What a week- it was a whirlwind! My son was home, which made it feel like one long party. A party where I had to cook, clean, and, oh yes, go to work. Let’s just say workouts weren’t the main focus of the week- but I did have some nice runs! Thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting the Weekly Rundown. Let’s just see how it all played out…
The week started out with a 3 mile run in BEAUTIFUL weather.
Remember the rib injury? It’s so much better. When I’m running, the pain is more of a nuisance now than a limiting factor. But I still can’t find any core work I can comfortably do, which is a bummer. Still- I’m definitely getting there.
Leg day at home! Since I only had my dumbbells and not the heavier weights I use at the gym, I did a lot of single leg moves, like Bulgarian split squats. I haven’t done those in a while, and it was hard!
3 mile run. Somehow I neglected to get a photo??? I don’t know how that happened, but my mind was probably elsewhere. We did a lot of cooking on this day, AND decorated our Christmas tree!
Happy Thanksgiving! I started the day with a lovely 5 mile run.
The rest of the day was all about cooking, eating, and watching football (OMG BEARS! Ugh, Dolphins.) It was a really, really nice day.
Day off. It was Black Friday, and the rest of my family spent the day at home, lounging around and eating leftovers while I went to work. I wanted a treat, so I slept in a little and then went to Starbucks before heading to work. I thought I would do some strength work later on, but that was clearly a ridiculous notion, because at night we had…
…the high school football game! It was the regional championship game and we WON! Next week… state semi-finals. How exciting!
Okay, seriously. Time to get back to real life. 4 mile run before work. It felt good and I even threw in some speed work. I KNOW! I’m tempting fate, but I have to do something- I’m tired of being the tortoise.
Usually Sunday is my day off, but I’d like to do some upper body strength since that was completely lacking this week. I also have to get our outdoor Christmas lights up! My rib is better just in time- two weeks ago I couldn’t even imagine standing on a ladder and reaching above my head.
How was your week? Were you able to focus on workouts, or were you distracted?
If you decorate for Christmas- are your outdoor lights up?
30 Responses
Glad your injured ribs are healing!
Thank you Tammy! It’s so much better.
See. I told your pain would subside.
Hooray for real running. And cooler temps.
Please warm up where I’m going.
It’s been in the 20s already and I forgot how to dress.
No lights here. I’m still looking at fall decorations inside.
We have our tree up, but everything else is fall. I have to change that today!
Don’t worry- you’ll be running in a tank top while you’re here.
I’m glad your ribs are feeling better! I do so so with workouts this week. I was not expecting to be home with a sick kid. I had planned to WFH on Tuesday and Wednesday and would have worked out those days but instead I went into the office on Monday and was home with a sick kid on Wednesday. But I ran a 10k on Thanksgiving. I thought I would run yesterday but the feels like temp was -3F!! It has gotten so dang cold here. So instead I did a Caroline Girvan lower body workout – but grasping weights make my flare hurt (yes still dealing with that…). So I don’t know what I will do today. Maybe a CG HIIT workout? It’s super cold again this am so running is not super appealing…
Most years I decorated our window boxes but I failed to do that when it was still nice outside so it is probably not happening this year… :/
Eek! -3??? It got cold fast up there! I guess anyone who waited until after Thanksgiving to put up outdoor decorations is regretting it now.
It absolutely sucks that you’re still dealing with the flare. WHEN is this going to go away??? And… tomorrow when I’m grumbling because I have to get up in the dark again (it was so nice this week with no school!) I’ll remind myself that at least it’s not dark AND cold. Yes, that would make am running unappealing.
Yay for a week full of parties and running!
It is bitterly cold up here, so it’s been a week of celebrating, treadmill workouts, and hibernating. I might go for a hike later today if it warms up.
Oh…. “bitterly cold.” I’m shuddering at the thought of it. I’m very glad you have a treadmill!
Glad you are getting better and got some good runs in!
I think split squats are hard — they burn so quickly even with no weights.
Your tree looks lovely.
Time with your family is a much more important priority this week. Glad you are getting better and got some good runs in!
I think split squats are hard — they burn so quickly even with no weights.
Your tree looks lovely.
Thank you , Coco! Yes, spending time with my family was more important (this week) than getting to the gym. Next week- back to reality.
We watched that Bears game w my daughter and her fiancé and we even proclaimed ourselves Bears for the day. Tough loss! Enjoy your cooler weather this week! Happy Thanksgiving
My sister and BIL live in Chicago and are huge Bears fans, so I always root for them. They have had a crummy season!
Happy Thanksgiving to you too : )
Great week! I’m so glad your rib is feeling better and you got all that time with your son! Amazing!
Your tree is so pretty too! I love that garland!
Yes, our tree is up and I’m working on the rest of the decor. I kind of want to purge our decorations a bit so we will see how that goes. Maybe this week.
Jenn, I’m in the same boat. I worked on the rest of the decor all day and didn’t even get to the outside! I think I need some purging as well.
Glad you’re feeling better and you are certainly on track with how I felt. Whew! Being comfortable during core work will come back, but it will take a while.
Sounds like a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend! Your Christmas tree is very pretty!
Thank you Debbie! It just goes to show, once again- everything heals. We’re always so impatient! I would like to do some core though- maybe this week?
I’m so glad your ribs are feeling better and you got some good runs in this week! My week of workouts was pretty good, I did miss one of my two strength training days because it was scheduled for Thanksgiving so obviously that wasn’t happening (I did run 5 miles on the trails though), and I was busy with runs and holiday festivities on Friday and Saturday, but I don’t feel too bad missing it because my runs were all solid.
I don’t have any outdoor decorations at my apartment but my parents have all their outdoor and indoor decor up and it’s so nice and festive and cozy!
I guess if we have to skip something, we’ll always pick strength! I mean… we are runners, not body builders.
I’m so glad you are feeling better! I swear, between the two of us, we could split a pack of bubble wrap!
We have zero Christmas decorations up. The tree is in the living room but hasn’t been set up. I need to get on the hubs to do that because Weds is his surgery. I’ll be on my own after that!
Oh boy. Get everything done now!!! And… good luck to you both. I hope surgery and recovery both go well.
No distractions here! Glad the ribs are healing well, when I cracked some falling over a dog in 2016 they took a while to get sorted, and I still have scar tissue around one which annoyingly gets rubbed by my running bra if I have less of a layer of fat over then than I do at the moment!
I think our anatomy needs to be tweaked a little. Everyone seems to have a story of injured ribs- why are they so fragile???
That is such good news about your rib pain, Jenny. Good luck with the outdoor decorating…
I’m beginning to be envious of your weather right about now since we went all wintry overnight…
Yep, the tables have turned. We paid our dues all fall and now we have the good weather. I have to remind myself of that when I’m complaining all summer and fall!
I’m glad your rib pain is lessening. Very exciting that the football team is advancing. Will you be going to that game too? (assuming it’s not at home!) Your xmas tree is very pretty. I have just finished up the last of the decorating, inside and out, so now I can kick back and read some blogs! I am appreciating the down time. My mom gave me some outside lights that she will no longer be using so I got to double up on my lights this year (well technically I hung up several strands that were only half working because I didn’t want to throw them away… so this is a much needed addition to my supply!)
Oh, I’m envious! I worked all day to get the inside decorated but haven’t even started on the outside! I don’t do anything too elaborate outside- but it will still take some work.
This game is at home- I guess we have the home field advantage because of our record this season? But if we win, the next game will be away and I won’t be able to go.
That’s great news about the rib feeling better! Yes, just in time for all the necessary decorating 🙂
I’m so glad your rib is feeling better!! And yay for cooler weather (always ironic that you want it to get colder and I want it to get warmer).
We don’t have many outside lights and our kids are NOT happy about that. I keep meaning to buy some, but I’m such a cheapskate (plus, I don’t really want to store it!). We put up wreaths and turn on our outside pot lights and you can see our Christmas tree aglow through the window. But some people do IMPRESSIVE things for their outdoor decor.
Yay for less pain and your son being home! I need to prepare myself for all the meat I’m going to have to cook when mine comes home.