“A race is just a race, but running can be anything.”
-Julia Lucas
Last week I wrote about the Ali on the Run Show podcast where Julia Lucas talked about her fourth place finish in the Olympic Trials, where she missed the Olympic team by 1/100 of a second. Julia also wrote about that race in her article, A Race is a Race.
Lately I’ve been trying to figure out where I want to go next with running. Races are coming back around here but I haven’t signed up for any. I haven’t been doing any speedwork and am torn about signing up for a race just for the fun of it, knowing that my finishing time won’t be remarkable.
So I should do speedwork, right? Well, I’m a little afraid to because of my foot. My plantar fasciitis is still there, but hasn’t been hurting when I run. I’ve really been enjoying my long trail runs. As a matter of fact I look forward to them every week. I don’t want to jeopardize that by stressing my foot with speedwork.

Or maybe I should be like Camille Herron. Coming back from an injury, she knew her marathon time would be slow, so she decided to set a different kind of record. With a time of 2:48:51, she set the women’s world record for the best marathon time wearing a superhero costume. She wore a full-body pink Spiderman costume, which covered her face and head as well. She said the costume was very hot, and caused her to chafe (but I love how she still ran a “slow” 2:48:51!)
On second thought, maybe I won’t be doing that.
For now I’ll just continue to enjoy my runs and appreciate being able to run at all. But it’s lurking there in that back of my mind- “What am I doing next?”
If running can be anything, what is it to you right now?
Do you enjoy running races even if you know you’ll be slower than you have been in the past?
12 Responses
I’ve always been slow, so I don’t mind running races knowing I’ll still be slow. HAHAHA! I enjoy being at the back of the pack! I think that’s part of why I love trail running so much because there’s less emphasis on times. I just like to get out there and run with other people around!
That’s a good attitude! And I know what you mean about trail running- you can just enjoy it without the stress of trying to run fast.
My thoughts are that a lot of runners don’t do speed work but still get PR’s. If you haven’t raced in a while you might surprise yourself!
BUT this weekend I’m running a race that I ran in 2019 which was one of my best races ever, so the comparison trap is wide open and I must not fall into it. Overall I’ve been running slower lately so my race mantra will be “DO.NOT.LOOK.AT.GARMIN”
I think when “the next thing” comes along you’ll know it and be ready to go for it! And in the meantime “just running” is a pretty sweet goal.
Ha ha, I like that mantra!
I doubt I would be one of those runners who “magically” gets a PR without doing any speedwork. But you’re right- “just running” is a good goal, and at least keeps me somewhat ready for whatever is coming next. Thanks for your comments!
Running is such a personal thing. Myself, I’ve never been especially “fast.” I’ve done alright within my AG, but there’s always going to be someone (usually many LOL) who is more naturally gifted. I’ve come back from two major setbacks (this recent stress fracture and emergency knee surgery in 2017). Both times I had to stay out of the running shoes for a few months…so when I was allowed to return, I was so grateful to simply be running that finish times were pretty low on my priority list. That said, I don’t have a strong competitive spirit. But, I respect many others thrive on being/getting faster and experience a lot of frustration when things don’t go as they’d hoped. If you’re content running without racing, that’s all good 😉
Yes, I guess that’t the beauty of running. You can be as competitive as you want and enjoy it in all different ways! I do know what you mean about coming back from injury (I know it a little too well) – it just feels great to be running again.
There is certainly nothing wrong with running for the pure enjoyment of running! I am kind of enjoying working on my distance and just enjoying feeling good out there right now.
Yep, that’s where I am too!
Why don’t you sign up for a trail race? Your foot will like that you’ll be running on softer surfaces and that you don’t necessarily need to do speed work during training. If you’ve never run a trail race before, your goal will be to finish and have fun with no regard to a particular finish time.
i am thinking about that Debbie! You’re right, it’s the perfect solution- it will be a PR no matter what.
This is absolutely where I am with running. I ran the NYC marathon in 2019 (loved it) and then was left with a kind of “now what” for running. Add in covid, injury recovery and I was left with a what now. Since July I’ve run more consistently and finally signed up for a race, but I think I’ve enjoyed running more this year than ever before. Pain free and what/when I want, no “have to”. WIll read that article, thanks. Missed that Ali episode
The article- and the whole story behind it- is a good one.