walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown- Twists and Turns

One good thing about turning the clocks ahead is that some of us got a “full moon” run in the morning!  Other than that I’m not a fan of DST- but what’s done is done.  My daughter had spring break this week so we were able to sleep a little later, so that helped.  I’m linking up as always with that lovely pair, Kim and Deborah for this rundown.  There were some twists this week- just the universe keeping life interesting!  Let’s get to it.


This was a weird morning.  We turned the clocks ahead, I had to get up hella-early to get my son ready for his flight back to school, and we had a one-day cold front blow through.  After my husband and son left for the airport (thank you for driving, husband!) I went for a five mile run.

Yes, it was 50 degrees and I wore a hat and gloves.  I don’t care what anyone says!  It was dark and windy when I started, and I needed them.

Everything felt completely fine on this run, but later in the day I went to do some side planks, and found that my left hip was super sore.  What the…???  This sore left hip became the theme of the week.


Yoga is what I need!  I did a 45 minute yoga class with my Peloton bff, Denis Morton.  This class felt great, but my hip was just cranky all day long.  Sigh!


Three mile run!  Phew- running didn’t hurt my hip,  but I was afraid to do any strength training- even core.  I was cautious of anything that might strain that hip flexor.  Later in the day I did another yoga class.

Back to tank top weather!


Lately I’ve been pairing a strength class with a shorter- 20 or 30 minute- yoga class.  But since I was focusing more on yoga this week, I picked longer classes.   I also had been avoiding classes with pigeon pose because I’m not good at it (ha ha!  How stupid is that?  I obviously need it!) I bit the bullet, chose this class and I LOVED it!  We did my two favorite poses- warrior 3 AND half moon- with some great stretches at the end, including the dreaded pigeon.  It wasn’t so bad.

I also decided I couldn’t continue to avoid core, so I made my own core “class.”  I set my timer for ten minutes and just did every move I could think of from the recent Crush Your Core program, that didn’t involve hip flexors.  Voila- a hip-friendly core class.


Another three mile run, and this one felt inexplicably… great!  It definitely wasn’t the weather- it was 71 degrees and muggy at 7 am.  But it was one of those runs where you feel like you’re flying along effortlessly.  Love those runs.

After the run I did my own core “class” again, and then later in the day I did pull-ups (or I should specify, my pre-pull-up work) and some lower body strength- I didn’t want to risk aggravating my hip, which was still bothering me, so I did my own thing with no weights.  It worked and my hip was okay.


Another 45 minute yoga flow, and 10 minutes of core.  Instead of avoiding pigeon pose, I’m embracing it and guess what?  It’s getting easier.  Who knew?


An early morning five mile run!  Followed by ten minutes of core.

In other news, it might be time to seriously re-think my sleep schedule.  Normally I don’t have an issue being tired at work, because my job is pretty active.  But today I had a client who wanted the last 20 minutes of his massage on his scalp and face.  I was sitting down at this point, the room was dark, the music was slow and soothing…. my client fell asleep… oh, that’s good, he must really need to relax… it’s warm in here… I’m starting to get hungry… oatmeal would be good… that bowl of oatmeal looks good… I think I’ll introduce myself to it…

WAIT- WHAT???. Did I just fall asleep while giving a massage and have a dream about introducing myself to a bowl of oatmeal?  Yes…. I did.

Luckily my client didn’t notice, since he was sleeping himself.  You might think this little nap would have pepped me up, but it left me feeling groggy and disoriented.  I only had one more massage after that one, which was a good thing.

After work I came home and ate- what else- a bowl of oatmeal!  And then took a nap on the couch- the CORRECT location for a nap.


On tap for today- an hour yoga class and some strength training.  It’s my Birthday Eve!  I see some lasagna and a glass of wine in my future.

Have you ever fallen asleep at work, or in another inappropriate place?  Any strange dreams lately?

If you do yoga, what’s your favorite pose?  



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44 Responses

  1. Omg that is hilarious you fell asleep mid massage! I’m glad your client did not notice. Yikes! Sorry your hip continues to give you grief. I know what I really SHOULD do is go get adjusted by my chiropractor. My hips always feel better after an adjustment.

  2. Despite the hip it sounds like you had a great week of running! Happy pre-birthday!

    I don’t think I’ve ever fallen asleep at work, thankfully. Watching tv, yes, all the time. I actually had no problems with the time change this year. Last Sunday was super cold, but I put on my big down coat & went out side first thing! They say that helps reset your body clock. Seemed to work, or maybe it was just because I was so dang busy before we left, LOL!

    I’m glad that your customer didn’t notice — that would have been embarrassing!

    1. Yes, it would have been REALLY bad if the client noticed I fell asleep! Especially since he’s a regular client- we would both be thinking about it every time I saw him again.
      I was also out early on Sunday, and didn’t think the time change was a problem. But then i felt tired the rest of the week so… maybe it bothered me more than I thought.

  3. I sometimes find my mind wondering to strange thoughts (and visions?), for only a few seconds, but I think I’m falling asleep for those few seconds, LOL. Kind of disconcerting, but thankfully, it’s only while I’m seated at my desk (and not driving). I don’t do much caffeine, but maybe I need to start? Glad to hear the pigeon poses are getting easier. I haven’t done them for awhile, and they were a bit of a struggle (recently) when they were part of a post-run stretch. They didn’t hurt, but I could really feel some tightness. Looking forward to my 3.21-mile run and 3.21 minute plank tomorrow 😉

    1. Okay Kim, I’m going to check in with you to see if you really do the 3.21 plank! Now I feel like I need to do it too, but i’ll be honest- I may need a couple breaks. I don’t think I’m in planking shape to do 3.21 all at once.
      If I had a desk job I think I would fall asleep frequently- and that’s not a good thing. If i’m only staying awake because I’m moving, I definitely need to get more sleep at night!

  4. Bahaha!! Ok, that was hilarious about the oatmeal dream and nap. Lucky for me I can prop my head on my arm and look like I’m deep in thought at some code and nap away. 😉 I haven’t actually fallen asleep doing that, but I’ve had those moments where I’ve tried to sneak in a few winks of sleep.
    That’s funny because I do love pigeon pose. Downward dog, now that’s my nemesis! I hope you have a delicious meal and drink for b-day eve!

    1. That’s funny- I like downward dog!!! It comes up so much (like, many many times in every class) so I feel like I’ve really made improvement there. But I’m getting better at pigeon! I do admit that I feel good AFTER doing pigeon.

  5. Ha! I had a dream about swimming in vanilla ice cream once, so I hear you on weird food dreams. I fell asleep in a seminar once and as an educator, I feel TERRIBLE for the teacher. My sleep was schedule was quite wonky in grad school.

    1. Oh, I had a class in college where I regularly fell asleep- the teacher must have HATED me.
      Ha ha… I like your dream even better than mine. Vanilla ice cream… most kids would love that dream.

  6. Introducing yourself to a bowl of oatmeal might be the funniest thing i’ve read of late, but my dreams have been crazy too. Hope you can get more rest and that the hip behaves. I love Dennis’ new 10m one, lots of lizard and pigeon for my cranky hip. Happy early birthday

  7. That’s pretty funny you fell asleep during a massage–especially since your client didn’t notice! I can’t fall asleep at work but there are times when I’d like to!

    BTW, my son was in Texas with his rugby team this week and they stopped by Baylor for a match! He commented on what a beautiful campus it was. They didn’t win, but the teams all went out for dinner and drinks and they exchanged jerseys. So if your son sees any Wisconsin gear, that is why. LOL. I love it. They also visited Arkansas and UT-Austin. Glad they got to finally do this!

    1. Wow, your son was at Baylor! It really is a nice campus. I’ll tell my son to be on the lookout for WI gear- he’s pretty oblivious about all the sports though. That must have been a really fun trip for your son.

  8. Oh that’s so funny, the falling asleep story! I have totally fallen asleep while transcribing tapes … Sorry about the hip and hope it’s sorting out now. I love pigeon pose and need to do more of it. This week has been more about using running to cope as I’ve tried to deal with a good friend being unwell.

    1. I can totally see how you could fall asleep while transcribing! I’m actually starting to enjoy pigeon pose (I have to admit.) i’m glad you have running to help you cope- and I hope your friend starts to feel better.

  9. Now I feel like a bowl of oatmeal. Lol.

    Never fell asleep at work but I do get sleepy if I’m not busy.

    Besides the hip issue you had a great running week.

    I’m loving the extra daylight after work.

    I did see the full moon. But the dark mornings are hard.

    1. I still say I would rather have the extra hour of daylight in the morning… but I can see how you would like it later in the day. Oh well… soon we’ll have daylight in the morning AND afternoon.

  10. The only time I was that tired at work was just before I was diagnosed with asthma — and it was a symptom of not really sleeping at night because of it. If you count sitting at a conference, I’m sure I’ve dozed off at plenty of those. 😉

    Denis has a new 10 min yoga that’s a lot of lizard and a bit of pigeon. Maybe you can squeeze that one in or tack it on to another.

    I hope your hip is better now.

  11. I have to laugh at 50 being cold enough for gloves and a hat but also at falling asleep while giving a massage! I rarely fall asleep during massages bc I am about to cry ha ha. Glad you got some time with the kids home this week too. I love pigeon pose bc it gets me right at the spot I need. Hope those hips are doing better

    1. Yes, there are definitely two types of massage- the relaxing kind and the painful kind! Vastly different from each other. I would say I do about 50% of each- it all depends on what the client wants.
      i still defend my wardrobe choice… it was windy! 😉

  12. It would be hard not to fall sleep in a warm, dark room! Glad the client didn’t notice. Do people fall asleep pretty often during massages? I don’t know that I ever have, as I want to ‘get my money’s worth!’ But its hard not to…

    Glad you still had some good feeling runs this week, despite the hip being annoying. My hip flexors have been tight from all the running in snow/ice/uneven surfaces. They are important for runners, that’s for sure!

    1. Yes, I would imagine all the snow and ice would be hard on your hip flexors. Well… all your non-icy runs coming up should feel easy!
      Yes, a lot of people fall asleep during their massage. I would feel like I got gypped- you would miss the whole thing. But I guess some people really, really need that relaxation.

  13. Oh my gosh! I can’t believe you fell asleep!

    I’m exhausted this week. I am staying up so late so I don’t have to get up in the middle of the night with the puppy. A starts back to school tomorrow and has to leave at 6:45. And Mr PugRunner is out of town, so I’ve been up dealing with the deliveries, the dogs, and the kiddo. I’m so napping when he gets home.

  14. Oh my gosh, that’s pretty funny about falling asleep while giving a massage – good that your client didn’t notice.

    Sorry you’re still dealing with hip issues – mine seems to have calmed down for the moment but you never know. Hips are such a tricky thing, arent’ they?

  15. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! I hope you have a great day!

    You know you’re tired when you fall asleep giving a massage! I once fell asleep getting my teeth cleaned, which, what. I hope you get some sleep for your birthday and also all your favourite things!

    1. Oh that’s funny… I don’t think I could fall asleep with my mouth open like that. You must have been really tired!

  16. It sounds like the massage was relaxing for your client, and you as well, lol. I once fell asleep on a conference call. Luckily it was a on-video call and I think I was only asleep for a minute, but it pushed me to go get another cup of coffee, lol.

    Happy Birthday! I hope you have a great day 🙂

  17. The falling asleep thing is HILARIOUS. So thanks for sharing. I have such a hard time falling asleep anywhere other than bed and lately…even in bed I’m not sleeping well. Ugh and sigh.
    I also had oatmeal for supper last night for the first time in ages. Wow I love oatmeal. So dreaming about oatmeal sounds amazing.

    Sorry about the hip. Grrr. But kudos on all the runs you fit in.

    I’m not a fan of DST either. It just always throws everyone off and it seems like the extra light (regardless of whether it’s the spring or fall switch) doesn’t really last very long anyway. But the moon run in the morning sounds lovely.

    1. Strangely, it’s easier for me to fall asleep somewhere OTHER than my bed… which makes no sense. And I agree… oatmeal is delicious.

  18. I have a cranky hip too! Not sure what the issue is, but my right hip has had issues off and on for years. My Addaday massage gun has really helped though! And regular foam rolling. I do love pigeon pose too! And how crazy that you fell asleep while giving a massage!!

    1. Hips are mysterious and complicated! Yeah, I need to get better about foam rolling every day- thank for the reminder.

  19. Happy belated birthday! And for some strange reason, I’m hungry for a bowl of oatmeal. LOL

    I once fell asleep while lying on the bed and chatting on the phone with my mom. She was so insulted and I didn’t blame her one bit.

    1. Wait! I don’t think you should be blamed for falling asleep while lying on the bed! That’s what the bed is for!

  20. I love that you have such a dedicated yoga and stretch routine. I do hope that this will help with your hip issues and that they don’t become worse.
    I do yoga too (not quite as regularly as you) and I think my favorite pose is downward dog and pedaling my feet.

    1. Yes, I love downward dog. i’ve actually been noticing that I’ve gotten much better at it over these last few months!

  21. The massage story makes me giggle! I have always wondered how my massage therapist feels about me falling asleep during her massages. It happens frequently! She just really puts me to sleep with her touch, haha.

    1. I think I speak for most (if not all) massage therapists when I say we don’t mind at all when you fall asleep. When someone falls asleep I just think, they must really need to relax. And I’m happy they’re able to!

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