walkers walk… but runners fly

Sometimes You’re Up….

Remember last week when my daughter made All-State and I said I was going to ride this wave of euphoria as long as possible?  Well… that was short.

I guess the universe heard me complain about the humidity and said “Oh yeah?  Let’s give her something real to complain about!” – because now we have a HURRICANE heading our way.  Seriously?  A hurricane in November?

The next two days of school have been canceled, and in a stunning stroke of bad luck, these were probably the most eventful days of the whole year.  My daughter was supposed to have an all-day rehearsal for the county jazz band, a field trip to a Holocaust museum, and then the jazz concert tomorrow night.

The jazz band event has been postponed until April (April???) and the trip to the Holocaust museum is not able to be rescheduled at all.  They were supposed to meet actual Holocaust survivors, which was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, because as my daughter pointed out (with her usual tact) “These people won’t be alive much longer!”

Yes, the mood around here has turned grim.  But I’m reminded of a line from an old Woody Allen movie, Deconstructing Harry.  Billy Crystal’s character says life is like Vegas: “Sometimes you’re up, sometimes you’re down- in the end, the house always wins.  Doesn’t mean you didn’t have a good time.”

Yep, we’ll be up again soon.  But right now I have to go.  I have to get ready for a hurricane.

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Another FIG-y Friday!

Hooray!  We made it through another week of FIGS!  Just in case anyone doesn’t know about FIGs at this point,

The Shape of My Week

You know how I’ve been grumbling incessantly about feeling down, and the year getting off to a slow start?  Well,

24 Responses

    1. Thank you Darlene! We’re already feeling a little better today… things will be good as long as the hurricane doesn’t knock our power out.

    1. Yes, it’s supposed to be a Category 1, which isn’t nothing but on the other hand it won’t be like the hurricane that hit the west coast of Florida last month.

  1. Crossing my fingers that the hurricane is not doing any damage (or at least not too much). I would not know how to live with hurricanes (coming from the one who lives with the looming earthquake threat in California). Sorry, your daughter’s plans got canceled. I still remember how sad mine was when the space museum one got canceled and the 6 grade science camp she was looking forward to all her elementary school years back in covid days.

    1. Yes- there were a LOT of disappointing cancelations during Covid. I think my kids must be used to it by now.
      I think earthquakes are scarier than hurricanes- at least we have plenty of time to get ready!

  2. Oh, no! How disappointing for your daughter and scary for you if it does make landfall near you! I’ll definitely keep my fingers crossed for you and your family. Does it seem like a situation where you’ll possibly have to evacuate?

    1. We live nine miles inland, so we’ve never had to evacuate. So far we just have a lot of rain and wind, but it’s supposed to make landfall a little north of us tonight. I’m thinking we’ll miss the worst of it.

  3. Oh Jenny. This sucks. I am so sorry for you all. For the weather. For all the cancellations. For the angst this will cause your daughter and the trickle-down impacts that angst will have on you. Ugh.

    We’re supposed to get the tail-end of your hurricane and I may actually change our weekend plans because it’s supposed to be rainy and windy all Saturday. Maybe else will crop up soon that will seem equally exciting for your daughter? But really, missing out on the Holocaust museum and meeting survivors and having an event postponed until APRIL is so, so disappointing.

    Praying everyone stays safe – and the power stays on. <3

    1. Thank you Elisabeth! Yes, if the power goes out that will be the crowning blow. I know, Nicole is heading up your way after Florida.

  4. Oh no!!! I hope you are all safe!

    I’m so sorry your daughter missed out on so much – that’s a real shame about not being able to meet the Holocaust survivors. What a powerful thing that would have been. I’m sorry to hear it.

    1. Yeah, I’m still sad about that. But the good news is, the storm passed to the north of us (the bad news being of course, we didn’t really need to cancel anything- oh well.)

  5. Ugh, that sucks … both that you’re expecting a hurricane (I hope you stay safe!) and that two big events got canceled for your daughter. I can understand the disappointment

    1. Yes, especially annoying because the storm ended up passing to the north of us- we really didn’t need to cancel anything at all.

  6. Ughhh, I’m sorry that the hurricane ruined your daughter’s school plans. That’s the real sucky thing about these weather events. After all of the emotional toil Ian put me through, I just did not have it in me to deal with this new hurricane. Wahhh.

    1. I know- Ian really inconvenienced you, with the evacuation. Luckily it sounds like Nicole was just a lot of rain for you.

  7. Botswana can be very dry, with many drought years, but one thing I’m grateful of is not having anything more serious like hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, etc. I hope your days were a bit more on the up after this one.

    Well done for doing the 30-Blog challenge – I have full admiration for you and Zenaida!

    1. Well, I’m only halfway through! It’s really easier than you would think once you get started (just in case you want to join us next year…)

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