Finally! I truly felt normal this week. After having a reaction to the Covid vaccine (two weeks ago) and then tweaking my leg while running in the pool (last week) this week just felt like a good old, regular week. Phew!!! I did try out some new things though! I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Rundown. Here’s how it went:
Day off, as always.
Three mile run followed by Runner’s Touch exercise. I actually don’t even remember this run so it was clearly nothing out of the ordinary.
I started the morning with squats and deadlifts. Since I didn’t do any heavy lower body weights last week (thank you, pool running “injury”) it felt good to get back to it this week. After I took my daughter to school I did a five mile run. Two things about this run- I added in some rickety tempo miles (haven’t done speedwork in a while) and also, due to the fact that it’s been getting up into the 90s here and I did this run pretty late, I opted for shorts and just a sports bra, which is my summer uniform.

A quick word about this- I don’t run without a shirt because I love the way my stomach looks. As a matter of fact, I would prefer to cover it up. BUT, it’s about 100 times more comfortable to run in the heat with no shirt. If you haven’t done this, I would urge you to try it out this summer.
Day off from running. Upper body weights including pushups and pull-ups.
A four mile run where I tried something new. I was pretty sure that my long run on Sunday would be on pavement rather than the trail, so I wanted a softer surface today. I tried running on the grass right next to to sidewalk, and it worked well. I kept thinking “This is great right here, but when I get to the next section I’ll have to switch back to the sidewalk” but the grass was run-able almost the whole way. I would say for the four mile run, only about a quarter mile was done on the pavement.

A three mile run (again on the grass) where I tried out my NEW HYDRATION VEST! I wanted to test it out on a short run before committing to a long run with it.

When I ran to the beach on my birthday (and had my husband pick me up) my son’s reaction was, “What’s the point of running somewhere if you can’t run back?” Grr. The beach is both too close and too far for the perfect long run right now- it’s nine miles away, which is too short for what I want and yet too far- right now- to run there and back. My husband and I concocted a scheme where I drove to the beach and ran back. He rode his bike there and drove the car back. It worked great!

I ran a couple miles in the area before starting the nine-mile run back home. The big thing for this run was trying out the Orange Mud HydraQuiver hydration vest! A couple things. It has two little pockets in the front that are perfect for gels, and in the back it has a larger pocket where I put my phone. It was easy to reach back and grab the water bottle while running, but not so easy to get the phone out without taking the whole pack off. That was fine- it was kind of nice to run and not think about trying to take pictures along the way. The two things I was worried about- being too hot or having it bounce- did not happen. That part was great. The problem was… I did chafe. Other than that I loved it, so I’m going to figure out how to make it work.
This was a fun eleven mile run! The chafing did not ruin it. I just had that “OUCH” moment when I got in the shower.

Anyone have any advice for this? I can’t wear a t-shirt to run in the heat, and reviewers said they wore it with a tank top and didn’t chafe. Maybe my skin will just toughen up???
Anyone else getting hot weather now? We feel like summer has arrived.
40 Responses
Oh no, thats too bad about the chafing! I’m sure body glide could help but not sure it will last through a very long run. Maybe your skin there will just get tougher 🙂 That sounds like a great plan that you worked out with your husband!
I did use body glide but it felt like it did nothing (sigh.). I’m going to try a different product for next time!
I don’t run in just a bra because of the sun exposure, actually — of course we don’t get anywhere near as hot (or humid) as you do — just a few days here & there in the Summer.
Happy Birthday! Sounds like you came up with a great plan & it worked well!
Sorry about the chafing. Did you put anything antichafe in those areas? That would be my first suggestion. Sometimes it’s just random, too.
I did use body glide but people are telling me about all sorts of better options. I’ll order something and try it next weekend!
Yes, I should probably be more concerned about the sun exposure. I do try to go early in the day, but…when I do a long run I’m out there for a while.
I have really good luck with “Squirrel Nut Butter” for chafing (you can find it at your local running store or online!) I struggle with underarm chafing and it HURTS!
Glad you’re feeling back to normal this week. I’m all about the sports bra squad in the summer (Minneapolis actually gets pretty hot and humid) and its not about feeling great about my tummy but rather its just too darn hot and sweaty for the extra layer of a shirt!
Yes, that’s exactly how I feel about the sports bra. I’ve heard of “squirrel nut butter” but never tried it. I’m starting to realize that I’ve been using probably the most lame product there is (body glide) where there are all sorts of better options!
So glad that you love the hydration vest! I use Butt’r for chafing. I plan to run shirtless this summer but it’s a little out of my comfort zone for sure. It gets super hot and humid here as well. PS running on sidewalks always causes me grief and was probably what lead to my PF years ago.
I didn’t know about Butt’r but just looked it up. I’ll order some- lots of good ideas here. Like I said, other than the chafing I loved that vest. Thanks for the recommendation!
First off yay for a “good old, regular week”!
Sounds like your hydration vest is working out, but so sorry about the chafing. I usually opt for Body Glide, though I have found sometimes it doesn’t hold up for a long sweaty run without a second application.
That’s a thought- I have a very small container of body glide that I could carry with my and reapply. I could try it!
Glad to hear you’re feeling better this week! I was (sadly) channeling some of your heel pain yesterday after my race! Hoping that is a passing thing…
Ugh to chafing. I just can’t commit to a hydration system. I still carry a handheld, lol
Oh no, not the dreaded heel pain! Yes, we’ll hope it’s passing. The upside would be, you know just what to do to keep it from getting too bad, right? Catching these things early makes a huge difference.
That’s awesome that you figured out a way to run home from the beach. Team work meaning you both got in your preferred exercise too. Glad you had a good week with no extra pain or issues, chafe aside.
One of the upsides of home exercise is doing strength training in a sports bra. I’m not sure I’d feel comfortable in my skin running in one, and definitely not at the gym, but this is best of both worlds.
Yeah, I wouldn’t be comfortable in the gym in a sports bra either! I never actually thought about that. I guess when I’m running I feel like no one has a chance to look at me THAT closely, ha ha.
I know this sounds funny, but I use deodorant to prevent chaffing, and I wonder if that would help with the pack??? In my case, I swipe it on my chest where my sports bra ends and on my inner thighs and it’s good for up to 13.1 miles (the most I’ve ever run).
Up in the north the early morning temps are usually in the 60’s so a tank is preferable. If I lived in FL I would run in just my sports bra in a heartbeat and never give it a second thought.
I used body glide (fat lot of good that did!) but I’ve heard of people using deodorant. It’s something to try for sure.
I’m glad to hear that you would be a sports bra person! I’m always trying to talk it up- I know some people are self-conscious, but believe me, my stomach is nothing to look at- I just want to be comfortable.
OUCH to the chafing! I don’t usually have many issues, but I did during the MCM (which wasn’t necessarily hot, but it was plenty rainy). Could you try a big bandage (or some gauze with medical tape)? Or maybe even KT Tape over the potential area before you head out the door? Anyways, it’s great that you’re back to your regular routine 😉
Hmmm! I wonder if KT tape would work? I might try that out. After this heals of course- the thought of putting tape on this now makes me cringe!
I love your beach running idea.. makes perfect sense.
Glad to hear that you are feeling more normal.
Too bad about the chafing. No suggestions here.
Thank you Darlene! I think you mentioned somewhere else that you don’t chafe- I’m envious!
Bummer on the chafing. That’s disappointing. I cannot recommend the Ultimate Direction Ultra Vesta enough.
It has an optional bladder and optional collapsible bottles. Love!
Yeah no on the heat. We have snow in the forecast this week so 90 actually sounds kind of good. Not for running of course, but still Haha!
Crazy that you’re having snow while we’re so hot here.
I’ll look up the vest you mentioned- I would like to get the one I have to work, but if not I’ll try another one. After one run I’m hooked on having a hydration vest!
Wow, 90 degrees already? That is HOT. I hate it when I chafe too. I use Body Glide and that seems to work for me. I would love to run in a sports bra but honestly do not feel comfortable doing so. One day. 🙂
I used body glide for this run but it didn’t work! Not sure if i need to reapply, or try something different. I got over my hesitation to run in just a sports bra in the middle of a very, very hot run- I was so overheated that I took off my shirt and hid it in the bushes. It immediately felt about 20 degrees cooler and that was that- sports bra forever!
With my previous hydrovest I tried the “skin-will-toughen-up” method but I never succeeded… Many ouchie showers. 🙄
My second hydrovest worked well with tank tops. But I still opted for a t-shirt for an ultra race. Having said that, South Africa is never as humid as Florida!
Yes, I’m not so sure about the skin toughening strategy! I’m determined to make this work though, now that I’ve discovered the joys of a hydration vest.
that’s great that you had a “regular” week again! finally! running on the grass is fun! well except when it’s muddy grass haha! I don’t run in only a bra not because I’m uncomfortable with my body but because I just don’t like how the loose skin and menopause blub move around. I actually prefer to pack it in if I can. It doesn’t get really hot here though (well, maybe a couple weeks out of the year) so it’s not a huge issue for me. Glad you got to try out your hydration vest too. I have a salomon which I really love. Long runs and hot days mean I drink a LOT so I prefer to have the bladder in the back and my gels/fuel up front. I have chafed before, but only because I used my husband’s pack and his is a size smaller than mine.
Hmm! That’s interesting… one thing I’m going to do is adjust the vest a little bigger.
I get what you mean about the “loose skin and menopause blub” (I like how you describe it.) Sometimes a little compression just feels more comfortable! If it doesn’t get too hot there you can luckily wear more clothes than I can.
I will tell you that my husband has a hydration vest which was supposedly “fine” to wear without a shirt. He shredded his skin like it was a cheese grater!! So gross. So yep, he has worn something underneath it ever since. Maybe you can wear a modified crop top in a sleeveless variety? It would be the best of both worlds! My daughter is always cropping her shirts so yeah, I’ve got those ideas stuck in my head 🙂 I’d love a vest but I am just overwhelmed with choices. Thanks for the review!
I do have some crop tops… that could be an option if all else fails. Somehow or other I will conquer this problem!
Glad you’re feeling better!! Having a “regular” week can be so great.
Thank you Melissa! Yes, “regular” can feel pretty good sometimes.
Boo for chafing. Can you use some Body Glide or similar? Maybe you will just develop a resistance as time goes on? I don’t know 🙁
i wish I could run in just a sports bra. It’s almost a little more comfortable to have a tank on for me. Almost.
I love your beach plan were you run there and drive back, or your husband picks you up. It’s the perfect compromise.
Jenn, I have to agree that when it’s cool enough I like to have a shirt. Sometimes you just need something to wipe your hands or face on, for whatever reason. But somehow the older I get, the less tolerance I have for heat.
Yay to feeling better but boo to the chafing. I don’t think I have any more ideas — can you adjust the straps any? Nice on the grassy run — I’d be afraid of twisting my ankle on uneven terrain.
That beach sunrise — heavenly!
Coco, for the longest time I was afraid to run on uneven surfaces- a few years ago I sprained my ankle (while running on the sidewalk, ironically) and was afraid of re-injuring it. I guess it’s been long enough that I forgot about that! I also realized my ankles are strong enough to take it , although there’s always a risk.
I use body glide and am a big chafer and it works really well. But I wonder if you had it a little loose and you need to tighten it? I have to wear mine really snugly – once it nearly rubbed what I will refer to as the front of my chest off!
I have new trainers so tried them on a short run and was glad of that – they are VERY stability orientated, which is great, but my ankles and calves protested a bit. I’m sure they’ll be fine for shorter runs.
I have some new schemes in mind for the hydration vest, which I will report on this coming Sunday!
Yay for no pain this week and feeling great on your runs, but that’s a bummer that the hydration pack caused chafing on you. I hope you can figure out something that works.
I totally get how wonderful it feels to run in just a sports bra and did that for years. Now, I’m too self-conscious about the loss of elasticity in my skin and how loose my skin looks to do it anymore. 😕
To answer your question, we had snow flurries this morning, so no on the warmer weather. LOL
I’m trying the hydration vest again this weekend and will report back! I guess if you had snow flurries, you’re not quite in the 90s yet!