When I was planning the “Ultimate Waco Adventure” (the last road trip to Texas with my son) I imagined doing all sorts of new and exciting things. I even contemplated taking a day trip and exploring the surrounding area. Then I realized- I had two days to spend in Waco. Other than graduation (which will probably be a very quick trip) it will be my last time there. I decided to just hang out, relax, and soak it all in.
One thing I really enjoyed was my long walk around the Baylor campus. There were parts of it I had never seen, and I figured now was the time!
I read every plaque and examined every statue up close.
Look at this- a Black man, who was also apparently disabled, graduated from a university in the south in 1967. There was also a statue of a Black woman who graduated the same year. I wonder what college was like for them.
My son and I both LOVE iced tea (well, I love hot tea as well- I like all tea.) He was very excited to take me to HTeaO (top photo.) They have all sorts of tea- black, green, sweet, unsweet, flavored… you can sample any tea you want, and then make your own concoction.

I made a combo of unsweet raspberry, unsweet peach, and some black tea sweetened with stevia. I LOVED it! Because we were there during “Tea Happy Hour,” both our (giant) teas together cost $3.30. We went there twice, and I would have gone again if I had been there longer.
I already mentioned the bookstore I loved so much. This was a sign inside the store:
On my other trips to Waco I sought out interesting places to run- trails and paths along the river. But I never really explored the area right around my son’s house. Instead of going toward campus, I decided to explore the other direction. After a couple of blocks it became very rural, and it was lovely.

So, it wasn’t a trip full of amazing adventures- but I loved it. I got to spend time with my son in the town he calls “home” (for one more year.) I’m sad that it will all come to an end, but I feel like I really got to know Waco well. And… there will be new adventures ahead!
Have you ever been to Texas? – In addition to Waco, I’ve visited Austin, and ahem, spent the night in Houston.
Do you like iced tea? Sweetened or unsweetened? – I usually like plain, unsweet black tea, but the tea I had in Waco was so good!
20 Responses
Sometimes it’s nice to just take it all in!
I especially like that you explored the area around your son’s house. When you told him about it – did he recognize where you had been?
Those iced teas sound lovely. We make our tea ourselves (I’m sure you do too when you’re not in Waco). Mostly, we use hibiscus and some kind of fruit tea and add a squeezed lemon. We make 2 or 3 litres and store it in the fridge. So convenient!
Yes, I usually make my own tea but it’s plain black! Your tea sounds good, although I like a little caffeine in mine.
My son’t roommate seemed more familiar with the are than my son- my son isn’t much of a walker!
Excellent choice! I got my MA at Miami of Ohio, and I was only there for 2 years, but my parents both loved the campus, and I remember our last weekend there just eating and drinking our faves and walking around as one of the best times we all had together.
Aw… what a nice memory! I hope my son looks back on our time like that.
It sounds like a perfect few days! I actually really enjoy just hanging out in a city, running in the neighborhoods, walking to the nearby restaurants or shops, and just getting to know a place, aside from the usual touristy things. It just feels more intimate that way. I went to Austin and did not get a car and had a good time wandering around. I’ve never been to Waco though!
Austin is a good city to wander around! And yes- it’s fun to just explore the “regular” places in a city instead of always doing touristy things.
Mary Oliver! I love her and it’s so funny that you mention her, because I have been rereading her “Devotions” before yoga practice in the morning. Just this morning I read one of my all-time favourites and I have been thinking about it a lot!
I like a fruity herbal iced tea, but I almost never have it. Like, maybe once every ten years. I guess I am more of a plain water gal, or a hot coffee gal. Maybe if I lived in the south it would be different!
Once every ten year is not very often to have iced tea! You could make that easily, but I guess if you’re happy with plain water, why change it.
I was happy to see a quote from Mary Oliver in the bookstore, and I particularly liked that one on that day.
I haven’t been to Texas other than for work a long time ago, so I’d love to go and hang out. Austin and Waco would be top of my list.
If I’m having iced tea my go to is plain black, but I like a sweet tea every once in a while. In theory I don’t like fruity teas but…wait when have I ever tried them? So if I was in the tea bar I might very well sample a few teas and change my mind.
Okay, so you could take a trip to Austin, with a day trip to Waco thrown in. And you could go to HTeaO and sample all the teas. I don’t usually like fruity teas either, but I liked that tea I got there!
I do like sweetened iced rea but as a rule, I prefer coffee.
I’ve been to San Antonio years ago but it was for a conference.
Great idea to take advantage of exploring… esp since you can’t run. An injury does have its advantages.
I think I would love that tea place and just experiment with huge concoctions all the time. I usually start out the day making a huge pot, but lately it’s just been peppermint+ginger+turmeric because it’s healthy. I think I feel like something light and fruity today. Thanks for that inspiring photo!
I can hear the angst underlying the exploration of Waco and Baylor, Mama. All will be well, and your Baby Bird will soar.
Wow, that is a STEAL for 2 giant teas! That is so cool that you can sample things and mix them together. I don’t really like hot tea but I do like cold tea but I need it a bit sweetened. When it’s hot and I want a treat at SBUX, I will get a green pea ice team with lemonade. I’m not sure it has a good amount of sugar in it but oh well… it tastes very refreshing on a hot day!
I’m glad you got some time to soak in the atmosphere at Baylor. College campuses are so very pretty! I always feel inspired walking around college campuses. When I was younger, I thought I would perhaps be a college professor but I took a different path. It would be cool to be an adjunct professor, maybe when I am retired as a sort of side gig.
I have been to Texas multiple times. My friend used to live in Austin so I visited her there a few times and then I have been there for work a couple of times. Lately my work travel has more so taken me to DFW which is fine. Austin is definitely my favorite, though. I have been to Houston a few times for work and I will just say it is not my favorite…
I’ve been to the Houston area a couple times because I have family there, and we did day trips from there to Galveston and San Antonio.
I’m glad you got a chance to explore the area around where your son lives and soak up all that Waco offers! It makes me think back to my own college days — I was two hours away from home so my parents were able to visit often/I was able to go home more, and I have lots of memories of spending time on campus and in my college town with my family! I moved to a new state a couple months post-graduation and haven’t been back to my college town but I miss it a lot.
That iced tea place sounds amazing! I love a giant iced tea in the summer heat, and it’s cool that you could make your own combos.
I do love to wonder around a college campus. Looks like you were the only one there in those photos! Sometimes it is nice to just wing it and not plan too much
Because I steer away from caffeine, I rarely drink iced tea, but I was with my mom this weekend and she made some peach iced tea and who says no to their mom’s homemade peach iced tea?! Not me!
I’m glad you had such a lovely trip! I will trust that you’ll let us know if you ever have a Chip or Joanna sighting!
I wonder if you felt “weird” to go to a place that your son is more familiar than you, that you are a guest instead of being the one showing things around. I can already foreseeing that with my girls, it must be a bittersweet feeling.
I don’t drink iced anything as it doesn’t sit well with my stomach. If I do crave something, I’d order unsweetened tea because the store always make it too sweet.
It took me a few times of reading the name of the tea place for me to “get” it. I’ve been very discombobulated this week, lol.
It has to be so bittersweet to come to almost the end of this era of your oldest’s life! I’m glad you were able to take some time to enjoy the college and his neighborhood.
I’ve never been to Texas AND I do not like tea. Womp, womp to me!
You really made the best of your time in Waco. I have not been to TX, not high on the list of places for me to visit either, but you make it sound lovely.
Oh, what lovely experiences, Jenny! So glad you took the time to get to know Waco and Baylor a bit more. 🙂 And either unsweetened black tea (um, Lipton, because I am Basic with my iced tea…) or plain mint (from tea bags not actual leaves, thank you very much…)