walkers walk… but runners fly

Thursday Do-Over

Hello, and welcome to Day 11 of NaBloPoMo! Last week, I shared my issues with Thursdays.  It’s my first day back at work after two days off, and in the past a lot of other activities were scheduled for Thursdays as well, making it a busy, stressful day.  Now that my kids are older, we don’t have the extra things on Thursdays anymore so it’s just a regular workday, and I’ve vowed to have a more positive attitude and try to enjoy the day more.

So… how did it go?

WELL.  Last Thursday had a few glitches.  I started out with a yoga class on the Peloton app. During the class I kept noticing a strange odor.  Then during final poses I realized one of the cats threw up.  I hadn’t seen it earlier, but when I was lying on the mat it was right near my head.  Ah… that’s what that smell was.

Bad girl! Just kidding… look at that innocent face.

It’s definitely not the first time I’ve cleaned up cat throw up, but it seemed like a bad omen for the day.  Anyway, after the yoga and throw up cleaning, I had to do a quick online training for work.  I had known about this since Monday, but somehow put it off until the last minute (oops.)  I didn’t think it would be a problem, because I knew it was short.

But it WAS a problem!  For some reason I couldn’t log into my account.  I tried re-setting my password but finally gave up in frustration.  i went to work early and confessed to my boss that I hadn’t done the training.

Sigh.  She got me set up on her computer and offered to help me log in.  The problem was, in my earlier frustration I had re-set my password to “ScrewAllThis.”  I was hoping it would be hidden, but nope!  It came right up on the screen and my boss saw it.  I know she saw it because she exclaimed “What?!” when I typed it in.

ARG!  Somehow we got through that moment, I finished the training and went on with the day.  But I felt that major points were deducted from that Thursday.

So let’s try this again!  This Thursday I will be positive… hope not to clean up throw up… and try not to insult my boss.  I’ll find things to enjoy about the day, AND, most importantly, maintain a sense of humor.

Sometimes all you can do is laugh, and remind yourself that everything will be fine in the end.  After all, it’s not brain surgery.  (Side note- ever wonder what brain surgeons do to combat stress?  I’ll bet they have some good coping strategies!)

Do you have a least favorite day of the week?  A most favorite?


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16 Responses

  1. The cat vomit. The password. Sometimes you really do have to laugh at all the signs that are pointing toward it being a bad day. That’s too bad about your boss; I would have died laughing. At least you fit in a workout?! We have to take the wins where we can find them on those sorts of days…

    I usually don’t mind Thursdays, but I definitely get regular cases of the Mondays (and Sunday-night blues). I for one am excited it’s almost the end of the week (today was actually a holiday here in Canada for Remembrance Day, so the kids were off school and even though I work from home and could have done some work tasks, I didn’t…shhh, don’t tell)!

    1. It was a holiday here too- Veterans Day. My daughter had the day off but I had to work! Luckily she’s old enough to stay home alone.

  2. Hey, passwords are private – why was she able to see it when you typed it? I think it’s awesome though! You can make your password whatever you damn please! LOL

    Hope you’re having a better Thursday today… I for one am having a great day, because it’s Veteran’s Day and I get the day off.

  3. Cat puke is always a bad omen. So far it’s a good day.

    I like Thursdays. Almost Friday. No blog posts. A run day.

    There you go.

  4. I know it wasn’t funny in the moment, but the “ScrewAllThis” password gave me a good chuckle today.

    That does sound like a very frustrating Thursday so I hope last Thursday was not as bad as the previous one. <3

    1. Last Thursday was not as bad, although there were a couple special moments. Now I’m going into my “weekend” but I’ll be gearing up for Thursday again soon!

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