walkers walk… but runners fly

Things to Feel Good About

It’s been a gloomy year, and for many, an especially gloomy winter.  With all that’s been going wrong, here are a few things that I’m hoping will provide some cheer.

1. The Olympics are happening!!!

The IOC has announced that the Summer Olympics will be held in Tokyo from July 23rd to August 8th, 2021.  “There is no plan B and that is why we are fully committed to make these games safe and successful,” stated IOC President Thomas Bach.  That’s something to look forward to!  I’ll be watching as much running as possible, as well as swimming and, obviously, gymnastics. Here’s a question though- are we calling these the 2020 Olympics or 2021 Olympics???

2. “A Quite Possibly Wonderful Summer.”

This article takes an optimistic view of what the summer could look like.  A recent study from Columbia University leads researchers to believe that, due to the incompetency surrounding testing efforts, the actual number of Covid infections in the U.S. is likely five times higher than reported.  This would mean about one in three Americans has already been infected with SARS-CoV.2, which,  combined with the vaccinations, could bring us to herd immunity even before summer.  Pandemic expert Juliette Kayyem has stated, “I have plans to travel abroad in August. I feel like the world will start to move well before then.”  WELL?… could it be true???

5. What you’re doing right now.

As I finished my run this morning, I was listening to a Rich Roll podcast with author Jedidiah Jenkins.  Their conversation was slightly meandering, very interesting, and Jedidiah reminded Rich that there’s someone in a hospital bed somewhere who’s hoping and praying to be able to do what you’re doing right now.  I was walking back to my house; there was a cool breeze blowing and a drizzle of rain.  I thought how lucky I was to be walking like this instead of in a hospital bed, and also thought “good thing I’m not listening to this while cleaning the toilet or taking out the garbage!”  Then I remembered an article by Leo Babauta entitled “How to Be Happy Anytime.”  It’s a short read and well worth it.  Leo states  “Life will suck if you are always wishing you’re doing something else. Life will rock if you realize you’re already doing the best thing ever.”

It was one of those Florida mornings where it’s rainy and sunny at the same time, and I tried to find a rainbow.  A picture of a rainbow would be perfect to tie this all up in a neat little bow!  I couldn’t find one, but that’s okay- the feel of the rain on my arms and face was enough.

A rainy run!

What do you guys think?  Anyone hoping to travel this summer?  What’s your favorite Olympic sport to spectate?

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12 Responses

  1. What an excellent point about “someone lying in a hospital bed hoping to do what you’re doing right now”.
    Just the other day I heard someone complain about how bored they are with their runs in the beautiful English countryside because it is “always the same”.

    I didn’t know exactly how to respond. Your quote would have been the perfect answer!

    1. Yes, but it’s so easy to forget that what we’re actually doing right this minute is incredible. We need reminders!

    1. I know… I’m sure there are plenty of experts who have different predictions! I do feel like I’m seeing more and more information that’s optimistic.

  2. I LOVE the Summer Olympics! Gymnastics and running are no-brainers, but I also enjoy watching the swimming and diving. Our son swam on the HS team (and both years at his community college, before transferring), so I have a huge respect for the discipline and training for that sport. He was a distance swimmer…the 500, the 1,000 and the 1-mile (glad it was him and not me LOL).

  3. I’m putting my money on #2. I’ve heard the other side where the outlook is doom and gloom and life will never return to normal…sorry but I just don’t believe that. We’ll continue to take precautions as long as the pandemic continues but I really think that we’re over the worst of it.

  4. I hate people that focus on doom and gloom. And all the things they cannot do. It is so easy to get trapped in the negative.

    As you know, I went away with friends to NH in October and just got back from Florida.

    I never felt unsafe. Everyone is different. You do what you feel comfortable doing.

    But stop complaining and find things to be happy about now.

    Hooray for the Olympics.

  5. I love that the Summer Olympics are still going to happen this year. I’m always amazed at the talent the athletes display – it’s incredible!

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