walkers walk… but runners fly

September Coffee Date- It’s Time!

Get out the pumpkin mugs!  Pumpkin Palooza has begun!  I’m joining Coco and Deborah for the Ultimate Coffee Date.  Grab a (pumpkin) mug of your favorite hot beverage- earl grey tea for me- and let’s get started.

If we were sitting down together for coffee (tea), the first thing I would share is that I usually get out all my fall decorations on September 1st.   Yes, it’s 95 degrees outside.  Yes, fall doesn’t officially start until September 23rd.  But I’m always so excited I can’t wait.   THIS year, though, I’ve decided to start off gradually with a football theme.

The first Baylor game is tomorrow night, and I’m so excited. I love college football and I LOVE our Baylor Bears!  The beers are chilling in the fridge, we’ve paid the big bucks to stream the games, and I have all the ingredients for Ultimate Vegan Nachos!

I always especially enjoy the very beginning of things, like the first day of Christmas vacation or the first football game of the season.  I love it when things have barely begun, and all the rest is stretching out ahead.  So you can imagine my happiness at pulling out my Crazy Pumpkin Lady mug for the first time this year, and decorating the house for the beginning of football.

Now, let’s talk about that backsplash.  In my last post I didn’t mean to imply that I would be revealing the finished product today.  Ahem, not quite yet!  The tiles have been ordered, and the tile guy is coming to install it next Wednesday.  But since we’ve been waiting so long, here’s the tile we chose:

Just smile, nod, and tell me you like it! As I said… tiles have already been ordered.

Meanwhile, Wednesday is also the day the dishwasher repairman is coming, because our dishwasher has stopped working.  This isn’t as big a tragedy as you might think- after living for over a week with no kitchen sink at all, not having a dishwasher is a minor inconvenience.  I’m not exactly sure how one guy is going to repair the dishwasher while another guy is tiling our backsplash at the same time, but Wednesday is my day off, so that’s the day everyone is coming!  Somehow we’ll work it out.

Lastly, I would tell you that we saw Barbie- great movie!  My daughter and I saw it with my friend and her two girls; our daughters have been friends since preschool.  The only way we could convince the girls to go with us was to go to a theater in the next town over, so they wouldn’t run the risk of seeing anyone they knew while they were out with their moms.  Sigh.

We all wore pink!  Here’s another “amazing” selfie.  In the only shot where I don’t look like I have narcolepsy, I cut my daughter practically out of the picture.  But you can see her pink top, barely.

Funny side note: my daughter DID see someone she knew.  Her assigned “study buddy” from biology, a nerdy (and I use that term lovingly- I like nerds) boy who walked up to her in the lobby of the theater and said “I finished the biology notes!”  We all got a chuckle out of that (afterwards- not in front of him!)

That’s about it for this first day of September!

Are you excited about the new month?  Anything you’re especially looking forward to in September?

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50 Responses

  1. Good luck with the repairs & reno! I love the backsplash you chose.

    Chuckling at not wanting to be seen with you. I don’t think I really ever went through that phase, but then I’m weird too.

    We are actually being treated to fall-like weather today, but there’s a heatwave coming in real soon.

    1. I remember being REALLY embarrassed by my dad, but not so much with my mom. Maybe I’m not remembering it correctly though.
      I’m envious of your fall weather- but like you said, it’ll probably go back and forth for a while still.

  2. I love that backsplash; you did good. And of course the choice is over so you can put that behind you. The guys will work out who needs to be out of whose way and when on Wednesday; I am sure this is not the first time they have had to deal with this situation.

    I really can’t remember that phase of not wanting to be around my parents due to embarrassment but I am sure I had it! I do remember boredom however; my Dad was the worst (AND STILL IS!) because he knows everyone in town so I “short” walk along Main street is like a social event. When I was a kid I hated it, as it would normally entail them talking and me standing there next to them waiting (forever) for them to finish gabbing so we could go home. This is why I read so much; I took to bringing a book with me and would just plop down on the nearest curb and read until he was done.

    1. Ha ha, I do remember that with my parents. SO boring when they stopped to talk to people, and it seemed to go on forever. I don’t think I ever had the brilliant idea of bringing a book along though.
      You’re absolutely right- people who are repairing/installing kitchen equipment are used to working with others at the same time. I don’t know why I didn’t think of that, but it’s true.

  3. I think the backsplash looks great. I love things with varied texture and colour – they are SO much easier to keep clean. I think it matches what you have very nicely.

    I can’t believe it’s September 1st. You know it’s been a…crazy week…for me, but I’m trying to focus on some positives and embrace the fact that my favourite season has arrived. How I love September and October in Eastern Canada. Love your mug and Baylor gear 🙂 Funny story: we had a new family over for supper the other day and the husband used to be a prof at Baylor. I would never have had a clue about where that school was located without your blog and I looked so knowledgable about US colleges – haha.

    1. Ha! You were probably like “Wait a minute- I know Baylor!” I’ll bet he’s a super nice guy- everyone from Baylor seems to be.
      I’m glad you’re embracing the positives in your difficult situation. I hope you have a good weekend and are ready for back to school!

  4. No no on fall. I love summer.

    But I do admit I’m drinking pumpkin coffee and I have bought sone fall decorations.

    I have the same weather as Judy.

    Love the backsplash. I wonder if I should added some. Too late now.

    We had no water for weeks. Used the bathroom for water. Ate in paper plates.

    1. It’s not too late to add a backsplash! I think you could do it at any time. In our case, we didn’t have a choice because the old backsplash was ripped out, and we just have the drywall- we have to add SOMETHING.
      I know- when I lived up north I did NOT love fall. Now it’s a different story.

  5. I totally see you as the crazy pumpkin lady! I have a philosophical ban on pumpkin until October lol. Fall is my favorite season and can’t wait for it to arrive. Football season is also big at our house and it feels weird not to have any college team anymore although we will always be Hoosiers. Love the backsplash!!

    1. You can be Hoosiers for life! I imagine we’ll always be Baylor fans.
      Thanks for the vote of approval on the backsplash! I still don’t really trust my decorating choices, but I just want to get it installed and stop thinking about it.

  6. I love fall but I’m not ready for pumpkin-everything yet since it’s still so hot here! We’re actually having “cooler” weather this weekend (the 90s) but apparently by next weekend it’ll be back to near 110! Uh, apparently the weather hasn’t gotten the memo that it’s September. Maybe if I start having pumpkin things it’ll cool off…

    The Barbie movie was so good! I saw it back in July and also wore pink, as did many other moviegoers which was fun. I’m not sure I ever had a phase where I didn’t want to be seen with my mom but I wasn’t a typical rebellious teen so there’s that!

    1. Yes, I noticed it got all the way down (?) to the 90s in Texas as well. My son says they get fall weather there by October- so at least it’s cooler out there than it is here. We won’t get a cooldown until late October- maybe- or possibly November. Sigh!
      It was really fun to all wear pink. It was my daughter’s idea and I was happy our whole group embraced it. Yes, the movie was really good.

  7. I love the tile you chose! We actually considered that one but ended up taking the countertop quartzite up for the backsplash and we used subway tile as an accent on one side of the kitchen. Yours will look amazing! Sunday will be the day all the pumpkins come out here. I’m all in for fall now. That said, I do not own a single fall coffee mug!

    1. We did think about taking the countertop up up to the backsplash, but somehow decided against it. I think that would have looked good, and avoided a huge extra decision. Oh well!
      I like your fall spirit. But I think you need a fall coffee mug.

  8. I LOVE THE BACKSPLASH! Great choice! Lots of interest there, and I like the grey to go with the detailing in the countertop.
    I have heard the Barbie movie is very clever! I would like to see it but I’m so lazy about seeing movies…I’ll probably see it in like three years or something. I approve of the pink! I was wearing a pink skirt when I was at the grocery store a few weeks ago and a man told me I “look just like Barbie” which cracked me up. Yes, I look EXACTLY like her! Ha! I mean, I’ll take it.

    1. Oh, that’s funny. I think you’re very attractive, but um, no, you don’t look like Barbie!
      Thanks for your vote of confidence! I trust your opinion. I hope it comes out well- you’ll definitely see the finished product in a week or so.

  9. I am vaguely excited about the new month, but I am on call for jury duty all month, so I have to call every night to see if I need to go in. Of course, I forgot all about having to call last night and remembered as Hannah and I were on our walk this morning. LOL. I do NOT have to go in until maybe the 11th, but it was quite a moment of panic I had this morning.

    I love that you went to the movie with your teenage daughter! Oh, I remember the days when I was embarrassed to be seen with my parents. As if anyone cared about me or who I was with. LOL.

    1. Yes, I know- it’s funny how as an adult, you can see how these things don’t matter- no one really cares that much what we do! Teenagers think all eyes are on them.
      Oh, I hope you don’t have to go in for jury duty. On the other hand, you would make a great jurist, and you might be the type of person who would actually enjoy it!

  10. Great choice on the backsplash, Jenny!
    I also enjoy the beginnings of things, where everything stretches out before you like an endless summer holiday.
    But sometimes I also like wrapping things up. Like my series of long runs in preparation for the Berlin Marathon. Tomorrow is the last one, yay!

    1. Thank you Catrina!
      Good luck on your last long run!!! That is exciting- it’s nice to wrap up a training cycle. Can’t wait to hear about the race!

  11. I am in total agreement about enjoying the “start” of things (or seasons). I had that revelation, back in May, when it was still (technically) spring… I was in love with the fact that summer was coming, the days were getting longer, and the worst of the cold weather was behind us.

    1. Yes, you can definitely see where I’m coming from! Here it’s like the seasons are reversed. Now I’m looking forward to a break in the heat (we won’t get it for a while… but it’s coming.)

  12. I am not quite into fall mode. But I’m looking forward to it. The blankets, warm tea, forest walks.

    I have seen the Barbie movie with my husband and a couple of his coworkers and it was nice and interesting. However, I don’t get the hype of watching it multiple times.

    I love your excitement about new beginnings. It’s always so exhilarating to start something new, a blank slate, all the possibilities. I usually don’t get that feeling in the middle of the year though.

    1. I probably won’t see Barbie again. But my daughter wants to see it again, and the other girls we saw it with were there for the second time. So, there is definitely that hype!

  13. As a former New Englander now in Florida, I have a harder time jumping the gun on the end-of-summer feeling–the heat index is still over 100! I leave pumpkin spice to those who like it, but you remind me that I have a friend’s recipe for apple pumpkin muffins that I haven’t made in forever, I should pull that recipe out.

    I love the backsplash! It’s going to look great. Good choice.

    1. Thank you! I definitely need all the decorating encouragement I can get.
      Yes! Apple is also a fall flavor. You should definitely make those muffins.

  14. “The only way we could convince the girls to go with us was to go to a theater in the next town over, so they wouldn’t run the risk of seeing anyone they knew while they were out with their moms. Sigh.” — HAHAHAH I can SOOOO see that in my future. I’m so glad you liked it! I do feel it’s a great mother/daughter movie.

  15. I like the new backsplash that you picked out. I think it’s going to look great… the design is a bit more interesting but still subtle!

    I am not quite ready for the seasons to change but we got a taste of fall today (lower temps and some morning drizzle! I even got rained on during my run!), but I know there will be plenty of hot days ahead for us too.

    1. That’s a good way of describing it- the design is more interesting than plain white but nothing too outrageous.
      I’m envious of your taste of fall- but as you said, you’ll probably still have hot days. Still- fall is coming!

  16. hahaha, I love your mug! 😛 I like the backsplash too — best of luck with all the repairs and remodeling!

    I saw the Barbie movie recently too–I forgot to wear pink though, hehe.

    1. I wouldn’t have thought to wear pink if my daughter hadn’t brought it up.
      Thanks for the remodeling wishes! I can’t wait for this to be done.

  17. Our neighbor brought out their Halloween decorations on Aug 31st. It’s officially Fall.

    The backsplash will look great! We have a similar pattern in the insets in our shower. The way that we picked it out was: the hubs liked it and I couldn’t visualize what the finished product would look like and also didn’t know what I wanted so I said “whatever you want dear” ==> this is exactly why we haven’t done our kitchen yet. Once the shower was finished it looked great of course.

    I’m not interested enough in Barbie to see it on my own, but if the fam wanted to go, I’d be there in a heartbeat.

    1. I wouldn’t have seen Barbie on my own, so I’m glad I got to see it with my daughter and friends.
      I hold off on Halloween until October 1st! Funny how I have such strict rules about that, but get out my fall stuff promptly on September 1st. I have no problem with other people decorating for Halloween now, of course!

  18. OMG on going to a different movie theater! I’m glad you all enjoyed the movie.

    I really do like the black splash!

    I’m looking forward to cooler weather but we have a heat wave next week.

    1. Thanks! I’m glad people like it (I’m still worried that I made a bad choice, but I’m mostly not thinking about it because I want it done so badly.)
      Hopefully this will be your last heatwave? I hope it’s short!

  19. I like your tile choice – can’t wait to see the final reveal!

    I love fall too – though I usually hold off on pumpkin stuff until October. I like that you’re all in LOL

  20. Love the backsplash choices! I can’t wait to see the finished product!

    And how fun to see Barbie with another friend and your daughters. Sounds like your daughter has a great bio partner! I love nerds, too, since I was and still am one!

    Paul starts school next Thursday and my new hire starts on Tuesday so I have a lot to look forward to in Sept. more than anything I am looking forward to getting back on a routine after a couple of weeks of piecing together care for Paul!

    1. Yes- you will be happy to be fully into the school routine.
      My daughter’s bio partner is SO good that I’m afraid he’s doing too much of the work. I keep asking her if she’s contributing her fair share and she says she is… sort of… which makes me think he’s doing just about everything.

  21. I smiled when I saw the backsplash because I like it. Your kitchen is going to look great! I have yet to see the Barbie movie. I wonder if it will be available on Hulu or Netflix. I am also excited for Fall though I don’t decorate here.

    1. Thanks Zenaida! I just can’t wait for the kitchen to be DONE.
      I would imagine you’ll be able to see Barbie on Hulu or Netflix soon.

  22. Love the backsplash! It’s going to look great! Good luck with all the installations and repairs!

    Love that you got to see Barbie with your daughter. And I’m even more glad you loved it!

    1. Yes, Barbie was great. I keep thinking about different parts I liked, and my daughter wants to see it again (not with me, though, ha ha.)

  23. OMG, the comment from your daughter about needing to go to a movie theater where they wouldn’t see anyone they know!! I was totally that kid who was always SOOO embarrassed to be seen with my mom. Once, she drove me to the mall where I was meeting up with my friends and even walked me inside, and when I saw my friends sitting in the food court, I pushed her (gently!!) away so she wouldn’t actually COME IN and my friends would see my “mommy” was with me. HOW ELSE WOULD I HAVE GOTTEN THERE?! LOL. Being a teenager is just being embarrassed about everything 24/7!

    The backsplash is GORGEOUS! Nice choice!!

    I am soooo ready for fall. I have all of my fall decorations out and I don’t care if it’s still hot outside. (I mean, honestly, if I were to wait until it was cooler to enjoy fall, I never would be able to!)

    1. Wow! There’s hope! I know you and your mom are really close now, so maybe that will happen with my daughter and me. Right now it’s very hard to imagine- but now I know it’s not impossible.
      Yes, if we waited till it was cool it would be Christmas. Or January. So we might as well start now!

  24. My mom used to start dancing in public when it became clear I was mortified by it. Now I think it’s absolutely hysterical that she did that.

    I am a Labor-Day-weekend fall decoration person, so I’m not religious about September 1st but I am religious about doing it Labor Day weekend! And it’s smart of us, and I’ll tell you why. Because yesterday I discovered that ALL THREE of my maple leaf fall lighted garlands are burned out, so I had to order new ones and wait for them. So you see, if we didn’t start early, we wouldn’t have time to get broken/burned out stuff replaced in time.

    1. HA! A perfect example! I’m glad someone else is on board with the fall decorating.
      I think if I danced in public, not only would I be ostracized by all my friends (let’s just say I don’t dance much, for a reason) but my daughter would probably never speak to me again.

  25. Jenny! You can’t share that you’re going to have perfect vegan nachos and then *not share the recipe*?!?! I know that nachos are easy, but what do YOU use? I am always looking for ideas. Clearly. 🙂
    I’m not a pumpkin spice person but I don’t mind when others are. (I don’t like a lot of things; more for those who do!)

    1. Ha ha… there really was no recipe. Refried beans, tempeh taco “meat” (well, I guess there is a recipe for that- I’ll share it another time) guac, salsa, and the Miyoko’s pourable mozzarella. Ah, now my mouth is watering.

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