walkers walk… but runners fly

This and That, and a Covid Test

Well, did I think 2020 was going to end peacefully and happily?  Of course not!  I mean, I’m not insane.  This morning my son got up and said he felt unusually tired… two hours later, in the middle of “school,”  he suddenly felt extremely achy, turned off his computer and went to bed.  I returned from work to find him lying on the couch with a fever- obviously we went straight to get a Covid test. We’ll get the results in 2-3 days.  Of course I’m worried about my son, but I also can’t help thinking, if we have to spend the rest of the month sick and in quarantine… well, it will just be the crowning blow.  I don’t think I’ve ever uttered this sentence before, but I hope he has the flu!  Poor guy.

In the meantime…

I saw my doctor for another treatment on my foot, and when I asked him about running a little he said “I want you to run, so you can test it out.”  Well, I gave him a big hug… in my mind that is.   That is definitely what I wanted to hear, and I took him up on it…


Flying again!!! 

I’m not running very much, but anything is better than nothing.

In other exciting news, strength training continues… it’s so much harder than running.  I find myself stalling and thinking of 100 things I have to do before I finally make myself get out the weights.   I keep telling myself it will all pay off by making me a better runner, eventually.  And I’m still doing the  Gauntlet Plank Workout. For some crazy reason my cat just LOVES it when I do planks- she sits like this underneath me and purrs loudly.  When I start doing the variations where I have to move my arms and legs she gets all excited- maybe she thinks I’m playing some kind of “cat” game.

Crazy cat!

Next week I see my doctor again (assuming that I don’t have Covid or the flu, sigh).  His assessment of my foot situation- and I agree with him- is that it started with plantar fasciitis, which led to a bone spur, which then caused me to unconsciously walk in a weird way, where I step down on the outside of my foot, which led to a pain in that area.  He’s doing shockwave treatments targeting the outside of my foot, and the bone spur- ouch.  That one hurts, but no pain, no gain, at least in this situation.  I don’t mind being injured as much if I understand what’s going on and there’s a clear treatment plan.  And he said “Next time come in and get this treated earlier so it doesn’t get to this point, you stupid idiot.”  Well… he didn’t say that last part.  But I’ll bet he was thinking it.  At least, I was thinking it.  Oh well- live and learn.

Happy left foot!

Anyone else have plantar fasciitis???  I had it in my other foot a couple years ago but it wasn’t this bad.

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