walkers walk… but runners fly

The Strength Training Conundrum

Seriously.  This is getting old.  As I mentioned in my last post, both my knees have been very achy lately.  A couple readers commented that it could be patellar tendinitis, so I googled it and that does sound possible.  The article I read said it could be caused by excessive jumping, and that makes perfect sense because I have been playing a lot of basketball.  JUST KIDDING.  The last time I played basketball was in middle school PE (obviously.)

No, all I’ve been doing is pool running, PT exercises for my hip issue, and a very, very conservative return-to-running program which involves a a mix of walk/run.  I don’t know what’s causing the knee pain, but if it is tendinitis I don’t want to make it worse, so this morning I was back to this:

Not smiling anymore.

I’ve also cut out all PT exercises that could possibly be aggravating my knees- nothing I was doing seemed to hurt, but I’m temporarily banning anything that involves standing and bending- squats, step-ups, dead lifts… which leads to my question of the day.


Does anyone else remember the day where you would go to the gym, do that machine for your quads and the one for your hamstrings, then the adductor and abductors, throw in some sit ups and call it a day?

Somewhere along the way that stopped working, because you have to strengthen your glutes, of course, and also machines aren’t good enough and neither are body weight exercises, you have to do free weights, and heavy weights are better, and don’t forget balance and single leg and plyometrics, and then you have to activate the muscles before you run, because just strengthening them isn’t enough, and don’t forget your mobilization exercises and the dynamic warmup.

And, even if you’re doing a thousand things, the one thing you aren’t doing will take you down.  Like me doing eleven different plank variations, but OOPS! I wasn’t doing side planks, so my glute medius muscles were weak and I got a hip injury.

I get it.  I get that I can’t just run.  I know I have to lift weights and do all the other stuff, and I’m willing to put in the time.  I just wish that it would work.  If I’m doing strength training to avoid injury, then why am I still injured?

Tomorrow I’m headed to the trail for a serious attitude adjustment.  I should probably walk, but the truth is, unless one or both of my legs is falling off, I’ll probably ignore everything and just run.

This is what I need.

Does anyone have a simple strength training plan?  Do you have a strength coach?  Anyone else struggle with this?

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16 Responses

  1. 100% yes I struggle with this! In a perfect world I would “just run” and call it a day, and like you I had to learn the hard way that strength training is the price of admission. I hate the “well you need to do 20 variations of squats three times a week under a full moon or it doesn’t count” mentality, which I feel like I see a lot (from people who are pushing various workout plans). I feel like the basics are enough, and I’ve seen a lot of experts say the same thing. Not that I was able to figure it out for myself;-) When I was trying to do things on my own I felt like every workout that I found was either too hard to too easy, and of course I never stuck with anything for very long. A few months ago I gave up on using myself as a coach and got an actual coach (a runner who’s also certified in strength) and I’ve been very happy.

    Good luck in whatever you decide to do, and enjoy your run tomorrow!

    1. Thank you!!! I know… I think I need a coach. I’m thinking about it. And glad to hear it’s working for you!

  2. Ugh, I so feel you on this!! Strength training (and general fitness and well-being) definitely have gotten complicated. Anyways, it’s tough to find a program or routine that works for you and you alone. It took me awhile, but I basically do most of the basics, but keep a keen eye on pain or discomfort. I hope your knees start to feel better. Side note…it couldn’t be the shoes, could it? Old or new (different model)?

    1. Kim, several people have asked about the shoes. My shoes are not old, but I do have a brand-new pair of Hokas that I could try instead. It couldn’t hurt!

  3. This makes me so sad.

    And I cannot help you.

    ST is non-existent in my book.

    I hope I don’t come to regret it.

    I hope you find answers or it just goes away and you are back to normal.

    1. Thank you Darlene! I’m in a temporary (I assume) phase where I just want to give up on strength training. But I always go back to it.

  4. If there’s one person in the universe who shouldn’t have achy knees, it’s you! All you are doing is pool running and PT exercises – so where is this coming from?!

    I have a VERY simple strength routine… I just follow Pamela Reif and do her combo of daily exercises. It’s tough, but effective.

    Yes! Go and get that trail, Jenny!

    1. I’d never heard of Pamela Reif so I looked her up. I like your description of it being “VERY simple!” That’s the type of thing I’m looking for!

  5. I totally understand your frustration 🙁 It’s hard to feel like you’re doing everything right to heal from an injury, especially PT, only to have a new issue pop up.
    I really hope that your knees start to feel better soon – keeping my fingers crossed for you!

  6. I am really sorry that you are so frustrated! Maybe new shoes might help and heck they can’t hurt. I would also suggest trying the Peloton app for strength training. It is super cheap right now. They have great strength for runners classes and intro to strength programs that offer a lot of guidance. I hope your run goes better tomorrow

    1. You know what- that’s a great idea. I’m going to look into Peloton- you guys definitely make it sound appealing! And I’ll try different shoes- why not?

  7. Have you looked at coachdebbieruns? She has a lot of simple strength stuff for runners. Do does Deborah at confessionsofamother runner. And of course Marcia!

    I also wonder if you’re just running too fast? Like same pace you used to run?

    Whatever the answer is, hugs. I know it’s beyond frustrating.

    1. Thank you Judy! I knew you guys would give me good advice. I’m going with the Peloton app for now, but I know those women all have some great workouts.

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