Oof! After two nice, calm weeks, I was reminded in no uncertain terms that oh yes- I have two kids who suddenly had enormous needs. My daughter started camp, and the logistics of getting her back and forth were much more complicated than school. My son had to get ready for a summer music festival in Tennessee, and also… we bought a car! I still managed to squeeze in most of my workouts. Thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting the Weekly Rundown. Let’s just see what the week was like…
A long run! I decided to leave my hydration vest at home, and get my water from some water fountains instead. In order to make sure I got my water, I ended up running a little longer than planned- that’s okay, I’m happy to run 10.5 miles!
In spite of my best intentions, I didn’t get out as early as I wanted- why is that so hard for me? But the heat didn’t really get to me. I was aware that it was hot, but felt strong for the whole run. I’m hoping this means I’m acclimated to the heat now.
My yoga day! I did a 30 minute yoga flow, as always on Peloton with Denis Morton.
My “run sandwich” ended up being open-faced today. I started with a 20 minute glutes and legs strength class with Matty Maggiacomo, and then did a two mile run. Normally I finish with another strength class, but had to transport my daughter to camp and then get to work. I hoped to do another strength class after work, but we ended up buying a car.
Yes, we just thought this was the perfect time to purchase a car. JUST KIDDING. It’s probably the worst time in the history of cars to buy a car, but a year ago we told our son we would get him a car for his sophomore year, not realizing how difficult it would be. Well, he organized his life on the assumption that he would have a car, arranging to live in an apartment off campus, so we felt we needed to follow through.
After much searching and gnashing of teeth, we found a 2019 Kia Soul with reasonably low mileage that was mysteriously in our price range. When we went to look at the car, the mystery was solved- it has several dents and some rust. Someone really treated this car roughly! The interior was nice and the engine is in great shape, but my husband felt a car with that many dents shouldn’t cost that much.
Well… after pricing other cars for a week, we decided a few dents never hurt anyone! Luckily the car was still available, so we bought it. My son doesn’t care that it’s dented- he’s more interested in the interior (it’s roomy enough for his 6’5″ frame and it connects to Apple car play.) He has his priorities!

Speed work! After a mile warm up, I ran 3 x 1 mile at 5K pace. I wrote some thoughts about pace here. As usual, the negative thoughts threatened to take me down- in the middle of the second mile I was thinking “Why am I training for a race, anyway? I’m not an Olympic athlete! Maybe I should just run for fun instead.”
In the beginning of the third mile I wanted to quit, but I was ready this time. Here’s what I’ve discovered: It doesn’t work to try to reason the negative thoughts away. If I argue with myself, the voice that wants to quit will always win. Instead I have to focus on something else so the negative thoughts don’t get in. This time, I used one of my favorite mantras: “I’m strong, I’m good at this, I can do it.” I repeated that over and over again. I also focused on getting just to the next telephone pole, then the next one, then the next one. I felt like I was slowing down, but kept pushing and when my watch beeped for the mile (thank God, finally!) I was right on pace.
I felt really good about this run, and then did my favorite Rebecca Kennedy core class.
I have a favorite 30 minute Matty Maggiacomo glutes and legs strength class- but today I did his 20 minute class from 7/29/21, and it’s now my favorite of his 20 minute classes. He calls this class “Lunge-a-palooza.” and I like lunges! I also did pull-ups, and a 5 minute core class. THEN, I did a Denis Morton’s 20 minute yoga flow from 9/1/21. I chose this class randomly, but out of sheer luck it turned out to be the perfect class to do after Lunge-a-palooza. It was a hip opener class, with pigeon and lizard poses- lots of great stretches.
Started the day with a nice, easy three mile run…
…followed by a Jess Sims core class. Then, the insanity began. I worked all day, and meanwhile my son was supposed to be packing for his festival. I arrived home to find the entire living room in disarray, with the suitcase open and empty and clothes everywhere. But, we had no time for that because we had to drive up to my daughter’s camp to hear her concert.
Proud parent moment! It was a music camp, and she played guitar in a jazz band. It was the first time she performed an improvised solo. Okay, she didn’t sound like a professional musician, but she’s only thirteen! I was so touched by all the kids who were brave enough to stand up in front of an audience and play an improvised jazz solo- it brought tears to my eyes. I love these concerts.
On the drive home, the conversation went something like this: (son) “Mom, where are those extra long twin sheets I brought to the FSU camp five years ago?” (me) “I don’t know! Why?” “Well, I need to bring them to Tennessee tomorrow.” GAAAH! We were up until midnight packing.
The alarm went off at 4:15 am. I’m wondering why every time my son leaves, we have to add insult to injury by making it a horrendously early flight. I put together his breakfast and lunch, and saw him off- luckily my husband drove him to the airport. I went back to bed for a little, and then got up to do another 20 minute glutes and legs strength class- Matty’s recent Pride class. It was another good one with more lunges (and squats.) I followed this with a 5 minute core class- I was VERY cautious with my core classes this week and didn’t sustain any strange ailments or injuries. Then I went to work.
I had every intention of doing another yoga class after work- but I ended up falling into a coma-nap (I wonder why?) Oh well… sleep is an important recovery tool, right???
On tap… a long run, ten miles planned.
Considering everything, it was a good week. I was happy with my runs and lower body strength. I only did one upper body session (the pull-ups) and I wish I had gotten in another yoga class. Next week will be easier!
How was your week? Are you getting acclimated to the summer heat?
Was it a calm week or a busy week for you? – At least you can’t say our week was boring!
36 Responses
Such a busy week! I thought that summer was supposed to be lazy and hazy, lol! Sounds like you scored a good deal on the car. My son has a beater that he uses. This week he told me it needs new brake pads–can’t have him driving around with bad brakes, right? It’s always something!
Glad to see you got all your workouts in!
Oh yes- it’s always something.
The first two weeks of summer WERE lazy and hazy! I got lulled into a false sense of security. It should be easier from now on… for a while.
I also never seem to get out as early as I should in the summer heat. I am having a rough time acclimating on top of the jet lag this week. I am hoping that all gets better this week. Nice job getting in some solid workouts despite your hectic schedule. Your son looks happy w his car!
He’s very happy! Yes, I would imagine the heat and the jet lag combined were pretty hard to deal with. Next week will be better!
Summer one day and fall the next.
Kids are grown so not much drama in my house.
Still traveling for work did complicate my life.
Yes, I would say traveling for work made your life complicated! At least you didn’t have kid drama on top of that.
We fought the battle of Thing 1 wanting a car at college and we managed to hold her off, because parking and traffic in Atlanta is completely off the leash, and her job is within an easy walk. That said, I hope your son enjoys many happy miles with his new wheels. Congrats to your daughter on her solo! I feel the same way about watching kids perform. So amazing! I did Matty’s Pride lower body workout as well. Love him!
Yes, Matty is great! My current favorite for glutes and legs. If there had been a reasonable way to talk my son out of getting a car, we would have done it. Unfortunately all the ammunition was on his side- he really needs one since he’ll be living off campus. Oh well- at least we got that over with.
Woohoo on the new wheels for your son. That was no small feat to pull off IN ADDITION TO packing him up for the summer and getting your daughter to camp. And a full week of fitness on top of that! This is next level.
Ha, well I’m ready for a little break. This next week will feel like a vacation compared to that.
Just substitute husband for son . . . .
I never had in car in college, so he is lucky! Although my brother did. The middle child who always complained he got nothing and the girls got everything.
I have great difficulty getting my butt out the door early, too, even though I’m up early. If it were as hot here as it is there, I’d do it though! I would never feel “strong” in the heat you deal with.
Congrats to your daughter! I spent quite a few years at music camp (far, far away so my parents didn’t visit) & thoroughly enjoyed it.
Ha ha.. I think my daughter would like to go to a music camp far away!
Yes, my son is lucky. We did make it clear that this is the only car we’ll ever buy him! After this, he’s on his own.
Congrats to your son on his new car. He must be super happy!
Don’t hate me, but it’s 59° with very low humidity here this morning (Friday was very hot and extremely humid, though).
Yes, I’m reading about everyone having a nice cool weekend- I’m jealous!
We had record-setting heat on Friday and started today in the upper 50s, so there’s no acclimating to anything!
It is a tough time to be buying a car, but also a bad time to be buying a house, which is what my daughter is doing. Couldn’t the Fed have held off on raising interest rates a few more weeks???
We just made plans to visit her, and have 7 am flights coming and going. ~sigh~
Oh yes- the only thing worse than buying a car right now is buying a house. My friends just went through that. They found something, it’s just a lot harder.
Wow, you’re back to running full force, great to read Jenny!
Congrats on the new car! I have heard that the used car market is nuts right now…
Thanks Jessie- yes, don’t buy a car right now! And yes, my running is get back up there. I’m happy for my long runs!
You had a busy week! Great job getting it all; and yes, sleep is very important for recovery. I agree that kids logistics can be so difficult at times. I have been enjoying summer and sleeping and sleeping in later than I usually can when they are off on the bus.
Well, you’ve got three LITTLE kids! I seriously don’t know how you do it. I didn’t run as much as you are when my kids were little.
Our son was a very accomplished saxophone player, and he often had solos in jazz band (in middle school), But, then he entered high school, and his interest in all things band dramatically faded. He stayed in band through graduation, but he gave up jazz band. It was disheartening to me, but I had to respect his wishes. I need to checkout that Lunge A-Palooza class. Ugh, my balance-challenged body detests lunges, but that’s probably why I need to do them more often, right?
Yes! That’s part of why I like lunges- it’s strength and balance together. I don’t always do them perfectly, but I try.
I get it about your son- it’s frustrating when their hopes and dreams don’t coincide with ours! But in the end, it’s up to them.
I only have one child and he keeps me busy. You are like super Mom. Very nice exercise week. I feel you on those mile workouts…they are so hard, but way to push through.
Oh, I don’t know… I can be a lazy mom sometimes! This past week I had no choice.
We bought our son a car too – or at least I think we did, it hasn’t arrived yet. Hopefully soon. What a crazy time to be buying a car!
That sounds like such a busy and kind of exhausting week week. I love those concerts and performances by kids. Sounds like yours was great!
Yes, it’s a crazy time! We never really planned to get a Kia, but it turned out to be a great solution. Yes, the week was exhausting- this week feels so quiet and peaceful by comparison.
Wow. What a week indeed. I keep praying our car does not die on us. It’s a 2011 and has a lot of miles, but I do NOT want to go car shopping right now.
Congrats to your daughter on her musical performance.
Early morning flights are the worst and I find packing to be such a stressful chore. We always, always pack minimally but still I feel like it takes FOREVER.
Also, that first picture (which I assume is from your 10.5 mile run) looks…wonderful. You look contented, the sky is blue, the grass on the trail is green…it looks like it could be the cover of a running magazine.
I had two polar opposite running experiences over the last week. My best run of 2022 on Saturday (7 km, but I felt like I could have done 10). Every step felt wonderful. Then Sunday I had my worst run of 2022. Everything felt like it was dipped in concrete – my arms, legs, core. Ugh. Usually when I hit the 2 km mark things start to feel better and I’m loosened up. I ran 6 km through gritted teeth and hated every minute of it (like really, really hated it), but there is a unique satisfaction in finishing a horrible run.
Oh wow, you had your best and worst runs in the same weekend! I wonder why… it can be such a mystery. Yes, there’s definitely satisfaction in fighting through and finishing!
Wow, well done to you for getting all that done with all the other stuff!! Also well done for banishing those negative thoughts – a good one to try.
Yes, that mantra has helped me a lot. I got it years ago from a spin instructor!
So much is going on!!!!
I feel like we are driving A EVERYWHERE. The good news is that he volunteers/works near Mr PugRunner’s office, so that’s helpful. But yes. He’s off here, there, and everywhere and it is a lot!
Congrats on the car. When we had to buy our Altima, I told Mr PugRunner that it would be good for A in a few years. I think he really wants to go through the whole used process, but this will be used by the time A gets his license, and with the expense of cars and repairs, I would rather do it this way. It’s not fancy, but it gets from Point A to Point B, and that’s what matters.
Yes, it’s a hard phase where they’re super busy but not driving yet. It’s good you have a car plan for A! He’ll be driving that Altima before you know it.
Oof, that is a busy and hectic week! Congrats to your daughter for improvising. That is really tricky to do. I remember having to do that in junior high jazz band and I found it so stressful! Give me notes to follow!
I got some nice solo runs in while we were at my parents. It’s not the most scenic place to run and it’s got some tough hills, but I ran 3 miles faster than I normally do so maybe I am getting stronger? Florida-like heat and humidity has arrived here, though, and we are not acclimated to it! It was 100 yesterday and humid so we were barely outside! I opted to do a lower body beach body workout instead of running. Things should improve starting tomorrow, though. We have the craziest swings in temperatures. I mean it can be -20 in the winter and then 100+ in the summer! Hopefully things settle into the 80s to low 90s!
I know- you guys really do have crazy weather. At least here it’s hot and stays hot, so we know what to expect. Yes, hopefully you’ll have some normal summer weather for a while- 80s would be nice!
Here I am, with a daughter who will be a senior this fall, thinking she’ll be off to school and life will calm down, when you remind me that mothering NEVER ends! Ha!
Ah! Well, I hate to tell you this but my son’t senior year definitely left me with many more gray hairs. The college application process was SO STRESSFUL. Maybe (I hope) it will be a little easier for you. Good luck!