Happy Sunday everyone! This week started with some pool running because my plantar fasciitis flared up, and ended with a ten mile trail run. I’m back, and it feels good. I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Rundown. Let’s get to it!
Day off, and I was in a BAD MOOD. My foot was hurting, and it had been so good! I couldn’t figure out what I had done wrong… it felt okay at the beginning of last week but my PF flared up with a vengeance on Friday. Hmmm. All would be revealed soon though…
Three mile run in the morning, and it hurt. Sob. I followed that run with Runner’s Touch exercise. My foot was so bad that I was pretty sure some pool running was in my future, but ironically, we had a weird “cold front” come through with several nights down to the 50s. That’s cold for us in April, and it made the pool cold. Sigh. I decided to do a chilly 30 minute pool run in the afternoon, as I felt the pool would be a little warmer than it would be Wednesday morning. No photo because well, just like pool running is boring, photos of pool running are also boring.
I did the Gauntlet Plank workout in the morning, and this was the day I had an epiphany. I talked in this post about my swollen “Covid arm,” the general malaise I felt last week after my first Moderna shot, which “coincided” with my foot flaring up again. Duh- it was the shot. Since then I’ve talked to several people who had different things flare up in their body after getting their shot, which can cause inflammation throughout the body. Of course, some people have nothing, but I wasn’t one of those lucky ones. Realizing this actually made me feel much, much better. It wasn’t anything I did to my foot and it wouldn’t be permanent- I just had to wait for this inflammation to die down. Knowing that, I did a short two mile run in the afternoon- it hurt a bit but I felt that it was better to keep things stretched out.
My schedule these days is to reserve Thursdays for lifting only and I usually do squats and deadlifts on this day. But, I woke up with a very sore adductor on my right side. Believe it or not, I think it was the pool running. To make it less boring I did some intervals where I tucked my arms into my flotation belt, which really taxes your legs. I think I tweaked that adductor while doing that. Yes, only I can hurt myself running in the pool! To be on the safe side, I did upper body only – pushups (my “ten down” routine) and pull-ups.
YAAAAAAAAAY! My foot was starting to feel better and I ran three miles.

My foot felt pretty much back to normal (which for me means, it hurts when I first wake up and if I’ve been sitting for any length of time, but loosens up as soon as I move around) so I ran another three miles. My adductor was still a little sore but it didn’t affect my running, and I wanted to keep it that way so I skipped any strength work.
Back to the trail! This felt so. good. I didn’t do a long(ish) run last week so it’s been two weeks since I was on the trail. I missed it so much! I stuck to ten miles, but I’m itching to run farther. I found a new podcast called Humans of Ultrarunning hosted by Candace Burt. They talk about things like 200 mile races, running the 800-mile Arizona trail… stuff like that. I love hearing stories like these, and it makes ten miles feel like nothing.

So this turned into a good week of running! Strength was a little lacking, but I’ll get back to that next week.
I know some people responded to the first post on this subject, but anyone else have any strange reactions to the Covid vaccine?
Anyone have any great podcasts to recommend? I’ve been in a podcast rut lately and need new ideas.
32 Responses
Glad the foot pain (sort of) resolved. Yes, I have had this happen too. My achilles has been slightly bothering me (not as bad, and the ball in the morning takes care of it for the most part for me), after feeling completely normal — and that’s more than 2 weeks after that first Moderna. I swear, every time I start to feel good something comes along and wipes it all out. And that weird laryngitis? Things that make you go hmmmmmm.
My second shot is in about 10 days and I have a feeling it’s going to be another round of recovering — but better off than being in the hospital, right?
So glad you had some quality time on the trails! I didn’t get any trail running in this week, but I did enjoy my short little hikes.
Last week my foot was so inflamed I couldn’t do the foot compressions- it hurt too much to put pressure on it. Now I think I can start them again.
Good luck on the second shot! It’s a little scary, but like you said, better than being in the hospital with Covid.
Glad you figured out the foot pain and it wasn’t anything serious! All the podcasts I listen to are about running. I wrote a post a few months ago with some of my favorites. Each week I start out my long run listening to “some work all play” which is by 2 running coaches (who are married) that talk about running and a whole bunch of other random stuff.
Yes I think I saw that post! I’ll check out “some work all play” – it sounds good.
I had a flare of RA symptoms a few weeks after the second shot–that was in January and finally, I took steroids a few weeks ago to shut it down. Sorry to hear about your foot but glad that it calmed down. Geez. I also ran a 10 mile trail run today!
I wonder if your RA flare had anything to do with the shot- it’s possible. I would love to know exactly what’s going on inside our bodies!
Yay for being back to normalish! After my vaccine, I just had a bad headache and was tired/achy/nauseus. But it went away within a day. I haven’t listened to podcasts in forever – lately I’ve been listening to audiobooks!
Yes, I’ve seriously thought about switching to audiobooks- I could get a LOT of reading done!
I am glad that you ended your week feeling better and back to normal. I luckily did not have any side effects from either vaccine. Hope your foot is nice to you this week!
Thanks Deborah! I’m glad you got your shots- soon we’ll all be vaccinated.
Sorry to hear about your foot. Hope it is feeling better.
Mine was hurting and then I switched shoes and it felt better. Then I got blisters nut hopefully it was my socks. Anyway, I going back to my original shoes for the race …fingers crossed!!
I love listening to podcasts. Ultrarunners are fascination although it’s not for me. I love trails but to walk on.
That’s one thing about foot issues- a lot of times they can be resolved by just switching shoes. Good luck on your race!
Ultra runners are a riot. I can’t not listen to a podcast when Courtney Dauwalter is the guest. While I feel that it’s pretty safe to say that I will never, never be an ultrarunner, I agree that listening to their stories really takes the edge of a 10 mile run or running in less than ideal conditions.
Funny you should mention Courtney because she was a guests on the podcast I was talking about. Yes, I love her.
Glad your foot was behaving by the end of the week! One podcast I really like it “How I Built This”. It’s interesting to hear the back stories on how companies were formed and how they succeed or problems they had. My 2nd shot of Pfizer just made me a bit tired, but my husband did have a day of stomach issues. Luckily it cleared up the next day!
I’ve heard good things about “How I Built This.” I usually just listen to running podcasts but maybe that’s why I’m in a rut-I need to branch out!
I’m so happy to read that your foot is feeling better! That can be so frustrating, when you think you’re doing everything right.
I have those same red/white/blue Hokas! 🙂
Yes, Hokas! I run in other shoes too but wear my Hokas when my feet need a little extra love.
So glad you’re feeling better, and normalish 😉 I’m not into podcasts, but you mentioning the 200-mile (and longer) races might actually grab my attention enough to give those podcasts a try. You’re right…10 miles would feel pretty minimal in comparison LOL
You would like this one! The episode I listened to featured a 61-year-old woman who just ran 1000 miles to raise money for Alzheimers. Very inspiring!
Glad you figured out the source of your PF flare, and that it’s getting better already. I’m in between Pfizer doses. My arm barely hurt after the first dose but I guess it’s the second one to watch out for.
Yes, but I’ve heard Pfizer doesn’t cause as much of a reaction? I don’t know anymore! Maybe you’ll be one of the lucky ones- I hope so.
Oh wow I hope the worst of the post-COVID fallout is behind you. What a bummer it made your PF act up. I runfess I feel so darn lucky to have scored the J&J and to have had no side effects. I’ll count my blessings! Haha!
Yes and now you’re fully vaccinated! You can travel the world and hang out in crowded bars, mask-less. Just kidding! But I’m sure you feel much more relaxed.
Glad you got some answers about the PF. I didn’t have much of a reaction from my 1st shot but did after the 2nd one. I had a headache, chills, and I was very tired the next day after the shot. I had to take a nap and felt so much better. I
I know, with most people it’s the second shot that they feel (if they feel either one.) Oh well! It’s all temporary.
ha! interesting that the shot likely caused the flare up! glad that’s sorted now! and pool running may be boring but how nice to have that option. I’d probably injure myself that way too hahaha!
glad you got some running miles in this week! and that grass blade in the photo – it’s ART, baby!!
Ha ha… okay, it’s art! I meant to do that!
Yay for figuring out what was causing you sudden exacerbated foot pain. It just didn’t make sense that it had gotten worse with all the things you’ve been doing to help it heal.
Yes, it was really strange. But better now, and I’m starting to gear up for that second shot!
I do hope your foot is feeling better.
Knock on wood, I was a little tired after the vaccine and a little nauseous on day 2. Nothing that really stood out, though.
That blade of grass made me laugh!
Yes, I liked Renee’s comment that the blade of grass was art- I’m going with that!