walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown- Baby Steps

Hi there!  Welcome to the Weekly Rundown, hosted by Kim and Deborah (thanks as always for hosting, ladies!)  This felt like our first official week of summer, and I have some big plans!  I want to work on strength and speed… but my #1 priority is to NOT GET INJURED.  As you will see, I started things off with that in mind.


First run back after my race!  My right hip was still feeling cranky but I decided to try 2 miles.  It felt good!  I followed it up with some planking, including side planks.  I’ve decided that side planks are my new thing!


Back to the gym!  I hadn’t done lower body strength in over two weeks, and I hit it pretty hard.  I started on the Stairmaster for 10 minutes to warm up, then did Bulgarian split squats, single leg RDLs, squats with the bar, and ended with side planks.  Everything felt good, but my legs were shaking by the end.


Ah.  I woke up to that VERY SPECIAL FEELING, the one you only get the day after leg day (after not doing legs for two weeks.) My legs and hips were SO SORE, I literally couldn’t sit down or get back up without groaning out loud.  I went for a 3 mile run, and while I was running the pain mysteriously disappeared, only to reappear the moment I stopped (why does that happen??)

Sleeping in a little = a HOT run.


My grand plans to do side planks every day immediately vanished- my legs were so sore, I couldn’t even imagine it.


Still sore!  I did a total body workout from Sally McRae’s app- focusing more on upper body.  There are some lunges, which I did with very light weights.  Ouch.


STILL sore!  (Or, sore all over again?) But I reported to the gym for some speed work on the treadmill.

Yes, this is one of my goals for the summer.  I started off VERY cautiously- after a warmup, I did intervals of one minute of running at a pace faster than normal, but not quite at my 5K pace.  At least, I HOPE this isn’t my 5K pace, but I really have no idea.  If I ran a 5K right now I would probably run way too fast for the first mile and then collapse by the side of the road.  So what I’m saying is- speed work is definitely needed, but I have to ease into it.

I actually like speed work on the treadmill- or, put another way, the treadmill and speed work were made for each other.  I ran a total of 3.5 miles and then did some ab work.


OFF!  My legs were happy for a rest.


On tap- “long”-er run with “hills.”  This is another thing I’m implementing, but have to ease into.  I’m determined to get some hill work in this summer, so the plan is to go to a nearby park with a cross country trail.  I’ll run on the trail- 4 or 5 miles for this week- and then go out to the road where there’s a very slight hill, which will probably feel like a mountain to me.  I’ll run up and down it a few times and call it a day.  Once again- baby steps!

How was your week?  Do you feel like summer has started?

Do you have any special training plans for the summer?

Top photo by Simon Infanger on Unsplash

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42 Responses

  1. Oof I know that post-leg-day soreness. It’s kind of a good feeling because you know you worked your body very hard but it’s also painful. We have stairs in our house so that is where I really feel the post-leg-day soreness.

    I think I found a 10 mile race. It’s around the lake that Phil’s mom lives close to. They have a 10 and 20 mile race. The 20 miler is one I have done when I ran the twin cities marathon. The race is 3 weeks before the marathon so it’s designed for those running as their 20 mile training run in a race format. I have done the 10 mile at least one time and Phil has done it too. I haven’t pulled the trigger on registering though. I am kind of scared to commit which makes no sense as I am up to 6 miles for my long run so surely I can get to 10 by mid/late September!

    It does feel like summer here! School gets out this Friday and then all the wading pools will open and then it will really feel like summer. I am ready for it as I love summer in Minnesota!!

    1. Lisa, you will DEFINITELY be ready for a 10 mile race in September. Register right now!
      Yes, there’s a part of me that likes the post-leg day soreness, but I think if I had stairs in my house I would be cursing.

      1. I signed up earlier today. It was kind of silly to not just do it! I’ll be ready and it’s not like I am looking to PR (which I most certainly won’t – which is fine/unimportant).

  2. I feel like I’m taking it easy. I do want to walk more. Maybe I should get a dog.

    I only use the arm and hip machines at the gym. But my weeks in NYC will mess up all my fitness plans this summer. Sigh.

    1. I don’t know anything about the hotels you stay in when you travel for work- do any of them have a gym? I agree- travel is hard on a training plan.Well, you’ll be doing plenty of walking at least when you’re in NYC.

      1. yes on the gym but I have to get up so early to catch the subway to Jamaica… and I go to bed too late.

  3. Haha I was sort after like a GENTLE workout with super light weights. Ahh well, gotta (re)start from somewhere! I am impressed that you lifted heavy just a few days after your race! I needed a solid week of very light training. But ultras may be a different type of recovery (less full out max pace running more endurance?).

    I do know what you mean about soreness disappearing during a run and coming back!!

    Also, I HATE the treadmill which is sort of a surprise to me (I used to run 80% on the treadmill in my 20s!). Somehow I have grown to hate it more the more I run!? I use it for a) hills when no other option and b) if there’s lightning actively happening near me and that’s pretty much it.

    1. It was more like a week and a couple days after my race- but even then, maybe it was too soon? It all worked out okay, but I was sore all week after that workout.
      I’m more likely to embrace the treadmill in the heat of summer (the gym has AC!) But I know what you mean. Ideally I’d love to do speedwork on a track.

  4. I love side planks! Ugh, I feel you on that lower-body stuff. I have slacked on focused lower-body strength lately (though there has been a lot of stairwork and cycling). I’m gonna be penguin walking later this week (because I NEED to get back to the lower-body stuff). I’ll try to keep my groaning on silent mode…

  5. Side planks are awesome! And ah yes, that special feeling when sitting on the toilet is an ordeal.

    My fitness for the past week on vacation has been “bike whenever I feel like it”. I’m staying right next to a bike trail! I’ve loved it, but I’m kind of ready to get back to normal life.

  6. Oh, that leg day soreness! Deliciously awful. I often find that it’s worse the second day after a leg day, which is so odd. Your assertion that side planks are your new thing has me very interested! I am TERRIBLE at side planks, but would like to get better at them. Hope your trail and hill running goes great today!

    1. Thanks Suzanne! Yes, side planks are hard. But I think they’re really good for you- I’m trying to work up to side planks with a leg lift (where you lift the top leg.) I used to be able to do those, but I can’t right now.

  7. I agree that the tread and speed work go together — I have a hard time not doing speed intervals on the tread!

    Glad your hip pain is going away.

    1. The hip pain comes and goes- I’m ignoring it for now. And yes- the treadmill is sooooo boring unless you can do some sort of intervals.

  8. Isn’t it funny how those lower body workouts get you so sore after missing a few days!? Just shows how different they are from running! Not getting injured is always my priority. I really got into doing hill repeats last year and loved/hated them. Good training

  9. It feels like summer here and I am HERE FOR IT! Today Rexie and I are going for a hike up a local mountain and then I think I’ll take a bike ride. I wanted to do that yesterday but we are staining our deck, we had a surprise visitor, etc. etc. Life gets so busy with fun things in the summer! I love it.

    1. Well- it could be dangerously hot. But we’ve made it through every summer so far. We can make it through this one!

  10. I came in from my walk with the dog this morning and exclaimed “I love June!” with much more enthusiasm than was warranted. It was PERFECT. The sun was up, I didn’t need a coat, I could wear sandals. This is the IDEAL SUMMER DAY. I mean, June isn’t really my favorite month. It rains too much, the temperature is too variable to be predictable, and I want to go swimming, but the water is still too cold. BUT. It IS summer and I’m so grateful for the long days that I feel like I need to pinch myself every morning.

    1. Aw! I’m glad for you! June is not a great month in Florida, but I remember those early summer days from my youth- they’re the best.

  11. Hehehe…I too had prolonged DOMS this week. My Monday lower body extravaganza still had me groaning on Friday. I feel pretty good today–finally–so we’ll see how it goes on Wednesday when I lace up again.

    We don’t get the heat that you do and I still complain about running in it. It just feels so much more comfortable when it’s cooler. That’s all I’m saying. lol

    1. I honestly just can’t even think about the heat right now. It’s going to be so hot here, for so long. If I start complaining now I’ll lose my mind in a couple months (I’ll reserve my complaining for September and October.)

  12. Glad to hear your hip felt ok for the two miles!And I always forget that side planks exist. i need to get back on those – I’ve just gotten back into planking and need to add some side ones to my repertoire. I prefer the regular ones though just because I can look at my phone at the same time. It’s harder with side planks – not a good angle!

  13. “Sleeping in a little = a HOT run.” <– I can relate to this so much. I am trying to let myself sleep in once a week but it's Saturdays right now = run day and that always makes for hot runs.

    1. Yes, it’s always a tradeoff! I had a hot run yesterday because I chose to sleep in a LITTLE. I mean, it was Sunday! I didn’t want to get up at the crack of dawn.

  14. I was back to some strength training this week and my legs were sore for 3 days, not fun but I’ve gone through it so many times that I know I just need to endure it.
    my training is the routine now, run 5-6 times, try to strength train 2-3 times, yoga 1-2 times. nothing crazy but to keep my sanity and fitness level stable. my next race is October, half in Perth, so still long time until serious training kick in. now into building the base which my coach is taking it seriously as a non-training week reached 50+ miles. oh well. fortunately I enjoyed it.

    1. I’m impressed that you’re doing strength training while running 50+ miles a week. I mean, i know we all need it but it’s so hard to fit it all in!

  15. Your plans for summer training sound like a great way to mix it up and keep yourself running through the hot months without having to do tons of long runs!

    It definitely feels like summer here — we had our first excessive heat warning of the year last week and I started my long run on Saturday at 7:30 am which is early for me for a weekend — usually I’m not getting started until after 10 but by the time I finished yesterday just after 11 it was already 97 so the early start was much needed and I probably should have started even earlier!

    My training for the summer is to get me ready for my mountain marathon next month so most of my long runs are up in the mountains to prepare for the altitude and get as much elevation gain in as I can! I love verty trails so this is fun but I’m also reminding myself that these trails take more time so it’s ok if I focus my training more on time on feet than hitting a certain distance.

    1. Yes, I heard about the excessive heat warning in AZ and thought of you!
      And… they always say you should focus on time on feet if you’re doing a lot of vert, rather than miles. All that vert and the altitude sound SO HARD to me!!!

  16. Oh I liked your comments about post leg day soreness! Last week I did walking lunges and probably did around 100 unweighted… and I was sore for 5 days. This was my first leg day in the gym since pre-covid (and 3 babies) so 5 days of discomfort isn’t so bad. I also went for a shake-out jog on day 2 and felt fine, it’s always weird to me how “walk it off” is actually legit advice!

    I’m excited to watch your speed work and side plank goals progress.

    1. HA! You did 100 walking lunges… and this was your first leg day in YEARS. I would imagine you were very, very sore. But it’s incredible how we adapt. In a few months you could probably do that and not be sore at all…. our bodies are amazing.

  17. I used to prefer doing speedwork on the treadmill, and my husband still prefers it, but I like to get outside and do it so I’m not forcing the pace. But this summer, I will not be doing ANY speedwork to prepare for Berlin unless I am somehow miraculously feeling great. And, my Dr said to avoid hills too, so we’ve got opposite goals right now! I don’t want to brag but I did 10 mins of PT exercises (one of which was a deadlift) and I was sore 30 mins afterwards. Yep, my body really has been getting soft with my lack of work these past 7 weeks! What is your next goal race?

  18. We are still in the last days of school, so it doesn’t feel quite summery yet! LM has decided that in September she wants to “walk farther than she has every walked” (which is 4.23 miles), so we are going to make a training plan together for her to do during July and August; she wants to build up more endurance and strength for dance so this should help, along with the camps she’ll be running wild through. My only plan right now is to get my PF better, but I am trying to increase my miles on the bike while I work through this. PS: I thought of you last night because we watched a Sally McRae documentary where she ran the Cocodona 250 – it was WILD! Her poor feet, oof.

  19. Your legs don’t want you to forget they’re there! Isn’t it amazing how sore they can get?

    I don’t have any special training plans for this summer, just continue with Tuesday hill workouts until after GRUSK (Gravel Ride Up Spruce Knob – riding up WV’s highest point on my gravel bike). Of course, I’ll keep up with strength training because at my age it is sooo important.

  20. oof what a week back at it! That soreness from lower body work can really last awhile. I often do the same and dive back into strength training after not doing it during the taper and then I’m more sore from that than from the race!

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