walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown- A Reset

Well… this week definitely did not go to plan.  I’ve been feeling a little down lately, and I think the universe said “You’re complaing? I’ll give you something to complain about!”  It wasn’t what I wanted, but maybe this week was a much-needed reset for my mind and body.

Thank as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting the Weekly Rundown!  Okay… let’s get into the gory details.


This was a planned 17 mile run, but from the beginning I could tell something wasn’t right.  My left hip had been vaguely achy all week, and now the pain was in my hamstring.  I tried to run through it, but cut the run short at 10 miles.  Ugh.



Sigh.  I got out for a 2 mile walk, and then did the Caroline Girvan deadbug workout.


Hamstring is still achy.  I wanted to do a lower body strength workout, but not Caroline Girvan.  I didn’t want any fancy-pants moves like lunges or RDLs that would possibly hurt me, but I figured I could do squats, and I was right.  I did a workout consisting of squats and hip stability exercises, and THEN…

I was luckily able to get an appointment with my sports chiropractor.  Remember my achy low back?  He thinks the hip/hamstring problem is actually coming from my low back, which he described as “jammed up” (whatever that means.)  He did ART on my hip and hamstring and adjusted my low back.  MUCH better!


I was pretty sore from a) all those squats and b) the ART treatment, so I got out for another 2 mile walk.

Then I did a Caroline Girvan HARD Upper Body Workout  (ha- that’s actually the name of it!)  I was scared of this one, because I think ALL her workouts are hard.  This one was extra-hard.


Running!  Let’s try it. I ran 3 miles and everything felt pretty good!

I followed this run with the Caroline Girvan Tucked Abs Workout.


I have a new gym!  My daughter wanted to join EoS because thats where her friends go, and somehow we ended up with a family membership.  This would have been the perfect day to go, but I had no car.  My son was home (yay!) to take some auditions, and he needed my car for the day.

I ended up doing my hip stability exercises before carpooling with my husband to work.


4 mile run!  Things felt pretty good.  My hamstring was a little achy later in the day, but I have an appointment for another adjustment next week, and I think that will resolve the issue (don’t worry, Darlene- I WILL be running that race with you!)


Okay, seriously- I have to go to the gym.  I currently have TWO gym memberships (I haven’t canceled YouFit yet) and I can’t seem to get to either one.  This is preposterous!  Today is the day.

Anyone else go to EoS Fitness?- I’m paying a little more, but I’m getting a lot more, like a pool (!) and sauna (I won’t use the sauna- I get enough heat just stepping outside.)

Did your week go smoothly, or did you hit a glitch like I did?

Top photo by Vladislav Bychkov on Unsplash

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35 Responses

  1. sorry to hear about the hamstring and back issue. hopefully it got resolved with the djustment.
    my week has been “interesting”, not normal week for sure, the only thing routine I did was my running which I kept for my sanity.

  2. Yay for having a good chiro on hand, boo for not being able to get to the gym but also yay for the reason.

    My only glitch is that I slept terribly during the week, and it was to the extent that I knew I needed to skip the gym for a few days. But not to worry, I’ve made up for the lost sleep this weekend and instead of working out in a hotel gym I get to run/walk in the quiet neighborhood where I’m staying in Clearwater.

    1. Oof- sleeping in hotels can be really hard. Glad you made up for it this weekend. I forgot to put our long walk into this rundown- how many steps did you say it was? Anyway… see you soon : )

  3. I’m glad your chiro was able to sort out your back issue. My glitch this week was RA being mean and making me achy. All. Week. I still got out and moved, which seemed to help. I’m trying to avoid steroids but it looks like I may need to give in. We’ll see.

    We don’t have EoS gyms here–but since I go to CrossFit, I wouldn’t go there anyway, lol

    1. Ugh- sorry to hear that. Movement always helps- but then again I don’t know what it feels like to have RA. Hope you feel better SOON.

  4. I’m glad you were able to get in for some ART! That was so helpful for me when I was training for a marathon. If it’s covered by insurance, maybe you could go every one or two weeks to have a tuneup just to make sure nothing gets jammed again!

    This is a weird week since I was traveling for work. I got some walks in when I came back, including one yesterday and fairly heavy snow. We got about 4 to 5 inches yesterday so it’s looking more wintry here again which I actually prefer.

    1. Snow is prettier than dead grass! And… of course my insurance doesn’t cover visits to this chiro, sigh. But I think I’ll still go on a more regular basis to keep things running smoothly.

  5. I’m so glad you got in with your chiropractor and are feeling better! And, that sounds like such a nice gym. I keep wondering if I should join one because they’d have a recumbent bike… Glad the week ended on an up note!!

    1. I haven’t been there to work out yet, but as far as I can tell EoS has everything. It’s really not that expensive. My only issue is making the time to get there- but I have to do it.

  6. The hips don’t lie as they say and that’s often the root of so much back and hamstring pain. Hope your chiropractor can sort it out for you and get you feeling good. I don’t think we have that gym here but mixing it up is always good. Have fun with Darlene next weekend

    1. Thanks Deborah! And, the hips don’t lie, ha. I have to take these things more seriously and not let them get to the point where I can’t run.

  7. LOL, is a sauna redundant in Florida? I still think it could feel good!

    I hope all your aches are better soon. Things definitely can radiate from one tight spot to another.

    1. I honestly can’t imagine sitting in a sauna and enjoying it! Unless maybe it’s one like Deborah’s (which was followed by a “snow shower.”)
      I hope everything is better soon because I’m running a half with Darlene in a week!

  8. I used to see that all the time in my yoga classes, where hamstrings and hip flexors would affect the lower back and vice versa. It’s a good reminder that all our body parts are so connected! I’m glad the ART helped. Did you manage to listen to that Hit Play podcast? I haven’t had a chance yet.
    I was just putting together tomorrow’s blog post and Jenny, I have to say that this past week has been terrible for my focus. My writing has been awful and I connect it to reading the goddamn news. I’m refreshing myself by saying it’s a new start, new week, and I am limiting myself to a quick headline scan LATER IN THE DAY AFTER I’VE DONE MY WRITING. It just destroys my creativity. I’m starting to feel physically ill when I read some things.
    I haven’t had a gym membership since we left Calgary but we have such a good home gym that I don’t feel I need one.

  9. Yes, I wish I had a better home gym (right now mine consists of some dumbbells and a yoga mat which we keep in my son’s room.) Getting to the gym is a pain.
    DO NOT WATCH THE NEWS! And, I haven’t listened to that podcast yet- the latest one I listened to was Ezra Klein’s “Don’t Believe Him.” Really excellent.

  10. Oh gosh HARD Caroline Girvan? Scary!

    Hope the back/hip/hamstring is all done with the ART. I still have some soreness from my fall snowboarding so you just motivated me to book an appointment! Maybe just a sports massage will help…

  11. It’s always something, isn’t it? I hope the adjustments help with your “jammed up” back and you continue to feel better. Sounds like a good week of fitness, otherwise, though. I’m not familiar with either YouFit or EoS Fitness. The important thing is to find one you like that’s also convenient.

  12. Ugh on the cranky back and hips. I hope the continued chiro care will do the trick. This has me paranoid. My hips tend to get cranky at times…and they have been rather silent. Of course, my running mileage has been on the low spectrum recently as well….maybe that’s the reason, LOL.unssonthefly

  13. Wow, glad you got in some adjustment to your back and that seemed to help your hamstring. It’s interesting how everything really is connected. Hoping you stay feeling healthy. And get to the new gym!

  14. When I had a hamstring thing last they said it was my lower back being in some kind of locked-up spasm type thing so maybe that is correct. Hope everything continues to loosen up!

  15. My back has been bugging me a little bit lately and I really need to start doing press ups regularly before I end up unable to workout for a bit. Also, I live with a PT, so if I am in pain and NOT doing my press ups . . . well, that’s just not gonna fly.

    I laughed at how you had to cut your workout after 10 miles. Girl, do you hear yourself? Cutting your run at 10 miles. Holy cow. I’m glad it’s been feeling better, and I hope you stay ahead of it.

  16. Ooh what a bummer with the hip and hamstring! But it’s good to get an explanation so it can be treated, isn’t it? I hope the appointment will help it keep quiet so you can enjoy the race with Darlene!
    It’s been fairly smooth around here, the biggest glitch this week was the terrible news from Sweden.

  17. Boo to hamstring issues and yay for a helpful chiropractor! I hope by next week you are good to go and this hamstring soreness is in the past.

  18. Hopefully the ART is helping so you can get back to running pain free! You still got in some decent workouts and runs even if they weren’t as long as you would have liked.

    I was a brief member of EoS, when I got stitches in my knee after a fall on the trails in 2022, I was about 6 weeks out from my first trail marathon and wasn’t supposed to run on the trails for 2 weeks while the knee healed so I got a gym membership so I could run on the treadmill. I set my treadmill distance PR there of 12 miles — hopefully I will never have to run that far again on a treadmill! Now I have access to my apartment’s gym, which is small but has a couple treadmills, a bike and elliptical plus a weight machine so that’s pretty much all I really need.

  19. My week definitely didn’t go to plan. My daughter ended up staying home sick Wed – Friday, I took her to the hospital on Friday morning (suspecting pneumonia – it wasn’t!)…but by that point my son was sick, so he had to come with us since my husband was out of town for work. It all worked out and I stayed positive, but yikes I was tired. We had two nights in a row with very little sleep.

    Our gym is bare bones (4 treadmills, 4 bikes, 4 ellipticals, 2 rowing machines, 1 set of free weights, about 6 weight machines and that’s it), but it’s also $300 per year for us as a couple. Like…total. So that’s pretty hard to beat. We were looking at something a bit fancier and it was like $1,800/year PER person. The $300 option has everything we need and I feel less guilty when I go a few days without making it there.

  20. Oh, Jenny. I ended up taking two days off this week (Wednesday and Friday) because it’s So Hard to fit in a workout on those days and I was just so exhausted by Friday after work. But, guess what? Next week is a new week and I’ll do better! So will you!

  21. I don’t have a chiropractor anymore (I mean, if I called the one I used to go to he would help me) but I have been thinking about hips and lower back pain lately, and wondering if some specific yoga stretches might help me with mine…I’m glad your chiro was able to help you, and if you’re ever feeling crummy about your running, remember that you ran 10 miles on a bad day. I have never run 10 miles in my life (and never will, unless I’m being chased by a zombie. I was going to say lion or bear, but they are too fast…I might be able to outrun a zombie.)

  22. Ugh on the hamstring and hip! Hopefully the adjustments and work has helped you out by now. My aches have been manageable lately and I took my bed pillows with me on my trip so no sore neck for me! I have a hard time sleeping well when I don’t have “my” pillows (head and body pillow).
    I’ve never heard of EoS Fitness! I have a good feeling that you will make it to the gym (or gyms!) this week. And maybe your daughter will join you for some workouts like your son did? How great you got to see your son too! Is he auditioning for jobs after graduation?

  23. Jenny, I’d really like it if you could stop with the aches and pains. Thank you. 😉
    I had a pretty good week (finally) and felt like I was back in my routine.

  24. You, Engie, and Nicole are my movement inspirations, and seeing you listen to your body is one of my very favorite inspirational things.
    I hope the hip and hamstring ache goes away–it sounds like your chiro is on it? (I would like to try chiro, but would probably have to get divorced from my whole family first as A and the kids are very anti.)
    Your new gym sounds cool. Sauna (tub/steam/dry) is really good for my pains…

  25. I hope your hop and back behave during the race.

    My only hitches have been the weather and my mojo to do the long run. Twice I caved after a slow 9 miles with a plan for 12.

    Since it will be warm and I’ll be dong a lot of walking, I guess it’ll be ok. Bring a book. You’ll be waiting a long time. LOL

  26. I hate when weeks don’t go according to plan! And I hate that your back/hip/hamstring are bothering you. We need you well!

    I never heard of EoS. However, it’s nice to get the little extras and you might end up using some of them. I’m with you on the sauna. We live in Florida. I don’t have to pay for more humidity lol!

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