walkers walk… but runners fly

Some “Hella Good” Podcasts

On Sunday I ran six miles, and that last mile was hard.  I didn’t get up early enough, I was running in the heat, I haven’t been doing long runs… etc. etc.  There were all sorts of reasons, but I couldn’t help thinking- “How in the world am I going to run 50 miles in February if I’m struggling to get through six?” 

I remember having those same thoughts while training for my 50K.  How am I going to run a 50K when I can’t run ten miles without getting nauseous?  How am I going to run 30 miles, when 23 was this hard?  But… it all worked out.  One thing I did (in addition to, obviously, training for the race) was that I constantly listened to podcasts about people doing much, much harder things than running a mere 50K.  And I’m still doing that!  Here are a couple of my recent favorites.

Hellah Sidibe was recently interviewed on Sally McRae’s podcast.  In case you haven’t heard of Hellah, he currently has a SIX YEAR run streak going.  Yes, he’s run every day for six years, and also during that time has done a couple other “little” things- like run across the United States, and he recently completed the Western States 100 mile race.  Yep- he does those things while upholding a daily run streak.  He’s also a super nice and inspirational guy- look for HELLAHGOOD on instagram.

(Side note- Sally McRae is one of my favorite ultrarunners and I didn’t even know she had a podcast!  It’s relatively new, and I can’t wait to binge all 24 episodes.)

Speaking of Western States… you can’t mention this year’s race without talking about the GOAT, Courtney Dauwalter.  She broke the women’s course record this year by 78 minutes, and then turned around three weeks later and won Hardrock (another 100 mile race), also breaking the course record.  This episode of I’ll Have Another with Lindsey Hein was recorded between the two races.  When asked how she was going to recover from Western States and be ready for Hardrock, Courtney’s response was something along the lines of “I have no idea!” Apparently it worked out.

At the end of the interview, Lindsey asked if she had any advice for us mere mortals, and Courtney’s answer was, “Have fun, try hard things, see what’s possible…. why not?”

Yes, WHY NOT???  Why not sign up for a 50 mile race?  What’s the worst that could possibly happen?  (Well, I guess I could die- but we take that risk just by walking out the front door every day.) Realistically, the worst thing that could happen is that I’ll fail to complete the race- and no one will really care.

One last podcast of interest was Floris Gierman’s Extramilest podcast where he interviewed Chris Hauth.  Chris is an endurance athlete and coach extraordinaire.  I first heard him on Rich Roll’s podcast (he’s Rich’s coach and long-time friend.). He recently completed the 7X Project, which was 7 marathons on 7 continents in 7 days.  The goal of the project was to raise awareness for mental health issues among veterans.

In addition to talking about the training and execution of this escapade- the logistics alone are mind-boggling- Chris talks about training in general, and how it pertains to mental health.  He talks about the importance of having something to aim for, and also the importance of enjoying the process along the way.  My favorite quote was, “I don’t know where I’m going, but I know how to get there.”

We can’t know the outcome of our goals, but we know what it takes to get there- consistency, hard work, and a solid plan.  I don’t know how my race is going to go, but I know what I have to do to get myself to the starting line.  As Chris says, “Consistency and longevity are superpowers.”  So many good quotes in this episode!

Sometimes I can’t find anything good to listen to, and then sometimes there are so many podcasts I don’t have time for them all!  I can’t wait for my workout tomorrow so I can listen to another one.

Do you listen to podcasts? – I listen while I’m working out and when I’m driving.

If you do like podcasts, what’s your favorite?


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24 Responses

  1. I never listen to podcasts, but I’m glad that you do and provide us with such inspiring stories!
    Just the other day I read an article about Courtney Dauwalter and they mentioned how she is always smiling during her races. She’s always having fun, thanks the volunteers and high-fives the little kids. AMAZING!

    I watched the Tour de France Netflix documentary yesterday evening in preparation for my intervals today. Inspirational stories really help us, mere mortals, when things get hard!

  2. “Why not sign up for a 50 mile race?” – I seem to remember that you had some doubt about the 50k and look how that turned out! The answer is “because you can” – you’ve been on a great track with fitness so of course it makes sense to follow the path and see what else you can do.

    I don’t really listen to running podcasts any more – I would if someone that I was really interested in was on, like say if Hungry Runner Girl was interviewed it would be a must download. But I do remember that I’ve heard Courtney on several podcasts over the years and they were always great listens.

    1. Yes, Courtney is great on a podcast- she speaks really well and always has interesting things to say. And you’re right- I probably had all these same doubts before the 50K, although I’ve now forgotten about them. All will be well!

  3. I used to listen to podcasts a lot more, but now I feel like I get interrupted too much for this to work? I don’t like running to podcasts – I really need the beat of music if I’m going to listen to anything. And I generally walk WITH someone else, so we talk.
    In terms of puttering around the house, I do things in small time increments (put on laundry in between work calls), so I’m basically never doing a single task for the full time it would take to listen to an episode.

    Also…I find it a bit overwhelming. There are sooooooo many great podcasts covering so many great topics that I feel like I’m too far behind to even get started? I have a handful I listen to when I do a solo walk or am home alone doing things (Happier with Gretchen Rubin, No Stupid Questions, Best of Both Worlds)…but even those I don’t listen to every week! Perhaps in a different season of life?!

    My sister does Ironman competitions/regularly runs marathons and ultras and never – EVER, even during training – listens to anything. It boggles my mind. Especially with high-intensity exercise I need some distraction (music for me)…but she just never listens to anything for THOUSANDS OF HOURS of exercise. Can’t understand it!

    1. WOW. That’s impressive. I know a lot of people frown upon listening to music or podcasts while working out, but I love it. Now, if I forget my headphones or something I CAN run without them… but I feel kind of lonely.

  4. Deciding my favorite podcast is too hard! There are just so many good ones! I do think it’s funny that neither of us will probable ever listen to a podcast that they other one listens to – unless maybe someone does a series reviewing all the books in the Enders saga!

  5. Honestly, I am not a podcast person. However, I do get motivated by hearing about other people persevering and accomplishing their goals. I also believe that having an off season or a cut back season does a body good. When you are ready to base build again for your race, you will do it

    1. Yes, I have to keep reminding myself that I CHOSE for this to be an off season, and to focus more on strength. Also, it’s funny how some people love podcasts and some people don’t care for them. I guess it’s the same with anything- some people don’t like blogs anymore but I love them!

  6. Courtney is truly an incredible athlete! But I’m also very inspired by a lot of “everyday” runners who chase after their goals too!

    My favorite running-related podcast is We Run the Desert. It is Arizona-focused but the hosts have interviewed runners from all over and it’s so interesting to hear their stories of how they got into running and what motivates them. I also love when they talk about certain trails or races in AZ that I’m familiar with, because then I can be like, “Oh I’ve ran there and know exactly what they’re talking about!” And the hosts are just a lot of fun so it’s a great one to listen to. I’m behind on episodes because usually I listen to them when I do a “treadhill double” (hill intervals on the treadmill) and I haven’t been on the tread since the spring since it’s not my favorite lol but the podcasts would always get me through!

    1. We Run the Desert sounds kind of like one I listen to- Florida Trail Runners. Mostly of interest to people who live here. But I’m going to check out We Run the Desert. Why do I have the feeling that you’re going to eventually convince me to move to AZ???

  7. Its been amazing to see what Courtney has done in those 2 races! Now I want to go back and listen to her on Lindsey’s podcast. The ultra world is so fascinating to me. I just coached a runner to her first 50k and it is intriguing to me….I won’t be doing one in this phase of life but hopefully one day!

    1. No, probably not when you have a young child… but they do grow up and you’ll have more time! Courtney’s podcast with Lindsey is really good.

  8. I listen to podcast but no running-related podcasts. I should change that and maybe start with Ali on the Run or something. For awhile there I felt like I lost my identity as a runner and wasn’t sure I could still call myself a runner so I wasn’t drawn to running content as it kind of made me feel bad about myself/how little I was/am running? But I’ve since reframed that and am focusing on the fact that this is a season of life and things will eventually look very different. My favorite podcasts are book podcasts: Currently Reading, Sarah’s Bookshelves Live and Front the Front Porch!

    1. I think there’s definitely a running-related podcast for you, and Ali on the run would be a good one. Some podcasts make me feel bad too- it seems like they’re for people running at a very high level. My favorite ultra running podcasts are ones geared towards beginners or “regular” runners.
      I don’t listen to any book podcasts, and I should! Maybe I’ll try one of the ones you mentioned.

  9. I love podcasts! I listen to them all day long. I listen to them while I’m cleaning, puttering around, doing my morning/nighttime routine, driving, working out, going on walks, and even some work tasks. It’s hard to name a favorite! There are so many I love, but some top ones are The Popcast, Pod Save America, Stuff You Should Know, and The Girl Next Door Podcast.

  10. Since I can’t run anymore (sigh) , no running-related podcasts for me. I never listened to them, actually. I listen to sports podcasts but not this type – ones that follow more current sports events, offer commentary on players’ shenanigans, etc. (Current favorite: GoJo, which is hosted by a guy who used to be on ESPN and who I followed to his own podcast when he left that company…)

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