walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown- Warming Up

It was a good week!  We started off with chilly mornings (in the 50s) but by the end of the week we had morning temps in the 60s- perfect running weather for us Floridians.  My foot isn’t really any better or worse, and I added a couple miles on this week.  I’ll take it, happily!  I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for this weekly rundown.


Monday was my day off as usual.


3 mile run followed by Gauntlet Plank workout.  This workout has 11 plank variations, and I do each one for a minute.  Not consecutively, because that would be super-human!  I can get through the first four in a row before I have to take a break.  My cat is very supportive during these 11 painful minutes.

In other news, I’m seriously considering taking an iphone photography class. For obvious reasons.


Another 3 mile run and the foot felt fine.  I couldn’t face another plank workout afterwards, so I did some pushups instead.

Still chilly enough for long sleeves!


Strength training day.  For whatever reason I had a very, very strong aversion to my barbell this morning, so I did body weight exercises instead- the Runners Touch and single leg squats.  I’ve shared it before but I’m sharing it again because I think the Runner’s Touch is a great exercise.  In this video the guy is wearing shoes, but I do it barefoot to work the muscles in my feet.  I also did my assisted pullups, followed by “negatives” where you use a stool or bench to boost yourself up into the pullup position, then lower yourself down as slowly as possible.  Ouch.


Running!  After a day of being stuck indoors doing strength, running outside felt like a huge treat.  Another 3 mile run, followed by the plank workout.


I sucked it up and got out my barbell for squats and deadlifts.  I’m currently squatting 45 pounds, which means if I were in the gym I would be squatting the bar (sigh!) I add another 10 pounds when I do deadlifts, and that’s all my barbell can safely hold.  Which means if I want to add any weight I’m going to have to get back to the gym.  Not sure how I feel about that!  For now I can add more reps to the weight I’m already doing.  When I went to do pullups, I found that a muscle on my right side was alarmingly sore.  Even doing them assisted with a band, pullups are really hard for me and I know (from experience) that I can’t mess around if something hurts, so I skipped them.


I woke up sore from the weights yesterday.  Anyone else have the experience where your legs are really sore, the soreness disappears while you run, and then comes back immediately afterwards?  So strange.  I ran 4 miles!  Not a “long” run, but getting longer!

Back to tank top weather- Life is good!

To end I’m sharing a quote from the book I’m reading (which I’ll talk more about later this week.) The author uses quotes to begin each chapter, and this one is attributed to “unknown”:

I hope there are days when you fall in love with being alive.”

Have a great week everyone!


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34 Responses

  1. Great job this week! Glad your foot is feeling good. I’ve definitely had the experience where any soreness goes away during a run and comes back after. I think it has to do with getting the blood flowing to my legs.

    1. I just wish it lasted after the run ended! I’m still sore tonight, maybe even more so than I was this morning- sheesh.

  2. Awesome job this week. I didn’t even know there were 11 different plank variations – it sounds like I need to step up my planking!
    I’ve had a similar situation with leg soreness. Sometimes my legs can be really sore but then I’ll take a cycle class or run and they feel good during the class, and then they are back to being sore!

    1. You would think 11 would be enough, but I keep seeing people on their blogs doing plank variations I’ve never even heard of!

  3. I love that quote!

    I feel you on not doing things that hurt, because I was stupid about that this week. Geez! The first one was something that just happened after doing something I do a lot, but the second one was completely my bad & I paid the price. Probably because I haven’t been doing any ST the last couple of weeks.

    I think that sometimes it’s either the endorphins from the run that makes the soreness go away — or maybe just the movement & then the lactic acid builds up.

  4. You are smart to back off when you feel pain. Re the quote you shared, I was telling my husband earlier after my run how feeling my heart beat while running makes me feel alive. He of course, just looked at me like uh ok. Non runners just don’t get it! Thanks for linking and have a great week ahead

    1. I know what you mean Deborah- my son thinks we’re crazy. One day my husband and I were discussing the issue of his nipples bleeding during long runs and my son thought he had LOST HIS MIND! Ha ha…

  5. My coach is big on negatives; especially when I’m doing pull-up work. She also has me do ‘decline’ push-ups, which are basically negatives on the drop. Ouch is right! Loved the quote…have a great week!

    1. Thanks Wendy, you too! Your strength training is killer, so if your coach prescribes negatives I know they must be effective!

    1. You can do Runners Touch with a kettlebell or dumbbell as well- for now I’m doing it without the weight and it’s still hard.

  6. My cat loves to hang out with me while doing planks or any floor work too. LOL on the photography skills class. I actually did take one a long time ago and learned how to post pictures on Instagram! True story. It was life changing (IG for dummies for sure!). I could use one on what TikTok is all about. I’m clueless about that! Good workouts this week!

    1. Well, I need that instagram class as well! Especially since you describe it as “life changing.” Have a great week Lisa!

  7. I love that quote. I think it’s an important reminder.

    I may have missed what’s going on with your foot, but I have a lot of weakness in mine, and it’s so hard to do planks on it. So frustrating and I hope we are both back to full strength soon.

  8. Glad your foot is feeling some better. That Gauntlet Plank workout sounds intense – 11 variations?! I need to check that out LOL!

    Love that quote – perfect for the times!

  9. Good news that your foot isn’t feeling any worse and that you can still run somewhat comfortably. Here’s hoping you’ll start seeing improvements soon.

    I love that quote. Thanks for sharing it.

  10. Love that quote. Perfect.

    I hope it is warm in Fla – I am going on Feb 11 – but not too warm.

    It’s hard to know when to run with pain and when to stop.

    My feet usually hurt but it’s not an injury and it’s bearable. If I only ran when I felt great, I might never run. lol

    1. It should be beautiful here in February! And I agree- if I stopped running every time I had a little pain, I would never run.

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