walkers walk… but runners fly

Twists and Turns

Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate!  If you’re not celebrating… Happy Thursday!

So our plans for yesterday took a slight detour, when, on Tuesday night, my son announced that he had a scratchy throat.  OH CRAP.  I told him to sleep in as late as he wanted on Wednesday morning.

I was able to sleep until 7 am (woohoo!), eat breakfast, help my daughter dye her hair, and then I went to the gym by myself since my son was still sleeping.  That’s okay- I don’t mind going to the gym by myself and I wanted him to rest.

Deadlifts by myself.

I worked out, came home and rolled out the pie crusts, and then my son was up and said he felt well enough to GO GET THE TREE!

I love this photo so much- you know you live in Florida when you say “Okay, get your flip flops on, it’s time to go pick out our Christmas tree!”

My daughter doesn’t want her photo on my blog so I always blur out her face.

We got our tree, came home and set it up in the stand, and then it was time for pie making.  Ahem.

WHY is it that every year there’s some freaky problem???  I don’t know why, but the “normal” pumpkin pie did NOT come out well…

This can’t be right….

Meanwhile, my pie came out GREAT!  I offered to share my sugar-free, coconut oil-crust pie with my family, and you should have seen the looks on their faces.  Ha ha… let’s just say I’ll be running out early on Thanksgiving morning to either buy a vegan pumpkin pie (if possible?) or at least a pre-made crust so I can quickly whip up another pumpkin pie.  Sigh.  Why are pies so difficult?

And… as the day wore on my son felt worse and worse, and he is now (8 pm on Wednesday evening) in bed.  I’m hoping he’ll sleep all night and wake up feeling completely better- that’s happened before.  If not… well, we’ll deal with it then.  Hopefully my Thanksgiving morning won’t include a trip to the grocery store AND a trip to urgent care.

But don’t worry about us… we’ll have a nice holiday no matter what.  We’re all together, we have delicious food, and the house smells like a Christmas tree!  It’s all good.

Are you having any unexpected snafus today?

Header photo by Mihály Köles on Unsplash


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29 Responses

    1. The filling for that pie was REALLY liquid when I was pouring it into the crust, and when it was done baking it was still really weird and bubbly. Update is coming soon!

  1. Ugh, hope your son gets better soon! I had to laugh a little about wearing flip-flops to get a Christmas tree. While, at the same time, I’m looking at winter shoes online and can’t buy the prettiest ones because they have the fluffy ultra warm Scandinavian winter-weather lining and I live in Ireland and they’ll be way too warm.
    Enjoy your Thanksgiving and I hope you find a good pie that suits!

  2. Oh dearie me, I hope your son will feel better by this morning!
    I love your daughter’s hair colour! It came out very nice.

    Will you be doing a Turkey Trot with the non-sick family members? If you are – have a lot of fun!!

  3. Oh no…Jenny. No, no, no.
    I hope he’s feeling better today.

    Pie’s are hard and I refuse to make them. Full stop. I buy pies and, if all goes according to plan, will make it through my entire life without making a single pie from scratch. Some things are just meant to be outsourced.

    I love A’s hair! I think it looks great. Very cute.

    And I am so jealous about the “tree in flip-flops” – we had snow and ice pellets last night and I was in the depths of despair.

    1. Snow? Ice??? I can’t even imagine.
      Yes, I would be happy if I never had to bake a pie again. I don’t know why my family insists on homemade- it’s not like I do a great job!

  4. Ugh, isn’t that always the way – someone getting sick on holiday. I hope a big sleep is all he needs and he feels better today!
    Your daughter’s hair looks FABULOUS. Oh, those curls!!! I’m envious.

    1. Thank you Nicole! I’ll tell her you said that… she was upset because she thought it looked frizzy. It’s really humid here so it’s hard for her.

  5. Mic drop! Who needs four seasons and snow when you can live in FL and wear flip flops to get your Christmas tree. That’s it, we’re moving.

    My TG twist is that we’re having a small family TG meal today so I got us and I was going to buy stuffing and green bean casserole from the grocery store deli. Guess what they were out of when I went shopping last night? So I did a quick pivot and bought everything that I need to make stuffing and casserole from scratch. I’m going to enjoy my afternoon of playing in the kitchen, so it’s not such a bad thing.

  6. Oh no hope your son feels better today and that you all don’t get what he has! It is funny to go get Christmas trees when it is so warm out but. A nice tradition for you all I expect. Happy Thanksgiving Jenny to you and your family enjoy your time together

  7. I hope your son is feeling better today! And I love your daughter’s hair — that color is so cute!

    Fortunately I don’t have to make any food today so I’m not worried about any cooking disasters but I think everyone should just eat your pie since it turned out better haha.

  8. I am glad he rallied enough to get the tree but that is a huge bummer. Although he is probably a little glad to have his mom around when under the weather. No one takes care of you like mom does, IMO.

    We are experiencing a similar snafu. The day was going so well – 5k to start the day, got to my brother’s and the kids were loving playing with their cousins and the huge bin of legos my brother has. And then taco started to run a fever. Womp womp. So Phil, taco and I are on our way home. My parents are staying with us tonight (which they may be second thinking…) so they will bring Paul back later so he can get some cousin time in and eat pie without me saying ‘I think you’ve had enough…’. Not the holiday I was expecting. But at least I ate an amazing dinner before we headed out with our sad, sick boy. But I really thought there wasn’t a virus we haven’t had.

  9. Oh noooooooo!!! Well- I’m glad you at least got to eat. And you got to run your 5K! I hope Taco feels better soon and that the rest of you stay healthy!

  10. Oh no. I hope he fought off whatever he had. Mini had a sore throat and then a headache right after she got home from school. The headache has persisted. No fever though.

    My SIL had that same tablecloth on her table yesterday.

  11. Oh, no! I remember that every Thanksgiving in college, I would go home and just go to bed. I’d manage to keep myself together until I was in a nice, safe spot and then my body would revolt and I would get sick. I hope your son is feeling better now.

  12. Christmas tree shopping in flip flops – LOL that doesn’t even happen in (Northern) California. I am so sorry your son got sick, I hope to read in the next post that he was all better the next morning and that the rest of the holiday went off without a hitch!

  13. Ack, I’m sorry about the pie mishap! I have never made a pie myself so kudos for even making it happen!

    I hope your son isn’t coming down with anything. Fingers crossed!

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