Thanks for all the supportive comments on my race recaps! Remember how I fell in my last (sixth) loop but then determined that everything was fine? I had a sore right arm and my ribs hurt a little, but nothing serious. WELL, Monday night I must have slept funny on my right side, because I woke up in a world of pain on Tuesday.
It was crazy! The area around my ribs/sternum hurt so much, I could hardly breathe. Did I puncture a lung in my sleep? Is it possible to have a heart attack on your right side? How did I have such a delayed reaction to that fall???
I managed to get up and get through the day, but it wasn’t pretty. Two days ago I was wishing I had done a seventh loop- today I was thinking “WHY did I do that sixth loop? I should have stopped at five!” (Make up your mind, Jenny!)
Moving on (yes, finally! I will talk about something other than the race!) This is Spirit Week at my daughter’s school, in honor of the first football playoff game on Friday. Every day has a different theme, and today was “Adam Sandler Day.” I was laughing as I dropped her off and saw all the kids in their baggy shorts, t-shirts, and baseball caps.
I thought it was so quirky and random, but when I told my husband (who’s a teacher) about it he said “Oh yes, that’s a thing for Spirit Week.” Wait. It is? Adam Sandler Day is a thing? Oooookay.
Next up! It’s been a while since I talked about the election. If you want some mature, thoughtful, compassionate opinions on what happened, check out Catherine’s blog, because you definitely won’t fine that here. I’ve moved on from sadness, not to acceptance, but to sarcasm and snarkiness.
I’ve been trying to think of a code word for Donald Trump, because I just can’t stand to keep speaking or writing his name. And I have one! From now on, in my home and on this blog, DT will be referred to as “Voldemort.” You’re welcome.
One last thing! It’s time to start thinking about the holidays. Meike has already knitted a Santa hat, made three advent calendars, and wrapped 48 gifts. ACK!
I’ve purchased exactly one gift so far, a stocking stuffer for my daughter:

It’s obviously time to get moving! If you would like to exchange Christmas cards, and we didn’t exchange last year (or, even if we did, just to be on the safe side) please email me with your address. I did buy my cards last year in January… now I just have to find them.
Have you started Christmas preparations yet?
If you have kids, have they had Adam Sandler Day at their school?
Top photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash
43 Responses
Adam Sandler Day? Who knew? That totally wasn’t a thing when I was in high school. 😉
I’m so sorry about your fall, I hope your ribs are OK. Your job is so physical, it must be really hard injured.
Ugh! I worked yesterday (although I cut the day short) and it was SO hard.
Thank you so much for stopping by and for the tag! 😱🙏🏼🥰
May your running and writing proceed smooooothly for the long haul!
Peace—Cathy 🙏🏼😊
Thank you Catherine! I definitely need to read your blog for some peaceful thoughts.
Adam Sandler day? I’ve never heard of such a thing.
Voldemort – I’m dying of laughter over here. Love it!!!!
I hope you’re feeling markedly better by now? Ugh. It sounds like it is a very good thing you didn’t squeeze in another loop. Take care, Jenny <3
I can’t say I feel “markedly” better, but it is better than yesterday. Sigh. Thank you Elisabeth!
That’s weird about your ribs!
I had something similar after my marathon: my forearms hurt so much, I could barely lift a cup of tea. Fortunately, it disappeared after a few days. The body is a mystery!
The body is SUCH a mystery! My right tricep is also extremely sore- again, I’m assuming from the fall.
I hope your ribs are feeling better now, it’s so weird what ends up feeling sore after a race!
It’s funny that you’re calling him Voldemort because my mom called him “He Who Must Not Be Named” during his first presidency!
Ha ha… that’s actually how “Voldemort” came about.
Ahhh I’m starting to stress about gift buying too. It feels yucky to say, “buying gifts is my least favorite part of the holidays”. Because I do actually LIKE giving gifts, when I have good ideas and “good gifts”. But at the moment I feel like I’m just drawing a big blank on everyone, and that’s the part that stresses me out- figuring out what the heck to give. Also, it’s not like other holiday tasks on my list. For example, “put up Christmas tree” is fairly straightforward, assuming the lights work… I can get out the box, put up the tree, check, done. But unless you have specific gift ideas already for people, there’s no guarantee you can say, on Saturday I’m buying all my gifts for everyone. I mean, I guess you COULD, but it’s more likely I’d either go out shopping (or sit down at computer..) and need to spend a good amount of time browsing, see if I find the right things, etc. And maybe I get really lucky, and maybe I totally strike out, but either way, there’s no definitely no guarantee (for me) that I can just quickly/easily check “gift buying” off the list! Especially when needing to buy for multiple people (and often multiple items, for some people…), it feels like this ongoing process that stretches out for weeks….
Kae, I know. It would be one thing if I had amazing ideas for everyone’s gifts, but I don’t. My sister and I have an informal agreement- if you have something in mind you really want to get me, great. If not, don’t worry about it. I can’t really do that with the rest of the family though- “sorry kids, I couldn’t think what to get you so I didn’t get you anything.” I’m sure my daughter will be submitting a lengthy list at some point- I wish she would do it earlier though.
We did exchange cards last year but I’ll email you anyway!
I’m so sorry you’re in pain BUT this cracked me up “Did I puncture a lung in my sleep? Is it possible to have a heart attack on your right side?” You poor thing, hope you are feeling better.
I bought all my gifts before we left for Italy and Current Me is congratulating Past Me for doing that. Now, to wrap them. That’s the big challenge!
Oh boy- huge kudos to “Past Nichole.” I wish I could come help you wrap- I actually enjoy that!
Adam Sandler day. Who would have thought that would be a spirit day theme!
Our holiday cards arrived yesterday. We do photo cards and I try to mail them just before Thanksgiving so they are out of the way. I don’t personalize them at all but I send about 150! I love getting holiday mail. It really brightens my day. We just started to buy some gifts for taco’s bday and some will be used for Christmas. His bday is 12/3 so it’s a busy time for gift buying. I also made a shared list on Apple notes for gift idea for the boys. It’s nice to have somewhere to put down gift ideas and he has contributed ideas as well. He actually bought the first Christmas gift (a science kit for Paul).
Also I am thinking of you as I sip my latte in an SBUX holiday cup. Even the sleeve is festive this year since it has a decorative edge! So fun!
I know!!! They even made the sleeves special! But- where are you??? Are you in MN? Because I thought they didn’t do the Starbucks cups!
my son’s birthday is December 8th, and it used to be so hard when he was little. AND, my daughter’s is December 30, poor thing. As much as I love birthdays, she really has gotten the short end of the stick many times.
One of my friends does use his name, but she always writes it DonOLD, which makes me laugh a little. I totally get not wanting to use it!
I hope you have a peaceful day, physically at least, and heal from the mystery ouches.
Hee hee. I like that.
Voldemort – that’s better than some of the words I’ve been thinking of.
No Christmas prep yet and deciding if my cats will allow me to decorate at all.
I keep all the fall stuff up until December.
When I fell and hit my head on the boat, my ribs hurt for a month when I would breather (or run.)
Hope you are feeling better.
Yes, Darlene, I have been thinking about you! you ran anyway, right? I think I’m going to try running tomorrow. The only thing that hurts are my ribs. We’ll see what happehs.
I have also taken to comparing Trump to Voldemort (or Hilter – depends on my mood), and I have decided that Marjorie Taylor Greene is Bellatrix Lestrange.
HEE HEE! Perfect.
Isn’t it weird how our bodies work? Mine is a great puzzlement to me these days. I hope the pain gets better quickly!
I think Voldemort is a good word for him. I went with “he who should not be named” so far what comes down to the same idea.
I think there was also an Adam Sandler day at our school. My kids could not care less about those days and I did not get that specific day at all.
Thank you for the linking.
Puzzling is a good word to describe it. And look, Voldemort is short and easy. The other choice would be Hitler, but we’re above that, right?
Honestly, I didn’t even know who Adam Sandler was until I was in college. He certainly wasn’t part of Spirit Week and I’m not going to lie, I don’t understand why he is now!
I do know who he is, but don’t get why he’s part of Spirit Week? I’m sure the youngsters understand, ha.
Adam Sandler? Is he known to be particularly spirited? I am not a huge fan, although I do sometimes sing the “chopping broccoli” song when I see random broccoli. That sucks about your fall; I wonder what did happen? I actually have a similar thing; I fell in July while riding, and I had a horrible bruise on my right upper arm, but otherwise was fine. About a month ago, I noticed my upper right arm was sore AND I cannot raise it up all the way without pain. I have known friends who have had a “frozen shoulder” and I wonder if that is what I have (but I have not gone to anyone about it). And I wonder if what you have is something similar, just a delayed reaction to swelling of some sort.
So you have this “frozen shoulder” now? And you fell in July? These delayed reactions are very odd.
Just caught up on all your race recaps- given everything, seems like you ran just the right length. Sorry you got delayed rib/arm pain, glad it’s improving now! Well done overall Jenny, you’ve come a long was since the calf issues a few months ago- remember that 🙂
I never buy Christmas presents before December, unless it’s a Christmas party gift etc. So far I’ve only bought a book for Owen’s kindy’s Santa visit. Next up will be office work gifts and a present for Eleanor’s teacher. Then in early December we’ll start actual Christmas gifts for the kids – both ours and nieces/nephews (we don’t do Christmas presents for the adults in our families on either side, and we appreciate this as it makes the present buying less onerous). The Christmas Day feast is a present enough!
I could never buy presents much in advance when my kids were little- they change their minds too much! We don’t do much with adult gifts either. But I will have some Secret Santa exchanges and teacher gifts, etc.
We HAVE had an Adam Sandler day and LUCKILY the kids have a “Gilmore” Bruins jersey LOL
Ha, so it IS a thing!
I’m sorry but Voldemort is already taken for our opposition leader. Google Peter Dutton and you’ll understand 😉
Oh darn. Can’t we share???
I woke up with a horrible pain in my shoulder and now I can barely move my head. I went to sparring last night but nothing happened and when I went to the bathroom in the middle of the night I felt fine. But this morning it was agony to get out of bed. So I must have slept weird on it? It’s so odd that we can injury ourselves while we’re sleeping. Not okay.
I never commented on your race post, but I was so impressed you almost ran a marathon that day! I guess for someone who signs up for ultras a regular marathon is just no big thing. But it is! I hope you know that.
I hope you feel better soon. Not being able to breath comfortable is really hard to manage! You must be exhausted.
Oh and I also have not gotten any gits. Just the kids advent calendars; and honestly I’ve been proud of myself that I got those so early. We still have time. Don’t stress too much.
So, sleeping is actually dangerous! That’s bizarre that you also have a “sleeping injury.” What is going on? I certainly hope you feel better by now.
My eyes just fell out… Adam Sandler Day? Is he some secret superhero or is it a prank on the parent generation? Crazy.
I hope you feel better soon. Sorry it hurts now.
I need to write you my address as I would love some mail from Florida.
Send it, Tobia! I’ll get your card out soon so it gets to you in time.
Yikes, I hope by now your pain has subsided. So weird.
I love Adam Sandler day as a theme. It’s easy and fun. I haven’t heard of it in these parts though.
I ordered a couple pairs of shoes for Mini a few days ago. She wears a lot of green because of ND, so I ordered her a pair of green sneakers that I think she’ll like. She’s heading to Florence for study abroad in Jan, so my plan is to get her things that she will need on the trip. Curly has given me a few ideas and I bought the two little girls vests. Not a thing for my boys yet. Coach’s bday is on Friday, but he doesn’t usually want a gift. Four of the kids have Dec/Jan birthdays. I need to get going on this.
Oh boy- both my kids have December birthdays, but you have FOUR! You’ll be busy. And, you’re right- Adam Sandler day is probably the easiest day to dress up for.
I’m late to this post–ACK! I’m sorry you were in pain! (I hope it IS past tense by now?)
I’ve never heard of Adam Sandler Day, although I can imagine how hilarious that would be. Also Jack Black day?
Great idea to avoid naming him. Esp. as with Musk on board, who knows what online surveillance is going to look like!?! (I’m mad at J.K.Rowling because of her TERF-iness, so I’m going with TFG–That Fucking Guy)
I love Adam Sandler and I love it even more that he’s part of Spirit Week at high schools. HAHAHA.
Voldemort is a good name. Let’s go with that. I’m going to write about some of my feelings about the election tomorrow. I need to get some of the angst and anger out of my head.
I hope you aren’t still in pain! That sounds awful. 🙁
Oh no, I am sorry you woke up in pain. That’s a bummer. It might just have been a delayed response to bruising. I hope you feel better.
Adam Sandler Day. Wow, that’s fun LOL
I have definitely NOT started any Christmas preps yet but I should get on that pretty soon.