SIGH. It was a sad, sad week with no running- but I really focused on getting that hamstring healthy again. I got a little more aggressive with my rehab, and switched from pool running to walking because I realized it was better for my mental health.
Thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting this weekly rundown. Here’s how it went!
I started the day with a 50 minute pool run.

As the day went on, my mood got darker and darker. I really was not in a good place, so before dinner I went out for a two mile walk.
AHA! I felt much, much better. Getting outside and moving forward was exactly what I needed. Maybe pool running is better cross training cardio-wise, but I decided walking is the better choice for me, mentally.
Operation “Fix That Hamstring Now”, Day 1. I started off with a 10 minute core class and a 10 minute barre class, then did lower body weights. I didn’t do any lower body Peloton classes this week because I felt like I needed to be more specific with the exercises I chose.
I did hamstring curls by tying a weight to my lower leg, then lay on my stomach on the bed and lifted my foot towards my butt. I started with five pounds just to make sure I wasn’t hurting anything, then switched to ten pounds. It was kind of a clunky setup, but it worked. And then I did squats with my 35 pound dumbbell. This was a weight increase for me (when I do the Peloton workouts I’ve been using two 15 pound dumbbells) and it felt good. I know, I know… if I were at the gym that’s not even the weight of the bar. I’m getting there!
Once again I started the day with a 10 minute barre class and 10 minute core class. THEN I walked 3 miles. I have to admit when I started my leg was a little achy, but once I got going everything felt great.
After work I did a 15 minute arms and shoulders workout with my favorite Peloton instructor, Matty.
Started with barre and core again, then did my homemade hamstring curl routine. Followed by sumo squats and split squats- everything felt good.
Once again started with a barre class- I’m on a barre streak!- and then a 3 mile walk.

I planned to do another upper body strength class after work but I came home with a headache and took a nap instead. Leaving those workouts till later is always a tricky thing!
Do you know Bob and Brad? They’re the most famous physical therapists on the internet (in their opinion, of course.) They have all sorts of great Youtube videos. I first found them when I was looking for help with my plantar fasciitis, and I went back to see if they had any hamstring advice. They do! I watched one of their hamstring videos (they have many) and one of their exercises was very, very similar to the “Runners Touch” exercise which I’ve mentioned before.

I started with Bob and Brad’s modified version, but by the third set I moved on to the full Runner’s Touch, which is GREAT for hamstrings, hips, and foot strength (because you’re balancing on one leg.) I always forget about the Runner’s Touch, and every time I come back to it I wonder why I don’t just do it all the time!
Anyway, followed this with sumo squats, regular squats and split squats. I’m not really sure if my hamstring is better (I won’t know for sure until I try to run) but I’m definitely getting some good glutes and leg workouts this week. Oh, and I also did core and barre.
Well, I slept in and broke my barre streak. I work on Saturday mornings so if I sleep in till 7:30, that means I’m not working out. But! After work I declared it an Upper Body Emergency- it’s hard for me to really care much about upper body, but I know I need it and I had only done one short workout this week. So I did another one of Matty’s arms and shoulder classes, followed by core.
The big day! I’m going to try running. Everything feels good, but in my experience that can be deceiving. I won’t really know until I start running. Hopefully it will go well, but if you don’t hear anything from me you’ll know I’m spending the day in my room, sobbing quietly.
Fingers crossed!
If you feel like sharing it, how heavy are your weights for lower body? – Years ago when I worked with a trainer, I was lifting in the gym with plates on the bar. Not anything extremely heavy, but heavier than I’m doing now. I’m thinking I need to get back to that.
Do you like walking? – I never used to, but I’ve really been appreciating my walks lately.
43 Responses
Another barre streaker! I love Bob and Brad and they have some great videos and exercises. Have you tried running w a compression sleeve? That did help me w my hamstring. I feel you on the walking outside for the psychological benefits. I hope your run went ok today
I haven’t tried a compression sleeve but I’ll look into it. I’ve been taking some of your other advice and using the hypervolt (same idea as a theragun) at work every day.
I love walking and, frankly, am always surprised when some runners shun its benefits. I grew to really love, appreciate and respect walking after my knee surgery. I wasn’t allowed to run (and I wasn’t into biking, yet, at the time), so I walked…every day and a lot.
I’ll admit I didn’t used to like walking. But… things change! I still wouldn’t ever choose it over running, but it’s a good alternative if you need it.
I love Bob and Brad! I think they are spot on with their videos. I agree with you on walking as a substitute for running. I did a ton of walking and hiking last year as I recovered from my broken ankle and foot. The pool running worked well to keep the running muscles moving, but I couldn’t do it more than twice a week. And I think you know I lift heavy for my lower body. I used to get injured all the time until I started working with a strength coach. I would never lift this heavy on my own, lol
Yes, you’re one of my big inspirations for strength training. But I would actually be afraid to start lifting too much heavier without a coach. I’m thinking about it.
Yes, I remember your hiking adventures when you broke your foot! I can see how amazing that must have felt.
Fingers crossed. And toes.
My chiro got rid of my hubby’s hamstring issue. His was worse. Purple and ugly. He couldn’t even walk.
I do like walking. Of course it’s only went I can’t run that day.
It’s been hot. Lucky you with a pool
Ugh, your husband’s hamstring issue sounds AWFUL. I’m trying to avoid going to the doctor (at least for now) because I’m still reeling from the amount I spent on those shockwave treatments for my foot (grr!).
Yes, I agree I’m lucky to have a pool. But I haven’t been in it all week, which i know seems kind of crazy.
I LOVE to walk. Always have. Moving forward is a good feeling. But I’m not quite as driven a cardio people as many of the bloggers. Still I’m glad that you’re enjoying your walks & fingers are crossed that you are not sobbing.
My heaviest weight is 21 pounds and frankly, I don’t use it at all any more. I probably should. Years ago I also worked out with a trainer, and I was definitely liftin much heavier. But I also wasn’t 60. 🙂
No, no sobbing today, although I also wasn’t exactly laughing with glee. Somewhere in the middle.
Trainers definitely push us! I don’t see myself working with a trainer in the near future, but I definitely need to push myself more.
Oh, Jenny, sorry about the hammie…I hope the run felt better today. It seems like you’re doing the right things! Walking is a great option- I’ve been walking 2-3 times more here, of course with the dogs, but also just because we don’t have a car, and its a walking city! I love it. But need to wear comfy shoes 🙂
I don’t do a ton of heavy lifting, most of mine is 5-15 pounds. The gym in our temp flat is in kilograms and I just go by what feels right.
Have a great week!
Oh, ha ha, kilograms would screw me up! On the other hand, I guess if I lived there I would finally learn the metric conversions.
Yes, I read how much walking you’re doing there- it sounds incredible.
Oh Jenny, sending you big hugs. I can see in that photo at the top that you are very sad. I am going to share something one of my (senior) students said to me when I injured my hip and was limping. I said that I had injured it running and he said “RUNNING? Why would you RUN? What is wrong with walking quickly? You get to the same place, it just takes longer.” It made me laugh and I still think of it all the time. Of course, runners get the runner’s high, but walking quickly is pretty nice too and you can notice things that you don’t while you’re running, like flowers. Too long, didn’t read, I like walking as well as running. Getting those miles in, even though walking, is really great to help rehab injuries IN MY NON-PROFESSIONAL OPINION. Anyway, hugs to you, because as I’ve said before I know what it’s like to be laid up and GOD IT IS AWFUL.
Lower body weights: I do two 15 pound dumbbells for most things. When I started strength training I think I used 5! Right now I feel kind of topped out at that, but who knows. I haven’t strength trained in TWO WEEKS and I’m back at it today, so we shall see how this goes.
Oh, I’ll bet that first workout back will make you sore!
I doubt I’ll ever like walking as well as running. My sister has the same opinion as that student- she doesn’t understand why I don’t just stop running, walk instead and be done with all these injuries. But… I just love running. I guess it’s hard to understand if you don’t (some people really hate running.) But I do agree with you- walking is a great temporary substitute and it’s good to keep the bloodflow moving to all the muscles.
I hope everything gets back to normal quickly and today’s run went well. Yes, as a dog owner I get two walks a day, and it really does help to improve my mood and I think that it’s very beneficial for runners. Pool running might be “better” cardio but if it makes you miserable then there’s no point.
I’m kind of on the same path as you that I’d like to get more quality weight training back into my fitness life. I did a Caroline Girvan 30 minute full body dumbbell workout on Youtube this week and really liked it – and also got really sore the next day and had to take some time off from all exercise.
Yes, it will make you sore! But I’ve found that the more consistent you are, the less sore you’ll be. Unless you do something new, then you’ll be sore all over again.
I hope your run today went smoothly and without any issues. Fingers crossed indeed!
I’ve watched many Bob and Brad videos over the years, both for myself and for planning workouts with clients in post-rehab.
Yes, I would imagine it would be very helpful for dealing with clients. I’m going to start recommending them to some of mine.
Fingers crossed that your run went well today!
LOL on an upper body emergency. I try not to neglect my upper body for too long — my push-up strength disappears quickly.
The heaviest weights I own are 20s. 😉 Sometimes I struggle using them for squats, though, feeling a strain in my back, which is a sign my form isn’t quite right.
Hmm! One of the things I don’t like about the Peloton classes is that you pretty much use the same weights throughout. But my ability to squat, deadlift, and lunge varies weight-wise. I’m about to move up to 20 lb dumbbells, but I don’t think I can use them for lunges.
I hope today’s run went well for you! Hooray for an aggressive rehab. I love Bob and Brad. They are voices of reason and hilarious at the same time. I used to work with a strength coach I lovingly named Lucifer. I still lift pretty heavy at least once a week. Think 200# squats.
WHAT. I’ve noticed you lift “heavy” once a week and I was wondering what that meant. Holy crap. I’m laughing at my squats with 35 pounds… to be honest I’m not sure I could ever get to 200. But I can still slowly work my way up.
I’m a big fan of walking – as you mentioned, there’s something in the psychology of moving forward. Keeping my fingers crossed that your run went well today!
Yes- actually moving forward in space makes a huge difference.
I actually really enjoy walking, but I don’t do it as often as I used too. When the pandemic first hit, I would take 30-45 minute walks during my lunch break. Maybe I can get that going again once the weather cools off a bit.
I hope that your run today went well. Nursing an injury can be so frustrating 🙁
Oh, it’s frustrating all right! Luckily I can walk. I also did extra walks during the pandemic while my work was closed- it was nice to get out of the house for a while.
Bob and Brad have talked me through many of my injuries!! They have great videos. I’m sorry your hammies are giving you such problems. Those are the worst 🙁 I hope the run went well and the detailed rehab plan works!
Meh. Rehab is still ongoing. Yes, I love Bob and Brad- I’m going to watch some more of their videos. They’ve got a bunch of hamstring ones.
Good luck with your rehab! I really hope you start to feel better soon. At least you have pool running for fitness! I started to appreciate it walking when I was pregnant and now enjoy it on occasion especially when I have some time alone or with the stroller/baby.
Thank you Melissa! I’ve never been a huge fan of walking, but I’m definitely appreciating it these days.
All the best with your rehab!
Walking is my main form of exercise and has been for years; my favourite is when I walk with my best friend. The time flies and we walk very quickly (and generally, quite far). It’s like killing two birds with one stone – social time and exercise.
We live in a very walkable town, too, so a lot of walking happens without much thinking. Like walking the kids to school each day!
That said, I find walking time-consuming which is why I do still try to fit in regular running. It feels so much more efficient.
I agree with everything you just said- I’ve really been enjoying my walks, but noticing how long it takes compared to running! i’m definitely lucky though that I have some nice places to walk.
I do way more walking since having kids! I never really walked before having kids but now it’s part of most days if the weather cooperates. I did run with the stroller on Saturday and it was so freaking hard! So I really try to avoid stroller runs if I absolutely can.
When doing lower body stuff, I either use 10 or 15 lb weights, it kind of varies. I really need to get back to strength training. I haven’t found a program I like so I have been running on days when I have time to work out (or make time to work out, I should say… although I would have to get up at 5 to workout on days I go into the office which is sooo not appealing to me!).
I hope your run went ok!! Fingers crossed!
Have you considered Peloton? It’s really not that much for the basic membership. And there’s a huge variety of workouts.
I ran with the stroller SO MUCH when my son was little- I don’t miss those days.
I will have to consider peloton as I’m having a hard time finding a program I am excited about on BB! It sounds like there are lots of different workouts. I do like having a program to follow that tells me what workouts to do so I don’t have to choose them myself. I know I need to get back to strength training soon but figure I will give myself the rest of summer to lean into running since it’s our prime season here!
Stroller running is SO HARD. 4 miles is the longest run I’ve done. My sister does super long runs with her daughter in a stroller. She had a crappy running stroller until this summer when she got a 2nd hand bob and now she sees what I am talking about when I say how superior a well-designed running stroller is!
Peloton does have some programs you can follow, but they tend to be short, like 2-4 weeks long, and they’ll usually focus on one thing like arms or core. I know what you mean about wanting a longer-term program. My coworker was just telling me about something like that- it’s an online program that she loves and I can’t remember the name. I’ll find out and let you know.
For years, I walked five miles a day. I just love being outside and seeing what’s new in my neighborhood. I started to get a tiny bit obsessive about it, so I eventually stopped tracking, but I still get out a fair amount, especially since we have a dog who likes to be walked regularly.
It depends on what type of lower-body exercise it is, but I use anywhere from 7.5 to 15 pounds. I’d really like to increase that, so I’ve actually changed where I workout to another room with a weight set where it’s easier to change weights and I’m more likely to use heavier weights. We’ll see how it goes.
Okay, we’ll check in with each other and see how the weight increase is going!
I’m so glad you were able to shake yourself out of that negative head space and find something that works for you. I swear by walking. It’s the oldest workout around!
I don’t have anything heavier than 12 lbs at home. I was thinking about asking for a bar and weight bench on my buy nothing page and seeing what comes through.
That’s actually a great idea- people buy stuff like that and then realize they’re never going to use it. They might be looking to get rid of it!
I’m sure I’ve done their lower back rehab! Which I need again after three days of a lot of sitting in plastic stadium seats slightly twisted round at the Commonwealth Games sessions I’ve attended … Hope things are on the mend.
Thank you Liz! It’s coming along- slowly but surely.
Walking is great. It’s not my ‘preferred’ form of exercise, but I’ll take it (whenever possible/necessary). I am glad you’re trying to stay active through all your hamstring woes.