walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown- A Big Week!

Well, it was quite a week!  My daughter was on spring break, I celebrated my birthday, had an epic long run, and oh yes… South Florida is in a frenzy over March Madness!  Thanks once again to Kim and Deborah for hosting the Weekly Rundown.  Let’s do this!


The week actually got off to a shaky start.  Remember the quad issue from last week?  I hurt it on the bike, and then exacerbated the problem doing squats at the gym on Saturday.  On Monday it was still sore, and I was worried.  I had a big run coming up on Wednesday which I had been looking forward to for a month.  Now I was questioning whether I would be able to do it.

I ran 4 miles…

I actually forgot until I looked at this picture that it was cool this morning! Upper 50s and cloudy.

My quad felt okay when I was running, but it hurt when I stopped and was tender to the touch.  I was… a little worried, and thought I might have to postpone my long run.


It was my birthday, and I hoped for a birthday miracle!  My quad felt better when I got up, but still hurt.  I went to the gym for upper body.  Bench press, lat pulldowns, rows… yada yada.  There were some guys there doing super heavy squats, and it hurt just to look at them.

By Tuesday night, my quad had improved enough so I decided the long run was HAPPENING.  Woohoo!


Weeks ago, I told my husband that all I wanted for my birthday was to have this day completely to myself.  He and my daughter were both on spring break, so they didn’t really need me for anything.

I got to the trail and was able to start my run shortly after sunrise.  Quite a switch from starting at 9:45 am when it’s already 80 degrees!

Yes, I’ll take this weather!

It was so cool during the first segment that I didn’t even need my ice hat.  Then the sun came out…

…and I used all my cooling tricks.  Ice in my hat, in my bra, an ice cube in each hand as I left my “aid station” (car.) This time I had enough ice, enough water, and plenty of fuel.  One big thing I did differently was take in more calories- I had been eating about 100 calories per hour and I found out you should be aiming for 200-300.  So I ate more often and it worked well.

I ended up running 23 miles!  That was my penultimate long run before my race.  OH!  And my quad held up just fine.  It was a little achy during the run and VERY stiff after, but not injured.  PHEW.


Getting out of bed, both quads were pretty sore… you know, like they are after a long run!  I opted for a nice long walk, and it felt amazing.


Still a little sore, but nothing serious. I had an uneventful 4 mile run.

Remember all my complaining about the time change?  Well, I’m really liking the cooler mornings, as I’m now running an hour earlier than before.  I definitely would NOT appreciate this aspect if I lived up north, though.


Day off- although I had my hardest client at work.  This guy wants the deepest pressure possible for a 90 minute massage.  I was tired!  Luckily he’s a nice guy (and only comes in once a month.)

So, I can’t believe I used to dislike basketball.  I was obviously insane.  This year I was so sad when football ended that I made a real effort to appreciate basketball, and WOW!  It’s so exciting and fun!  And there are two Florida teams in the playoffs- FAU and University of Miami.  FAU is right in our town and is my HUSBAND’S ALMA MATER- how exciting!

Of course we had to do a special meal for the FAU game tonight. I wanted to do a theme like I did for the Super Bowl, but couldn’t think of what food South Florida is known for (shouldn’t I know this???). All I could come up with was seafood, so I made our favorite Vegan Lobster Rolls. 

Fun dinner for a fun game!


On tap- leg day at the gym!  Ahem.  I will not be doing squats- I think I still have PTSD from last week.  But I have to do some lower body.  I’ll take it slow and ease into it… I’ll do whatever I can do.

And then… more basketball!  Once again I’m thinking about a theme dinner for the UM game… this recipe for Cuban Black Beans sounds good.

How was your week?  Did it feel like spring?

Are you watching March Madness? – FAU is in the Final Four!



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49 Responses

  1. Well done getting your long, long run done. It sounds like you’ve got your fuelling etc all worked out for the race. I’m glad your leg hasn’t interfered with your training. How long until the race?

  2. I’m glad to hear that your quad got in line and let you do that long run. That trail is so pretty!! I won’t even ask how long it took you to run 23 miles…alone. Good for you!

    1. Ha ha ha… you don’t want to know how long it took… long. That’s okay. The cutoff time for my 50K is nine hours and I should be well under that! That’s all I care about.

  3. Wow, that’s a great long run!!! Nice job getting that in and happy birthday!!

    Been watching the games but my bracket is all done for this year. None of the Tema I predicted are in the final four and only 1is in the elite 8. What a crazy year!

    1. Thank you Melissa! This is my first year being involved in March Madness, but everyone is saying it’s extra crazy.

  4. So happy to hear about your long run. And happy birthday.

    I was in NYC and some flowers. But home snow flurries yesterday and more in tap for tomorrow.

    My week was great because I could run. Need to take it slow. Patience is hard for me.

    1. Yes, it’s hard to come back slowly- but so exciting that you’re running again. Your foot healed up quickly!

  5. Nice job on that long run! I’m glad the quad is feeling better. Congrats to the Florida teams! I’m actually one of the top people in our company’s basketball pool. I have UCONN winning, and they’re still hanging in there 😉 So many top-seeded teams were shut-out, that all but a few of us remain in the running for the big win. Welcome to the basketball madness 😉

    1. Ha, well I’m sorry but I can’t root for UCONN. Unless both Florida teams get knocked out next Saturday and UCONN is in the finals- then I’ll root for them.

  6. All the heat aside, your trail looks so pretty! Glad to hear the quad is remaining quiet. I’ve been drawn into March Madness as well, even though there’ve been so many “upsets”. Maddie considered going to Miami so it’s fun to see them still in it.

    1. Ooh, really! Miami is a great school! She would escape the gloomy Midwestern winters.
      Yes, this trail is SO pretty. I love it.

  7. Happy belated birthday! I’m glad you were able to do your planned long run! Yay!

    I can’t get into basketball. I think it requires paying too much attention whereas I”m used to multitasking while watching football. 🙂

    1. Yes, I know EXACTLY what you mean. I tend to multitask while watching football, and had to adjust that a little for basketball- it definitely moves quickly.
      Thank you for the birthday wishes!

  8. I’m not a basketball fan, but I do have a can of hearts of palm that I’ve been wondering what to do with so maybe I’ll treat myself to some “lobster” rolls.

    I’ve got a very good feeling about your race!!!!!!!

    1. Ooh! Thank you! I’m nervous, looking forward to it, and wishing it would just get here so I could get it done!
      I think you would like these “lobster” rolls- they’re not hard to make and you could get rid of your hearts of palm. Let me know if you try them.

  9. That’s good news about your quad and that you could do your long run! It’s frustrating not being able to do everything normally in the gym because of injury. When I had both my injuries I got some modified exercises for legs rather than heavy squats. Your race is coming up quite soon now, isn’t it? I had a great week especially in the gym, but had some good runs in between too.

    1. Yes, I read your blog post- your gym workouts sounded great. I had a good leg day- didn’t do squats, but did my other usuals.
      My race is April 22!

  10. Wow on the 23 miles (and a happy belated birthday to you!). That’s awesome that the quad quieted down for it.

    I know my husband would think vegan lobster rolls would be absolute blasphemy (lobster is his favorite thing in the world).

    1. Ha ha, no I don’t think he would like my “lobster” rolls, which are made with hearts of palm. Probably best not to mention this to him at all.

  11. Congrats on your 23-mile run! How encouraging that you had minimal awareness during and no residual issues afterward the run!

    I’m not a huge basketball fan, but I’m definitely aware of FAU’s upset last week. Good luck!

    1. Yes, that run was VERY encouraging!
      Like I said, I didn’t used to be a basketball fan. But now I’m enjoying it so much! It helps to have teams to root for.

  12. Those vegan lobster rolls look delicious!

    I’m not really into basketball at all, but a friend of mine has a father and husband that get obsessed with March Madness. It’s really fun to get caught up in a sporting event and March Madness is extra fun because it’s a long stretch of exciting play.

    It didn’t really feel like spring here. There were some warmish days, but I always needed a winter coat and most days still wore my snow pants. I’m ready for spring, for sure!

    I’m so glad the time change has made your morning runs slightly more tolerable weather-wise. I’m still just absolutely elated about your incredible long run!!

    1. Thank you Elisabeth! One thing about sports- even if it’s a sport you’re not normally interested in, it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of the playoffs. The games are usually close and exiting, and the players and fans are heavily invested in the outcomes. It definitely makes March more fun.

  13. Happy belated birthday!

    Great job on the 23-miler! Glad your quad tolerated the run. Hope it continues to stay quiet.

    March Madness has been so much fun this year – so many upsets!

  14. It snowed eight inches on Saturday, so it DOES NOT feel like spring and I’m SO SAD for the tiny purple crocuses I saw popping up in my neighborhood on Friday afternoon. *sigh* Soon enough I’ll be complaining about the heat, but winter seems interminable right now.

    I’m so glad things are going to plan for you in your runs. Fingers crossed the quad problem is solved and it’s smooth sailing until the big race!

    1. Yes, I read your blog post today. I think you’re having the polar opposite of spring right now. Well… it will come, eventually.

  15. what do you take for fuel on the road? I don’t like gels and can’t think of real food other than dates. please share your ideas.

    1. After my next long run I’m going to show all my fuel- but I will say it’s gel-heavy. I’m also eating these “froozeballs” from Trader Joes which are dates, peanut butter and jelly. So good, and they’re little and easy to eat.

  16. Happy Birthday! Asking for time alone sounds like a wonderful birthday gift!
    I love the idea of a vegan Lobster Roll too- bookmarking the recipe (Well, maybe it would just be vegetarian for us because we haven’t found a vegan mayo that we like….)
    My husband is from the midwest so March Madness is a big deal at our house- we upgrade our streaming service this time of year so we can watch all the games (plus the Superbowl). It was exciting this year because my alma mater made it to the Sweet 16- extremely rare! – and his big 10 school didn’t. They didn’t end up going to the Elite Eight, so that was disappointing, but it was cool to see them get as far as they did.
    It is definitely spring here! The cherry blossom have sprung… a little on the early side, though I think it’s warm enough that they will stay.

    1. Yes, I’ve heard that the cherry blossoms are blooming! Hopefully there will be no surprise snowstorms.
      We always have to upgrade our streaming services during football season, which my husband grumbles about. This year we managed to watch March Madness by getting some free trial weeks, and now the rest of the games are on CBS (phew!) I think we need to put more of our budget to TV from now on.

  17. Happy birthday! It sounds like the perfect day! And way to go on that run!

    I don’t like basketball, but as a UM alum, I am thrilled for the Canes! I am cheering for FAU too!

    1. Oh, I didn’t know you’re a UM alum! It definitely makes it more fun when you have a reason to cheer for one team or another.

  18. Wonderful news on the 23 miler and no real quad issues! Great job taking in more calories too. Good luck in just a few weeks at the big race!

  19. Happy belated birthday! 23 miles is a huge deal, congrats!! Glad it went well. I can’t imagine a 90 mins massage! I get tired giving my husband a 10 min massage! Although I have no training, I am the designated masseuse for both my husband and son 🙂 How long are most of the massages for your work?

    1. They’re usually 60 or 90 minutes- but every once in a while someone will get a two hour massage! I look at those the same way I look at a long run- break it up into segments so it seems manageable.

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