walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown- Adding the Sparkle Back

In one of my recent posts I said that my life is a little less “sparkly” when I’m not running.  Well, this week I was able to add a little sparkle back!  Thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting the Weekly Rundown.  Let’s just see how this week went from gray to sparkly…


I started the day with a 50 minute pool run.  Finally, a slightly interesting pool running photo:

Cameo appearance by Muffin!

I’ve been doing exercises to strengthen my piriformis muscles, and I knew there’s a good one in Brad Beer’s book, You Can Run Pain Free.

When I dug the book out, I remembered that he has four hip stability exercises, including the piriformis one, and I decided to do them all.  I used to do them years ago, but then I stopped.  Why did I stop???  I re-committed to doing them on a regular basis.


I started the day with the Caroline Girvan deadbug workout,, and then did a 30 minute pool run.

Later in the day I did the four Brad Beer hip stability exercises again.  I’m on a roll!


I started the day with Caroline’s deadbug workout, and then a 40 minute pool run.

This is getting old…

Later in the day I had my second dry needling treatment on my calf, and then later I just did the Brad Beer piriformis exercise.  My hips were a little sore, and I was saving them up for leg day at the gym!


As planned, I hit the gym, and decided to do a full body workout, including (but not limited to) squats, bench press, and rows.  I knew it would probably be my only gym day of the week so I wanted to make the most of it.

Later in the day I decided to go for a walk.  In my running shoes.  And, well, guess what happened…


I walked two miles and then broke into a cautious run.  My calf has been feeling good, and I wanted to get some feedback before my next dry needling appointment.  I did run/walk intervals for a mile and my calf felt perfect!


Ha, the result of my full body workout at the gym was that my entire body was sore today.  I knew I should do a pool run, but I just couldn’t- I felt like I would have a mental breakdown if I had to run around and around in the pool again.  I did the Caroline Girvan deadbug workout and called it a day.

Later I had my THIRD (and last?) dry needling treatment.  She gave me the green light to try a little running (er, oops- I didn’t mention that I already did that.) Hooray!


Okay fine.  I’ll get in the pool.  My calf was sore from the treatment- which is completely normal- so I didn’t want to do anything to stress it out.  40 minute pool run.

Weirdly dark photo.

Later in the day I did the Brad Beer hip exercises- everything was still a little sore from the gym, but these exercises don’t use weights so I figured it was okay.


Run #2!  This time I walked a mile and then ran/walked for two.

I’m CAUTIOUSLY optimistic.  My calf didn’t hurt, but I’ve been down this road twice before.  I take time off, the first couple runs back feel fine and then the pain returns.  I’m not sure if the dry needling worked, or if my calf feels better because I took time off of running.  Only time will tell!


On tap for today- sleeping in.  Later in the day I’ll do some strength, definitely including the hip stability exercises. I do remember why I stopped doing them now- they’re boring, and they make my hips sore.  But I’m determined to keep up with them this time and see what happens.

What makes your life sparkly?

Have you heard of Brad Beer or read his book?- It’s a good one!

Top photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

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Somber Coffee Date

It’s the first Friday of the month, so I’m linking up with Coco and Deborah for the Ultimate Coffee Date!  Sadly, we just received news that my husband’s brother, Charles, died.  I couldn’t just go ahead and write a lighthearted post, but on the other hand I don’t want to make this post too heavy either.  Let me explain… Charles was an eccentric man, and in later years had become reclusive.  My husband visited him occasionally, but the rest of us never saw him.  When she found out he had passed, my daughter said “Oh no- I was hoping to meet him someday!”  All this is to say, the only person greatly affected by his death is my husband. Charles was much older than my husband, and was a father figure to him when they were growing up.  The family dynamics are complicated, but any way you look at it, it’s hard to lose a family member. But life goes on!  While giving my husband all the support he needs, the rest of us are carrying on.  Here’s what I’m looking forward to this weekend: NOT WORKING.  I always work Saturday mornings, but then have the rest of the weekend off.  Two Sundays ago, I went in to work to pick up a few extra hours.  I really didn’t enjoy that, and vowed I wouldn’t do it again.  But then last Sunday someone really wanted me to come to her house and give her and her daughter a massage.  I couldn’t turn down two private massages, so I did it.  But seriously.  This Sunday I am NOT WORKING. FOOTBALL!  So much football!  Starting tonight (Thursday) with KC and Mahomes, then the second Baylor game on Saturday afternoon, and continuing Sunday afternoon with the first Dolphins game of the season.  In honor of the occasion I’m going to get out all my football decorations (why are they not out yet???) and make a fun charcuterie board for the Dolphins game. RUNNING!  I’m continuing with my every third day running schedule, and so far, so good.  Saturday is a running day, woohoo!!! What are you looking forward to this weekend? As you can see, I have not fixed my blog issues yet.  It won’t be this way forever! (OR WILL IT?  Just kidding. I’ll fix it soon.) Top photo by Trishy on Unsplash

Reading and Eating

Well, I’m nearing the end of Winter of the World.  There’s a quote on the cover that says “This book is truly epic… The reader will probably wish there was a thousand more pages.”  Well, yes I do!!!  Luckily there’s one more book in the trilogy, Edge of Eternity.  I’ll be starting that one next. Last week I went to Barnes and Noble to look for some of the books Allison mentioned in her guest post on Engie’s blog. Guess how many they had?  ZERO.  Darn!  Barnes and Noble doesn’t have a very big horror section. I still had fun though.  I sat in the cafe and read this magazine… And I found a planner I love!  Well, I love the cover. The inside might not be quite what I’m looking for, but I love the cat so much (the top of the cat’s head and eyes are peeping up on top of the pages as well) that I might try to make it work.  I decided to think it over a little before I buy it.  (Should you get a planner just because you love the cover?  Probably not.) Now I’m excited because tomorrow (my day off) I’m going to a used bookstore!  I’ve never been there and didn’t even know it existed until recently, but it’s not far from me.  I hope I walk out with an armful of books. Okay, eating.  Remember the grand plan of prepping ingredients on Sunday for a week’s worth of bowl dinners?  Well, the last two Sundays I worked.  Not a lot, but just enough that I didn’t ALSO feel like doing meal prep.  Somehow we got through last week anyway.  And, since this Sunday was the start of Pumpkin Palooza, I made my favorite Pumpkin Baked Ziti (recipe from Isa Chandra Moskowitz’s Veganomicon.)  My sister and I were commenting how the orange and brown color combination looks so pretty now- but once Thanksgiving is over, it looks drab.  When I take down the fall decorations and put up all the sparkly, colorful Christmas things, I can’t believe how dreary orange and brown look.  But for now, I’m loving it! Lastly- pumpkin oatmeal for breakfast!  I just make my regular oatmeal, put in a couple dollops of pumpkin, and all the pumpkin spices (don’t forget cloves- very important!) I’m not quite sure what we’ll have for dinner the rest of the week (leftover ziti will be making an appearance) but we’ll get through it. Do you like used bookstores?  What are you reading now? Top photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Ways in Which I Am Losing It

Wow.  I’ve really been, shall we say, “absent-minded” lately.  Leaving my car keys sitting on the treadmill at the gym, going to work without my lunch… (in the first instance, a good samaritan turned them in at the front desk; in the second, I was hungry all afternoon.)  Let’s look at a couple other recent examples. Several weeks ago, Elisabeth talked about Oliver Burkeman’s Four Thousand Weeks on her blog, and included some quotes from the book.  It sounded really good, so I immediately requested it from my library (a copy had to be transferred from a different branch.) When it was available, I went to pick it up!  As soon as I held it in my hand, I realized… I have already read this book.   Yep!  I read it about a year ago, and had completely forgotten all about it.  SIGH.  I brought it home anyway, thinking that maybe I would re-read it, but never did.  I returned it to the library, unread… or at least, unread this time… or whatever. Moving on.  As we all know by now, Sunday was the first day of Pumpkin Palooza!  I made pumpkin waffles to celebrate.  Here’s the photo: Hmm, you might be thinking.  Nice can of pumpkin there!  The REASON I included that in the photo is… that was the pumpkin that was supposed to go in the waffles. Yep!  I made my “pumpkin waffles,” and when I took my breakfast over to the table, there was the can of pumpkin, unopened.  I FORGOT TO PUT THE PUMPKIN IN MY PUMPKIN WAFFLES.   HOW could this happen?  I’m supposed to be the Crazy Pumpkin Lady!  This was an epic fail.  Although- the waffles were okay.  Not great, but okay.  I still put in all the pumpkin spices so that kind of counts… right? You can see the problem.  Possible solutions include: Pay more attention to what’s actually going on instead of thinking about the book I’m reading all the time, Have myself committed, and/or Start getting more sleep. I’m thinking I should start with a combination of 1 and 3.  These points are actually related, because I keep staying up too late reading.  But my book is so good!  I look forward to reading it all day, and once I start, it’s hard to put it down.  Well, we all know sleep is important, so I’ll try.  It would be nice to get through a few days without doing anything stupid. How is your sleep these days? Have you made any glaring errors lately? Top photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash    

Weekly Rundown- IT’S TIME!

Hey, guess what- it’s pumpkin time!  September 1st is the official start of Pumpkin Palooza, a festival celebrated by… well, very few.  But those of us who celebrate, do it very enthusiastically.  Light your pumpkin-scented candle and let’s get into the Weekly Rundown!  Thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting. Monday I started the week with an upper body workout from Sally McRae’s app, and followed that with Caroline Girvan’s deadbug workout. After work I went to my sports chiropractor for the second treatment on my calf.  He did some scraping, and ART.  He suggested waiting a couple days to let the soreness from the treatment subside, then run on Thursday.  Okay! Tuesday 45 minute pool run!  I think this might have been my least favorite pool run ever.  It rained, and also with about 20 minutes to go my flotation belt broke.  I finished the workout awkwardly holding the belt under my arms. Later in the day I did my hip stability exercises. Wednesday Gym day!  I did 20 minutes on the Stairmaster, then did a hard leg day, plus bench press and abs.  I was definitely feeling down before this workout but felt MUCH better afterwards. Thursday Running day, finally!  I walked one mile and ran two.  No pain in my calf, but that doesn’t mean anything.  I usually have no pain the first run back.  But I’ll take a pain-free run any day! Friday Full body strength- hip stability, upper body (Sally McRae app) and core (Caroline Girvan.) After work I had another ART treatment on my calf.  It was painful but productive!  He suggested that, for now, I run every third day- okay, fine.  Any running is better than no running. Saturday Off- except that, at my daughter’s request, I got out our pull up bar and did some dead hangs.  Funny how hard those are now!  Am I going to once again start doing dead hangs and negatives, pretending that I’m working my way up to an actual pull up?  We’ll see. At night, WOO HOO!  The first Baylor game! We have an exciting new quarterback, and won 45-3.  Perfect way to start the season! Sunday On tap for today- well, it’s the third day so I get to RUN!!!  After that, the first pumpkin waffles of the season, and taking out my fall decor.  Don’t try to rain on my parade by telling me it’s too early- school has started, football is in full swing, and it’s September.  Pumpkin time! I’m still working on my blog issue- please scroll waaaay down to leave a comment (I don’t know why this happened, grr!) Do you follow college football? Too early for fall, or are you ready? Top photo by Dave Adamson on Unsplash

44 Responses

  1. So glad the calf pain is gone (for now at least). Do you mind sharing the hip strengthening exercises? Maybe just the piriformas one? I’ve had piriformas issues in the past (actually, they plagued me for over a year) and I’d love to learn a good exercise to combat them.
    I hope your calf continues to feel better as you up your mileage. (Fingers crossed emojis!!!)

    1. Yes, I’ll post it here- but in the meantime I’ll go over to your blog and leave it in the comments as well.

  2. I am glad you were able to do a bit of running this week! I hope you can continue to keep that calf pain at bay. Glad the dry needling seems to have helped! Phew!

    I did my long run on Friday morning on my shouldless day and it went amazing! The humidity was low and the temps were cooler and I am sure caffeine + being properly fueled helped, too. I am relieved it went well because the previous long run was seriously so awful. I had to do a lot of walking in the final couple of miles.

    I think spending time with friends is what makes my life sparkly! My work trip last week was with a woman that I consider a good friend so we had a lot of fun together. And today we will see Phil’s high school friends. It’s a little ironic that I say friends make life sparkly because I am an introvert! But I guess introverts need social time, too! It just needs to be the right amount!

    1. Yay! I knew that run would be a good run- all the ingredients were there. And, struggling through a bad run makes us stronger.
      Introverts definitely need social time- my mistake is not scheduling it because I THINK I just want to be alone- but too much alone time isn’t good for anyone.

  3. Hooray. Glad the calf is improving.

    Yes running makes me feel sparkly.

    My sparkles were off this past week.

    Now it’s cooled down but I caught a cold in NYC. Boo.

    1. ARG! That’s bad luck. Hopefully it’s mild and you can get back to your activities. You’re probably itching to run again in the cooler weather.

  4. Love the cat cameo! Muffin is so cute!
    LOL on remembering why you stopped doing those exercises after only a few days of them. PT exercises are like that.

    I hope your calf is better for real this time.

    I think at this point I find sparkle in being able to workout hard in any modality.

    1. Oh, I wish I could feel like that! Although, I guess a hard non-running workout gives me “mini sparkles.” Much better than nothing.
      Yes, PT exercises are not my favorite. i’m going to force myself to do them to see if it makes a difference- I’m tired of constantly putting out fires, dealing with one issue or another. If I could just run pain-free (as Brad Beer promises) it’s worth doing the exercises.

  5. Yay, I hope the calf keeps behaving!!! I just woke up and honestly cannot pinpoint what specifically makes my life “sparkly” and now I’m concerned. 😅 I’ll have to report back once my brain is more awake and can decide.

    1. Hahahaha… I would guess from your blog that you would say travel, time with your family, and Charlie. But I’ll be interested to hear what you come up with!

    1. Nicole, your picture should be in the dictionary next to the definition of “sparkly.” I really think your whole life sparkles.

  6. Glad to read that your calf is starting to feel better and that you have been able to run. With it being so hot, I ran less this week too. I am ok with it and I am finding ways to enjoy pool running and swimming. It is always hard for me to be patient when I have a nagging injury too. Hope this week is better for you

    1. Thank you Deborah! Yes, it’s hard to be patient. I’m just trying to find ways to pass the time so I don’t get too insane!

  7. I’m so glad to hear your sparkle is coming back! Fingers and toes crossed your calf continues to feel good. Hooray for getting in some good pool runs and yay for Muffin’s cameo! Haha!

  8. Love the little glimpse of Muffin 🙂

    And yay for sparkle and the calf feeling better. I had to chuckle that you didn’t tell your therapist that you had already run (or maybe you did). Either way, hilarious and also so smart to listen to your body! I know it’s not easy to stick out the pool runs, but I’m sure that’s a big part of why you’re feeling better.

    1. Ahem, no I didn’t quite mention that I had already run. I mean, she didn’t ASK so it wasn’t like I lied (right???)

  9. I am cautiously optimistic as well! Welcome back to the sparkle! I hope that the only time that you’re in the pool next week will be for a post-run dip.

  10. What great news about the added sparkle!! Whatever made the calf better – I’m so glad for you that you can run again! Really hope this issue is behind you now. Good work with the hip & piriformis exercises – I need to get back to doing mine too. I sort of put everything else (except walking) on hold when I’m into my heavy strength program.

    1. Susanne, it is SO HARD to do everything! I feel like it’s a tradeoff between all the little things, like PT exercises, and heavy lifting. I guess in a perfect world we would do it all, but it’s hard.

  11. Good to hear that the dry needling may have helped you out! I seem to be sore after the dry needling and then maybe a week later I’m feeling good. Running used to give my life a lot of sparkle, but running right now seems to be more of a chore and painful, so I haven’t really been getting much pleasure from it! And ironically, I haven’t missed it much. But as soon as I can’t bike anymore I’ll have a different point of view!
    Despite the boring nature of it, you have done a great job getting in that pool run! I have not been motivated to do mine this week.

    1. I think you get a lot of pleasure out of your bike rides. I wish I had a cross training activity that I liked, but they’re all a chore to me. I hope your runs start to feel better so you can enjoy them again!

  12. Here’s some mundane sparkle. Our dryer works. It dries clothes completely. For years we had a dryer that took forever and only sort of worked, but I just did all of our laundry for the week in four hours and it’s because our dryer is efficient. I get a jolt of joy every time I empty the dryer!

    I hope you’ll soon be able to get that running sparkle as often as you want it!

    1. Ha ha, well that is a little mundane but I get it! Having a washer and dryer that work well REALLY make life better.

  13. Positive news about your running, I hope that calf is finally better, third time lucky perhaps. I’m so curious, who/what takes all your photos? So many good action shots of running, yet you don’t mention a running partner.
    What makes my life sparkly is travel/exploring new places, and social catch ups with close friends and family. These days I don’t do either of those things as often as I used to, and sometimes I definitely feel in need of more sparkle in my life.

    1. Sophie, I do not have a running partner! I have certain spots where I set up my phone- usually on a fire hydrant, and then I take a video of myself running, and then take a screen shot from the video.
      It’s hard to travel and explore when you have young kids, so I get it. You’ll get your sparkle back in time- it definitely gets easier.

  14. I’m so glad your calf seems to be improving and you were able to run a bit! Hopefully it’ll stay happy and you can run more this week.

    Running definitely makes my life more sparkly as well! There’s been a little less of it the past two weeks as I’m tapering but I’m actually finding that I kinda enjoy the taper now — it feels good to cut back a bit after training hard for a few months. But I always get a little antsy during race week because I just want to get out there yet at the same time I’m anxious about the race!

    1. Oh yes I know that feeling! Taper can be hard mentally. But it’s also exciting- I’m assuming your race is this coming weekend?

  15. Yay for the sparkles! I’d be curious what those hip exercises are, as they’re probably something I should add to my routine. I lot of the Peloton Barre workouts have moves that include a lot of the PT stuff I was doing up until a year ago or so. They’re more fun doing them in a Barre workout than just on their own, LOL. A we all know, the PT stuff (and probably your hip exercises) are all things we SHOULD just do on the regular…but we don’t. You’d think we’d learn, right?

    1. Yes I know! Those exercises are so boring, the minute I’m feeling better I forget all about them. Maybe I’ll learn this time? We’ll see…

  16. I’m so glad to see that you’re easing back into running and it is pain free. FIngers crossed. I need to do some calf massage–that longest mile workout really did a number on them. I may even have to get a massage or dry needling…

    1. Yes, get a massage! It will feel good. Hmm, maybe I can get a massage this week as well. Thanks for the idea!

  17. I need running, reading and sleep – sadly the running is not great at the moment as I seem to have lost the impetus to do it. I hope that returns. We are sorting out That Room in the house where everything ends up and I should be able to get my recumbent bike / rower out again and use it which might help a bit. I’m just scared of my knee going painful when I’m somewhere inaccessible, then only get to run in boring places! Anyway, good work by you and lovely appearance by the kitty! Does she get bothered by you exercising in the pool? Mine came and shouted at me while I used the foam roller today …

    1. Ha ha, my cats absolutely can’t leave me alone if I’m doing anything on the floor! I think they’re slightly puzzled and alarmed when I’m in the pool.
      Liz, I know that feeling- it is HARD coming back from an injury, not knowing if something is going to hurt or not. My calf is acting up AGAIN and I’m thinking of trying a run on the treadmill at the gym tomorrow- SO boring, but if it hurts I can just stop immediately and do something else. Sigh.

  18. Glad to hear you’re feeling the sparkle again <3. I know how important that is…

    And all the AW-s at that cameo of Mx. Muffin!!

  19. Eeeek! We are in it for the sparkle! I’m so happy for you! I fist pumped when I saw your title and my enthusiasm is going strong!

    Cautiously optimistic is good, but it sounds promising! Keep it up!

  20. I have an awful feeling that the calf recovery was short-lived. Sigh. I hope that broadening your fitness perspective helps regardless of whether I am right or not! You are pushing through and doing the work – now your body just has to cooperate, darn it!

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