walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown- Back in the Groove

Hello Everyone!  I hope you guys had a great week.  I had a week where things seemed to click into place- my knees felt better, my foot felt a little better, and I was more comfortable with the heat.  I lost my heat acclimation while I did all those weeks of pool running.  When I started running again the heat felt like it was trying to kill me- this week I finally got more comfortable with it.  I’m linking up with Kim and  Deborah for this weekly rundown.  Let’s get started!


I did a 45 minute yoga flow class with Denis Morton on the Peloton app.  I loved this!  One of my goals this week was to do five yoga classes (two flow, one power yoga and two restorative classes) and this was a great way to start the week.


As a warmup for my run, I did a 20 minute strength for runners class with Matt Wilpers.  I picked one with no weights, but it turned out this was heavy on plyometrics.  I don’t do plyos because of my plantar fasciitis (sigh) so I modified that part of the workout and did front, back and side lunges instead.

Then a three mile run, which felt great.  My glutes were definitely ready for it!



Again I did a Peloton strength for runners class as a warmup.  I picked another Matt Wilpers class with no weights, this time a ten minute class.  This one was mostly… lunges.  Between yesterday and today, I did a lot of lunges.  I guess a runner’s strength class with no weights is most likely going to include lunges, because they’re effective.

Another three mile run which felt great!

Thank you, lunges!

At night I did a 20 minute restorative yoga class with my Peloton yoga BFF, Denis Morton.  I’ve been having some sleeping issues lately (well, for quite a while now actually.).  Even on nights where I get into bed at a reasonable time, I often can’t fall asleep.  I slept really well this night, though!  I think I might have to start doing a restorative class every night.


Today was dedicated to strength training.  After two days of lunges and more lunges, I went in a different direction and did Becs Gentry’s 20 minute Core for Runners class.  QUICK SIDE NOTE- did anyone else watch the series on YouTube about Becs running the Olympic marathon trials in Great Britain?  She ran 2:32:01 and came in 4th, WHAT!!!???  She is an official badass!  I want what she has!  Give me all the Becs classes.

I loved this class- lots of single leg work, which I need.  I was going to do another class after this (since this one was only 20 minutes) but I ended up going back and doing parts of this one again.  Sometimes it’s hard to do a class for the first time- I felt like I missed some parts while I was trying to figure out the moves and keep my balance.  I’ll definitely come back to this one.


I didn’t do an official class as a warmup before my run, but I did some moves from Matt’s classes.  One thing I love is hip circles- you’re on your hands and knees as if you’re doing fire hydrants, but you circle your leg forward and then backward.  The thing that’s different from when I’ve done this before is you make the circles REALLY BIG.  You’ll really feel the muscles in your glutes working when you make the circles huge.  And I also did lunges.

Then a three mile run, which felt really good.  I had a little extra time before I had to be at work, so I did a 10 minute yoga flow with… Denis Morton.  Of course.

My new fabulous home gym, aka son’s bedroom. You can see his Legos in the background.


45 minute power yoga class with Denis.  Once again, I loved this class.  My big triumph was getting into Warrior 3 pose.  Up until the last couple weeks I hadn’t done yoga in years, and for some reason I thought I couldn’t do Warrior 3.  I think I was just afraid- but today I simply lifted my leg and ta-da!  Warrior 3.  Of course I could do it.  This class left me tired, but in a good way.  Also energized and stretched out.  My plantar fasciitis foot really likes yoga.


Warmup of hip circles and lunges, then a 7.5 mile run, woohoo!  The run was planned for 7 miles, but by going a little further I was able to hit a second water fountain.  More is always better, right?  What could possibly go wrong? Ha ha.  Well, nothing went wrong with this run.  It was hot and humid, and I was thrilled to be out there doing it.

I think it was 90,000 degrees by the end.

So that was the week!  I have one more restorative yoga class planned for later today, and lot of relaxing.

Do you have a three day weekend? – I have to work tomorrow but we all have Tuesday off (our schools are closed for Rosh Shanana.)

Anyone running a Labor Day race? 

Any fall weather yet where you’re at, or is it still summer?


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30 Responses

  1. It definitely felt like Fall this week in Iowa. I don’t hate Fall, but I much prefer it to be a bit warmer. Lunges are tough! I much prefer squats, but I do lunges because my body needs them, ha! I love the warrior poses; somehow, they’re not as challenging and my balance seems to handle those alright. Wow! Seven miles! YOU go!!!!!

    1. Your balance is probably good because your legs are strong from all those stairs you do! I also would rather do squats- which means I should be doing lunges. I know how these things work by now!

  2. yes, Becs is totally amazing! I loved that series they did for her. Hands off Denis-he is my Peloton BF lol. He is the best really and his cycle classes are even better, Something so soothing about his voice. Glad to read you are doing so much better this week

  3. Good news. Glad you’re back.

    I have tomorrow off but work all week.

    Rainy today and yes the temps have cooled down.

    I ran a half yesterday so no 5k until Saturday

    1. Yes, my work schedule is weird. I always work Mondays (unless it’s the 4th of July or Christmas Day) but have Tuesday-Wednesday off.
      Glad you’re getting some cooler weather! Enjoy your day off.

  4. Sounds like a great week for you! Looks like all the rehab you did is paying off. I really need to get back at my PT exercises before I’m cleared to run again. Funny thing, I’m wearing my PF compression sleeve on my broken foot, just for stability. Glad I still have it.

    I always have Mondays off so not a biggie for me, but it will be nice to have the hubs home!

    1. Yes, with all the strength training you do it shouldn’t be a problem, but they say your glutes deactivate when you have an injury, so you just need to get them going again.

  5. I haven’t tried the strength for runners classes as a warm-up, I always do them afterwards. But I hate the ones with plyometrics, I don’t need extra cardio after a run, just strength please! I need to highlight which ones DON’T have plyos and just keep doing those.

    I was surprised to learn that about Becs! Impressive. I will keep taking her classes b/c clearly she knows what she’s doing!

    1. Yes, I was surprised as well. Plyometrics are tricky- they’re so good for your running but I think there’s a slight risk of injury. You really have to do them right and incorporate them slowly. Or not do them at all, like me.

  6. Glad to hear that things seem to be more in sync for you this week! I agree with you about Becs – she’s great and a total inspiration. The main thing I love about Peloton is that the instructors are all so great and that based on their personalities, there’s someone for everyone!

  7. Sorry to tell you we are having lovely Fall weather. You can laugh at us during Winter though.

    I’ve recently done a lot of learning about restorative Yoga — although it seems very similar to Yin, & it is, the purposes are actually very different — and both are great for runners! So glad you’re sleeping better. Seriously, though, everyone in this world now needs more restorative Yoga in their life!

    Nice week, Jenny!

    1. Okay interesting because I thought yin and restorative yoga were the same thing. I’ll have to look that up.
      Yes, I’ll be suffering through the heat for a couple more months but it will be worth it in the winter.

  8. Hooray for a great week! Glad everything is feeling good. IT’s amazing how quickly the heat acclimation slips away. I’ve been using the college daughter’s bedroom as an office while the kitchen is being redone. I may make that a permanent thing!

    1. Yes, we may as well use their rooms! Even though I’ll be thrilled to see my son at Thanksgiving, I’ll be a little put out that I don’t have my “gym” anymore.

  9. Yay for all the running, yoga, and SFR classes. I was going to suggest some Becs classes. She does lunges too, but also a lot of single-leg balance moves. I still haven’t done that MW plyo class. I think he warns you of the plyo focus in the intro — I backed out of that one real fast! I actually have that Becs core planned for tommorrow — good to know it’s a good one.

    Oh, in that MW class when he tells you to “do better” with your hip circles always cracks me up.

    1. I hope you like Becs’ class! I do have to say that “doing better” with the hip circles really makes a difference, ha ha.

  10. Those strength training for runners classes sound great! And restorative yoga – hopefully it helps you continue to go to sleep at night. Enjoy your extra long weekend!

  11. A great week: glad the everything is going good.
    7,5 m is a very good distance under the heat and after the rehab. Moreover a fountain deserves 0.5 m. more!
    With my friends, some years ago, to run longer distances in summer, we planned a jump into the sea at halfway. It was hard to come back to run after that jump but it was too fun.

  12. Great job this week! Looks like a great combo of running, strength, and yoga. It did cool off here last week but now its supposed to warm up again. We will probably have another few weeks of heat, then a week of fall, and then it will be winter. We like to live in the extremes here.

  13. Like you, it is still very much summer here. And it will be for quite some time, I’m sure.

    I love the concept of those hip circles. I need to try them.

    I did run a Labor Day 5k. It was kind of last minute, but I’m so glad we did it.

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