can’t wait for you to finish it so we can discuss.
That cheesecake looks amazing! I LOVE cheesecake. I made one last weekend with yogurt and it was very tasty.
I didn’t realize Stevenson had another book out! I really enjoyed Everyone in My Family so I need to put the Train one on my list!
Your point about not wanting to wish the days away is a good one, and I also think it’s okay to feel your feelings! This is a very challenging part of your training and recovery. Sending you love.
Thank you Suzanne! And- I just picked up the Stevenson book today. I’m excited to read it!
Sign me up for that curry! I love a good peanut based sauce, and the peanuts on top really take the cake. I have never had vegan cheesecake but I like cheesecake, so why not! I am not a sugar-holic, in fact, I am not really a huge sweets person, but cheesecake or creme brule are my go to desserts, since they are not overly sweet like some others. I also love a good carrot cake if it is not too sweet.
Gah, I remember feeling like you are feeling. I used to run with a bunch of people every Saturday and one week I was injured and had to miss the normal run and I was kind of depressed. That was my chance to get outside and catch up with my friends and I felt a severe case of FOMO, not just that day, but every day, even when I would normally run alone. It is such a huge part of your schedule and your day and your life, that it makes sense that you are feeling a bit down due to not being at 100%. Just take it easy though, as your recovery now will pay many dividends later, despite the difficulty now!
Thanks Kyria! Yes, we’ve all gone through this. It’s so hard- but I guess you could say it makes us appreciate the good times more. I’ll never complain about running in the heat again! I just want to run.
It’s totally normal to want to wish days away, especially during tough times! I know it seems tedious now but all those gym days will really help you once your body is ready to get back to running.
I haven’t had vegan cheesecake very often, besides trying the Daiya cheesecake once or twice, but yours looks really good and I would definitely try it with a strawberry topping!
My sister reports that the Daiya cheesecake is NOT good! I haven’t tried it myself so I wouldn’t know. So if you’re in the mood for cheesecake you should try making this one- it really wasn’t very hard.
So sorry you’re having a rough time! That sounds so so challenging… I can totally see why you’re going crazy!! Unfortunately not much you can do except stay the course and remember this too shall pass…
I am probably in the minority in that I will not eat cheesecake! I do not like cream cheese at all. Yucky yuck! I know it’s wildly popular with most normal people though. Haha And you know what- I have never read anything by Agatha Christie! I was planning to this year, because we originally had plans to travel to Egypt this June. There is a fancy hotel along the Nile in Aswan, Egypt, called the Old Cataract that we were going to go to- this is where Agatha actually lived for like a year and where she was when she wrote the entirety of Death on the Nile. Apparently they even have a tour where you can see the particular room she stayed in, the view, etc. Anyway, I was planning to read/watch some of her works to get familiar before we went. But now that we cancelled that trip, I haven’t picked any of her books up yet. I should still do this!
Oh, I LOVED Death on the Nile! But I guess you’ve switched your focus to books set in Hawaii, right? : )
I never really liked cheesecake, so I don’t make it vegan or otherwise. Truthfully, I find vegan cheese to be so full of weird ingredients that I tend to avoid them, unless I’m going to go through the trouble to make my own. That said, I did try a vegan Babybel around Christmas and it was pretty decent. Remember the days when there was like one brand of vegan cheese, and that brand tasted like sadness? There are so many better options now, so I’m going to circle back to my OG comment and say that some vegan cheeses (particularly those that are nut-based) can be not bad! Wow, is this comment a roller coaster or what? NOT DELETING, I’LL JUST KEEP GOING EVEN THOUGH I HAVE LOST THE THREAD.
What else, what else. Oh, I just finished rereading The Friend, which is excellent and hit me SO differently this time around, and Whereabouts. Both great – I don’t usually tell people my “star rating” but I give them a 5 and a 4.5, respectively.
Oh I know what I was going to say: hang in there! There will be a time after this!
Ha ha… okay, so you don’t like cheesecake. Understandable! Or wait- you don’t like vegan cheeses. But some of the new ones are pretty good. I agree, most of them are pretty processed and not the healthiest thing. But no one ever said cheesecake was healthy.
To be clear, I didn’t WANt to wish the days away but it was still really hard and I whined a lot!! It wasn’t my best era. But looking back it’s more of a blip and yours will be too. Sending ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you SHU! I know…. we don’t want to wish the days away, but we want them to speed by… it’s a weird position to be in. But, you’re right- your injury was a blip. Now you’re back at it 100%, These things always do pass!
I think the sarcastic voice in my head would say the same thing! That curry recipe looks really good. I love Kite Hill cream cheese but never thought of using it to make a cheesecake!! I am going to have to make this one soon for sure.
I am pretty good about stopping a book if I don’t like it. I feel like it is a waste of my time to keep reading it!
I hope you heal up soon! I know it is so frustrating!
Thank you Melodie!!! And I know… I relly have to get better at DNF’ing books. I agree, it’s a waste of time to keep reading a book you’re not enjoying.
I love A Pocket Full of Rye!! What a good cleansing read 😉 To be honest, I have been whiny all day (and then in a minor spiral for being so whiny), but I’ve decided to just be where I’m at and remember that not every day is shiny (that’s how I can appreciate the really good days/weeks). I know “this too shall pass” and all that, but you have a good reason to be in your feels and that is ok too!
Thank you Lindsay! Yes, every day can’t be great (or, shiny- I like that word for it!) We need the not-so-great days so we can really appreciate the good ones when they happen.
Being injured and unable to participate in your best mental health practice has to be SO TOUGH. It’s hard to be patient and wait for the injury to heal. I’m sorry you’re struggling, friend.
I can’t wait to read Everyone on This Train is a Suspect – I love the approach Benjamin Stevenson takes with his novels!
I’m reading Death on the Nile! It is so much different than I was expecting, considering the murder doesn’t happen until 100+ pages in! But it’s intriguing me.
Yes, I remember that one is really long (for her) and it takes a while. But I loved it, and the ending is great. I’m starting the Stevenson tonight!
I do know how you feel… exactly. But it will be over but unfortunately not a soon as you’d like.
I have made cheesecake but not lately. I’m not a big fancy. Apple pie, that’s a different story.
I’m reading Heaven and Earth Grocery store.
I do know how you feel… exactly. But it will be over but unfortunately not a soon as you’d like.
I have made cheesecake but not lately. I’m not a big fan. Apple pie, that’s a different story.
I’m reading Heaven and Earth Grocery store.
Yes, I’m pretty sure you know exactly how I feel! But you’re all healed up and running again, so that’s motivation for me- I’ll get there as well.
I’ve heard good things about that book! Lots of people are liking it.
Being injured is annoying because it impact how your whole body feels. It’s not JUST your leg, right? It throws off your gait, so you have back pain, which leads to neck pain and so on. It’s fair to complain. And you’ll certainly take your body less for granted when you’re back at 100%!
We had cheesecake at our wedding instead of traditional cake. The company we went with had gluten-free cheesecake, so my husband could eat it. Cheesecake is magical.
While I obsessively love cheese, I do not like cheese cake-go figure. Also a recovering sugar lover, I’ve really come to like savory foods better. Not being able to run or do what you want, is never fun and always frustrating. Hang in there!
not being to run really takes a toll on us, mentally mostly. I hope your ankle heals steadily. I am navigating between injury/niggle/peak training. I tried acupuncture, not sure it was it or the massage stick that i’ve been using, i didn’t have pain during my almost 15 miles workout run. I’m going to see my acupuncturist again before i leave.
I’ve never made cheesecake myself… your version looks so good! My favorite dessert to make is probably flourless chocolate case or chocolate mousse.
It’s hard to really “seize the day” when you are in a rough spot of life. I think it’s ok to wish the days away at times. When I had stress fractures or was in the early days of my RA diagnosis and in so much pain, it was very unpleasant and I was so ready to get past it. I never look back at those days and think – gee, you should have soaked up life and made every minute count! Instead I think – wow, I am glad I don’t have to relive that. So sometimes I think we need to take the pressure off ourselves to want to soak up every minute of life… similarly I will not be sad when this toddler stage is over. I won’t miss trying to put clothes on a toddler that is kicking and screaming. I don’t miss this stage for Paul either. It’s just something to be “lived through.”
I’m reading “Banyon House” which is a debut novel set in Florida with flashbacks to the grandmother’s time in Vietnam. I am liking it so far!