walkers walk… but runners fly

Three Good Things About Being Injured

Started off the day with an early morning pool run! It’s been nine days since I hurt my hip, and (as one does) I’ve been imagining all the worst-cast scenarios.  Such as… 1) I have a stress fracture. 2) It’s a labral tear. 3) I’ll need surgery. 4) How am I going to do the laundry when I’m on crutches?  Luckily, I was able to see my doctor today and he does NOT think I have to worry about any of those things.

He described my hip as being “jammed up” and showed me how my low back and hip flexor on the right side are super tight.  He adjusted my low back, and worked to soften up the iliopsoas (the hip flexor muscle.)  He did some diagnostic tests to determine that my hip is still moving well in the socket (yay!) and doesn’t think it’s a bone injury.

Hopefully the work he did, along with some Advil to reduce the inflammation, will get me back to running sooner rather than later.  In the meantime, I present three upsides to this mess.

1. New running shoes will not wear out as quickly.

2. More time spent with cat.

Very important.

3. Taking time off for hip to heal might finally, FINALLY give my foot a chance to heal as well.  Because…

This is the same doctor who treated my plantar fasciitis, and when I told him it was still there but I was running anyway, he suggested that perhaps I’ve been overcompensating for the foot in a way that jammed up my hip.

Yep, already thought of that.

I’ve basically been playing a game of “chicken” with my foot.  It refuses to stop hurting, and I refuse to stop running.  Standoffs like this rarely end well.

Now that I’m forced to take a break anyway, I have the opportunity to finally heal my foot.  The problem is, I’ve already taken time off.  I’ve had shockwave treatments.  I’m stretched and strengthened it.  There’s an answer here somewhere- I just have to find it.

In the meantime, my doctor said to be careful with cycling because of the amount of hip flexion involved.  He said to stick with pool running for now, which works out perfectly because I LOVE pool running.  Just kidding.   I hate it.  But it will build mental toughness… right?

I know I’ve already asked, but has anyone heard of any unusual treatments for plantar fasciitis? – I feel like I’ve already tried the usual ones.

Any other silver linings to being injured?



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11 Responses

  1. So happy that your injury is not as serious as you feared.

    I do the same with every twinge. or maybe every day lol

    I refuse to stop running and I just ignore my foot pain. So I get it.

    Finger crossed that you can run again soon.

    1. Thank you Darlene! It sounds like your foot issue is painful but not debilitating. I’ve been reading your race recaps- you’re doing great!

  2. Oh Jenny, I’m sending all of the healing running vibes your way. Your story sounds identical to my husband’s…he has PF and if his foot isn’t hurting then something else on his leg is. He’s had every treatment including surgery, and though it’s not as bad now he still has issues. He has a doc appt with a specialist soon to try to get a better answer.

    So I don’t have a solution but wanted to let you know that you are not alone!

    1. Ugh, your poor husband! It sounds like he’s tried everything, but you never know- maybe I’ll come across something that could help him. There has to be a solution!

  3. Oh dear, Jenny, I hear you.
    In 2019, I battled with Achilles tendonitis for nearly a year – because I refused to stop running. If only I had seen a doctor earlier and got it treated.
    Like you did. You did well in getting professional advice asap and taking a break from running.

    Pool running, yay! Wasn’t there a marathon runner you wrote about who got a sub-3 hour marathon with that training? Maybe you will surprise us all!

    1. Ha ha… I doubt I’ll pool run my way to a sub-three hour marathon, but hopefully I won’t get completely out of shape. It’s funny how we just refuse to take time off- but now that I’m doing it, it’s not that bad! Totally worth it if I can get everything healed up.

  4. Ugh, the aches and pains (not just physically) of being injured…
    Fingers crossed this short (really have all fingers and toes crossed LOL) sabbatical will bring you back stronger. One thing I had not anticipated, from BOTH of my sabbaticals, was coming back stronger (and, dare I say, a bit faster). I didn’t have any weird on-going injuries or issues when both of these incidents had me side-lined (both were kind of freak accidents that blindsided me), but my body definitely benefited from some time off. Maybe the universe was sending me a message (that became a blessing?), but I’m thankful I was forced out of my running shoes. Otherwise, I may have tried to “run through” other potential injuries that were lurking or developing, but never came to fruition. Hugs to you <3

    1. Thank you Kim! That was a good pep talk 🙂 It’s true, when things like this happen it’s an opportunity to work on weak areas. I’ll hopefully come back stronger- I don’t know about faster though!

  5. Ok so I’m wondering if whatever weakness/imbalance caused your PF has also caused your hip pain? I mean it definitely could be compensation like you said. But I’ve had lots of injuries on my left side, and my glutes don’t fire as well on that side. Does your dr do any assessment to try to find a weak link?

    1. No, I and wish he did. This guy has done a great job in the past fixing some of my issues, but he doesn’t really go deep enough. I’d like to find a new doctor.

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