walkers walk… but runners fly

The Problem With Thursdays

Well, here we are again- Day 4 of NaBloPoMo, and my least favorite day of the week- Thursday.

You might be asking, “What in the world is wrong with Thursday?  Thursday is Friday Junior! Don’t be silly!”  Well, I have Tuesdays and Wednesdays off of work, so Thursday is my Monday.  Following along so far?

In addition to returning to work after two days off, Thursdays used to have all sorts of other problems.  In my brief and unexciting triathlon phase, Thursday was a swimming day.  I tried to rearrange that, but because of the logistics of long runs, bike rides and my work schedule, I had to swim on Thursday.  This meant getting up at 5 and driving to the pool in the dark, before rushing home to get the kids up and ready for school.

Then, my daughter used to take horseback riding lessons on Thursdays after school.  Once again, not my choice of scheduling- it was just the way it had to be.  Somehow this involved me standing out in the hot sun, watching her ride a horse.  Of course I wanted her to have that opportunity- just not necessarily on that day.  So my Thursdays started with a 5 am swim, continued on with work, leading into a horseback riding lesson, and then of course home to somehow get dinner on the table.  No wonder I dreaded it!

Triathlon days- now I just run and don’t miss that bike or swim AT ALL.

Now my son is in college so I only have one kid at home.  My daughter no longer rides a horse (phew) and I came to my senses about that triathlon thing (it just wasn’t for me.) I also have a new system of preparing an extra-large dinner on Wednesday so we can have leftovers on Thursday.

My job isn’t bad at all.  I work as a massage therapist, so it can be tiring, but the good thing is that I get to move around a lot (as opposed to sitting all day.) My boss can be kind of… bossy… but she’s okay.  My coworkers are nice people, and my clients are interesting.  My Thursdays are so much easier than they used to be. So what do I have to complain about?

One day I was listening to Gretchen Rubin’s Happier podcast, and they were discussing the issue of “Sunday depression.”  One listener absolutely hit the nail on the head when she said “I get depressed about going back to work on Monday because it means my time is no longer my own.”

THAT’S IT.  It’s not that my Thursdays are bad, or stressful, or extremely unpleasant- it’s just that I have to follow someone else’s rules and schedule.  My Tuesdays and Wednesdays are nice, although a lot of times I’m doing errands, going to doctor’s appointments or doing house chores- but my time is still my own, and it’s hard when that ends.

So what should I do?  The older I get, the more I’m aware that our days are numbered- not in a morbid way, but it’s a fact for all of us.  I don’t want to “throw away” every Thursday by just wishing to get through it as fast as possible.  I don’t want to look back and say that I only fully lived 6/7ths of my life- I want to live the whole thing.

Easier said than done, but I’m committing to giving Thursdays some love from now on.  I’m going to appreciate the time I do have to myself, before and after work, and while I’m at work I’m going to make those hours count as well.

I don’t want to miss it.

How about you- do you like your job?  Do you get depressed about going back to work on Monday (or whatever day your “Monday” is?)

If you’ve faced this issue and conquered it, do you have any tips?


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13 Responses

  1. Oh, I just talked about this with a friend how we shouldn’t always just wish the week away to get to the weekend, because then we’re wishing valuable time of our lives… but I do hear you about the work days, even if not bad, or even pleasant, being stuck with someone else’s rules and schedule. I LOVE when I can structure my own day…. although I can’t complain right now, as I feel that working from home has afforded me a lot more flexibility in my personal and work life!

    Happy Friday Eve!

    1. Ha ha… thanks San! Yes, I would imagine working from home really helps a lot of people- you have more control over your situation. I’m guessing a lot of people will not want to go back into the office when this is over.

  2. I ac totally relate to the issue of not being boss of your own time. Ever since I started freelancing in 2017 I can just do what I want as long as I get done what needs to get done. For the last 15 months though I have a client that requires me to be in a teams meeting every day at 9.10am. It really messes with me. Its not that I am not awake it is more the issue that I NEED to be there. All dressed and ready. But I totally agree, we should enjoy our days. The moment you start wishing for the weekend on a Monday is the time you need to take a hard look and figure out what needs to change.

    1. Yes- I guess you have to figure out that fine line between just embracing your existing situation, and knowing when it’s time to make a change.

  3. I’ve absolutely had the Monday blues, and for me it’s always been a wake up call that it’s time to change jobs. Which is what I just did so right now Monday’s aren’t bad. I think it’s OK when you’re looking forward to the weekend but bad when you’re desperate for the weekend. The biggest “Monday” problem that we have right now is that the kids have a lot of activities during the school week, so we have some really rushed nights that aren’t always a ton of fun. But the only “solution” is for the kids to grow up so I’m not too interested in “solving” the problem.

    1. Yes, yes, yes. I’ve mentioned that my son is in college now- when he was home, things were a lot more hectic. Now my life is easier but I miss him! So you’re right… don’t wish these days away.

  4. Now life is easier for me because I am retired. However I can say that my job in the Coast Guard was a good and interesting period with good colleagues.
    Also the short time that I spent on the Navy ships for a different kind of training was a good experience.

    1. Ooh. I guess I should stop complaining. My life is easy compared to what you’re talking about- I’m assuming the Coast Guard and Navy are tough!

  5. Oooh, I really like this post. Thursdays used to be the most tiring day of the week for me, before the pandemic. Now they are just a regular day. I really love that Buddha quote, it really helps bring the focus back to the day. One thing I have really been trying to do in the past few years is to really be present. It’s not that we can’t look forward to things – of course we can – but it’s so important to just appreciate where we are.

    PS Your Thursdays sound VERY tiring!

    1. Ha, yes my old Thursdays were exhausting. Now they’re more like a regular day… at least I can appreciate that.

  6. Now I’m depressed. But I get it.

    I hate Sundays because I have to go to work on Monday. I wonder if I had Monday off would I hate it because I have to work on Tuesday?

    Actually not. Everyone is off on Sunday. When I take Monday off I feel special. Free to do my own thing while everyone else has to work.

    1. I wonder if you always had Mondays off, if your perspective would shift and it would become your “Sunday?” Ha… it gets complicated.

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