walkers walk… but runners fly

Runfession Conundrums

Well, it’s the last Friday of the month, and that means it’s time to join Marcia for Runfessions!  This month I have several running conundrums to share, so let’s get right into it.

The first puzzler I’m grappling with is The Shoe Problem.  I recently replaced my old New Balance 880s with a new pair of the same shoe:

I’ve been wearing these since last April, and as a matter of fact these are the shoes I wore for my 50k.  The problem is… I don’t really love them.  But I don’t know what shoe I would like more.  When I went to the running store last spring and gave them my requirements- neutral shoe, wide toe box, not zero drop- this was the best we could come up with.

I really want to try the Altra Lone Peaks-

Now THAT’S a wide toe box!

but they’re zero drop, and the reason I don’t want a zero drop shoe is that I think it would aggravate my plantar fasciitis, which apparently is a permanent fixture in my life.  GAAAH!  I’m a little stuck here.

Next up: running in the dark.  Okay, I was a fool.  These hot Florida runs have been killing me, and I finally started running early in the morning before the sun is up.

WOW.  It’s literally the difference between, well, night and day.  Seriously, it’s 100 times easier.  But the first problem with this is, races are not run at 5:30 am (did you know that?)  Year ago I used to do all my running pre-dawn, and then I would go to a 5k that started at 7:30 and really suffer in the heat.  I’m afraid if I run in the dark too much I’ll lose some of my heat acclimation.

The second problem with running in the dark is, my big race this year is a trail race, and I’m obviously not training on the trails in the dark.  My race isn’t until February, and it might be cool then and it might not.  Any way you look at it, I’ll be doing some long runs in the heat.  Trails=daylight=heat=misery.  Sigh!

I know- these aren’t the worst problems I could be dealing with.  I’m not sick, I’m not injured, I have the time to train.  Overall things are good!  But these are the conundrums that are nagging at me right now.

What are you grappling with these days?  Are you happy with your shoes?  Pleas let me know if you have any ideas for me!

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42 Responses

  1. Sorry, no shoe ideas.

    I don’t know what I’d in your situation, but the truth is you can adapt to heat pretty quickly so I think you’re fine now. Seriously, how will it help if you get heatstroke someday?

    I used to run more just before sunrise but I really don’t like getting out there that early any more so I feel your pain! But not the heat. Very Fall like. Although some Indian Summer is coming in next week!

    1. That’s a good point- having a heatstroke won’t help me in any way!
      Enjoy your beautiful fall… and even the Indian summer. I’m sure it’s beautiful up there.

  2. It’s about time for me to get a fresh pair of running shoes, and I probably will try to get the same model again because I don’t have any complaints about them. It’s not as exciting as getting something new, but it’s also less stressful.

    On your running dilemma, maybe you could split the difference and do some runs early and others in daylight? I’m sure running in the heat would help you do well in hot race conditions, but there are advantages to not being miserable in your training. 🙂

  3. I’m sure you’re in a safe neighbourhood, Jenny, and I’m sure you do everything right, but still, I AM HAVING ANXIETY ABOUT YOUR RUNNING ALONE IN THE DARK. Seriously, I had to just take a few deep breaths here. You know your own route best of course, but…all I’m saying is I’m worried about my friend! Be safe! Is it possible to time your runs so you start in the dark and then end in the light? Or switch it up? I mean, I don’t know. I’d probably die if I was running in the heat the way you do. Or, if not die, dehydrate.
    I have nothing on the shoe front for you – I love Asics, but I have pretty narrow feet.

    1. Oh, I’m envious of you narrow-footed people!
      I’m as safe as possible when I run in the dark, but I’m aware it’s not ideal. I do take a lot of precautions (like not wearing headphones, running along a well-traveled road, etc.) and I stay close to home. Of course none of that guarantees anything, unfortunately.

  4. Yes on the shoes. I like Topos. But which ones?

    I ordered specters. I don’t wear zero drop. Phantom cyclone and specter are 5mm.

    Looking for my marathon shoe. Help

    1. Okay, I’m going to look into Topos again. It sounds like the perfect solution. Can you run the marathon in the shoes you’ve been using for your long runs?

  5. I hear you on the zero drop shoes. I tried a pair of HOKA a few years ago and immediately felt the PF twinges and returned them. I also wear neutral. So, I lace up my Brooks differently to give my space. They literally just came out this week with the Ghost Max that are supposed to be designed for foot issues like PF and bunions. I can’t wait to try them. Will report back. It’s a conundrum indeed!

  6. I’m with Nicole on the early morning run anxiety. I’m super cautious and – PLEASE BE SAFE!!!

    I have no ideas, but lots of solidarity on the shoes. Isn’t it so hard? I’m hoping SHU can weigh in here; I feel like she would have great suggestions.

    1. I definitely vary my route to a safer, more busy and well-lit area when I run in the dark. Still, anything could happen at any time. I’m aware of that and I’m super alert- like I don’t wear headphones on my dark runs. I know, it’s not ideal.

  7. I haven’t personally tried them because I have narrow feet and have found Hoka trail running shoes work for me, but I have a few running friends who really like Topos. They have a wide toe box but offer a lot of models in a 4 mm drop so those might work for you!

    Since you’ll be doing a 50 miler, it’ll probably be good to get more practice running in the dark since it’ll likely be dark for the last 5-10 miles or so of your race. And then you’ll also be acclimated to the heat from your daytime runs so you’ll have the best of both worlds!

    1. Yes, that’s a GREAT point- odds are I will be running in the dark at the end of my race.
      I have tried Topos in the past and they didn’t feel good on my foot, but I don’t know why. The toe box is perfect- I should try another pair.

  8. What if you do your long runs on the trail in the daylight when it’s warmer so you don’t lose your heat acclimation and run your shorter runs pre-dawn when it’s cooler?

    I wear Altras as well because I also need a wide toe box. Whenever I look down at my feet while wearing them I think it looks like I have clown feet. LOL

  9. Ugh the shoe conundrum. I didn’t write much about this on the blog, but about 6 months before I stopped running I went on a quest to see if there was a “better” shoe for me. It was an absolute carnage of things that didn’t work plus finding out that my local running store no longer had a generous return policy.

  10. My shoe situation…. I have not loved the Brooks Adrenaline 22’s (but I have not hated them either). They’re on sale right now, though, and I’m tempted to get another pair (in a pretty color). I only have the DSM 13.1 (two weeks out), so I won’t be doing any super long runs for a long time…so, should I go for it? I may have just gotten a bum pair last time (?). Things that make you go hmmm…

    1. Yes, I feel the same way about my New Balance shoes. I don’t HATE them, so it’s easier to just get another pair… hmmm.

  11. I empathize so much with the ongoing plantar fasciitis issues. Mine also seems like it’s here to stay. And it’s so frustrating that it is affecting your ability to find shoes you like.

    The heat sounds so hard to deal with! It definitely sounds like a conundrum. I wouldn’t want to run in the heat, either, but I get why you might feel like it could negatively affect you on race day. Plus, not running on trails in the dark is SMART.

    1. I can’t even imagine running on trails in the dark- I would be so scared.
      So your PF is still going strong as well? One of these days we’ll solve this problem… I hope.

  12. I am fine with my current running shoes – a pair of Brooks – but I definitely prefer my New Balance cross trainers. Sometimes I just run in those. I have foot issues as well – PF, as well as my bad leg, so I feel you on how much of a pain it is to find the perfect shoe. And then once you do find the perfect shoe, they’ll inevitably redesign it in the next year!

    I say you do training runs when it works with your life. It that happens when it’s slightly cooler than racing conditions, so be it! It’s better than not being able to get runs in. You can just make sure you have a lot of ice in your fancy ice hat on the day of the race!

    1. Ha, that’s true. Maybe the solution is to just train as comfortably as possible and then deal with the heat- if necessary-on race day.
      I knew about your bad leg but didn’t know you also have PF??? Ugh.

  13. We just heard that Altra will start making other heel drops than zero drop in the future, so keep an eye out if you’re interested in Altra.
    Personally I love my Lone Peaks, and all other zero drop shoes I have.
    I know too little about PF, but… with all the training you do for your feet (heel raises, sled work etc), can’t this make your PF better? From what I understand strong feet prevents PF. And would it work to slowly ease into zero drop like you do with barefoot shoes?

    1. OH REALLY? It sounds like that would be my ideal solution- I’ll be on the lookout for new Altras.
      Yes, that’s the reason I’m doing all these things- I keep thinking “THIS will help my foot!” so far no change, but making my feet stronger can only help.

  14. I wear NB or Nike trail shoes but I have a new to me brand shoe arriving tomorrow and I can’t wait! Haha! Even though the cooler weather at night helps I’m still not a huge fan of running in the dark.

    1. I definitely need to think about trail shoes for my upcoming race. I could probably run it in regular shoes (the trails here are not too technical) but in my race last April I thought trail shoes might have helped.

  15. I’m no help on the shoe front but I hope you get some good ideas! I run in Hoka Mach 5s. I was a Mizuno runner for over 10 years and then the last pair I bought hurt my feet so badly I had to return them. I haven’t had to worry about being conditioned for heat since my races were fairly reliably cool. You could do mid week non trail runs earlier when it’s cooler and then train on the trails when the sun is up akd it’s warmer? That would probably be a decent balance?

    My conundrum is finding time for workouts. Work has been kind of nutty and then other things have happened like sick kids or me not feeling great.

    1. Yes, and I agree that’s a harder thing to deal with- I realize how lucky i am to be able to train when I want to. I do remember those days of little kids and struggling to fit it all in!
      Maybe I’ll try those Hokas. I used to wear the Cliftons but stopped when they started making them narrower.

      1. I don’t think you’d like my Hokas. They are very narrow which is great for me as I have super narrow feet and high arches! That’s why mizuno’s worked so well for many years.

        They canceled the marathon that was supposed to be this morning. It’s so gross and humid and we will likely set a heat record today. Bleh.

  16. I tried Altras but the zero drop was not a good thing for me at all! I do love my Brooks – the Ghost and Glycerin. I’m super excited to try out the Ghost Max which was just released offers a lot of great features and is supposed to be good for runners with PF so maybe that’s an option.

  17. It’s really hard to stick to training in race conditions because for most of us, it’s not practical.

    I am of no help with the shoe situation. I’ve been running a couple of Brooks shoes over the years and liked them all, I don’t even know how to tell a real difference (unless they’re heavily padded vs. speed shoes).

    1. Brooks are usually to narrow for me, but I’ve heard a lot about this new Ghost Max so I’m going to try them!

  18. Neutral, wide toe box — would you consider the Ghost? I was an 880/1080 wearer until NB broke them and I haven’t looked back. Plus the patterns are fun.
    “My race isn’t until February, and it might be cool then and it might not. ” LOL. Story of my florida planning life, which reminds me I need to text you.

    1. I’m sensing a trip to Florida in your future!
      People are talking about the new Ghost Max, and I’m going to try them.

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