walkers walk… but runners fly

The Shape of My Week

You know how I’ve been grumbling incessantly about feeling down, and the year getting off to a slow start?  Well, I’m beginning to snap out of it.  And it’s not because of any pep talks I gave myself, or any lists or plans I made- circumstances just changed a bit, shook things up, and voila!  I feel better.

Most people think their lives are too busy, and would like more free time.  But as Gretchen Rubin says, the opposite of a great truth can also be true.  In our case, we added more to our days.  My daughter is deep into rehearsals for the high school musical (she’s playing in the pit orchestra) which require nighttime rehearsals.  And, as I’ve mentioned, she now goes to the gym!  Several days after school she and her friend will hit the gym- the friend’s mom drives them there, and I pick them up.  But usually, if I’m going to the gym to pick them up, I might as well do a workout.

On some days this means double workouts for me- or sometimes I’ll go for a walk in the morning (when I would normally be doing my workout) and then work out at the gym later on.  I used to HATE going to the gym after work, but I’m enjoying this new routine.

Then, if my daughter has a rehearsal, we’ll leave the gym and she’ll eat a quick dinner of leftovers or something I picked up for her (totally justified in not cooking a dinner from scratch since time is limited) and then I’ll take her back to school.  Yes, I did grumble a TINY BIT Monday night when I had to pick her up at 9:30 pm (shouldn’t I be in bed now???) but overall it’s working out just fine.

My days off have also been busier than usual.  This weekend was a perfect example- on Saturday I worked, went to the gym with my daughter, then drove down to Ft. Lauderdale to pick up race packets.  Sunday I ran a race!  I did have time to relax in the afternoon, but we all know Sunday afternoon relaxation quickly morphs into “tomorrow is Monday” activity.

So, apparently busier is better for me!  But once again, the opposite of the opposite of a great truth (still following?) can also be true.  Tuesday was another busy day, and in the midst of running around (work, gym, driving, making dinner) I realized, tomorrow is my day off!  And I don’t have ANYTHING SCHEDULED.

Wow, that felt good.  After dropping my daughter at school, I ran, got a massage, and then made my way to Barnes and Noble.  I was able to snag my favorite table in the cafe… and sat there for a long, long time.  I really needed this downtime.

I’ll bet everyone else was jealous of my snug corner table!

I just couldn’t shake myself out of the rut I was in, but luckily circumstances stepped in to do it for me.

(Coming up tomorrow… a week full of FIGS!)

If your year got off to a slow start, do you feel like you’re back on track now?


Top photo by Robert Keane on Unsplash


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Another FIG-y Friday!

Hooray!  We made it through another week of FIGS!  Just in case anyone doesn’t know about FIGs at this point,

FIG-y Friday!

Oof.  I had some fig-full days this week, but some days I had to dig deep.  Then there were some

19 Responses

  1. It’s so true that when we have too much space, we “create” problems where there isn’t?! It’s not always the case but sometime happens. Busy is good as long as it doesn’t feel overwhelming.
    I like that you have a favorite desk at B&N. I like the idea of being a frequent customer somewhere.

  2. I was catching up with a friend yesterday, and I realized how much easier life has gotten now that the boys are older. Just a few years ago, when they were my friend’s kids’/your daughter’s age I was practically an uber driver getting them places. It was a lot and it felt like those days would never end.

    There are a lot of good things about being busy, especially when you find ways to do add your stuff into the mix, such as your bonus gym visits.

    Yes and no to being back on track…the week in FL really helped. We have so much ice on the ground that hiking isn’t safe right now, but now that we’re in late February it’s easier to see that it’s temporary and that I’ll have my trails back soon.

    1. I’m definitely an Uber driver right now- but with only one kid it’s manageable. I can’t imagine having two or three kids, all needing to be driven around!
      Well… spring will come, and it will be extra-great being on the trails again. Everything is temporary.

  3. Jenny, I have been in such a funk. I’ve had lots of good days and good moments, but I have missed routine. I have not had a true routine since November (company, Christmas, more company, illness, bad weather, never-ending cold). But I also feel like I’m slowly swimming toward the surface and posts like this really help! It’s nice to know I’m not along in struggling to get out of a rut and also exciting to know that we’re both feeling a bit better!

    As Gretchen would say, onward and upward!

    1. Well if this post helped, I’m glad! These things definitely don’t last forever. This felt like a very long rut to me, though. Onward and upward!

  4. I have felt this way about our weekends!! This past fall and early winter, we didn’t have that much on the weekends compared to all the previous years with constant club soccer and club swim meets on weekends. But both boys were doing high school sports in the fall, which for VB and soccer, tended to have games primarily during the WEEK. I was really excited about these “free weekends”. But I ended up often feeling kind of off! I realized, I think the sports on the weekends actually gave us some nice structure to the weekend. Having wide open days felt nice, but after a bit felt sort of haphazard. Like I often felt I ended up doing less overall, if that even makes sense? When I knew we had a game at 2:00, I’d be more proactive about promptly taking care of chores or a workout or doing other things so I’d be done in time for the game. But with the wide open day, I’d be like, eh, I have time… and then the day would sort of slip away. I think the old adage is maybe true – “if you need something done, give it to a busy person”. Not that I always want to be constantly busy, either, but maybe this new found structure for you is actually helping you, too.

    1. I’ve never heard that saying, but it makes so much sense. And, I know exactly what you mean about the weekends. I think I want to be lazy (and sometimes that’s nice for one day if I’ve been super busy) but if the weekend is too lazy, nothing happens and it just slips away. Then I’m in an even deeper rut. So, be more busy- who knew.

    2. YES!! Busy people get things done. We’re having a down time at work this week and we’re all finding ourselves being late for meetings and skipping things. LOL. I would be so much more organized if there were more things that had to happen on a given day.

  5. Oh yay! I’m so glad that your year is turning around! It is funny how sometimes you need the opposite of what you think you need.

    The jury is still out on whether this year is going well or not, but I am feeling pretty cheerful today!

    1. Yes, I guess the jury is still out for me too- things feel better RIGHT NOW. Who knows what I”ll feel like in two weeks.

  6. My year didn’t necessarily get off to a slow start but I am struggling a bit off and on with a glum/weary sort of feeling. Maybe it’s the weather? Or just the same old same old of laundry, dinner, groceries, babysitting, coping with some of the girls’ issues, etc. It isn’t every day, think goodness. I think the dreary feeling will life a bit when I can get outside more. I actually stayed up late Tuesday looking at flights. Curly has Friday the 28th off. I always have Fridays off. I’ve been toying with the idea of going somewhere warm with her for the weekend.

    I’m glad your routine has taken a new direction and that’s given you an upswing in your mood. I’ve had a few busy Fridays and that’s my day off. I don’t have a lot scheduled for tomorrow, so I’m hoping that doing what I want to do will give me a boost.

    1. If I had to guess, I would say it’s everything you mentioned, but especially THE WEATHER. Winters up there are so, so hard! And so gray, and they last forever. It’s very hard not to feel glum and weary. Going somewhere warm with your daughter would be amazing! And… the good news is, spring will come. I don’t know WHEN, but it definitely will.

  7. When you frame it like that, it kind of makes so much sense… of course doing new things at new times would shake the old feelings out of you! I’m glad that happened and I’m glad you’re able to see it with the clarity that you do.

    The semester started so early for us, and it has felt breathless for the past seven weeks, but we have a midterm break next week, and I’m so looking forward to catching my breath.

    1. Ooh, I like the way you put it- doing new things at new times shakes the old feelings out of you. I’ll have to remember that.

  8. I am definitely still struggling with finding my groove this year, but I think a lot of it has to do with everything going on with the U.S. government and how everything feels terrible and uncertain. I am technically a government employee working for a public school district, so it’s scary not knowing if funding will be cut and eliminate my job. But I’m just doing what I can to stay sane and find joy in every day (which mostly comes from my trail runs) and trying to plan some things to look forward to in the coming months.

    1. Well, yes… it’s pretty hard to ignore everything that’s going on politically. Especially since it could affect you directly (although it’s going to affect all of us, sooner or later.)
      Thank goodness for running and trails!

  9. Busier days are better for us and this stage of life as well, although I do build in some time for rest in the afternoon for everyone to recharge. But the more we are out of the house, the happier everyone is. I look forward to a time when I don’t have to schedule so much activity, but we are not there yet.

    This year is a little bit weird since I had surgery on 13th of January, and that really threw everything off. So I’m kind of trying to pretend that everything is normal, but it’s really not since I’m so limited in what I can do with my right hand. But it’s the worst time of year here weather-wise so it’s not the worst time to be kind of out of sorts and unable to be at a normal activity level.

  10. I love your downtime…

    I need some but then again I just got away on vacation.

    I’m still unpacking and doing laundry and I need groceries. My hubby does little while I’m gone.

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