First things first- thank you SO MUCH for all the kind comments yesterday! I thought about my blogging friends often during the race- I don’t think it would have been nearly as enjoyable if I couldn’t share it. So thanks for reading!!!
When I left off yesterday, I had just crossed the finish line. I chatted a little with the woman in the yellow hat (who ran ahead of me for the latter part of the race) and we took pictures of each other. And then we both started to wonder how Mark was doing, or, as she said, “Where’s that guy with the bottle of Dr. Pepper?”
I was feeling a little bad about the way our “relationship” had ended. Yes, he made some weird comments, but he also ran with me through a part of the race that can be mentally tough- miles 10-18, where you might be starting to get tired but the end is nowhere in sight. I was hoping to see him at the finish.
I hung around for a little, but then reluctantly went to my car for fresh clothes. I needed to get changed and cleaned up… because I had to drive the four hours home.
WHY. Why did I do that to myself? Ultimately, I was glad once I got home and could sleep in my own bed. But at that moment, the drive felt daunting. I had been up since 4 am and just ran a 50K. What I really wanted was a nap, but instead I washed off my feet, wiped down the rest of my body, changed, and got in the car. SIGH.
Before I got on the highway, I stopped at a Publix and got a Vegan Turkey Club! A footlong sub with vegan cold cuts, vegan cheese, vegan ranch, and all the vegetables. I don’t usually eat this, so it was a real treat. Here’s my car feast:

The Pub sub, Fritos, and- the best part- a large Coke Zero. YUM.
The car ride wasn’t as bad as I had anticipated- I was on the Florida Turnpike, which is a pleasant road. I did have to stop for the bathroom several times, and this was a bit of a problem, because my sore calf, which had thankfully made it through the entire race, decided it was done for the day. Every time I got out of the car I had to kind of shuffle that leg along- I can only imagine what I looked like.
At one point I texted my husband “Just leaving the Port St. Lucie aid station!” ER- service plaza. Not aid station. My mind was still back on the race.
I finally got home, showered and WENT TO BED. Luckily I slept well… because Monday I had to work. YUCK! I didn’t request the day off because we’re always super busy on Memorial Day, so I just decided to suck it up. It probably wasn’t such a bad thing- it was good to be active.
My calf is still sore, and I have various other aches and pains, which is to be expected. But the weirdest problem is a… rash? on my legs. It’s in little patches all over, but I’m going to show you the worst part, and I’m giving a warning, in case anyone is reading this while innocently eating breakfast. I don’t want you to scream, or choke and spew coffee all over the place.
I KNOW. WHAT IS THAT. An allergic reaction to one of the plants on the trail? But it’s not itchy. It’s not bumpy or irritated. I wouldn’t even know it was there if it didn’t look so… disgusting. The worst part is, I really wanted to get a massage this week and now I can’t. I don’t THINK this is contagious, but since I don’t know what it is, I can’t ask anyone else to touch it. BUMMER.
Sooooo…. what’s next? First the calf has to heal up. I’m not worried about it- I’ve been going for walks and it’s slowly getting better. Soon I’ll be lurking on Ultrasignup, looking for another race. Possibly a 50K in the fall? And… the 50 mile distance and I have some unfinished business.
One final note- Mark finished the race about an hour after me. I’m very glad he finished, sorry that I didn’t see him, and ultimately glad that I started my drive when I did. But I’m hoping to see him again at a future race.
Anyone a skin expert with an opinion on my leg “rash?”
What’s your favorite treat meal?
33 Responses
Rashes (and unexplained fevers) are my undoing. It always feels like they could be ANYTHING. I’m really glad it’s not causing you any issues, though.
Favourite treat meal. Hmmm. That’s hard. Probably sushi as a main course and cheesecake for dessert? That sounds pretty close to perfect to me!
Oh, your treat meal is definitely more highbrow than mine! Just give me a sandwich from the grocery store and a bag of fritos, and I’m thrilled : )
If it’s not itchy or bumpy or sore, could it be blown blood vessels? Is that the calf that is cramped and sore? I just wonder if it’s something like that.
I’m so glad “Dr Pepper guy” did finish, because I had a moment of concern with what you said was his erratic pace. And also just being fueled on pop.
Favourite treat meal – I don’t know! I feel like I make myself favourite meals all the time, so I don’t really have anything…wait, yes I do. It’s really random but the Mouh sandwich from a place called Aida in Calgary, that would be a real treat. With fattoush salad. Mmm. And I love cake, so there would be cake involved (is it still a treat if I make a cake a couple times a month?)
Nicole, I did consider that it’s something internal causing it. And… I’m looking at Wendy’s comment below. She’s the expert!
Your treat meal sounds delicious, and yes, cake definitely counts no matter how often you have it.
That ‘rash’ is called purpura. If you don’t have any other symptoms, like abdominal pain, It could be due to what is called ‘exercise-induced vasculitis’. Just keep an eye on it and it should go away in a week or so.
Thank you Wendy!!!!! I looked it up. you’re completely right.
That sandwich sounds really good! My favorite treat meal would be loaded vegan nachos.
I’m impressed that you not only drove 4 hours after your race but you also worked the next day! My races have all been on Saturday (well, except my last one on a Friday) so I’ve driven back on Sunday and then I’ve taken Monday off work to give myself an extra recovery day. But it sounds like that would be tough for you with how busy it was so I’m glad you felt ok to work!
Loaded vegan nachos would definitely be a treat meal for me as well- I’m glad I didn’t try to eat that in the car though!
I wouldn’t say this was the ideal schedule. By the time Tuesday rolled around I was EXHAUSTED. Luckily today (Wednesday) is my day off and I’m getting caught up on rest.
Oh geesh! I blame the rash on that crappy rocky part of the trail!
Props to Publix for having a vegan cold cut with all the works! And props to you for actually having to pee after running so far! You hydrated well!
Well, as I was driving I was sipping on water with LMNT and it was apparently going right through me! But yes- I did drink a lot of water (and slushies, ha) during the race.
Glad to hear that the calf is improving and that you haven’t quit ultras. You are really good at them and you seem to enjoy trails.
I’m sure you googled what Wendy said: Exercise-induced purpura (EIP) occurs on the lower legs after unusual or major muscular activity, as in marathon runners or as after long walks, especially in the mountains in hot weather.
Yep- that’s EXACTLY what it is! Great to know.
I wouldn’t say I’m “really good” at ultras- I have a lot to learn. But I definitely enjoy them and am willing to keep at it, so I’m sure I’ll improve!
okay yes, I was just thinking “Jenny that’s purpura!” but I didn’t know there was an exercised induced kind. That is wild! Definitely see a dr if it is getting worse. Glad you are otherwise feeling okay and that you made the drive home! Josh and I decided after our race that we DO NOT want to drive home from Jacksonville (6 hrs) the same day as the race. ALSO that sub looks amazing!!!
Yes, I had never heard of purpura before but I looked it up, and the exercise-induced kind is the exact definitely of what I have! It’s already fading- now it’s maroon instead of bright red.
DO NOT drive home from Jacksonville the day of your race!!! Four hours was bad enough (and it takes even longer with all the pee breaks!) You’ll be much happier relaxing that day and driving the next.
You went to work the day after your 50K and a 4-hour drive home! You are a goddess!
(My favorite treat meal is kinda like yours–I love the Subway veggie footlong.)
Yes, I actually tried to stop at a subway but couldn’t find it- so I just went to Publix. The subway subs are yummy.
Well I am glad that several commenters came through with a dx for you! I was thinking it did not look like a rash and instead was something internal. Hopefully it clears up quickly!
I would have been glad to NOT see Mark because of how awkward he was when you ran ahead of him! But I am terrible w/ awkward convos like that and just want to avoid them entirely. Because I can see Mark being like – ‘oh, good to see you again. Thanks for deserting me out there on the trail!’ Ha!
I haven’t had to drive home from a long race the same day but I did work out of our Des Moines office the day after my DSM marathon back in 2012 and that was rough. I had a client lunch that we walked to through the skyways of DSM and then the sales person decided we should take the stairs at one point and I was like – AY YI YI!!! Then I drove home that afternoon but I think I got a massage that evening which helped!
Ha, yes that sounds like me the day after my race. I was pretty wobbly! And… i’m laughing at your imagined conversation with Mark at the finish. It would have been interesting!
Oh, that must have been quite the ride home – and you worked the next day!? That really is “active” recovery! I mean, coming out of something called “sweat, swat, and swear” with only a sore calf and a bit of a rash may be a win, right?!?!
I am glad Mark finished! I was wondering what happened to him (and his Dr. Pepper)! I must be so weird to run through miles (and lows) with folks and then lose track of them and not know how their races end.
Luckily they published the race results by the next day, so I was able to check on Mark. And he was not the last one (DFL)- there were plenty more behind him.
Yes, overall I feel pretty good. The calf and mysterious leg “rash” are both improving. But no running this week- I’m just walking and it feels great.
Again, congrats on a job well done! It’s good to hear that Dr. Pepper guy finished.
I’m glad Wendy was able to identify what’s happening on your leg and that it should go away on its own soon.
Yes, Wendy really saved the day! Thank goodness for blogging friends.
Congrats Jenny! I read your both recaps together and I’m smiling!!! You did great and endured the heat and the exhaustion! And you drove home after that?? woooo!!! amazing!!!
those skin rashes look weird, glad that they don’t hurt, hopefully it’s just a allergic reaction and goes away soon.
Now rest, recovery and enjoy your victory.
Thank you Coco! I’ve definitely been enjoying a laid-back week. The skin issue is MUCH better, phew.
You have done us all a public service … now if we are ever crazy enough to push ourselves like you, we will know what is one our leg the next day. Congratulations again. I can’t believe you drove home afterwards, and worked the next day. You are tough.
Ha ha- I think Wendy was the one who did us all a service. i probably wouldn’t have figured it out without her.
Is it wrong that my thought was that if you had eaten the entire bag of Fritos, I wouldn’t have even batted an eye. You earned it!
I’ve never even heard of purpura! I’m so glad you wrote about it because that’s fascinating. Reading about it makes it seem like maybe it is related to that calf issue. SO INTERESTING. I hope it’s not itchy or uncomfortable and that it heals very quickly.
Oh that rash looks painful (so I’m really glad it’s not physically bothersome). When Barb & I ran Route 66 (November 2016), we stopped at a rest stop about 20 miles down the road (after we’d showered & checked out of our hotel). So many people were hobbling around, inside & outside of this place, LOL. It was very obvious they had also run the marathon that morning:-)
Ha ha that’s a true ultra marathon when you run the race and then get right into the car to drive home. Your lunch looks epic, and you would have been totally justified in eating the whole bag of Fritos if you wanted to.
Congrats again on your race!
LOL on second-guessing your decision to drive home the same day, but it sounds like it was the right one. We’ve done that after long bike rides (not as grueling) and it is nice once you’re home. I hope you ate as many of those Fritos as you wanted — I’m sure you needed to replenish some salt too. 😉
Glad Wendy figured out the rash — hope it’s getting better now.
You got up at 4 am, ran 50k, drove 4 hours home AND worked the next day?? GIRL! What were you thinking? I am glad you made it home ok.
I really like an ice-cold soda directly after the race, and then pancakes..
Glad the hive mind has sorted out your rash! My treat meal after a race is Pizza Express dough balls followed by a “light” pizza (it has a hole in the middle and low-fat cheese). I discovered I really can’t do without that when I did my first marathon in Reykjavik and discovered that is what I NEEDED (having had it after most of my UK-based half-marathons). Obvs they don’t have a British pizza chain in Iceland – if I’d known I would NEED those I’d have bought the version they sell in the supermarket to cook in our hostel. But no, I had a meltdown instead!
Amazing – not only the race, but the vegan hoagie (jealous!) and you pushing through to drive home and WORK the next day. Wow. The only marathon I ever ran was a Sunday marathon (Weird in the mid-Atlantic) and so I had to go to work the next day. It was… interesting. 🙂 I hope you are much better off by now!