walkers walk… but runners fly

So, This Happened…

We got our Christmas tree!  We were having a family meeting about our change of schedule this year.  We won’t be able to decorate the tree on Black Friday because there’s a high school football game.  Would everyone be okay if we decorated on Thanksgiving?  Yes, my son said- OR we could just go out and get the tree today!

Yes!  Yes!  Once he suggested it, I couldn’t wait to do it.

Daughter’s face blurred at her request, as always.

Since everyone seemed amenable to changes, I tried something else.  Would anyone object to changing from colored lights to white?  Unfortunately, that was a bridge too far.  One person almost had a meltdown over that idea, so we’ll continue with colored lights.  I don’t want to ruin anyone’s Christmas!

It is a pudgy tree!

We’ll let the branches open up for a day, and then I’ll get the (colored) lights on it tomorrow.  It smells sooooo good.  I’m excited!

If you celebrate Christmas, is your tree up?  Or is it too early?

Colored lights, or white?

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Another FIG-y Friday!

Hooray!  We made it through another week of FIGS!  Just in case anyone doesn’t know about FIGs at this point,

The Shape of My Week

You know how I’ve been grumbling incessantly about feeling down, and the year getting off to a slow start?  Well,

26 Responses

  1. I like your pudgy tree! I have always had a strict rule not to put the Christmas tree up until the day after Thanksgiving, but rules are made to be broken and I put our tree up on Thursday. For the first time in ages we are not hosting Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving day is on the later side this year, so why not? I always use white lights on the indoor tree, but we put multi-color lights on our huge holly outside.

    1. Yes, rules re made to be broken! It’s true Thanksgiving is late this year. We don’t want to be gypped out of any Christmas, do we???

  2. You can get lights that change! We have lights that can be white or colored or change back and forth. We just put up our tree and the lights are changing every 10 seconds. I love them. The tree looks so different with white and colors and I love both ways! I’m so glad I don’t have to pick.

    1. I would love theat- but I’m not sure I’m willing to invest (right now) in all new lights. I’m thinking lights that change from white to colored are kind of expensive? Maybe I need to look into this!

  3. Paul is home! You have a tree! It’s almost Thanksgiving. Jazz hands for all of it, Jenny.

    This year we have put up an artificial tree and we did it yesterday. Belle is very, very grumpy about this. I get it. But when our tree fell over last year AND we managed to find a fairly nice artificial tree at a thrift shop for less than $30 I declared we were going to make the switch at least for one year. So far I have no regrets. No watering! No worries about it tilting over and falling (theoretically)! No needles to pick up. Is it quite as magical as a real tree? No, but it’s a heck of a lot easier.

    Time will tell if we’ll go back to a real tree next year, but for this year I’m glad to have our tree up and twinkling. We haven’t put the ornaments on it yet. My parents arrive TODAY and Belle wanted to put ornaments on with them around (specifically my mom, who adores Christmas). I hope once the ornaments go on she’ll “thaw” a bit with her anti-artificial stance.

    In answer to your question I am WHITE LIGHTS FOREVER. I have never given my kids the option (Indy has a tiny tree in his room with coloured lights – no problemo if it’s not my main tree).

    1. Ha. That’s the other thing…. at some point I would like to switch to an artificial tree, but no way am I even attempting that right now. And, now that we have the real one, it is exciting! I can’t see us continuing to do a real tree forever and ever though…. we’ll see. Oh, you could tell Belle that as long as you stick with an artificial tree, you have more leeway about when you put it up and take it down. Your window is smaller with a real tree.

  4. What a cute tree! I’m allergic to pine, so we do a fake tree and old school colored lights with the big bulbs. I do love white lights, too, but they always seem a little classier than our nostalgia and chaos decorating theme lands, haha!

    1. That’s kind of what my daughter said- she wants a big tree with lots of color. I think she may have even used the word “gaudy” but I’m not sure.
      I’m very sorry you’re allergic to pine!!!

  5. IT’S PERFECT! What an adorable tree! We put ours up yesterday. We have an artificial one and I can CHANGE THE LIGHT SETTING. So yesterday it was coloured, today it’s white, who knows what will happen tomorrow! We can also do twinkling and INTERCHANGING twinkling.
    I know your daughter always wants her face blurred, but please tell her a random lady in Canada loves her hair!

    1. Thanks Nicole- I’m sure she’ll be touched : ). I DEFINITELY want lights like you’re describing. I’m going to look into it. i wish lights went on sale after Christmas but they never seem to be included in after-Christmas clearance deals.

  6. I have never had a live Christmas tree, always fake ones in my family, but I’m sure the smell is amazing!

    Usually I don’t put up my tree until Black Friday, but I’m going to be up at my parents for Thanksgiving weekend, out of town again the following weekend and then back up at my parents two weekends later for my Christmas break, so I put it up two weekends ago so I’d have more time to enjoy it. And I will help decorate the trees at my parents’ house on Black Friday!

    1. Ooh, that sounds fun! And, we never had real trees growing up, always artificial. I’m not sure how our family here got started having a real tree every year. I think it’s because my husband’s family always did real.

  7. Yah!! I am glad you were able to agree to get the tree a bit earlier than usual. Although date-wise, it’s probably similar to when you’ve gotten it in the past since Thanksgiving is as late as can be this year! We put our up on Friday and I am loving the glow of the tree. I have the lights on a timer so it turns on before I wake up. I love coming downstairs to the glow of the tree!

    But Jenny – Taco was up 4 times last night (!!!) and woke up saying he didn’t feel good. Gah! Did I jinx myself by saying we’ve been healthy lately? I swear he can never have a healthy Thanksgiving week. Hopefully it’s a short-lived bug.

  8. I’m excited about your tree… I don’t think it’s pudgy at all. I kinda like its silhouette.

    And look at that cute sibling photo… your daughter has mermaid hair and I love it!

    I’m thinking of doing our tree on Thanksgiving evening too…

  9. It’s such a gorgeous tree and I like the idea of a spontaneous tree outing!

    I will only allow white lights on my tree. I am VERY particular about this. Colored lights are fine for other people, but not for me. We only have white lights outside, too.

  10. Yay pudgy tree! More room to put presents underneath!!!

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – I love it when Christmas stuff goes up early because it makes for a cheerful dog walk at night in the dark.

  11. Aaaah, your big kids are so cute. We are likewise switching things up because my husband is away the first two weeks of December and usually goes to get the (real) tree. So we’re getting a fake one for the first time ever. The only reason I can have white lights is that the lights toggle between white and coloured (which is honestly the best of both worlds). The place we always buy our tree has them tied, so we have rarely gotten one as uniform as yours. We always have a good time making fun of our crooked lumpy tree.

  12. Yay! How festive! I love getting a tree. My parents just went and chopped one down (as we do every year) and their pictures were so fun. I miss doing that. However, I am looking forward to going home to see the decorated one!

  13. Your tree is adorable! A cute little pudgy tree. I don’t really have a preference between white or colored lights. Luckily, my pre-lit fake tree lets me switch between both!

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