walkers walk… but runners fly

The Weather! And, Race Goals

Well, that was different.  After an extremely dry winter, we got absolutely dumped on with rain.  It went from “What is this strange liquid falling from the sky?” to “Why is there so much of it?   When is it going to stop?  AHHHHHH!!!”

The worst of it was just to the south of us- the Ft. Lauderdale airport was closed and schools were closed due to flooding.  Cari reached out to me to ask if my race course was possibly in jeopardy.  Wow- that would suck.  To do all this preparation and then have the race canceled due to a bizarre weather event would be awful.  I know, that happens to people.  But my race is about an hour north of here, so barring any other weather disasters, we should be good.

Now that the race is just over a week away, maybe it’s a good time to talk about goals.  Since this is my first ultra, I don’t know what to expect, so maybe “goal” is the wrong word.  Even “plan” seems too strong- let’s just call these “thoughts.”

The race is a 50K on a trail, part of which is sandy.  And hilly.  The middle section is apparently rolling sand dunes (eep.) This is what makes it hard for me to predict how it’s going to go.  I have trained on sandy trails, but not this specific trail.  Soooo…

Let’s say it takes me five hours to complete 25 miles.  Another six miles, plus stopping at aid stations, plus the dunes (again, eep!) and I’m thinking a seven hour finish time.  Maybe that’s too long, but I’m trying to factor in THINGS GOING WRONG.  Or, maybe things will go more wrong than I think, and that’s too short.  That’s okay!  My only real goal is to finish before the cutoff time, which is nine hours.

I also have a sub-goal, which is that I don’t want to be last.  In the ultra world they refer to this as “DFL” (dead frickin’ last, or sub your own F word there.)  There’s actually a lot of respect for the DFL, because that person was out there longer than anyone and probably worked the hardest to get to the finish.  Still… I’d prefer that it not be me.

I’m really excited for this race!  I’m excited to run on a trail I’ve never seen before.  When I signed up, I thought I would drive up there to do some training runs.  But I decided to train closer to home (it’s hard enough to fit those long runs in without driving 2+ hours roundtrip) and let the new trail be part of the race adventure.

I’m also, obviously, scared.  I’m scared of the distance, the heat, the sand dunes, and of the fact that my left achilles decided to flare up again this week (of course it did!)  My imposter syndrome is in full force- I picture showing up and everyone else will be seasoned ultra trail runners.  I’m imagining keeping to myself as much as possible so I don’t have to talk and admit it’s my first ultra.  I KNOW.  That’s so stupid!  I’m laughing at myself even as I’m writing this- but those are the thoughts I’m having.

Well, I have one more week to freak out, check the weather incessantly, question my nutrition, question my training, and imagine that I’m getting sick.  But I promise that I’m also super excited to get out there and run.  It’s definitely going to be an adventure.

Have you ever had a race canceled due to weather?

If you’ve run an ultra, did you have a finish time goal?

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20 Responses

    1. Hmm! “Seamless” and “perfection” may not be words I’ll use… but thank you. I appreciate the support!

  1. Yes omgggggg the weather. Please make it stop! I don’t mind rain but this is so extreme. I hope all is good with your race! You sound extremely prepared to me!!

    1. Yes, I know you caught some of the worst of it. Someone we know from Ft. Lauderdale ended up spending the night in their car (WHAT?) because they couldn’t get anywhere with the flooding. SOOOO crazy.

  2. I’m excited for you, and crossing my fingers that all goes smoothly. And you know what, even if things don’t go smoothly, you’re doing it! You’re really doing it! I mean, that is a great goal to just get in there and do it!
    Okay, hoping for good cool cloudy but not-rainy weather! Hey, it snowed here so at least it’s not that?

    1. Ha ha… we definitely won’t have snow! I’m guessing there will be parts that don’t go smoothly, but that’s just part of the experience.

  3. I think you should tell everyone is your first ultra, as you will get so much support! The running community is actually really great about that kind of thing! The other thing I suggest is to hang out a bit afterward and socialize, as that is the best part of the race. I made the mistake my first few times of just running and then leaving but you really will have more fun if you embrace the afterparty! GOOD LUCK at the race! You are going to be fine.

    1. Thank you Kyria! I’ll take your advice, and hang out after the race. I know- it would be tempting to just leave. But I won’t.

  4. so far many races in awful weather, rain, snow, sleet but only cancelled due to COVID.

    marathons still REALLY scare me so no ultra.

    If I did, it would be trails but since I don’t run trails, it would be a walk… my goal would be to finish before they close the race down.

    I think it’s awesome that you are doing this and you’ve worked hard… you will not be LAST and I bet you have fun.

    1. Thank you Darlene! I know that it will be fun, at least partly (ha ha.) Overall I’m hoping for a positive experience.

  5. I think that getting through this last week will be harder than the race itself. All the phantom aches and pains, all the doom & gloom weather forecasts…it’s just going to be a giant soap opera until you get to the starting line.

    I like your plan!

    I’ve never had a race get cancelled outright, but at the last half marathon that I ran they had to shut down the full marathon mid race due to the heat.

  6. Like Kyria says, I think you should OWN it that this is your first ultra! Everyone had a first and they probably all remember how anxious it made them. I think you will get a lot of support that might even bolster you as you run.

    I love the tidbit you included about DFL. To me, that seems like an example of how supportive your running community is. Like, even being last has its own moniker and associated respect. Very cool.

    Thinking healthy, good weather thoughts your way!

    1. Yes, it’s true- the trail running community is famous for being extremely supportive. I’m just being kind of silly about this.

  7. Oh, all I can imagine is that people who have already run ultras would probably be absolutely understanding if you said it was your first time (they had to have a first time once, too!) and if you were talking to other first-timers, you could console each other with how scary it is. I just don’t see the downside! Unless, of course, you just don’t WANT to talk to anyone, which is absolutely understandable in my world.

    Fingers crossed for cloudy, cool weather with no rain!

  8. Actually, I think seasoned ultra runners would be a fabulous support during this big event! At least, I know I’m one who likes to encourage those with “first 26.2” on their bib/shirt, etc. in a race 😉 I sincerely think you’re going to do much better than anticipated, but I respect not wanting to have those kind of grandiose thoughts going in. I predict, based on my limited experiences (I’ve done two, LOL), that you’ll get into a comfortable groove and be on autopilot when/if the going gets tough. YOU GOT THIS!!!!!

  9. I’ve only done shorter trail races but the atmosphere of trail races is so amazing. Everyone is really positive and encouraging. I would def tell people it’s your first! It’s such an encouraging environment! I think your goals make sense. It’s so hard to predict how you will do as trail races are such a different beast! I hope you have an awesome race experience!!

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