walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown- Aging Up!!!

Happy March 21st- it’s my birthday!  Since my birthday doesn’t often fall on a Sunday (obviously) I’m making the most of it this year!  And… I can’t wait to start competing in my brand new age group… But first, I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the weekly rundown.  Here’s how birthday week went down!


Day off.  As always.


3 mile run followed by lower body strength- walking lunges, Runner’s Touch exercise, and single leg squats.  My neck issue was acting up again and I was afraid to do anything involving a barbell, so I did what I could.  Sigh!


5 mile trail run with my husband!  He’s a teacher and was off this week for spring break.  We went out to my new favorite trail in the Everglades.  Followed this run with Gauntlet Plank workout.


3 mile run and that was it!


Day off of running and I decided to suck it up and do lower body strength, with weights.  It’s not like I love lifting weights so much (or at all) but the one thing I’ve learned- the hard way- is taking too much time off will result in crazy, horrendous DOMS when you finally do it again.  So I did squats and deadlifts, plates on the bar.  My neck dealt with it okay.


3 mile run, followed by pullups. Everything I said in the last paragraph applies to pullups as well (btw I do them banded) so that’s motivation for me to get them done.


AHHHHHH!  The big birthday run!  I ran from my house to the beach, which is 10 miles.  When I got there I jumped in the ocean, and my husband was there to pick me up.  Maybe next birthday I’ll run to the beach and back… but a ten mile run is my current limit.  I actually felt amazing on this run and could have kept going, but I felt some twinges in my achilles (on the side of my plantar fasciitis) so ten miles was perfect.  We’re so, so lucky to be able to run west to the Everglades and east to the ocean!

Fifty-five! Or, ten fingers for ten miles.

And then… 55 pushups for my new age!  I did “ten down” which was a set of ten, set of nine, set of eight, etc. down to one, which equals 55.   My son bullied me into doing tricep pushups for the last few sets, and doing the last one super slowly, holding it for ten seconds before pushing back up.  And then it was time for waffles!  Lots and lots of waffles.

Anyone else love birthdays?  Hate birthdays?  Do you like to do a special run on your birthday?

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36 Responses

  1. Happy birthday! I hope you have a nice day celebrating. When I turned 30 I ran a marathon on my bday but I haven’t done anything special since then. In 2 years I turn 40 so maybe I’ll have to plan something special for that!

    1. Thank you Lisa! It’s really hard with little kids. If your birthday falls on a weekday and you’ve got a toddler… your options are limited. But I hope you can plan something fun for your 40th!

  2. That ocean shot is amazing! Congrats on 10 miles! Awesome.

    I did ST yesterday (nothing super heavy), which I normally wouldn’t do before a “long” run but it’s been a while. I totally expected DOMs today but nope — for which I’m very grateful.

    How sweet of your husband to pick you up. And Happy Birthday!

    1. Thank you Deborah! I better find some races to run so I can take advantage of being on the young end of my AG!

  3. Happy birthday! New age group! So much fun running to the beach!

    When I come to south Florida, I want to run that Everglades trail with you! We normally visit every year, but obviously this year we didn’t. Fingers crossed for next spring!

  4. Happy new age group! I am liking the “5” birthdays since I started running for that very reason! What a great run – I did a half on my birthday (very slowly, with lots of stops for photos) and it was a fun thing to do.

    1. Thank you Liz! It seems like birthdays are getting more and more fun… I don’t know why. Maybe it’s because my kids are older so I have more freedom to do what I want.

  5. oh my gosh, what an incredible pushup challenge! I love that idea for your birthday. Happy birthday!

    The 10 mile birthday run to the ocean also sounds so fun!

  6. Happy birthday! It sounds like you had a wonderful day with a wonderful run! I love that you got to cool off in the ocean, too. What a nice treat.

    Enjoy the rest of your day!

  7. Happy Birthday!!!!! I’m all about the birthday run thing 😉 I might try your push-up thing tonight. Key word: might (I’m still on vacay, so I might just do the daily 10 and call it good LOL).

  8. Happy Birthday… it’s crazy that since I became a runner, I don’t mind getting older when it means a new age group.

    Congrats on your 10 miler. I do 10 every weekend but somehow it never feels easy. This week’s felt hard than usual…

    1. Yes, a new age group makes it fun!
      This week’s run felt pretty easy and I’m suspicious that I had a slight tailwind- I only ran in one direction so it was hard to tell!

  9. Happy Birthday! Running 10 miles and jumping in the ocean sounds amazing — not sure about the push-ups though. I do like strength training, but 55 push-ups is a LOT! I like to go for a run on my birthday, but don’t usually plan a special route or distance. I do love waffles!

  10. Happy birthday! What a wonderful way to celebrate all that you’re able to do
    I might have to add pushups next birthday and add a beach dip
    I totally agree re: being able to run in different habitats. So special.

  11. Happy Birthday! Looks like you had so much fun celebrating it!
    Way to get 10 miles with an ocean dip to boot!
    Hilarious how your son bullied you about those pushups. Gotta love those kids!

    1. Yes, sometimes I can’t decide if I like having him around or not! It’s almost like working with a trainer sometimes.

  12. Happy belated birthday to my fellow Aries! (my birthday is in April). It’s always so nice when a birthday falls on the weekend and it looks like you had a great time celebrating! 🙂

    congrats on your 10 mile run!

  13. Happy Birthday!! how fun you also got to run with your husband this week! Not so fun about being bullied into tricep pushups!! Love that you ran to the ocean and then jumped in. I wish we had the sea close by! I’m on the side of the country right next to Germany so that’d be a reallllllly long run for me – like would take me a few days for sure!

    I love my birthday and usually always run on it AND *usually* try to be traveling somewhere.

    1. Thanks for the birthday wishes! Yes, you’re far from the sea but you’e got some other scenic places to run, judging by your blog photos. Glad you like to celebrate birthdays as well! I like to use any excuse to celebrate.

  14. Happy belated birthday and congrats on moving into a new age group! Sounds like your son was making you work too hard AFTER your 10-mile run. 😉 You really earned those waffles!

    I love birthdays and last fall we set out to ride 63 miles for my birthday, but the day was so perfect and we felt great so we rode for 70 miles.

    1. Ah, that’s a nice way to celebrate! Cycling is a great option- I guess I’m getting a little too old to try and run my age in miles (either that or I have to seriously up my running game!)

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