Oh hi! Did an entire week really pass by since the last Rundown? Yikes. It was another jam-packed one. Lots of cookie baking, present wrapping, and general busyness. But I had some great runs, and chose my holiday phrase of the year! Every Christmas I try to pick a phrase, like “comfort and joy” or “next year all our troubles will be out of sight” (Covid year.). We’ll get into all of that- thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting the Weekly Rundown.
Let’s get this week started! A 3 mile run, and I definitely thought of Kim when I saw that full moon.
I followed this run with the Caroline Girvan deadbug workout.
Strength day at home (I’m not sure if my car even remembers the way to the gym at this point.) I did the CG deadbug workout again, hip stability exercises, and upper body. I have to be a little careful with upper body strength, because I still feel that rib injury a little.
Long run! I was worried this run would be hot and muggy, so I brought along water. But it turned out to be cloudy the whole time, and breezy. I was planning on 8 miles, but felt so good I ended with 9.
I’ve mentioned that I’ve been doing a little bit of speed work, and I can already see the difference. I can’t say I’m running fast, but I’m faster. During this run I listened to a Christmas playlist, and when Jingle Bell Rock came on, I picked my 2024 holiday phrase: “Giddyup, jingle horse, pick up your feet…” As a matter of fact, that’s going to be my phrase from now until my half marathon in February!
I did the CG deadbug workout and hip stability exercises, and called it a day.
Oops. Somehow I OVERSLEPT MY ALARM. This was the first day of my daughter’s vacation, so she wasn’t awake. And the cats didn’t wake us up! How is it that they wake us up when we want to sleep in, but they let us sleep this morning? We didn’t wake up until 6:50. My husband was especially disgruntled because he didn’t have time to run. I threw on my running clothes and got out the door for 3 miles.

I did a lower body strength workout at home (of course) and then drove to Orlando! I took my daughter and her friends to a holiday anime convention. It’s a three hour drive each way (oof) but once we got there, all I had to do was drop them off. AND THEN I HAD THE DAY TO MYSELF! It was amazing.
My daughter is the one in the blond wig- she and the girl in the middle are dressed as characters from a game, and the girl on the left joined in at the last minute and kind of did her own thing. Their costumes were pretty tame compared to a lot of people I saw when I dropped them off. It actually looked really fun and I almost wished I were going… almost.
On tap- so many things. Since I didn’t work yesterday, I have to work today. I also have a four mile run planned. And cookie baking, and cleaning the house. And at night- MY SON COMES HOME!!!! It will be a full day.
How was your week? Did you manage to fit in all the workouts you wanted?
28 Responses
What a great week! Sorry about the rib injury, but glad its on the mend.
You are a supportive mom- 3 hour drive! But I’m sure the day to yourself was grand.
Happy holidays!
Thank you Jessie! My rib is so, so much better, but still nags at me a little. Happy Holidays to you too!
I have to admit that as much as I like the snow, I am jealous of your weather and you running in shorts! Sigh…
Glad you are feeling better and yay for getting faster!!
Thank you Wendy! Yes, as much as I complain about our weather in the summer and fall, now I’m happy I live in Florida!
I love that you were feeling so good after 8 miles that you did another! That is awesome! And something I rarely experience. Ha.
I did not get any workouts in M-Th as I was in the office every day. I had barely been in between work travel and PTO so did an extra day. It was fun to see everyone. But I did a lower body CG fuel workout Friday and a full body one yesterday. I had planned to do a cardio one today but I am so sore from those last 2 workouts that I need and off day. This week will be challenging for workouts between work and celebrating Christmas and being at my parents so I am giving myself permission to just be and get whatever movement in that I can.
I had a funny moment of picturing you being like, ‘you know what Angie, this looks so fun that I am actually going to join you!’ Lololol. I am glad she had a fun day and that you got some time to yourself that day. And got to kind of listen in to their conversations in the car! I like listening to kids talk although older kids maybe won’t talk with their parents in the car.
Hahahahaha…. my daughter would have screamed in horror if I decided to join them. And, yes- the conversations in the car were so funny, it was worth all the driving.
You are such a gret Mom to take your daughter and her friends to Orlando! I hope you made the most of your down time there.
Ugh on oversleeping your alarm. I hate when that happens.
Good luck on the rest of the holiday sprint!
Thank you Coco! It’s a sprint, for sure. And, I had a really nice day to myself in Orlando! It was all worth it.
I know you love having your whole family together as much as I do! Enjoy all the time together. BTW I tried the CG dead bug workout last week one day just to see what was what. Did I do the wrong one? There was no talking or instruction I just heard beeping-so I had to keep looking at the screen which was kind of challenging? Anyway-happy core work which ever way! Have a great week
Yes, there is no talking. You do have to glance at the screen. Except now I’ve done it so many times I have the whole thing memorized, and even know what moves happen during which songs!
All I can say as it’s COLD!!! I wish I had done some runs before this cold spell.
I hope it warms up before Feb 16. Did you register yet?
Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!
No, i haven’t registered. I’m afraid that as soon as I register I’ll get injured!!! But I will do it soon. Let’s hope it DOESN’T warm up here before Feb. 16!
I feel the same… I’m waiting until the last minute. But I need to train so it better get out of the single digits.
Yay for your son getting home last night! I know you’re enjoying have your family together.
Fire the cats! I’m sure they didn’t wake you on purpose.
Merry Christmas!
Yes, the cats are in big trouble. But, my son is home now so all is well!
I hope all of you had fun in Orlando… Can’t wait to hear your insights!
Some nice runs there, Jenny! Now I’m hankering for some myself–perhaps I can get a couple of good ones in before Christmas.
Thank you Maya! I hope you can get some runs in too.
Well done on a great week. I did a four-run week again (last week was after a 2-run one as we had a stormy weekend so Sunday’s run moved to Monday) so I was glad I’m managing to keep consistent.
Four-run weeks are what I’m aiming for these days. I really have no excuse for missing a run- definitely can’t blame the weather here.
Look at you getting in all those miles, in spite of everything! Rock star!
Those anime cons (and really, any con) always look so fun. I don’t think I could handle all the people but I love that the kids get so into it! You are awesome for taking them!
Hope you have a beautiful holiday!
I know- I think if I actually went in I would be overwhelmed by the crowds. Maybe it was good I just observed from outside. It really did look fun.
Your mornings must be warmer than they are here — I’m still wearing shorts on my runs but bundled up on top with a long sleeve and gloves, one day I even wore a beanie! But then by the afternoon we’ve been in the mid 70s so it’s a huge temperature swing every day. Now that I’m off work though I don’t have to run early in the morning so I’ll be getting some warmer runs.
I’m so excited for you that your son is coming home, I’m sure then it will really feel like Christmas!
I think since you’re in the desert (?) it gets colder at night than it does here. We got down to 50 a couple times last week, but this week we’re back to 60s for our lows, sigh.
I keep thinking I’m gonna break out the shorts for one of my streak runs, but Momma N is not playing nice. I think every streak I’ve done has had a few runs with shorts (and festive knee-highs), but not yet in 2024. This December has really been a cold one! That’s great news on the increasing speed you’re seeing!
I know- just reading your blog post made me cold! I don’t even own tights or capris anymore- all my runs are done in shorts.
I still need to go checkout that dead bug workout. The giddyup jingle horse pick up your feet. I like that! I skipped working out twice this past week. I almost never do that, but helping or trying to help my daughter manage her severe test anxiety really cost me a ton of sleep and I did not make the time to workout those days as a result. My husband was like You can’t do everything. I did bring breakfast to Mini’s dorm Sat morning and enjoyed time to catch up with the other families as they were moving their daughters out too. I finished ordering everything today – I hope, and today was a day I’m trying to get caught up on blogs. I’ve been wondering how your rib is doing. If I don’t get back over here, Merry Christmas. If I have time tonight, after we FINALLY decorate our tree – I might write up a short recap post because YESTERDAY was a day.
Ooh, I’ll check it our Ernie- I thought you weren’t going to post again till after Christmas! And- I remember one of the Peloton instructors saying “If you didn’t sleep well last night, skip this workout and go back to bed.” (Ha- if only that were an option!) But the point is- sleep is really, really important too. I hope you’ve been able to sleep more these last couple days!
Yay on your whole family being home now! I hope it will be an enjoyable winter break for your son and he gets to relax a bit. I will finally be going back to my gym – being very mindful of my back! At the least I can use the massage chairs and that should feel good.
Merry Christmas!!