walkers walk… but runners fly

This Is It!

Here we are… the last blog post before Christmas.  I always get REALLY sad after Christmas, but this year I’m determined to look at things differently.

Because my son got home so late this year, we didn’t get to do a lot of the pre-Christmas things we usually do.  He got home around 10 pm on the 22nd, and when he walked in the door he said “Let the holiday begin!”  Well- that’s a little late to be starting, in my opinion.  BUT…

Because we started late, I’m declaring the week between Christmas and New Year’s to be “Christmas-time.”  The decorations will still be up, we’ll still have festive food, and will listen to Christmas music if we feel like it (not sure if we’ll actually want to at that point, but we’ll see.) The point is, Christmas isn’t over on the 26th.  As a matter of fact, the “12 Days of Christmas” actually starts on Christmas Day.

I’m pretty sure that by January 1st, the tree will be drooping and losing all its needles, and I can just picture us saying “Wait, HOW many days of Christmas are left???  Sigh…” Maybe we won’t feel like celebrating for all twelve days, but we’ll see!

In the spirit of prolonging Christmas, I’m going to do a blog post every day for the 12 days of Christmas.  Let’s call it the “12 Days of Blogmas.”  Is this a good idea?  It sounds like a fantastic idea right now… we’ll see how I feel on day nine or ten.  Topics will include a Christmas wrap-up (obviously), post Christmas thoughts, 2025 goal setting, and of course New Year’s festivities.

Today (as I’m writing this, the 23rd) is Festivus!  Sadly I have to work, but I got the Festivus bagels set up before I left.

We always eat bagels on Festivus because in the Seinfeld Festivus episode, Kramer works at H&H bagels.  Well, he works there for one day before organizing a strike.  Speaking of which….

Festivus yes! Starbucks no!

Starbucks.  OMG.  This is a tragedy!  I mean, I don’t even drink coffee but I absolutely rely on Starbucks for their free wifi- it’s my place to go to get out of my chaotic house, sip tea, and write blog posts.  The baristas in our state aren’t striking- I mean.  Obviously.  I live in Florida.  Eye roll.  But, solidarity.  I hope this is resolved soon.

It’s Christmas!  Are you ready?

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

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22 Responses

  1. Jenny…THIS IS IT.

    We are soul sisters with Christmas feelings. I love, love, love the leadup, but then after all the gifts are open and the tree looks bare and Christmas music just doesn’t feel quite right anymore…GAH. I have big feelings in the week between Christmas and New Year’s. And I think my “holiday hangover” lasts well into January. But every year it’s worth it because the coziness of the season makes up for the sadness when it’s over.

    I haven’t watched hardly any Christmas movies this year, so that is on the docket for the time between Christmas and New Year’s.

    I love Paul’s attitude!

    And I hope you and your family have an absolutely wonderful Christmas <3

    1. Thank you Elisabeth- you too! And maybe watching all the holiday movies for the next week will keep some of the holiday magic alive??? Sigh…

  2. I’m looking forward to your blogmas posts. I am all about extending the holiday season. I kind of want to keep our tree up through February because I love the glow it provides. I might make some snowflake and heart ornaments with Paul next week when he doesn’t have childcare and we can make it a winter/valentines day tree. It’s so dark and gray here so the tree really helps my mood!

    I am sad about Starbucks and will join the boycott. I do spend a decent amount of money there!!

    Merry Christmas! Enjoy your cookie decorating party today! And I worked on Festivus, too, and we watched that episode of Seinfeld last night as I had actually never seen it!

    1. I knew people who left their tree up until February! It was a huge tree, and they felt that it was so much work to get it up, they should keep it as long as possible. That’s the problem with a real tree- we don’t have that option.

  3. YASSSSSS FOR 12 DAYS OF BLOGMAS!!!!! It’s the best present you could have gotten us!

    Having to work on Festivus/the first full day that your son is home is a pretty good one for the grievance list. BTW we’re 3 episodes away from the end of season 3 of Seinfeld and they haven’t even introduced George’s parents yet.

    All that I have to do is to make one more treat and we’ll be officially ready for Christmas! I saved the Christmas crack for last, since it is the thing that I am most likely to nibble on.

    1. What season does Festivus come in? I can’t remember, but it’s obviously after George’s parents are introduced!
      I’m done baking for a couple days, but I’ll bake again before New Years. I didn’t make peanut butter balls yet, and that has to change.

  4. Merry Christmas and happy Festivus! I watched the Seinfeld episode yesterday, such a classic.

    I’m looking forward to your 12 Days of Blogmas and I like your plan for continuing the celebration of Christmas into the new year! I’m gonna try to do the same thing since I’m off work until the 6th and spending time with my parents the next two weeks, and we still have some Christmas movies and specials to catch up on.

    1. I think the 6th is the final day of the 12 days of Christmas, so that’s a perfect time to be off work. Enjoy your time with your parents!

  5. I eat a bagel for lunch every day so I’m glad I actually have a good reason and I plan to stop at SB for my holiday chai today:(

  6. Merry Christmas my friend!
    I love the week between Christmas and New Year’s. I just like lolling around in the festive feeling. Like, all the work is done, now it’s time to just read books and stare at the Christmas tree and eat things. I hope you have a great holiday! I was thinking of you yesterday, with Festivus! (“as I rained blows on him, I thought there has to be a better way!”) I know you love that “holiday!”

    1. Ha ha, I love the Festivus quote. Yes, I’m hoping to just enjoy the fact that all the work is done in the week after Christmas, but it still feels holiday-ish.
      Merry Christmas Nicole!!!

  7. Let the holidays begin, indeed!
    Merry Christmas to you and your family!

    I’m so glad I’ll get to read you through the new year, Yay!
    (And I can’t wait to hear about your plans for the new year.)

    Oh, and I love your solidarity with striking workers! May the new year bring fairer tidings for all of us!

  8. Ha – happy festivus to you. I didn’t know they have banners for that sort of thing. I ended up posting yesterday because I knew that by the time I posted after Christmas there would be too much to talk about to backtrack to the nonsense that cropped up for us the last few days. I shared the details with my elderly folks when I brought them dinner last night and they were dying laughing. I think they were tired just hearing about our tree falling over. Because of our tree issues, I’m guessing we’ll take it down sooner vs later. I like to keep it up because we JUST decorated it, but I’m also not opposed to having kids home to help me undecorate too. I’m unaware of the Starbucks news of which you speak. I don’t drink coffee though and I never visit Starbucks. Mini was home so much later this year than last year and I fault her absence for a few mistakes in my Christmas poem – she would’ve caught the missing words in two of my stanzas. But she’s here now and I’m enjoying this short break with her before she leaves for Florence.

  9. 12 days of Blogmas! Yessss! I love it. We’re also going to be extending the Christmas spirit since we were away for three days before Christmas. I’ll blog every day with you!
    Merry Christmas!

  10. So this is the thing. We didn’t decorate until the first week of December and we’ll leave everything up until halfway through January. I don’t start taking things down right away – I like to savor all of the light and coziness for a couple more weeks. So I think your son was right to say it could get started when he showed up! Seems like perfect timing to me.

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