walkers walk… but runners fly

So… What’s Next?

First of all- a huge thank you to Engie for sending me the best card ever, with this Anne Frank quote on it.  Yes, there are some exciting days ahead of us still!  What, exactly, might those days be made of?  Glad you asked.  My race is over, and… what’s next?  To begin with, there are some skills I would like to improve on.

Darlene left a comment on my race recap saying “You’re really good at ultras.”  I definitely appreciate it, but I’m not sure it’s entirely true.  Am I “good” at running ultras?  Well, there are a couple things I am good at.

I think my mental game is pretty strong.  I have a belief that I can run long distances.  I’m not afraid to be uncomfortable, and I’m good at continuing to move forward even when it gets hard (barring, or course, injury… ahem.)

All those things are important!  But, ironically, I’m not that good at running on trails.  At least, not some of the technical trails I’ve encountered in races.  And I’m not good at running hills.  Technical trails and hills are something we just don’t have in my area.  But if I try a little harder, I CAN work at these things.  There are some man-made hills near me.  Instead of just throwing up my hands and saying “there are no hills!” I could seek out an area that has a hill, and run up and down it multiple times.

Then, if I’m willing to drive an hour, I can get to a trail that’s a little more technical than the ones right near me.  Adding two hours of driving onto the time of a run isn’t THAT appealing, but I could do it every once in a while.  Maybe I could schedule it once a month, and arrange for a “hilly” run once a week.

So that’s one goal- get better at hills and technical trails.  I also want to focus on strength and speed this summer.  Although, that’s the same thing I said last summer and I don’t think I’m any stronger or faster.  Hmm.  More details to come, but I need to come up with a better plan for lifting weights and speed work.

So the summer will be all about strength, speed, with some hills and technical trail work thrown in.  What about RACES?

Well, Forgotten Florida is again on my list.  I’m not 100% sure if I’ll do that, or a different 50 mile race, but I definitely want to tackle the 50 mile distance again.  Forgotten Florida is February 1st, so I would want to do another race between now and then.  There are several 50Ks I have my eye on, two in October and one in November.

Right now I’m waiting for my daughter’s band schedule to be released for the next school year- I want to look at that before I make any commitments to be away for a weekend.  Since I have several possible races to choose from, I don’t feel like I need to sign up for anything right this second.

And… yes.  This means I WILL be doing long runs in the heat of summer (our hot weather goes at least to the end of October.)  But that’s okay!  I’ll take the next couple of months to focus on shorter distances (and strength and speed) and by then I’ll be missing my long runs- I know myself well.

Do you have anything you’re excited about this summer?


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Another FIG-y Friday!

Hooray!  We made it through another week of FIGS!  Just in case anyone doesn’t know about FIGs at this point,

The Shape of My Week

You know how I’ve been grumbling incessantly about feeling down, and the year getting off to a slow start?  Well,

29 Responses

  1. I’m excited for long days. And a few weeks of shorter weekend runs.

    I too want to work on speed. I’ve said that before.

    1. Okay Darlene, we’re working on speed together! We’ll keep each other posted of our progress… hopefully.

  2. Ha ha I’m pretty sure that you DO feel the need to sign up for a race this very second! I always used to get a thrill from the moment when I registered for a race. How exciting that there will be another race this fall!

    My big excitement of the summer is…right now with my solo vacay! There is a lot of driving involved, and I arranged things so that I do most of it at the beginning of the week and then I’ll settle down in one place for the last half of the trip. I’ve seen so many amazing things, and very soon I will get to meet some amazing people in person!

    1. Yes, I can’t wait to hear about your vacations! I’m pretty sure you’re in my old stomping grounds.
      And you’re right about signing up for a race- it is exciting, and it immediately lights a fire. Okay fine, I DO want to sign up right now.

  3. Oh, Jenny, you will have a full schedule this summer!

    You are right about the technical trails – it takes a lot of training. That’s also been one of my goals. However, I now realize that I will have to make a choice: either road races (with speed and hills) or technical trails, I can’t do both.
    So I’m focusing on road races for now and using easy trails as a sort of gentle cross training. I’m not sure if that’s the best strategy, I’ll find out over the next few months!

    1. Actually I think that strategy is great. Do you ever read Hungry Runner Girl? That’s what she does, and she’s had some amazing results on the road. And, I know… it’s so hard- we can’t do everything! At least not all at the same time.

  4. Oh, hills! I have always lived where there are a lot of hills and I find uphill to be fine but downhill requires so much stability, particularly in the knees and hips. It feels like it should be the opposite – downhills should be easier – but I have always found them harder. Not that I’m running anymore but still!
    I am looking forward to SUMMER! I am going to really enjoy it – last summer was our move, and I was so busy with that I had a hard time enjoying anything at all. But I’m looking forward to it! It’s so beautiful here in the summer, I am going to just channel my inner Jenny and make every day count!

    1. It’s funny that you say that, because in the early miles of my race I found myself running UP the hills but often walking DOWN them- especially when there was uneven footing, i could trust myself to run downhill. That’s when I realized- there’s a skill to this that I’m lacking!
      I’m looking forward to hearing about your beautiful summer (and seeing lots of photos.)

  5. I think there’s always something we can work on when it comes to running, especially trail running, so I’m excited to see how you do focusing your training on hills and technical terrain! I’ll admit that I’m also not great at running on technical trails because I just seem to catch my toe on every rock so I can’t really get into a groove, but I don’t have the excuse of not having many technical trails to train on — most of our trails here are at least fairly rocky — it’s just a matter of improving my agility and proprioception!

    I can’t wait to see what race you decide to sign up for! I’m not super excited about my long run this weekend — I’m planning to visit my parents and I was going to do a mountain trail that’s about an hour drive away from them but there are unfortunately wildfires in the area so I’ll probably have to start early, stay closer and do a lot of loops back to my car for water because it’s supposed to be 106 on Saturday ugh!

  6. ACK. 106! Yes, use your car like an aid station and bring ice in a cooler! Once again I wish you had a blog because i want to hear details about this run.
    When I did the Dunes 50k last year, there were some technical parts (before we got to the sand dunes) and I was astonished to see people nimbly running over them- I’m not even sure I knew that kind of running was possible. That’s the trail I could get to with an hour’s drive, so it would be possible for me to practice there.

  7. We are going to Portugal, so that is huge!
    Can I admit what I’m dreading? A summer in our neighbourhood. The people with whom we’ve had some challenges seem to be staying put (the lease was to be up the end of June, but they’re doing all sorts of yard work, so I can only assume they’ll be here all summer). BUT, that is okay. It is hard and I am going to call it hard because it is soooo hard. BUT, we are making it work. We are going to Portugal! We have fun camps and all sorts of great things lined up.
    I know summer will have ups and downs, but I’m aiming for lots of ups and we have a good framework for that in place.

    As always, I will live in awe of all your physical adventures. I think you feel happiest when you have a big event to work toward, so I say go for it this October!! Also, I LOVE that Forgotten Florida is on your list <3

    1. Ugh- well, your attitude is great. You can’t control the rest of it. AND, like you said- you’re going to Portugal!!! That is going to be awesome.
      Yes, you’re right- I am happiest when I have something to work towards. I’m one click away from signing up!!!

  8. I love your strategy for training this summer and I am excited to learn about whatever race you end up with! I am looking forward to summer, mainly because I am hoping it involves a lot less driving than the school year did!

    1. YES. I’m not missing the drive to school! We do have a week of camp that involves some annoying driving, but that’s just one week.

    1. and YES – can’t we get every sports / band / important school event scheduled a year in advance? (I know, not realistic -BUT I WISH!!!!)

    2. I’ve heard of that park- it’s a little bit of a drive but not too bad. I’ll definitely check it out this summer. Thank you!

  9. I think your plan sounds wonderful! And you are a tough cookie so you’ll get through training runs in the FL heat.

    I think I might like trail racing but haven’t felt compelled to do more of it because it is such a hassle to get to trails and I don’t need more hassle in my life right now. Ha. I mean no one is like – yes, please, give me more hassle – but I have enough “natural” hassle in my life without adding anything to the mix. I’ve done a couple of trail races – I think a 10 mile and 1/2 marathon and both were very fun. I love the chill vibe of a trail race! So maybe in 20 years when I live somewhere else (I think? Hard to forecast that far off!) I will take up trail running!

    For now I am excited about our trip to my parents’ lake home in August. We’ll also be up there for the 4th but that’s a long weekend trip and my dad’s side gets together which means LOTS OF PEOPLE which is not my favorite… our August trip is usually just my family and my parents so is very low key. I’m also looking forward to going to the local beaches with the boys as they are both interested in water now. Taco was interested 2 summers ago then last year he was not but now he’s back to being interested. A beach outing can be really wonderful because they are easily entertained but neither of them are going to like dive into the water. So it’s kind of a fun, chill outing albeit very messy because of the sand. But entertaining them is 9/10s of the battle.

    I’m trying to figure out a plan for the fall but am having a hard time finding a 10 mile race. A 1/2 marathon is a bridge too far for this stage of life as I’d have to increase my mid-week runs. But a 10 mile would be perfect as I could run 3 miles twice a week and do a long run on Saturdays and still be adequately trained. So the search continues!

    1. Yes- trail races are very chill! As are trips to the beach. Once you accept ALL THE SAND, the kids can be entertained for hours and it’s actually pretty relaxing for the parents as well.
      Hmmm… there has to be a 10 mile race somewhere near you in the fall! I think it’s a great goal- 10 miles is a nice distance.

  10. I’m so happy you liked that card. It just seemed so PERFECT for you!

    There’s a trail near my house and when it’s not flooded, it’s really love to run on. I like to have to concentrate on jumping over logs and being careful with my footing. It makes me concentrate and I like that. I’m not anywhere near as fast as you are, though! But if you’re going to be doing more races on trails, I can see how you’d want to find time to get to some trails for practice runs.

  11. Yes- when you’re focused on the surface of the trail, you’re not really thinking about how far you’ve run, or are you tired- it’s like you’re in a flow state. On these races, I’m also focused on following flags so I don’t go the wrong way! Once again- it makes it fun, almost more like a game than a workout.
    I love the card so much I’m thinking of getting it framed!

  12. You have time to decide after you fully recover and miss long training. It was only last weekend that I felt I am back to training again, that’s almost 2 months after my Paris marathon.
    getting back to strength, speed, sounds fun.

    1. That was two months ago??? It seems longer. Yes, I’ll start off training very gently. You’re right, it hasn’t been that long since my race.

  13. No big summer plans this year… but just the *idea* of summer… sunshine, no school, watermelon, picnics, beach trips… is enough to make me feel blessed and giddy.

    I am so in awe of your goal-setting!

    1. Thanks Maya! And I know what you mean- even though I’ll be working all summer and not taking any big trips, the summer vibes are contagious.

  14. I love this, Jenny! And yeah, if you’re going to be a runner in Florida, you gotta just deal with the heat and humidity. I think you have figured out how to make it a BIT less of a pain with your ice cap and such!

    My only summer plan is going to Chicago in two weeks to see a live podcast show + hang out with Kim. I’m going to meet all of her cats for the first time and I am SO FREAKING EXCITED!

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