Okay- we didn’t get nine inches of snow like some areas of northern Florida, but we did have cold, gloomy weather- VERY unusual for us (we actually turned our heat on, for the first time in years.) But workouts obviously happened. Thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting the Weekly Rundown. Here we go…
Continuing with the Caroline Girvan Advent Series,, I did the full body workout with dumbbells. I definitely should have been doing these workouts in December when I was “too busy” to get to the gym- 20 minutes is much better than nothing.
Get ready for some dreary photos! A chilly 4 mile run to start the week.
After the run I did Caroline’s deadbug workout– this workout made several appearances this week (it’s still my favorite.)
Knowing that I had a long run coming up the next day, I picked the upper body circuit workout from the Advent series. And…
Now would be the perfect time to apologize, on behalf of the state of Florida, to anyone who came down this week for a vacation. We’re so sorry! This never happens- it’s usually beautiful in January! Yes, I do have someone specific in mind. At night I met up with CARI!
Cari was a good sport about the weather, and we had fun chatting over chips and guacamole. Cari, next time you come down we’ll have plenty of sunshine for you!
Long run! I was actually cold for a lot of this run, but it all depended on which way the wind was blowing. I was a little underdressed, but completed 15 miles feeling good.
Oh, and before the run I did the CG deadbug workout as a warmup. That worked MUCH better than my terrible idea last week of doing a glute-focused warmup.
Okay. Still cold and dreary. By “cold” I mean in the 50s, but when it’s damp and drizzly, that feels very chilly. But my legs felt pretty good. I ran 3 miles…
…and once again did the deadbug workout.
Oof. There’s been a disturbing trend in my Fridays, where I have to do a crap ton of driving. THIS time, my daughter was doing an honor band festival at the University of Miami. UM is an hour away IF THERE’S NO TRAFFIC, and there’s always traffic. I had to drive there and back twice, and I don’t think I’ve ever driven that much without actually getting anywhere. Seven hours in the car just to end up back at home.
Because I knew I would be sitting in the car for half the day, I started the day with the “Lots of Lunges” workout from the Advent series. This workout was… entirely made up of lunges. If you hate lunges, definitely skip this one.
BRRR! (Stop snickering, you northerners!) This is COLD for us. I bundled up for a 4 mile run. Yes, it was cold, but the sun FINALLY came out- hooray! And- as the day went on it warmed up to almost 70 degrees. This is more like it!
After work, I… drove to Miami, arrrrrg! It was the final concert, which I enjoyed, but I could go the rest of my life without driving down to Miami again.
On tap for today- sleeping as late as possible. Waffles. Putting the house back together. FOOTBALL!!! All my teams have been defeated, so I’m just hoping to see some close, exciting games. And I like Patrick Mahomes, so go KC, I guess.
Top photo by Vita Leonis on Unsplash
How was your week? Did you get hit with any crazy weather? – Now I remember why I moved to Florida- 40s is too cold for my thin blood!
46 Responses
Crazy weather? Naah.. not in Ireland. LOL. We had a storm that broke 80-year-old wind records. Houses have been damaged, trees have fallen and a wind turbine was bent over in Galway. The next two days we’ll have more strong winds. But we’ve been safe so far in our area.
When I read about the US weather I wondered if you got any snow! 43F should be cold enough for you though. I’m sorry that Cari had such unfortune when she went to Florida! Must have been fun for you to meet – was it the first time you meet IRL?
A lunge workout sounds great! I don’t love lunges, but I don’t mind doing them either.
This is actually the second time I’ve met up with Cari IRL. Her mom spends winters down here, so luckily Cari comes down on a regular basis- I hope she can come back this winter when the weather is decent.
Sounds like the weather in Ireland is extra crazy! Glad you’re okay though.
That lunge workout left my glutes really sore the next day- which I take as a good thing. It hit the right spots!
Bring on the sunshine. I’m coming soon.
15 miles? Are you marathon training?
Yes it was freezing. Yesterday it warmed up to 20. lol. But we had -13 one day.
I’m still planning to do a 50 mile race at the end of April, and I’m actually a little behind in my long runs for that. Sigh. I can never seem to get it right!
We’ll have plenty of sunshine for you!
oops forgot about that 50 miler…
You don’t have to justify to us that it’s cold for you down there! That is cold for Florida and this weather is so bizarre! I do feel bad for anyone who traveled to Florida expecting warm and sunshine. It was really cold here earlier this week too. I think we had 48 hours straight where we didn’t rise above zero Fahrenheit. That is my least favorite kind of weather. Plus, I can’t fit a mitten over my splint nor could I fit it over my cast. so that makes being outside extra challenging when it’s so cold.
My week was solidly just OK. Work was super busy so I didn’t get much of a chance to lay down during the day. I continue to feel extra extra tired, probably because my body is healing. I did get a nap in yesterday though which felt really good and I’ll do that again today. My only workout was going for a 45 minute walk yesterday morning. It was a balmy 24° outside, which felt warm. Lol we are cheering for Washington and Buffalo. I’m tired of Kansas City being in the Super Bowl and would like to see some new teams. I like Patrick Mahomes less after watching the quarterback documentary mostly because I find his wife incredibly annoying…
Oh, someone else was complaining about Mahomes wife! I haven’t seen that documentary. I don’t think I can root for Buffalo though- they’ve beaten the Dolphins way too many times and I don’t like them.
So what in the world are you doing to keep that hand warm? I’m imagining wrapping a scarf around it… but then you can’t really use that hand. The whole thing sounds terrible… I hope this week is better and warmer for you.
I put a stocking hat over it when it was below zero this past week. It’s not ideal but workable. This weekend it was ok to just keep my hand in my pocket. Technically I could put an oven mitt over it but that would be extra bulky!! It’s such a pain – literally and figuratively!!
Yay for a blogger meetup, even if it was in “Florida cold”. Also yay for lots of running!!!!!! We had the equivalent of 40 degrees in FL, which was a few days of near zero and one night where it got to -10 but we’re in the 30s now so back to normal. I’m glad we had the cold stuff during the week so that I can get some hikes in this weekend.
Not to be nosy, but I have the same question as Darlene. Do you have a race on the calendar?????? Tell us everything!!!!!
I’ll go into detail this week- but I do have a race planned. I haven’t signed up for it yet though.
Yes, our 40s was the equivalent of your cold- we’re just not set up for cold like that. When I turned the heat on, my husband thought the house was on fire- he couldn’t identify the strange, burning smell. It’s been a log time since that heat has been on.
Yay for seeing Cari! I bet your weather was nicer than she would have had back in NYC. 🙂
LOL on driving for hours and not getting anywhere. My butt would ache after a day like that.
We’re back to normal winter weather this week — finally!
The combination of the lunge workout, and then sitting in the car for that long DEFINITELY left my butt achy!
The weather was definitely better here than in NYC, but somehow you expect Florida to be warm and sunny. Oh well- she’ll be back!
Ugh, traffic. I kind of forget what that’s like because here everything takes 10-15 minutes to get to. If there is like a three minute traffic delay everyone loses their shit. In Calgary, my husband’s commute was technically fifteen minutes – in the middle of the night, hitting all the greens, no traffic. Realistically it was 30 minutes minimum, 90 if there was a lot of snow or an accident. One of the studios I taught at, the commute was either 20 minutes or maybe 45 minutes, who could ever say. Seven hours of driving is insane!
Yes, traffic is definitely a thing in South Florida. One of the trips down to Miami took me TWO AND A HALF HOURS- this is an hour drive in no traffic. It was insane. And that’s why I avoid going to Miami.
I talked to Cari right after your meeting up! Hope I get to meet you in person one of these days. I did have some friends down there who were not thrilled with the weather but it was way better than ours! Hope things get back to normal for you all too. Have a good week
Our weather was better than yours, and that’s a good thing because I think if I were up north this past week I would have shriveled up and died. 40s was so uncomfortable for me, I can’t even fathom the temps you had (although- I guess I would have some warmer clothes, so there’s that.)
Next time you come to Florida let me know! That’s way more likely than me making it up to your area. We’ll meet one of these days.
What a bummer Cari wasn’t able to enjoy some FL sunshine but how fun you got to see her and she you! Yay!
I’ve done that drive down to the U. Not fun at all. That was thing 1’s second choice school.
I know 40 and grey is FL is no bueno but I’ll trade you some minus 20 anytime. Haha!
UM is a really great school, and if you were a student there you wouldn’t be driving there and back every day from Boca. But I still feel like Miami is a crazy area. Probably fun for college kids- not so fun for me.
I always find it funny that Florida is the “Sunshine State” but Arizona actually is the sunniest state! Good marketing on Florida’s part, I guess! We did have chilly temps here, a few mornings in the 30s, but still sunny so that definitely helps cut some of the chill. But I do actually enjoy our gloomy days because they don’t happen very often! And I do feel kinda bad complaining about the “cold” when it’s so much worse in a lot of the country, even the southern states, but this is still cold weather for us lizards!
I know- 40s is a heat wave for some people. And I definitely feel like “the Sunshine State” was false advertising this week. Just curious- do you ever get snow?
Very rarely, but two years ago we got maybe an inch on March 2! It was really neat to see all the cactus covered in snow, and it didn’t stick to the roads at all. The nearby mountains definitely get snow, but haven’t gotten much this winter as it’s sadly been very dry.
Yikes. That is SUCH a lot of driving. I live in a town without a single stop light so that should tell you a lot about the traffic situation. Though, to be honest, it can be crazy in the summer because of tourists and we really COULD use a stop light then.
It is cold and snowy here. It has been frigid for over a week and I’m over it. BUT, there isn’t much accumulation of snow, so I’ll take cold and no shovelling over warm with lots of snow.
Yes, unfortunately that’s a feature of South Florida- lots of driving, on expressways. It was pretty stressful. But- frigid weather would also be stressful. 40s was cold enough for me!
That is too much driving, Jenny! I hope it’s a very long time before you have to go to Miami again.
Your weather is so unusual! Glad it didn’t prevent you from getting out there and running. I’m glad you keep doing the deadbug workout because it periodically reminds me it exists! I love it too but for some reason never remember it on my own. I’m going to do it today!
It could potentially be a year before I have to drive to Miami again- or I might have to go again in a couple weeks (groan.) We’ll see.
After lots of experimenting, the deadbug workout is the winner for me- it gives me a great core workout without hurting my back or neck.
I am so happy you got to meet up with Cari! I want in on that next time!
It is MISERABLE to get to UM. Every time we are in South Florida, I want to go check out the campus and walk around my old digs, but then we get on US1 and my soul leaves my body and I just can’t do it.
We didn’t get 9″ of snow either, but we did get some serious cold. I would have liked snow, but it wasn’t meant to be
Yes- if it’s going to be that cold, at least you should get some snow!
Cari said she met you a couple years ago- that sounded fun. And yes- WHY is it so, so hard to get down to UM. It’s just awful.
I’m not snickering because I don’t like those raw, damp 40-50 degree days either. But right now, 40 sounds fabulous. It’s cold, even for us, and I am tired of it. There. I said it. No whine either. And we haven’t gotten much snow at all. Which I actually would like. I guess that was a whine…
Great job getting it all done! Sounds like driving down there is just like driving in Chicago!
Yes, I think it’s similar- big city driving. And- snow is pretty! And it’s bright. I can see why you would like some snow, rather than the incessant brown.
Well, my forecast (currently) is looking to be in the 40F’s (and higher!!!) most of this next week. I’m thinking that’s gonna feel like shorts & tank top weather 😉 It’s nice how those temps feel SO much better in January than they do in October, LOL.
Well- I wear shorts when it’s in the 40s! But not tank tops. And yes- 40s would feel cold for you in October.
It is hard to dress for the weather! If it were forty degrees here right now, I’d wear a long-sleeve tshirt and shorts to run. If it were forty degrees in October, I’d wear a sweatshirt and pants and hope I didn’t die of hypothermia. I suspect you’re closer to October Me than January Me.
It basically takes me 45 minutes to get anywhere, so I’m used to that amount of driving. But I hate it. That’s why I never go anywhere!
45 minutes- yes. Two and a half hours, no. That’s how long it took me to drive back down to Miami on Friday afternoon. I thought if I left at 3:30 I could get ahead of rush hour… hahahahaha no.
I’m definitely like October You. But I do wear shorts to run. I don’t own running tights!
Haha, I love your apology– because I spent my birthday in Florida hoping for sun and 70s and got rain and 40/50s 🙂 But it’s okay – it was nice to get away and hopefuly I’ll be back another winter.
I know, I CANNOT BELIEVE you were here last week!!!! Ugh. It had to be the worst week of the entire year- the worst week I can remember, actually. Yes, come back again- we’ll have warmth and sunshine for you.
I feel you on that traffic. Mom & Bob decided to come home Friday and it took them 7+ hours which should not be the case. So glad to h ave seen you. Next time we’ll work on the weather
Friday driving is terrible- but it’s usually worse going TOWARDS the keys than away. Yes, next time I’ll make sure the weather cooperates!
Haha I didn’t see that we had a “severe weather advisory” of the low of 42. I thought it felt amazing (i mean, cold, but I kind of loved it.) Reminded me of running in NC. I wish we had this more often!!!
40s, yes. It’s nice for a change. All the gloomy rainy weather- no. Actually just give me 50s and sunny and we’ll call it good.
I would have been so bummed if I went to Florida in Jan and it snowed. Yikes. It was too cold for kids to go to school on Tuesday so the 4 day weekend was 5. Most schools near us were still in session which was nice for me, because no babies means I don’t get paid.
Yes- if I don’t go to work I don’t get paid. No paid “snow days” for me!
I’ve never seen so many grey photos on your feed before… I hope it warms up for you soon!
It’s already warmer, and the sky is blue again! Phew.
Well, you guys fixed the weather just in time for my arrival! It’s gorgeous! BTW, the “feels like” at home was -2° the day before we left heading south.
I count that as cold BRRR! Where are your full-length tights? Sub 10C is always full-length compression weather for me, especially if I’m doing a long run, but I like to be warm rather than cold.
Warming up to 70 sounds like a pretty great ending to your day! It was pretty cold around here, but I don’t mind being stuck inside with my treadmill. I am heading to the mountains right now in search of some snowy ski runs 🙂