walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown- Almost Race Week

Ever noticed how it’s really confusing to have a race that’s NOT on a Saturday or Sunday?  I’m running a 5K tomorrow (the 4th) so that affected my workouts this week- kind of.  Throw in a little shin pain (eep!) and the week took some twists and turns.  But it’s all good.  Thanks to Kim and Deborah as always for hosting the Weekly Rundown.  Let’s just see how pre-race week went!


Ah…. back on the trail.  Several weeks ago I decided the trail was too hot and un-shaded for long runs.  So I did a couple long runs out on the roads, but I missed my trail.  I decided to try it again and hope for a few clouds to cool things down.

Nope- not a cloud in the sky!

As luck would have it, it was a bright, sunny day.  Perfect for just about any activity other than running on a shade-less trail.  But you know what?  I loved it anyway. I ended up going 11 miles, and even that last hot mile was fun.  In a weird, twisted way, of course.


I was feeling that trail run in my quads, so I did a 5 minute core class and a 30 minute yoga flow.  All classes were on Peloton, and the yoga classes were with my yoga bff, Denis Morton.  This particular yoga class is one of my favorites- a twist focus flow from 12/6/20.  I always feel amazing after this class.


I had planned this as a cutback week, so I started the day with a short 2 mile run…

Look at those clouds! Where were they on Sunday?

…followed by a glutes and legs strength class with Matty Maggiacomo, “Lunge-a-Palooza.”  This is one of my favorites- I like lunges!  Followed this class with a 5 minute core class.


One last speed workout before my race.  After a warmup run, I did a combination of 400 and 800 repeats, ending with a mile at 5K pace.  I figured it would be good practice for that last mile of the race- 5Ks are always painful.

My cat was there to greet me when I got home.

Followed this with a 10 minute core class.  This, by the way, is the same class that hurt my neck last week.  I still like the class, but now I sub something else for the v-ups.  No more v-ups for me.

Now- funny thing.  After my shower I was rubbing coconut oil (aka my moisturizer) on my legs and I noticed a VERY tender spot on the inside of my shin.  It felt like shin splints (or in more specific terms, medial tibial stress syndrome.) I didn’t feel it while I was running, but it was sore enough to the touch to raise a big red flag.  Arg!


In addition to the tender spot on my right shin, that calf muscle was also very tight and sore.  What the—?  I didn’t feel any of this while I was running???!! Anyway, I decided to take it easy on my legs.  I did a 5 minute core class, and then a 20 minute upper body strength class.  This was only the second upper body class I’ve ever taken on Peloton.  Crazy, I know.  I’ve been doing pull-ups (assisted, with a band of course) and counting that as upper body.  This was with my favorite strength instructor, Matty, and oh boy… was I sore.  Note to self: you need more upper body classes.   Followed this with a 20 minute yoga flow.


I decided to take an extra day off running, just to be safe.  Because guess what- I’m not missing that race on Monday.  So I did another 5 minute core class, followed by a 20 minute glutes and legs strength class with Matty.  This one is from 12/14/20 and is another favorite.  He incorporates a lot of balance work, AND there are NO plyometrics.  Bonus.  Again, followed by a 20 minute yoga flow.


I started with a 10 minute barre class.  This was my first time trying a barre class, and it was a GREAT warmup for running.  I also walked a little extra to further warm up, and then did a 3 mile run.  The whole time I kept asking myself “Does my shin hurt?  Was that a twinge?”  But overall everything felt good.  Phew.

I planned to do a core class after work, but I completely forgot and took a nap instead.  Later on I was sitting on the couch sipping a beer and thought “Wait a minute!  I was supposed to do a core class.”  But I think it goes without saying that once the beer comes out, workouts are done for the day.


On tap for today…

It’s a mystery!  I usually do my long run on Sunday but I have a race tomorrow.  I would do a short run, but I want to give my shin the extra rest just to be on the safe side.  I’m thinking of a core class (to make up for the beer situation yesterday) and maybe a power yoga class.  And pancakes.  Heh heh.

Are you doing a race this weekend?

Do you have anything special planned for the 4th? – Other than our race, we don’t have anything planned.  People in our neighborhood set off so many fireworks, we can have a nice show just looking out our window (while the poor cats hide under the bed.)

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34 Responses

  1. 11 miles in the sun? Whoa. Hard core.

    Can’t wait to hear about your race tomorrow. I’m sure you will do great or have fun. Hopefully both.

    I also have a 4 miler. I talked a few friends into joining me. So it will be fun. And crowded. I still did my long run. But I know it will be hot and crowded not a race to go fast on.

    Enjoy your holiday. We are boating today instead of tomorrow.

    1. Ha, I like how you put that- “do great OR have fun.” I’ll probably do okay- nothing amazing, but hopefully I’ll run my planned pace. And, it’ll be fun. Races always are!

  2. Enjoy your race!

    Our cats hide at everything, they have been known to jump in the air when I’ve closed a book and vanish when the doorbell rings. Fireworks? They don’t care.

    1. Ha ha, that’s funny! It’s actually just one of our cats that’s so afraid of them. The other one is cautiously interested.

  3. Yes, I do not like it when a race puts the kibbosh on my long run. That’s one thing that I like about holiday races, since they tend to fall mid-week.

    I’m running 4 on the 4th tomorrow! It’s going to be warm, but I had a not-that-bad very hot 8k last weekend, so I’m hoping that I can use that memory to push myself for a race that’s one mile shorter.

  4. I don’t have a race tomorrow but we have a fun group run planned into DC so yes that messed up my schedule this weekend and into the coming week. Runner probs! 🙂 Hope you have lots of fun tomorrow. Matty does have some great upper body classes and those are my favorite too. The random aches and pains are the worst!

    1. Okay, I’ll check out more of Matty’s upper body classes. The one I took was great.
      Enjoy your run tomorrow! A run into DC is perfect for July 4th.

  5. I hope you have a great race!

    Way to go on 11 miles in the sun. Eeeks!

    Glad the shin recovered after a few days of rest. I’ll have to bookmark that glutes class, it sounds right up my alley!

    1. Thank you Jessie! I won’t be running quite as fast as you and I definitely won’t be winning the race… but it should be fun.

  6. Good luck tomorrow! We’ll be twinning…in more ways than one, LOL Aren’t those weird random aches annoying, especially the ones that magically appear from out of nowhere?

    1. Yes, these aches and pains are annoying! Like I need something else to worry about…
      Good luck to you as well tomorrow! Hope the hip feels good. We can compare recaps on Tuesday.

  7. So I did tape my knee for my race today and not a twinge. It felt all comfy. So i don’t think it’s anything serious. I hope your shin behaves itself tomorrow. Good luck!!!

    1. That’s good news! I hope my shin feels “comfy” tomorrow. I’ll be looking forward to your race recap!

  8. Pancakes and a core class – I like that balance and don’t the pancakes count as pre-race carb-loading?

    Interesting on your shin. Fingers crossed nothing more comes of it. I keep poking around my ankle to make sure it’s not sore.

    I hope the 5k goes well!

    1. Yes, I was thinking the same thing- I need to carb load today!
      I’m hoping the shin thing doesn’t turn into anything. We’ll see how it feels after the race!

  9. I have a soft spot for Calicos since one of my first cats was one. LOL at you realizing you were supposed to work your core as you’re sipping a beer. Good decision to take it easy today!

    Good luck tomorrow. I hope you have lots of fun — I’m sure you will. I will be spending the day with my mom, as usual. I used to race on the 4th . . .

    1. It will be fun! Races are always fun (in spite of the pain.)
      Yes, I had a calico growing up and I still love them. We watched a documentary on cats that described calicos as “confident and strong-willed.” That’s definitely our girl!

  10. I hope it goes well for you! It’s been super hot and humid and bug-filled here, so I’m unwilling to go out for a run. Maybe next week? Have a great time!

    1. Thank you! Hmm, hot, humid and bug-filled definitely does not sound appealing. I hope you get some better weather soon.

  11. Totally know what you mean about being thrown off by having a race that doesn’t fall on Saturday or Sunday – it definitely just feels off! A few times I have had evening races and those felt weird too. Good luck tomorrow!

    Those odd aches and pains can be so annoying – glad to hear that it went away as fast as it came.

    1. Yes, I know- I don’t like evening races either. I’m hoping the shin pain is completely gone- I’ll find out tomorrow.

    1. The race was fun! I hope you have a good day Jenn- I know it’s hard right now, but there are still good things about being an American!

  12. No July 4th plans for me…as a Canadian, but we did get to see some fireworks across the lake from my parents home for Canada Day (July 1st).
    Sorry to hear about the shin pain. Ugh. Unfortunate timing, but hope it all goes smoothly tomorrow and you really enjoy the race (and having a MONDAY holiday off!!!)
    Coconut oil is my moisturizer of choice, too. It’s the only thing I use on my face to remove makeup and moisturize.

    1. Thank you Elisabeth! I did enjoy the race and I’m loving my Monday off. Fireworks galore will be starting soon here!

  13. I cannot believe you’re doing 11 miles in this heat! And on a shade-less trail, no less. Hardcore is right! I was going to go for a walk today around noon but the feels-like temp was 100 and the UV index was at a 9 so I was like “nahh,” haha.

    Lunges are my LEAST FAVORITE lower body workout. I will do a million squats over one lunge. Well, maybe not a million but you get my drift! I don’t know why I hate them so much!

    1. Hahaha… well, do NOT do the “lunge-a-palooza” workout! It would be torture for you. I guess i like lunges because there’s a lot of variations- front, back, side, curtsy lunges (those are hard!) Squats just get monotonous for me- I do NOT want to do a million of them!

  14. I thought of you this morning when we had 99% humidity! I was thinking of running until I saw that stat. It was so gross outside! So I did a core/cardio circuit instead. Humidity is just awful! But I know you Floridians acclimate to it and can handle it.

    I hope your race went well and your shin didn’t bother you! I ran 4 miles on Saturday morning and then we headed to the zoo and then to a park after a playdate so I logged over 25k steps!

    We got together with friends yesterday after naptime. My husband’s friend lives on a lake so we end up getting together at their house multiple times during the summer. It was fun to see everyone and their kids. I don’t think we saw this group since last September! I did not see a single firework. I was in bed already both nights so heard them and they prevented me from falling asleep last night, but I wasn’t motivated to get out of bed and watch them! In maybe 3-5 years we’ll be in the firework viewing stage. Right now I view them as an annoyance because they keep me up and then I stress out that my kids will wake up – but luckily they didn’t! So in other words I am not very fun on the 4th of July. 😉

    1. Yes, I remember that phase of being worried the fireworks would wake my kids. Strangely, they would be awake for all sorts of other things but manage to sleep through fireworks.
      Yes, we have the humidity which is awful. But we don’t have any hills or altitude- so there’s that, I guess!

  15. Oh no, I hope your shin and calf pain didn’t act up during your race yesterday. You’ve had a time with injuries, big and small.

    We went on a really fun bike ride, out to lunch with friends, and then had a block party. It was a great day celebrating our Nation’s birthday!

    1. Wow, you did a lot more than I did for the 4th! After running our race we basically sat around lazily for the rest of the day and then watched fireworks from the comfort of our living room (thanks to our neighbors for putting on a show for us.)

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