walkers walk… but runners fly

Thomas Edison Had Plantar Fasciitis

I’m positive that when Thomas Edison said “I have not failed.  I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work,” he was talking about curing his plantar fasciitis.

What?  He didn’t?  Oh… that.  Yes, he may have been talking about inventing the light bulb, but I’m just saying he COULD have been talking about plantar fasciitis… it’s possible.  I mean, I’ve never read anywhere that he DIDN’T have it, so you never know.

Anyway, I have good news and bad news!  The good news is that I got the results of my MRI.  The bad news is that it didn’t really show anything, other than the thickened plantar fascia.  Meanwhile, it’s not the heel that’s preventing me from running right now (although it does hurt) – there’s a very sore spot on the outer edge of my foot, and a lot of pain where the achilles tendon attaches to the bone.

REALLY?  Nothing showed up on the MRI?  At this point, I would have been happier to find out that I have a stress fracture.  Yes- just put me in a boot and tell me I can run again in eight weeks.

But there’s more good news!  I have a recommendation for a podiatrist (who’s also a runner) who “cured” my friend’s PF.  The bad news is, she got shockwave therapy which I’ve already tried.  Good news is they also offer other treatments.  Bad news is the first appointment I could get was October 19th.  Arg! I feel like Homer Simpson and the cursed frogurt.

That’s good…that’s bad…that’s good…that’s bad…

Anyway, I’ve been dealing with this since April of 2020, so it’s definitely time for a fresh perspective.  I want someone else to look at the MRI, and I like the fact that this doctor is a runner.  Bummer that I have to wait two weeks, but in the long run fourteen days won’t make a difference.

In the meantime, I’ve been getting out for some walks:

Walking pics always look weird.

It hurts my foot a little, but so does everything, including resting it.  Right now walking feels better psychologically than pool running, so I’m going with it.  Feels good to be moving forward, even if I’m not “flying.”

Oh, and here’s the actual quote from Thomas Edison I wanted to share:

Never, ever give up!  You may be closer to success than you think.

Do you like quotes?  What’s your favorite?

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18 Responses

  1. Doctors who are runners are the best!
    When I was dealing with my Achilles tendon I said exactly the same: I’d rather have a broken bone than tendonitis!
    I would have opted for a plaster cast just for a more dramatic effect. And crutches, of course.

    The good news is, one day your PF will be over, Jenny! Let’s see what happens on the 19th!

  2. Fingers crossed for October 19th! I don’t have to tell you that PF is a mysterious beast==> all we know is that some people run a million miles and never get it, non-runners get it, and then there is everyone in between. You’ve crossed a few of the 10,000 things off the list!

    1. Yes, it truly is mysterious! That’s a good point- a lot of non-runners get it. So is it even caused by running? I’m so confused.

  3. Arghhhh ( am I quoting you efficiently?). What a mess if frustration… but at least you don’t have a stress fracture (trust me, those boots are pure evil). I’m glad you can at least walk with “moderate” comfort. Both of my PF episodes hurt more walking than running (I heel-strike like a badass when I walk, but not when I run). Hugs!!!

    1. Thank you Kim! Yes, it’s easy to say I wish it were a stress fracture- but really I’m glad it’s not. Yes, walking is okay once the foot gets warmed up. So i’m happy for that!

  4. It’s the “-itis” that’s so frustrating…inflammation is hard to treat! Having suffered twice from prolonged PF, I 100% get your frustration. IMHO, rest is the only thing that did it for me. One of my friends had surgery–not sure how that is even a thing for PF and she got better. Of course, she was off the foot for 6 weeks to recover from the surgery, so maybe it was that?

    My heart goes out to you. I so know how you feel. I hope the podiatrist has some tricks up his sleeve. You just never know… I’m here if you need to vent or cry.

    1. Thank you Wendy!!! I appreciate that. Yes, I also don’t understand how surgery helps PF… it’s really a mystery. But everyone gets over it eventually.

  5. Well darn it, nothing on the MRI? I agree – when I’ve struggled with the hamstring issues for years I have really wished I could have a stress fracture instead. It’s fixed and done!! Hopefully a fresh set of eyes will help you find something new. Good luck!

  6. Quotes can be great, but they can also be infuriating, especially when they deliver tough truths you don’t want to hear in the moment.

    PF is a jerk. A big, hairy jerk. I understand being frustrated that nothing else turned up with the MRI. I hope you are able to find a treatment strategy that works for you.

  7. Knock on wood. No PF here. But I have a nasty neuroma that comes and goes. It didn’t show on the MRI either. I’ve tried everything besides cutting off my foot.

    It’s been good lately. Of course it hurt during my last race.

    1. Ha, that’s funny… I have thought of cutting off that foot. Of course I shouldn’t joke about such a thing. It will be healed… eventually.

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