walkers walk… but runners fly

September Runfessions… or Pelo-fessions?

Well, hello!  Before we get into the runfessions- we had a hurricane!  When I say “we,” I mean the state of Florida.  Our area very, very luckily did not get hit with the storm.  We’re on the southeast coast of Florida, so we got some wind and rain, but it was the west coast that was pummeled.  The devastation from Ian over there is shocking.  My heart goes out to all the people who had their homes and property damaged, and who are now without power (potentially for weeks.) They have a long road ahead of them!

Thanks to Marcia for opening up her runfessional as she does on the last Friday of every month.  Let’s get started…

I have a big one this month- I quit Peloton!  This may come as a surprise because I’ve been so enthusiastic about my Peloton classes, and even wrote a post recently about my favorite ones.  Yes, I had a handful of classes that I really liked and took over and over again, but I got kind of tired of them.  I know- there are hundreds of classes on Peloton that I never even tried, but I think a lot of what they have to offer is wasted on me.

I don’t do any of the cycling or running classes.  I know I could take a Peloton running class when I run outside, but I like to listen to podcasts.  And if I’m going to listen to music, I like my own playlists.

For a while I was doing a lot of yoga, but I haven’t been doing that lately because of a sore wrist.  So all I was doing was strength, and well… I’ll Pelo-fess that I was getting a little lazy- I would do a ten or fifteen minute arms and shoulders class and say “There!  I’ve done upper body!”  That wasn’t Peloton’s fault… it was my fault.  It felt good to say that I did upper body, lower body and core, but the truth was, most of the time I wasn’t working out as hard as I could have been.

This week I’m trying out Caroline Girvan’s Iron Series on Youtube and I’m liking it.  The classes are SUPER HARD (I’ll be talking more about them in the Weekly Rundown on Sunday.) And, of course I have to give a shoutout to our intrepid host, Marcia.  She has a great series of classes on Youtube, including a Cardio Barre workout that I really like.

There’s a lot of free content out there, but this wasn’t really a cost issue.  I had the $12.99 Peloton membership, and you really do get a lot for that.  I just felt like it was time to take a break and see what else is out there.

Do you like to stick with one thing, or switch your workouts up a lot?  –  The only thing I seem to be able to stick to is running!

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Another FIG-y Friday!

Hooray!  We made it through another week of FIGS!  Just in case anyone doesn’t know about FIGs at this point,

The Shape of My Week

You know how I’ve been grumbling incessantly about feeling down, and the year getting off to a slow start?  Well,

32 Responses

  1. *faints*

    I kid, I kid. I probably wouldn’t use the app if I didn’t have the bike. I love the cycling more than anything, although I do like the meditations as well, and strength and stretching. But I probably wouldn’t use those if I wasn’t already cycling!

    1. Actually, I could picture myself using it again someday if I got the bike. I’m sure the cycling classes are amazing, and then everything else is an added bonus.

  2. YASSSS!!! You’re a Girvanator!!!! I can’t wait to hear every last detail, especially how you’re fitting in the running. I just finished the 2nd-to-last week of Iron.

    I agree that if someone likes Peloton that you get so much for the $12.99…but I personally just didn’t like it.

    1. Oh, you’ll be hearing all the details! Thank you for the recommendation- you were the first one to mention CG (several times) and then someone else seconded it, and I went for it.

  3. Wow I’m shocked but I get it too. There is a ton out there. I know I could leave Pelo tomorrow and be fine. I have The MIrror sitting on my phone and I don’t use it. CG’s workouts are tough! She’s great though! Glad the storm did not affect you. My older daughter flew to Miami yesterday for a friend’s 21st birthday celebration. I was amazed the flight even went. But they’re there and the storm did not hit Miami. Crazy.

    1. Yes, I’m surprised any flights came in. We were in a tropical storm warning, but obviously it was safe to fly. Glad your daughter made it okay!

    2. Hmm. Can we still be friends? JUST KIDDING. I could write a few posts about what I DON’T like about Peloton, but for now I’m still working on my 20K minute badge for 2022. I spend a lot of time picking out my classes because I can’t count on any class being what I want/need/am in the mood for.

      I’m glad you were spared by Ian. I’m sure you’ve had your share of storms.

      1. Oh yes, we’ve had some bad ones. At least we live about nine miles inland from the ocean, so our house will never be underwater like the ones we’ve been seeing from Ian.
        I think you definitely use Peloton much more wisely than I did. And you do the cycling classes, which definitely makes it worth it. Yes, I think we can still be friends!

  4. I practically refuse to do the same workout twice. I rarely run the same route, I do different YouTube videos, and I pay $20 a month for local classes that are done virtually just because I know the teachers create a new exercise for each class. I get bored so easily and I would never do what you did and just do the same classes repeatedly. YouTube is such a great resource of free content!

    I’m glad to hear you avoided the hurricane. I do hope you remain out of the danger zone for the rest of hurricane season!

    1. The funny thing is, after I did Day 1 of Caroline Girvan, I had the thought “maybe I should do that one again.” NO! I’m not allowed. I’m going to make myself work through her classes in order.

  5. That’s a bummer on the Peloton exit, but if it wasn’t working for you, then you did the right thing. I have some favorite classes I repeat all the time (Hello, Tunde!) and (as you know) I’ve recently been cueing up some workouts to listen to when I walk. I thrive on mixing up my routine, though, so I’m still exploring different classes (Barre was a good find!) and other instructors. I’m so glad you weren’t hit with Ian’s wrath!!!!!

    1. Thank you Kim! We’re very relieved we weren’t affected.
      If you’re good about mixing up classes, Peloton probably works great for you. I’m too much a creature of routine, and kept doing the same ones over and over again.

  6. so happy to hear that you were not affected by the storm. So many people in Florida have been. It’s very sad.

    I quit Peloton several times. I do not bike. I do not use the treadmill. If I want to work out there are plenty of free videos online.

  7. I am thinking about doing a trial membership when the weather cools. But I know there are a lot of free options out there that would work, too. I like having a plan made for me – like a calendar with x workouts/week. The program I’m doing now is 4 workouts/week for 8 weeks but at most I do 2 workouts so it will take me a LONG time to get through the program. But the workouts are hard. If I had to pick my workouts, I know I would kind of cherry pick – like ‘oh this one has a lot of burpees – pass!’. So it’s best if I am just told what to do and don’t have any choice in the matter!

    I was very consistent with working out before I had Paul and then didn’t start running again until after I had Will. I was only able to fit workouts in because I was working from home. Now I’m in the office 3 days/week so I’m working out less, but it’s as much as I can do in this stage of life. Running is my constant, though, but it will tail off when it gets super cold. I will run if it’s above 0F. But much of the winter it’s below 0F. So I’ll do more strength training. I was really good about doing strength training workouts last winter. I struggle the most when I’m trying to run and strength train!

    1. You might as well try a free Peloton membership. Yes, I think following a program (the Caroline Girvan has Day 1, Day 2, etc.) might work better for me. Being able to choose the Peloton classes each day wasn’t as good. Although, Peloton does have some programs, like some core programs where you do successive workouts- I liked those. If you do Peloton I’ll be interested to hear what you think!

  8. You’ve completely captured why I don’t have Peloton! I don’t want to listen to their music when I run. I don’t cycle. So that doesn’t leave much for me, lol. I’ve had friends tell me they like Street Parking for strength training but since I go to CrossFit, there’s no reason for that.

    I’m so glad you are safe from Ian!

    1. I looked at Street Parking, and I’ll keep it in mind for when I get tired of Caroline Girvan (ha ha.) I think working with a strength coach like you do is the absolute best case scenario, but I just can’t do that right now. Maybe someday!

  9. I was surprised to read you quit Peloton bc it seemed you were really into it. Neer hurts to try something new. I have been using it for almost 4 years and never looked back. I also thrive on routine. Looking forward to hearing more about your new workouts. Glad you spared from the storm!

    1. Yes, I’ll definitely be reporting on my workouts in the weekly rundown. I figure I can always go back to Peloton if I change my mind!

  10. Really glad you are ok in your corner of Florida!!

    I have never done Peloton. I know you American ladies rave about it and I know it works for so many and that is what is most important. I just love my Les Mills classes and that’s enough for me. I also don’t understand (and cannot afford) a piece of equipment that is attached to an app that costs twice as much as a non-Peloton piece of equipment. I cannot be on board with that. I know they have other things and I get that the classes are really great and make people happy, however, I would just rather go to a real class. that’s me 🙂

    1. Yes, remember the days of actually going to the gym??? Every once in a while I think about going back- right now it’s a schedule thing more than anything else. It’s just so much quicker to do a workout at home.
      I think if you have the money and want to spend it on a Peloton bike, go for it! But then you really are spending a lot, because that monthly membership is kind of pricey. But hey, whatever works.

  11. I was just thinking about you this morning and praying you weren’t impacted by Ian!!! The devastation is unreal. I’m so glad you’re okay, but of course the heart aches for all those people so terribly impacted by the storm.

    I always feel like such an outsider in a world full of apps and fancy programs. But that’s just not me. I walk. I run. Occasionally I do a free workout video from YouTube. For a year or so when I had young kids I did free workout videos at home CONSTANTLY. But at this point in my life, I just have 0 motivation to do that sort of thing. I hate spending money, I hate clutter – so walking and running (and a yoga mat and block) are IT.

    But that makes me feel…so boring and old fashioned.

    1. Yes, it’s hard to feel happy about the storm missing us when our neighbors on the west coast got hit so badly.
      Maybe that’s my problem- I’m just not sophisticated enough for these fancy apps, ha ha. I think back to the days where ALL I DID WAS RUN. The good old days, for sure.

  12. Totally understand when it comes to Peloton. I’ve been enjoying the app these past few months but I find it can be very overwhelming with all of the options. I really enjoy the running classes (when I can run), the outdoor walks, and the yoga, but I do Pelo-fess that the playlist is one of my #1 considerations for doing a certain class! I think we just gotta use what we know works best for us!

    I’m so glad you weren’t impacted too much by Ian!

    1. Ugh, I was really liking Denis Morton’s yoga classes but then yoga started to really bother my wrist. I want to get back to it, but that wrist keeps saying “no.”

  13. I’ve actually been using Peloton more lately, LOL! I never use it for Yoga, though. I actually do like the Pilates classes, and that’s something I’m always trying to figure out how to get into my day — I’m good with just a 10 min class (sometimes) and don’t really want anything super hard, LOL!

    I’m glad that you didn’t get much of a storm. Hurricanes can really be frightening and so unpredictable (in a different way than a tornado).

    1. Yes- but at least with a hurricane you get plenty of warning. I think tornadoes are scarier.
      I think Peloton is great if you use it well- I just wasn’t getting as much out of it as I could have.

  14. Surprised to hear about your Pelo choice, but no point in keeping something that’s not working for you.

    Glad to hear you were spared from the impact of Ian.

    1. Yes, I’m sure it was surprising because I was so into Peloton for a while there! I just needed something different.

  15. Oh, what? You quit Peloton? I didn’t think that possible with your love for Denis’ yoga classes… but I understand that sometimes you have to switch things up. Maybe you’ll come back. 😉

    1. Yes, I might still come back. A big part of the problem was I haven’t been doing yoga lately because of a sore wrist… so I wasn’t seeing Denis anyway.

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