Well, hello! Thanks for visiting my weekly rundown. It was a week of running, lots of Olympics watching, and not nearly enough sleep. I’m so sad the Olympics is ending, but I’m looking forward to feeling a little more rested. I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for this rundown. Here’s how the week went!
Usually a day off, but I did some PT exercises on this day.
Three mile run, hooray!!! I can’t really explain how happy I am to be running again, but anyone who’s been injured knows how I feel. Followed this run with a Peloton class- Matt Wilpers Strength for Runners.
I’m happy to say this was my only pool run of the week! It was… pretty much the same as every other pool run (other than the one where I didn’t have my headphones, grr!) I “ran” in the water while listening to a podcast.
I did Matt Wilpers Strength for Runners class again, followed by a core class, followed by pushups. Ugh! My upper body has turned to jello this past month. Luckily I don’t really care… yep, I said it out loud. All I really care about is being able to run, so lower body strength is so much more important to me. But I’ll do the obligatory pushups… it can’t hurt.
Another three mile run! Followed by a little bit of core work.
And now, for something completely different. I was so tired all week, and it caught up to me today. I was debating between a pool run and another strength class, and I had the sudden desire to do… yoga.
I haven’t done yoga in YEARS. Since the Peloton app has tons of yoga classes, I did Aditi Shah’s class to open the hips, and let’s just say my hips did not open. In fact, my entire body felt like it was creaking and crunching throughout the class. But it felt good! I think I’ll incorporate more yoga into my workouts for a while and see how I feel.
*A quick time-out*
HOW ABOUT MOLLY SEIDEL????????? I didn’t expect that. It was only her third marathon (the Olympic Trials marathon was her first) and let’s be honest… it’s hard for the Americans to hang with the Kenyans and Ethiopians. But she won the bronze medal, which is incredible.
Funny thing… after the race and her post-race interview (how touching was that, by the way?) my husband said, “she kind of looks like you.” I had been thinking the same thing! There’s something about her profile and the way she squints up her eyes, that bears a slight resemblance to me. I’ll take that as a lucky sign! My long-lost “sister” Molly won an Olympic medal in the marathon! It must mean something good for my own running coming up. Right?
Four mile run. It was hot- I didn’t get out very early in the morning. But I was just so happy to be running, I didn’t care. I listened to this Strength Running podcast where Jason interviews Brodie Sharpe. One thing they talked about was the concept that there’s no such thing as “over training,” rather the problem is “under recovering.” They specifically mentioned getting enough sleep. If I could have kicked myself while running down the street, I would have. Here I am recovering from all sorts of issues this summer, while at the same time cheating myself on sleep. It’s like I believe in the importance of sleep except when it comes to me.

Well, it’s never too late! This week I’m making sleep a priority.
Did you watch the Olympics? – I have a post coming up on Wednesday, “So What Did We REALLY Think of the Olympics?” Get ready for a teensy bit of snark- I have things to say!
How has your sleep been? Do you think you’re getting enough?
34 Responses
I got so choked up watching Molly. She’s so so lovable and from Wisconsin! She does kinda look like you! I’m so happy for. what a performance on a very hot and humid day. SO fun to watch!
Yes, I got choked up as well watching her. My roots are in WI (my Mom’s family) so I felt extra proud!
yeah so glad you are back to running and feeling so good. The yoga classes on Peloton are great. I try to do a few each week with my post run stretch classes. Have a great week!
Thanks Deborah! I’m definitely going to incorporate yoga into my routine this week and see how it goes.
Well, you know I’m happy when anyone does some Yoga. It’s also a great way to recover!
Yay for 3 runs! That’s real progress, even if maybe it doesn’t feel that way.
Your post on the Olympics should be interesting! Can’t wait to hear your thoughts.
Yes, I thought about you when I pulled up that yoga class. I agree, it’s a great way to recover.
Yay on the running! LOL at your hips not opening! There are a lot of good yoga programs on Peloton — I should do some of them. 😉 Looking forward to your upcoming post.
Yes, I’m going to check out more of the yoga. There’s definitely plenty of options!
It was so incredible watching Molly’s performance! I can see how she looks like you! Great job this week. I haven’t done yoga in so long and I’m pretty sure my hips wouldn’t know what to do either.
Ha ha, my whole body had a little trouble with the yoga. Which shows that I should probably do it more.
Your sister did AMAZING! 🙂 I can’t get over how she ran her third marathon and won a bronze medal at the Olympics! How cool is that? I’ve been doing more walking and cycling on the Peloton app but now want to add yoga and strength classes. Baby steps for me. Yay for running more! I am happy for you.
Thank you Zenaida! Yes, there are so many classes to choose from, I’m motivated to branch out.
So glad you got to run this week! Woohoo!!! And yay for Molly Seidel!!! i love that she’s from Wisconsin, too.
Speaking of jello–my midsection has completely let go of any semblance of firmness. Ugh.
Ha ha, it’s a little scary how quickly we lose these things! But it always comes back with a little work.
Glad to hear the running is going well…welcome back!!! Yes, Molly’s performance was pretty sweet to witness. If only it were that easy for the rest of us LOL Well, we all know there’s nothing easy about it, but Molly (and all the others) really make it LOOK easy. I’m with you on the sleep thing…I do fine with my typical 5-6ish hours, that even that took a nosedive the past 10 days or so. Major #oops (but no regrets, either).
Yes, I know they’re working super hard but somehow they make it look waaay easier than the rest of us… I know I don’t look quite like that at the end of a marathon!
So happy to hear that things continue to go well on the running front!
I was so happy for Molly! What a genuine, sweet girl, and she was so excited too. Nothing but big things for her in the future.
Yes, can’t wait to see what she does next!
Funny that we both talked about sleep this week. I think everyone is aware of their lack of sleep due to watching the Olympics (or in my case, lack of watching the Olympics due to trying to get more sleep). LOL
Yay for getting in a couple of good runs! Don’t forget, upper body strength is so important, especially in your profession.
Looking forward to reading about your thoughts on the Olympics!
Yes, it was funny that quite a few people mentioned sleep! Glad to know I’m not the only one.
I know… I won’t really neglect upper body for long. I just WISH I could skip it, ha ha.
I have been basically GLUED to the Olympics coverage! I’m very sad it’s over but we’ll have the winter ones soon and the Paris in 3 years. It’ll go fast. Now we both need to go get some sleep!
Yes, i’m trying to sleep this week! But I am sad it’s over. I’m never as into the winter Olympics as much as summer, but I’ll still watch a lot of it. And yes, it’s coming right up!
I’m going to give that podcast a listen. It sounds like a good one! Molly’s finish was awesome. I thought the mens marathon finish was great too. Loved to see the encouragement between the runners at the finish chute. My legs and body don’t quite bend the way they are supposed to in yoga LOL!
Yes, it was fun to see the men finish as well. I’m determined to do more yoga and get my body bending!
Totally here for the snark
I love Molly Seidel and her story, was so good to see the reactions to her among runners and non
Yay for a solid running week!
Yes, Molly is really relatable and likable! So happy for her.
We didn’t get anything of Molly though they did show us the men’s marathon. I mean there was coverage probably somewhere but not on the main roundup show which was all we managed every night! And well done you on your runs, hooray!
We hardly got to see any of the men’s marathon, but did see Kipchoge win. Like you said, there were other ways to watch but I just watched the main coverage.
I watched exactly none of the Olympics. We were traveling in and out of town, and I rarely have the tv on unless I’m watching a movie. I heard the US did well and I’m glad for that.
I am so happy to see you are back in the game! I am sure that feels great!
Thanks Jenn! It does feel great! I just read your post- it does sound like you were pretty busy these last two weeks.
So glad to read that your running is improving day by day!
Here running is hard, we have another heat alert for these days (aug. 11, 12 and 13),
I watched the Olympics but now, I think, there are too many sports and, my personal opinion (I could be wrong), is that not all the medals have the same value.
In Italy everywhere I listen or read that in this Olympics we broke the records of medals won …. I agree … but in the past the admitted sports were a lot less!!!!
I think I know what you’re saying- that a medal in skateboarding for example isn’t the same as a track medal? I don’t know much about some of the other sports, but I think you have a good point.
So glad to see you running again! Aditi has some great classes on the app. There are also some great stretching classes that focus on hips that are worth checking out.
I loved watching Molly’s run – just her 3rd marathon…. amazing!
I really need to check out more classes! I have been doing yoga, which I’m enjoying.